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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of variations in quadriceps muscle forces on patellofemoral stress. We created subject-specific finite element models for 21 individuals with chronic patellofemoral pain and 16 pain-free control subjects. We extracted three-dimensional geometries from high resolution magnetic resonance images and registered the geometries to magnetic resonance images from an upright weight bearing squat with the knees flexed at 60°. We estimated quadriceps muscle forces corresponding to 60° knee flexion during a stair climb task from motion analysis and electromyography-driven musculoskeletal modelling. We applied the quadriceps muscle forces to our finite element models and evaluated patellofemoral cartilage stress. We quantified cartilage stress using an energy-based effective stress, a scalar quantity representing the local stress intensity in the tissue. We used probabilistic methods to evaluate the effects of variations in quadriceps muscle forces from five trials of the stair climb task for each subject. Patellofemoral effective stress was most sensitive to variations in forces in the two branches of the vastus medialis muscle. Femur cartilage effective stress was most sensitive to variations in vastus medialis forces in 29/37 (78%) subjects, and patella cartilage effective stress was most sensitive to variations in vastus medialis forces in 21/37 (57%) subjects. Femur cartilage effective stress was more sensitive to variations in vastus medialis longus forces in subjects classified as maltrackers compared to normal tracking subjects (p?=?0.006). This study provides new evidence of the importance of the vastus medialis muscle in the treatment of patellofemoral pain.  相似文献   
实验在49只局部麻醉、肌肉麻痹、切断双侧颈迷走神经的家兔上进行。观察到一侧孤束核(NTS)区微量注射氟安定,使对侧膈神经放电平均幅度减低,呼吸频率加快。事先在NTS区微量注射GABA 受体拮抗剂印防己毒素,可阻断氟安定的减低膈神经放电平均幅度的作用。在脑桥头端横断脑干出现长吸式呼吸的免上,一侧NTS区微量注射氟安定,也使对侧膈神经放电平均幅度减低,但呼吸频率减慢。在脑桥结合臂旁内侧核(NPBM)区微量注射氟安定,使呼吸频率明显减慢,吸气和呼气时程延长,这效应可被毒扁豆碱阻断。脊髓蛛网膜下腔注射氟安定,使膈神经放电平均幅度减低,血压下降,这效应可被印防己毒素阻断。结果提示,NPBM 的存在与呼吸频率加快有关;而氟安定作用于NPBM区,却减慢呼吸频率,其机制可能是抗胆碱能作用。氟安定直接作用于NTS 区或脊髓使膈神经放电平均幅度减低、血压下降,其机制可能与激活GABA 受体有关。  相似文献   
实验在33只浅麻醉、肌肉麻痹、人工呼吸及切断双侧颈迷走神经的家兔上进行。观察中缝大核区电解损毁或微量注射利多卡因对呼吸活动及臂旁内侧核区微量注射吗啡所致呼吸抑制效应的影响。结果是:电解损毀中缝大核区,使呼吸频率增加,膈神经放电的幅度和频率均无明显变化,而臂旁内侧核区微量注射吗啡抑制呼吸的程度减轻;中缝大核区微量注射利多卡因,则部分消除臂旁内侧核区微量注射吗啡的呼吸抑制效应。中缝大核旁网状结构电解损毁或微量注射利多卡因,不影响吗啡的呼吸抑制效应。上述结果提示,中缝大核区可能在脑桥臂旁内侧核区微量注射吗啡抑制呼吸的机制中起一定作用。  相似文献   
Bionomics of fleas (Siphonaptera) parasitizing rodent hosts, mostly the gerbil Gerbillus dasyurus (Wagner) and the jird Meriones crassus Sundevall (Gerbillidae), were investigated in the central Negev desert of Israel. Populations were sampled weekly (by Sherman trapping of hosts) from August 2000 to July 2001. Among 1055 fleas of nine species captured, four species predominated (94%). Two species of Pulicidae, Xenopsylla dipodilli Smit and X. ramesis (Rothschild), reproduced perennially, whereas adults of Nosopsyllus iranus theodori Smit (Ceratophyllidae) and Stenoponia tripectinata medialis Jordan (Hystrichopsyllidae) occurred only in cool months (October-March). During their main activity season on the most infested host species (estimated from > 300 trap-nights/month), prevalence of these four flea species reached 40-70%, 20-30%, 100% and 50-70%, respectively, with infestation intensities of 2-2.7, 7-12, 2-3.5 and 2.5-7 fleas per infested rodent, respectively. Xenopsylla dipodilli oviposition peaked during autumn with parous rate > 80% by September-October. During December-April, the majority of X. dipodilli females were immature and/or nulliparous (defined as having mature ovaries but no follicular relics). In contrast, X. ramesis had two reproductive peaks, in mid-spring and autumn, evidenced by the influx of immature females in late spring and summer (30-40%) and in winter (20-30%) after maximal parous rates: 80-100% in March-April and 95-100% in October-November. Nosopsyllus iranus theodori and Stenoponia tripectinata medialis adults occurred only during cool months. At the beginning of activity, during October-November, the sex ratio of N. i. theodori was strongly biased to females (86%) that were immature and/or nulliparous. In winter, adult females were 52-65% parous and 10-32% immature. In March, as the adult population of N. i. theodori declined, 78% of females were parous and 12% immature. Seasonal activity of S. t. medialis (November-March) was shorter than for the other three species; females were predominantly nulliparous in November (80%), after which the proportion of parous females increased gradually to 84% in February. Two females of S. t. medialis collected in March were mature but nulliparous, suggesting that this species of flea might 'oversummer' (as pupae or teneral adults) in the cocooned stage.  相似文献   
张义声  陈宜张 《生理学报》1993,45(4):330-337
用锋电位触发叠加(STA)技术对大鼠前庭内侧核(NVM)、下段脑干网状结构(RF)和前庭小脑进行了探查,观察了这些结构中对摆动旋转起反应的单位(PPU)与内脏大神经(SN)记录的交感反应之间的关系。发现用NVM的PPU进行STA,在SN可得一阳性反应,其潜伏期为33.28±3.1ms;用下段脑干RF的PPU进行STA,SN的峰反应潜伏期为11.3±0.91ms;用前庭小脑的PPU进行STA,SN的峰反应潜伏期为21.86±1.73ms。本结果提示前庭交感反应的最近的脊髓上中继站是下段脑干RF旁正中区核团,其下行冲动可能是由网状脊髓束中慢速传导的纤维传导的。根据三个脑区PPU引起的SN-STA潜伏期的不同,在前庭交感反应中前庭小脑所处的地位可能在NVM和下段脑干RF核团之间。  相似文献   
实验在62只家兔上进行。结果观察到,中缝大核(NRM)区562个单位中,有118个单位的自发放电频率低,放电比较规则,动作电位时程长,易被微电泳5-羟色胺所阻遏,称为A 组单位。其余444个单位的自发放电频率高,动作电位时程短,称为B 组单位。大多数 B组单位对微电泳5-羟色胺不起反应。脑桥臂旁内侧核(NPBM)区微量注射吗啡(200μg/2μl)或静脉注射吗啡(3mg/kg)后,20个A 组单位中有19个发生兴奋效应,而49个B 组单位中仅有29个发生兴奋效应,而且A组单位发生兴奋的程度也比B组单位的高。这些结果提示,NRM区的A 组单位可能是5-羟色胺神经元,吗啡对这些神经元有相对选择性的兴奋作用。 在另外11只家兔上,应用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行追踪技术观察到,NPBM 区与NRM 区有纤维联系。 本实验结果提示,静脉注射吗啡所致的呼吸抑制,可能与吗啡作用于 NPBM,通过纤维联系,引起NRM 5-羟色胺神经元兴奋有关。  相似文献   
This study aimed to determine the influence of knee varus (VARUS) and valgus (VALGUS) on the differences in individual quadriceps muscle (QM) activity during knee extension maximum voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs) and sit/stand transitions and on the changes in individual QM activity during sit/stand transitions after QM stretching and kneeling. Ten young healthy males each with VARUS and VALGUS were included. The electromyography signals of the vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris were recorded during sit/stand transitions before and after rest, stretching, and kneeling and during knee extension MVICs after rest. The individual muscle-to-total muscle activity ratio was assessed. The VARUS group exhibited a significantly higher VM muscle activity ratio in the sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit tasks than in knee extension MVICs (p = 0.004 and p = 0.044, respectively) and a tendency that the VM muscle activity ratio increased in the sit-to-stand task after stretching (p = 0.051), whereas the VALGUS group exhibited no significance. Individuals with VARUS required high VM muscle activity ratios during sit/stand transitions. Future studies should be conducted to determine whether habitual sit-to-stand exercises after QM stretching are effective in preventing knee medial osteoarthritis development in individuals with VARUS.  相似文献   
External forces from our environment impose transverse loads on our muscles. Studies in rats have shown that transverse loads result in a decrease in the longitudinal muscle force. Changes in muscle architecture during contraction may contribute to the observed force decrease. The aim of this study was to quantify changes in pennation angle, fascicle dimensions, and muscle thickness during contraction under external transverse load.Electrical stimuli were elicited to evoke maximal force twitches in the right calf muscles of humans. Trials were conducted with transverse loads of 2, 4.5, and 10 kg. An ultrasound probe was placed on the medial gastrocnemius in line with the transverse load to quantify muscle characteristics during muscle twitches.Maximum twitch force decreased with increased transverse muscle loading. The 2, 4.5, and 10 kg of transverse load showed a 9, 13, and 16% decrease in longitudinal force, respectively. Within the field of view of the ultrasound images, and thus directly beneath the external load, loading of the muscle resulted in a decrease in the muscle thickness and pennation angle, with higher loads causing greater decreases. During twitches the muscle transiently increased in thickness and pennation angle, as did fascicle thickness. Higher transverse loads showed a reduced increase in muscle thickness. Smaller increases in pennation angle and fascicle thickness strain also occurred with higher transverse loads.This study shows that increased transverse loading caused a decrease in ankle moment, muscle thickness, and pennation angle, as well as transverse deformation of the fascicles.  相似文献   
大鼠前庭内侧核在前庭—交感反应中的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潘培森  张义声 《生理学报》1991,43(2):184-188
实验在氯醛糖和尿酯混合麻醉的大鼠上进行。在内脏大神经上记录刺激同侧前庭神经进入脑干处的交感反应。电刺激前庭神经可在同侧内脏大神经引出—明确的叠加反应,其平均潜伏期为45.8±6.98ms,时程为55.21±5.35ms。增加刺激强度,反应幅度也增加,但潜伏期不变。用前庭内侧核(NVM)的片层场电位作为指标并选择其相位倒转处作刺激点,可在同侧内脏大神经记录到潜伏期为32ms 的叠加反应,而同一动物刺激前庭神经入脑处时内脏大神经反应的潜伏期为43ms。在 NVM 头端损毁后,此前庭-交感反应明显减小,再损毁尾端 NVM 后,此反应消失。损毁 Deiters 核对前庭-交感反应无影响。这些结果表明 NVM在内脏大神经记录到的前庭-交感反应中是一重要的中继站。  相似文献   
Oxytocin (OT) is known to induce and regulate maternal behaviors in mammals via the supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus (PVN), whereas the function of mesotocin (MT; the avian homolog of OT) is poorly understood in birds. To elucidate the association of MT and the regulation of maternal behaviors in birds, we studied changes in the number of MT-immunoreactive (ir) neurons in native Thai chickens using immunohistochemistry. We observed that MT-ir neurons and fibers appeared in discrete regions located close to the third ventricle from the level of the preoptic area through the anterior hypothalamus with an abundance observed in the nucleus supraopticus, pars ventralis (SOv), nucleus preopticus medialis (POM), and PVN. The number of MT-ir neurons was low in the SOv, POM, and PVN of non-laying hens, but it increased gradually when the hens entered the laying stage, and peaked in incubating and rearing hens. We compared the number of MT-ir neurons in the SOv, POM, and PVN of native Thai hens rearing chicks (R) with that of non-rearing chicks (NR). The number of MT-ir neurons was high in the R hens, but low in the NR hens in these nuclei. For the first time, these results indicate that the association between the MT neurons and the presence of chicks might, in part, play a role in the neuroendocrine reorganization to establish and maintain maternal behaviors in native Thai chickens. MTergic activity is likely related to the contribution of rearing behavior in this equatorial precocial species.  相似文献   
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