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Abstract. The malaria transmission potential of wild, infective Anopheles from western Kenya was evaluated by determining the number of sporozoites transmitted in vitro by salivation when their mouthparts were inserted into capillary tubes containing either sucrose or blood. With sucrose, 86.6% of 102 infective Anopheles transmitted a geometric mean (GM) of 3.84 sporozoites (range 1–34). With blood, 23.1% of 104 infective Anopheles , tested on the day of collection, transmitted a GM of 2.30 sporozoites (range 1–117). For Anopheles held 5 days postcapture before testing with blood, 53.6% of 56 transmitted a GM of 6.04 sporozoites (range 1–420). Transmitting Anopheles contained significantly more salivary gland sporozoites than non-transmitters. No significant differences were detected between Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu lato and Anopheles funestus Giles in sporozoite transmission by individuals with sporozoites in their salivary glands.
Sporozoites were detected microscopically in the salivary duct from heads in 80.3% of 117 infective Anopheles (GM=11.2, range 1–71). Sporozoite detection in mosquito heads by ELISA was 25% less efficient than microscopic detection.
Over 98% of the infective Anopheles transmitted less than twenty-five sporozoites. Transmitted sporozoites represented only about 3% of the total sporozoites in the salivary glands suggesting that sporozoite transmission may be restricted to sporozoites in the salivary duct at the time of feeding. Results are discussed in relation to anti-sporozoite vaccine development.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A correlation was observed between in vivo and in vitro activity of six monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against the major circumsporozoite protein of the avian malaria Plasmodium gallinaceum as follows. (1) Two mAb were protective, totally abrogating sporozoite infectivity to chicks, its natural host, in vivo; they caused 100% inhibition of sporozoite invasion (ISI) in vitro to SL-29 chicken fibroblasts and intense ISI to cultured chicken macrophages, as well as inhibited the exoerythrocytic development of sporozoites taken up by macrophages, the initial cell host of P. gallinaceum sporozoites. (2) Two mAb were partially protective in that they reduced sporozoite infectivity to chicks, caused partial ISI to SL-29 and macrophage cells and partial inhibition to the exoerythrocytic development of sporozoites in macrophages in vitro. (3) Two mAb were totally inactive in vivo although they both bound to the sporozoite antigens as detected by indirect immunofluorescence, western blot, and ELISA; they both failed to induce ISI or inhibit the exoerythrocytic development in macrophages. The possible participation of macrophages as the initial cell type involved in sporozoite destruction in the presence of anti-circumsporozoite antibodies is discussed.  相似文献   
Plasmodium cynomolgi, Plasmodium knowlesi, and Plasmodium berghei sporozoites, before and after incubation with immune serum, were studied after freeze-fracture by electron microscopy. There were evenly distributed numerous intramembranous particles (IMP) on the P face of the outer membrane. The E face of the plasma membrane had fewer IMP than its P face. The E face of the intermediate membrane had few IMP and also linear arrays of slightly raised ridges running the length of the parasite. The P face of the intermediate membrane had many IMP aligned along the long axis of the sporozoite. On the P face of the inner membrane. IMP were arranged in very distinct rows conforming to the long axis of the parasite; the E face of this membrane had a few randomly distributed IMP. A prominent change in the sporozoite incubated in immune serum was the appearance of a layer of aggregated particles around the parasite. The P face of the plasma membrane had several clear areas devoid of IMP and IMP aggregates. No changes were seen in the other fractured faces of the pellicle. These observations suggest that immune serum acts only on the P face of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Summary Cultures of embryonic rat brain and liver, and embryonic turkey brain were inoculated with sporozoites ofPlasmodium berghei. Sporozoites succeeded in establishing exoerythrocytic infections in approximately 10% of the cultures. The exoerythrocytic parasites developed to a late schizont stage with some showing early segmentation although free merozoites were not observed. The morphology and rate of development of the exoerythrocytic parasites in culture appear similar to that seen in vivo. This work was supported by ONR Contract No. N00014-76-C-1132 and Naval Medical Research and Development Command, Research Work Unit No. M0095PN.002.5058. the opinions and assertions contained herein are the private ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Navy Department or the naval service at large. The experiments reported herein were conducted according to the principles set forth in theGuide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Institute of Laboratory Resources, National Research Council, DHEW, Pub. No. (NIH) 74-23.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Monolayers of bovine kidney cells were overlaid with Eimeria magna sporozoites and observed with phase-contrast optics until penetration of the cells by the parasites had begun. Cells and penetrating parasites were fixed with glutaraldehyde and OsO4-containing ruthenium red, dehydrated, and embedded in situ. Cells being penetrated were selected for study in the electron microscope. The lack of intracellular staining with ruthenium red and intact plasmalemmas of cells being penetrated, was accepted as evidence that the sporozoites did not disrupt the plasma membranes. The sporozoite caused invagination of the host cell plasmalemma until the parasite was entirely within the cell, after which the invagination was sealed off by short pseudopodia enclosing the sporozoite within a membrane-lined vacuole inside the cell. Often myelin-forms, apparently of host cell origin, were seen in the space between the sporozoite and the cell.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Normally, sporozoites of Eimeria tenella are efficiently excysted in vitro with trypsin and bile salts. However, a one hour treatment at °40C with a chelator-supplemented excystation medium (purified trypsin and chymotrypsin, taurodeoxycholate and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in buffered saline) produced incomplete excystation. The treatment removed the sporocyst plug and left an opened sporocyst containing motile sporozoites, but the release of sporozoites was greatly reduced (<12% release). Some of the sporozoites extended a portion of their anterior end through the sporocyst opening then retracted it into the sporocyst. Sporozoites were released when magnesium was added to the chelator-supplemented medium. Manganese was less effective and calcium was ineffective in producing release. Also, sporozoites were released when the incompletely excysted sporocysts were transferred to buffered saline with albumin and this became the basis for a new assay. The assay demonstrated that ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid reduced release in the presence of taurodeoxycholate but not in its absence. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic chelators were tested in the assay. Ethylene-dioxy diethylene-dinitrilotetraacetic acid and 8-hydroxyquinoline were inactive. The chelator 1,10-phenanthroline did not require bile salt to reduce release. The inhibitory effects by phenanthroline were eliminated in the presence of magnesium or manganese, while calcium had no effect. Thus, although certain chelators can inhibit release, a consistent correlation between chelation and inhibition of release has not been established. The application of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid with taurodeoxycholate as a reversible inhibitor of release is discussed.  相似文献   
Controlling the dissemination of malaria requires the development of new drugs against its etiological agent, a protozoan of the Plasmodium genus. Angiotensin II and its analog peptides exhibit activity against the development of immature and mature sporozoites of Plasmodium gallinaceum. In this study, we report the synthesis and characterization of angiotensin II linear and cyclic analogs with anti‐plasmodium activity. The peptides were synthesized by a conventional solid‐phase method on Merrifield's resin using the t‐Boc strategy, purified by RP‐HPLC and characterized by liquid chromatography/ESI (+) MS (LC‐ESI(+)/MS), amino acid analysis, and capillary electrophoresis. Anti‐plasmodium activity was measured in vitro by fluorescence microscopy using propidium iodine uptake as an indicator of cellular damage. The activities of the linear and cyclic peptides are not significantly different (p < 0.05). Kinetics studies indicate that the effects of these peptides on plasmodium viability overtime exhibit a sigmoidal profile and that the system stabilizes after a period of 1 h for all peptides examined. The results were rationalized by partial least‐square analysis, assessing the position‐wise contribution of each amino acid. The highest contribution of polar amino acids and a Lys residue proximal to the C‐terminus, as well as that of hydrophobic amino acids in the N‐terminus, suggests that the mechanism underlying the anti‐malarial activity of these peptides is attributed to its amphiphilic character. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Sporozoites were detected in naturally infected sibling species of the primary rural vector Anopheles culicifacies complex in two primary health centres (PHCs) and a variant of the urban vector Anopheles stephensi in Mangalore city, Karnataka, south India while carrying out malaria outbreak investigations from 1998–2006. Sibling species of An. culicifacies were identified based on the banding patterns on ovarian polytene chromosomes, and variants of An. stephensi were identified based on the number of ridges on the egg floats. Sporozoites were detected in the salivary glands by the dissection method. Of the total 334 salivary glands of An. culicifacies dissected, 17 (5.08%) were found to be positive for sporozoites. Of the 17 positive samples, 11 were suitable for sibling species analysis; 10 were species A (an efficient vector) and 1 was species B (a poor vector). Out of 46 An. stephensi dissected, one was sporozoite positive and belonged to the type form (an efficient vector). In malaria epidemiology this observation is useful for planning an effective vector control programme, because each sibling species/variant differs in host specificity, susceptibility to malarial parasites, breeding habitats and response to insecticides.  相似文献   
To establish an in vitro culture system for the precystic phase of Sarcocystis singaporensis, we initially tested various excysting fluids for sporocysts. An excysting fluid containing 2.5% bovine taurocholate and 10% bile of the specific intermediate host, Rattus norvegicus, in RPMI medium was the most suitable resulting in excystation of 80% of the sporozoites. Subsequently, we identified brain endothelial cells and pneumonocytes of the rat to promote growth of sporozoites to schizonts. Hepatoma, fibroblastic, or myoblastic cells were not suitable for the parasite's development. First-generation schizonts were seen at days 3-10 postinoculation (PI); a distinct second peak of schizogonic development only occurred in endothelial cells at days 14-18 PI. First-generation schizonts were 26.0 (± 3.8) μm in diameter and contained 32-50 merozoites, second-generation schizonts measured 34.4 (± 10.6) μm and contained 54-72 merozoites. Merozoite yield at large-scale culture conditions (75 cm2 flasks) using pneumonocytes as host cells was relatively low. Ultrastructurally, sporozoites and merozoites were quite similar to corresponding stages of other Sarcocystis species. With regard to host cell specificity and developmental kinetics, in vitro cultivation showed close similarities to the situation in vivo.  相似文献   
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