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Beauveria bassiana has a high insecticidal potential to control the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris, a significant pest of strawberries. Screening experiments showed that L. lineolaris adults were susceptible to several B. bassiana isolates. Another screening test with Coleomegilla maculata, a natural enemy found in strawberries, was also performed in order to select the isolate having lower entomopathogenic impact on this insect. Based on data obtained from both insect species and on the ecozone origin of the B. bassiana isolates, INRS‐IP and INRS‐CFL isolates were selected for further experiments. The LC50 values of these two isolates against L. lineolaris adults were 7.8 × 105 and 5.3 × 105 conidia/ml, and average survival time (AST) values were 4.46 and 4.37 days at a concentration of 1 × 108 conidia/ml respectively. Results also indicated that L. lineolaris nymphs are susceptible to the selected isolates. During field experiments, using a randomized block design with four replicates, INRS‐IP and INRS‐CFL isolates were applied at two rates (1 × 1011 and 1 × 1013 conidia/ha) weekly during a period of 4 weeks. These multiple applications triggered a significant reduction of L. lineolaris nymphal populations in strawberries. Twenty‐four days after the first application, a significant difference was observed between the mean population densities of surviving nymphs in all B. bassiana‐treated plots (less than one insect per five plants) compared with those in control plots (four insects per five plants). During the field experiment, persistence of insecticidal activity and viability of B. bassiana conidia were also monitored. The results showed the presence of viable and infective conidia up to 6 days after each application on strawberry foliage. Moreover, the multiple applications of B. bassiana at the rate of 1 × 1013 conidia/ha triggered a significant reduction in strawberry fruit injuries induced by L. lineolaris feeding behaviour compared with the control plots.  相似文献   
Previously, the combination of reduced rate of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) and fungus caused additive or synergistic mortality to third-instar black vine weevil (BVW), Otiorhynchus sulcatus. In this study, we examined this interaction in unheated glasshouses during winter and compared a combination of commercial formulation of a cold-tolerant EPN, S. kraussei (Nemasys L?) and fungus Metarhizium anisopliae strain V275 against overwintering third-instar BVW. The combination of M. anisopliae with S. kraussei at a rate of 1×1010 conidia+250,000 nematodes/growbag resulted in additive or synergistic effects, providing 100% control of overwintering larvae.  相似文献   
Predation by naturally occurring predatory arthropods was investigated to explain variations in population numbers of twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) between first and second season strawberry crops. Araneomorph spiders. European harvestman [Phalangium opilio (L.)], Tasmanian lacewing [Micromus tasmaniae (Walker)] and Pacific damsel bug [Nabis kinbergii Reuter] were the only predators found in high numbers. However, spiders and harvestment were more prevalent than lacewings and nabids. Laboratory feedings trials indicated spiders build horizontal webs in the plants and prey predominantly on small flying insects that shelter in the crops. Similar feeding trials cofirmed the palatability of TSSM to spiders and harvestmen. Immunological testing for proteins of TSSM, aphids, Collembola and leafrollers in the intestines of field collected European harvestman, spiders, Tasmanian lacewing and Pacific damsel bug confirmed European harvestman includes TSSM in its diet, but not in large enough quantities to exert a significant regulating pressure on TSSM populations. Lacewings and nabids include TSSM in their diets but only in very small quantities (2% and 1% respectively). Spiders do not take TSSM unless they drop or spin down onto the spider webbing. The immunological testing also showed European harvestman to be a polyphagous and opportunistic feeder. Prey residues were detected more frequently in harvestmen intestines at times of prey abundance which indicated a seasonality to harvestmen diet.   相似文献   
Dissipation behavior and hazard assessment of the insecticide/acaricide pyridaben applied to strawberries were investigated under the climatic conditions of Egypt. A validated gas chromatographic method (GC-μECD) was used to determine pyridaben residues when applied at the recommended rate and twice this rate. The average recoveries were in the range between 95.8% and 103% with associated relative standard deviation not exceeding 14.5%. The estimated limit of quantification for pyridaben was 0.005 mg/kg. The field results showed that pyridaben dissipated rapidly in strawberries and had a half-life of approximately 2.3 days. The hazard assessment was evaluated by using the hazard quotient (HQ). The results showed that the HQ value was significantly less than HQ = 1. This result implied that the hazard of pyridaben use in strawberries even at double the recommended dosage was negligible to human. This study could provide guidance for the safe and reasonable use of pyridaben in strawberries and to prevent health problems to consumers; however, further hazard assessment studies are needed to ascertain the hazard of pyridaben residues on strawberries to vulnerable groups, including children, pregnant women, and elderly consumers.  相似文献   
AIMS: Volatile compounds present in strawberries infected with Phytophthora cactorum, especially those responsible for the characteristic off-odour of such fruits were the subject of this study. METHODS AND RESULTS: Six strawberry varieties (Redgauntlet, Selva, Korona, Tenira, Real, Pegasus) inoculated with P. cactorum strain (PC-5), isolated from naturally infected fruit and one variety inoculated with 15 strains of P. cactorum in the laboratory were analysed. All the samples had a distinct, to a various degree, off-odour reminiscent of watercolour paint with phenolic notes. Volatile compounds were isolated by solid phase microextraction and simultaneous distillation extraction methods. To detect compounds responsible for the characteristic off-odour, gas chromatography-olfactometry was used. Two compounds were found to be responsible for the characteristic off-odour of strawberries infected by P. cactorum: 4-ethyl phenol and 4-ethyl-2-metoxy phenol (4-ethyl guaiacol). The content of these compounds in infected varieties ranged from 1.12 to 22.56 mg kg(-1) and 0.14-1.05 mg kg(-1) respectively. Other volatile compounds, not detected in noninoculated sound strawberries, were also identified: camphene, 1-octene-3-ol, 3-octanone, o-cymene, phenyl methanol, cis-linaloloxide, nonanal, phenyl ethyl alcohol, 2-undecanone and alpha-muurolene. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Volatile compounds responsible for the characteristic off-odour of strawberries infected with P. cactorum were identified. Also compounds produced as a result of P. cactorum growth on strawberry fruit were characterized.  相似文献   
Lygus lineolaris populations in the northeastern USA have been markedly reduced by the introduced parasitoid Peristenus digoneutis. A 3-year study in NJ where P. digoneutis has been established for many years demonstrated that parasitism of Lygus nymphs in strawberries averaged 30% (mostly P. digoneutis). Strawberry damage by L. lineolaris ranged from 19 to 33%.  相似文献   
The strawberry bud weevil, Anthonomus signatus (Say) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a serious pest of strawberry crops in Canada. The results of previous laboratory screening and bioassay experiments showed that A. signatus adults were susceptible to several isolates of Beauveria bassiana (Balsmo) Vuillemin. Based on these results, the INRS-IP and INRS-CFL isolates were selected for field trails. Using a randomized block design with four replicates, three applications of the INRS-IP and INRS-CFL isolates were applied at a rate of 1×1013 conidia/ha at 7-day intervals. The multiple applications of B. bassiana triggered a significant reduction of A. signatus adult populations in strawberries. Twenty-four days after the first application, a significant difference was observed between the mean numbers of surviving adults in all B. bassiana-treated plots compared to control plots. During the field experiment, the persistence of insecticidal activity and the viability of B. bassiana conidia were also monitored. Results showed the presence of viable and infective conidia on strawberry foliage up to 6 days after each application. Moreover, the multiple applications of B. bassiana at a rate of 1×1013 conidia/ha resulted in a significant reduction of damaged strawberry fruits compared with control plots, where fruit loss was caused by A. signatus feeding and egg laying.  相似文献   
Abstract  Management of thrips in a hydroponic strawberry crop near Sydney, New South Wales, was studied from 1999 to 2002. The main species present were western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), plague thrips, Thrips imaginis Bagnall, and, occasionally, onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman. Their within- and between-plant distribution and the degree and type of damage caused are described, and used to recommend action thresholds. Flowers are identified as the primary monitoring site, and young green fruit as the key damage site. Action thresholds of approximately 45% of flowers with 5 or more adult western flower thrips, or 40% of flowers with 10 or more adult plague thrips are recommended. Alternative thresholds using all motile stages are given for flowers, and for young green and red berries. A higher tolerance is recommended during cool, wet periods.  相似文献   
The carmine spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) and the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, are serious pests of strawberries and many other horticultural crops. Control of these pests has been heavily dependent upon chemical acaricides. Objectives of this study were to determine the resistance status of these two pest species to commonly used acaricides on strawberries in a year‐round intensive horticultural production region. LC90 of abamectin for adult carmine spider mites was 4% whereas that for adult twospotted spider mites was 24% of the top label rate. LC90s of spiromesifen, etoxazole, hexythiazox and bifenazate were 0.5%, 0.5%, 1.4% and 83% of their respective highest label rates for carmine spider mite eggs, 0.7%, 2.7%, 12.1% and 347% of their respective highest label rates for the nymphs. LC90s of spiromesifen, etoxazole, hexythiazox and bifenazate were 4.6%, 11.1%, 310% and 62% of their respective highest label rates for twospotted spider mite eggs, 3%, 13%, 432,214% and 15% of their respective highest label rates for the nymphs. Our results suggest that T. cinnabarinus have developed resistance to bifenazate and that the T. urticae have developed resistance to hexythiazox. These results strongly emphasize the need to develop resistance management strategies in the region.  相似文献   
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