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White‐sand forests are patchily distributed ecosystems covering just 5% of Amazonia that host many specialist species of birds not found elsewhere, and these forests are threatened due to their small size and human exploitation of sand for construction projects. As a result, many species of birds that are white‐sand specialists are at risk of extinction, and immediate conservation action is paramount for their survival. Our objective was to evaluate current survey methods and determine the relative effect of the size of patches of these forests on the presence or absence of white‐sand specialists. Using point counts and autonomous recorders, we surveyed avian assemblages occupying patches of white‐sand forest in the Peruvian Amazon in April 2018. Overall, we detected 126 species, including 21 white‐sand forest specialists. We detected significantly more species of birds per survey point with autonomous recorders than point counts. We also found a negative relationship between avian species richness and distance from the edge of patches of white‐sand forest, but a significant, positive relationship when only counting white‐sand specialists. Although we detected more species with autonomous recorders, point counts were more effective for detecting canopy‐dwelling passerines. Therefore, we recommend that investigators conducting surveys for rare and patchily distributed species in the tropics use a mixed‐method approach that incorporates both autonomous recorders and visual observation. Finally, our results suggest that conserving large, continuous patches of white‐sand forest may increase the likelihood of survival of species of birds that are white‐sand specialists.  相似文献   
Turning, pectoral fin and caudal fin rates and time spent on the nest of male rock bass Ambloplites rupestris , engaged in parental care, were not affected after the attachment of external radio transmitters. Reproductive success was similar between treatment and control fish. Micro external radio transmitters can be used on small fishes for studying parental care duration and post-care movement without altering their behaviour.  相似文献   
全球氮沉降不仅改变土壤氮和磷的有效性, 同时也改变氮磷比例。氮磷供应量、比例及其交互作用可能会影响植物种子性状。该研究在内蒙古草原基于沙培盆栽实验种植灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum), 设置3个氮磷供应量水平和3个氮磷比例的正交实验来探究氮磷供应量、比例及其交互作用对灰绿藜种子性状的影响。结果发现氮磷供应量对种子氮浓度、磷浓度和萌发率影响的相对贡献(15%-24%)大于氮磷比例(3%-7%), 而种子大小只受氮磷比例的影响。同时氮磷供应量和比例之间的交互作用显著影响种子氮浓度和磷浓度。同等氮磷比例情况下, 低量养分供应提高种子氮浓度、磷浓度和萌发率。氮磷比例只有在养分匮乏的环境中才会对种子大小和萌发率产生显著影响。总之, 灰绿藜种子不同性状对氮或磷限制的敏感性不同, 同时种子性状也对养分限制表现出适应性和被动响应。  相似文献   
Diurnal variation in ion content of the solution bathing roots of two plants growing together in sand culture was analysed for three pairs of grass-legume species (Lolium multiflorum andTrifolium pratense; Zea mays andGlycine hispida; Avena sativa andVicia sativa) and their monospecific controls. Biomass and nitrogen content of plants were determined. Ion concentration (NO 3 , NO 2 , NH 4 + , and K+) and pH of root solutions were measured for Lolium-Trifolium plant pairs and controls at 6 hours intervals over 36 h, starting at 8 am within a circadian cycle. Root solutions were regularly depleted in NO 3 by the grasses (Lolium-Lolium control) throughout the cycle. For associations involving the legume (Lolium-Trifolium and Trifolium-Trifolium), NO 3 depletion was followed by NO 3 enrichment at night, from late afternoon to early morning; the enrichment was more marked for the Lolium-Trifolium association. Solutions which did not contain NO 2 ions, were enriched by trace amounts of NH 4 + ions, largely depleted in K+ and alkalanized for all associations throughout the cycle. Repeating the experiment with the three pairs of species at the vegetative phase of development confirmed the previous results: NO 3 enrichment during the night for associations with legumes. When the experiment was repeated with older plants which had almost completed their flowering stage, depletion only was observed and no NO 3 enrichment. These data suggest that NO 3 enrichment results from N excretion from active nodulated roots of the legume, accounting for the increase in both biomass and nitrogen content of the companion grass in grass-legume association. The quantitative importance and periodicity of nitrogen excretion as well as the origin of nitrate enrichment are discussed.  相似文献   
The egg laying pattern of the spotted stalk borer on sorghum and maize, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was studied during the first three nights of oviposition under laboratory conditions. More than 50% of both eggs and egg batches are laid during the first night of oviposition. Batch size decreases with time, whereas mean egg weight remains constant.Larger females lay both larger eggs and egg batches than smaller ones. They are also more fecund but it is only the second night of oviposition that contributes significantly to this difference.The reproductive effort decreases much with time. Allocation of reproductive reserves to early eggs seems more important than having eggs evenly distributed over time. Larger females use proportionally more resources to the production of late eggs. Large eggs are likely to contain more yolk which could be of importance for the ballooning behaviour of newly hatched larvae.
Résumé La ponte de C. partellus Swinhoe a été étudiée au laboratoire pendant les trois premières nuits de la ponte. Plus de 50% des ooplaques et des oefs ont été pondus pendant la première nuit. La taille des ooplaques diminue avec le temps, tandis que le poids moyen des oeufs reste constant.Les grosses femelles pondent des ooplaques et des oeufs plus grands que les petites. Elles sont aussi plus fécondes, mais c'est seulement à la seconde nuit de ponte qu'est due cette différence.Le reproduction diminue beaucoup avec le temps. L'affectation aux premiers oeufs des réserves utilizées pour la reprodution semble plus importante que l'émission d'oeufs régulièrement répartis dans le temps. Les grosses femelles utilisent proportionnellement plus de ressources à la production d'oeufstardifs. Les gros oeufs contiennent vraisemblablement plus de vitellus que pourrait être nécessaire pour le comportement aérostatique des chenilles néonates.
The interactive effect of low P supply (0, 10, 20 and 40 M) and plant age on nodule number, mass and functioning (ureide analysis technique), vegetative growth and pod production were investigated in glasshouse-grown nodulated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.cv. Kausband) in sand culture. Compared with 40 M P, P stress (0 M P) or very low (10 M P) supply markedly impaired nodulation, allantoin and amino-N concentrations and weight of N solutes in xylem exudates. Consequently, P stress reduced top growth and pod yields by 48 and 90%, respectively. N solutes in xylem exudates and total plant N assayed by Kjeldahl technique (as estimates of N2 fixation) responded similarly to P supply. However, the relative ureide index [(ureide-N/ureide N+amino-N)×100] remained constant (99%), irrespective of P supply, indicating the plants' complete dependency on symbiosis for growth, without implying that growth was markedly increased by N2 fixation. Although P concentrations in plant tops, roots and nodules increased with P supply, N concentrations in these plant tissues were unaffected by P supply. The concentrations of N and P in the nodules were 2–2 1/2 times higher than in plant tops. P application interacted strongly with plant age, with the largest P effect evidently achieved at the early podding stage. The significance and implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
人工樟子松—差不嗄蒿植被及其固沙作用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
李进 《生态学杂志》1992,11(3):17-21,27
植物固沙是整治沙漠和沙漠化土地的一种有效措施。人工植被的建立是植物固沙的必然结果。人工植被的演替、稳定性及其对环境的影响直接关系到流沙的固定程度。因此,本文旨在探讨人工樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.  相似文献   
We estimated age at attainment of sexual maturity and examined reproductive seasonality for male spotted dolphins, Stenella attenuata , from the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Maturity was determined by histological examination of testes. Average age at sexual maturation was 14.7 yr (the mean of two readers' age estimates). Testis and epididymis weight and seminiferous tubule diameters were reliable indicators of maturity, whereas age, length and color phase were less reliable. Seasonality was determined by changes in testis and epididymis weight, relative quantity of spermatids and spermatozoa, and lumen diameter, as well as an index of testis development (weight of the right testis and epididymis divided by length of the right testis). Testis and epididymis weights and index values peaked in July and August, midway between two predicted mating seasons for the northern offshore stock, but spermatozoa levels were elevated during the predicted breeding seasons.  相似文献   
The effect of phosphorus (P) concentration in barley seed on seedling growth has not been much investigated. Consequently, two experiments were conducted in the greenhouse to determine the effect of P concentration in barley seed (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Empress) on the seedlings grown in sand-filled boxes receiving a culture solution without P. Seeds were selected with three P concentrations: high-P (113.0 mmol P kg−1), medium-P (80.7 mmol P kg−1) and low-P (54.9 mmol P kg−1). At 21 days after sowing, the shoot and root yield or shoot height was the least with seedlings from low-P seed. In the other experiment, high-P and low-P seeds were wetted with distilled water or with a solution of 25.8 cmol L−1 of NaH2PO4 for 24 h, and then grown for 31 days. Solution P had been imbibed by seeds whether low or high in native P, but only the imbibed P held by low native P seed benefited seedling dry matter accumulation and shoot elongation. The lack of benefit from seed-imbibed P on seedlings grown from high-P barley seed was associated with low recovery of the imbibed P in those seedlings.  相似文献   
The effect of ration on the growth of pairs of juvenile sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax fed squid mantle was recorded at four temperatures: 6, 10, 14 and 18) C, covering the range typical of Welsh coastal waters. Initial weight of the fish ranged from 2.8 to 15.9 g. A predictive model for the maximum meal size (Mmax) at temperatures between 10 and 18) C, accounted for 95% of the variance in lnMmax. Even when offered excess food, bass at 6) C had a low rate of food consumption [0.19% body weight (BW) day?1] and lost weight (G=?0.04% day?1). Predictive regression models for specific growth rate (G) accounted for 86% of the variance at reduced rations and 70% at maximum meals. The relationship between G (calculated for total biomass per tank) and ration was a decelerating curve. G at maximum meals increased with temperature, at lower rations G decreased with temperature. For a pair of bass with a combined weight of 15 g, predicted maintenance ration ranged between 0.7 and 2.3% BW day?1 and increased with temperature. Maximum meal size was more sensitive to temperature than maintenance ration. At 18) C optimum ration was 7.4% BW day?1. At lower temperatures, the optimum ration was the maximum meal. The maximum gross growth efficiency was 17.4% at 18) C. Mean absorption efficiency was 94.8%. Ration level had no significant effect on absorption efficiency, which was lowest at 6) C. Condition indices (Fulton condition factor, wet and dry liver—somatic indices and body depth index) increased with meal size at all temperatures except 6) C. An increase in temperature between 10 and 18) C generally resulted in a decrease in condition indices at a given ration. When comparisons were made at a given standard length, gut and carcass weight increased with ration. Visceral fat and gut weight decreased with increased temperature.  相似文献   
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