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ABSTRACT. Malaria sporozoite infection rates in a mixed species group of 244 Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu lato and 115 An. funestus Giles wild female mosquitoes were compared using three methods to determine cutoff absorbance values for positivity of a Plasmodium falciparum Welch enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Positive controls were based on P. falciparum circumsporozoite protein. As negative controls, four wild male Anopheles were included on each microtitre plate; tests were repeated on four consecutive days for each plate.
Infection rates were estimated at 13.1–22.8% using the mean absorbance value of negative controls plus three standard deviations, 11.7–12.8% using double the mean and 12.5–13.6% using the fixed cut-off value of 0.20 (allowing for 20% variation in negative control absorbance values).
Observed agreement for positivity or negativity among samples tested four times was 98.6% for the 2× mean method, 97.2% for the fixed cut-off 0.20 value, but only 82.7% for the mean +3 SD method. It was concluded that the 2× mean cut-off method is most reliable for field studies. P. falciparum sporozoite rates of 12.2% in An. funestus and 11.9% in An. gambiae s. l . were thus determined on the basis of the 2× mean cut-off method.
This comparative evaluation demonstrates that vector infectivity rates can be seriously over-estimated from sporozoite ELISA tests, by as much as 87% in one case considered here, depending on the absorbance cut-off method applied for negative controls.  相似文献   
Protoscoleces from human, camel, cattle, sheep, goat (all from Kenya) and buffalo (from India) hydatid cysts were cultured under identical conditions in vitro using the diphasic culture system of Smyth (1979b). Organisms from all sources grew and segmented in culture. Genital anlagen developed in all cultured worms but further genital differentiation occurred only in cultures of cattle (testes) and camel (testes and genital pore) material. The possible significance of these results is discussed in relation to the general epidemiology of hydatid disease and the potential infectivity of the different strains to man.  相似文献   
Dolan T. T., Young A.S., Losos G.J., McMillan I., Minder Ch.E. and Soulsby K. 1984. Dose dependent responses of Theileria parva stabilate. International Journal for Parasitology14: 89–95. A tick derived stabilate of Theileria parva (Maguga) was titrated in a large group of Boran (Bos indicus) cattle of the same age, sex and origin. The infectivity data was analysed using the independent action model. The cattle were identified as heterogeneous in their response to infection with 75% showing one ID50 (0.0014) and 25% showing another (0.01). The disease responses of the cattle given different dose levels were compared for a variety of parameters. The results obtained showed these parameters to be dose dependent including the time to onset of piroplasm parasitaemia. The stabilate is of large volume and can be used for controlled challenge in immunity studies and for comparison of susceptibility between cattle of different breeds and from different epidemiological backgrounds.  相似文献   
In the Biomphalaria glabrata-Schistosoma mansoni association, variations in cercarial production, in cercarial infectivity, and in the growth of infected snails are rhythmic. These chronobiological aspects are correlated with the dynamics of the intramolluscan larval stages of the parasite during the course of the infection. Rhythmic variations in the growth kinetics of infected snails are interpreted in terms of host-parasite metabolic exchanges.  相似文献   
Observations on the separation of Theileria sporozoites from ticks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum ticks infected with Theileria annulata were partially fed on rabbits and then ground up with tissue culture medium. The ground up ticks were treated by centrifugation at 100 g, filtration through membranes of 8 μm pore diameter and centrifugation on a discontinuous density gradient of Percoll. Counts of sporozoites and tick debris were made from Giemsa stained slides of samples at each stage of the separation. Debris was removed during light centrifugation and filtration at a greater rate than sporozoites. After filtration approximately 41% of the original sporozoites remained in the suspension. After density gradient centrifugation most sporozoites were found in a distinct zone, at approx. 1·08 g/cm3 density, separate from most dense debris and light debris and soluble contaminants. After this final centrifugation approximately 24% of the original sporozoites remained in the recovered suspension.  相似文献   
The scrapie amyloid (prion) protein (PrP27-30) is the protease-resistant core of a larger precursor (PrPSc) and a component of the infectious scrapie agent; the potential to form amyloid is a result of posttranslational event or conformational abnormality. The conformation, heat stability, and solvent-induced conformational transitions of PrP27-30 were studied in the solid state in films by CD spectroscopy and correlated with the infectivity of rehydrated and equilibrated films. The exposure of PrP27-30 in films to 60 degrees C, 100 degrees C, and 132 degrees C for 30 min did not change the beta-sheet secondary structure; the infectivity slightly diminished at 132 degrees C and correlated with a decreased solubility of PrP27-30 in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), probably due to cross-linking. Exposing PrP27-30 films to formic acid (FA), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), trifluoroethanol (TFE), hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP), and SDS transformed the amide CD band, diminished the mean residue ellipticity of aromatic bands, and inactivated scrapie infectivity. The convex constraint algorithm (CAA) deconvolution of the CD spectra of the solvent-exposed and rehydrated solid state PrP27-30 identified five common spectral components. The loss of infectivity quantitatively correlated with a decreasing proportion of native, beta-pleated sheet-like secondary structure component, an increasing amount of alpha-helical component, and an increasingly disordered tertiary structure. The results demonstrate the unusual thermal stability of the beta-sheet secondary structure of PrP27-30 protein in the solid state. The conformational perturbations of PrP27-30 parallel the changes in infectivity and suggest that the beta-sheet structure plays a key role in the physical stability of scrapie amyloid and in the ability to propagate and replicate scrapie.  相似文献   
Plasmodium sporozoites, the causative agents of malaria, release circumsporozoite (CS) protein into medium when under conditions simulating those that the parasites encounter in the bloodstream of the vertebrate host. CS protein of the rodent parasite, Plasmodium berghei , is released as the lower molecular weight form, Pb44. This release is substratum- and antibody-independent. Previous studies show that CS protein is released at the trailing, posterior end of motile sporozoites. Video and electron microscopic studies now demonstrate that CS protein is released at the apical end of cytochalasin b-immobilized sporozoites. We propose that CS protein released from the apical end, the leading end of gliding sporozoites, adheres to the sporozoite surface and is translocated posteriorly by a cytochalasin-sensitive and apparently actin-mediated surface motor, which drives gliding motility. This model explains the mechanism of both the circumsporozoite precipitation (CSP) reaction and formation of the CS protein trail by gliding sporozoites.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The sporogonic stages of Leucocytozoon dubreuili in the midgut and salivary glands of the simuliid vectors was studied by electron microscopy. Young uninucleate oocysts have a pellicle that initially resembles that of the ookinetc. Numerous electron-dense bodies and microtubules in the peripheral cytoplasm may be involved in the formation of the cyst wall. The dense bodies appear to give rise to the amorphous material of the wall. The tubules which run circumferentially beneath the oocyst's boundary probably serve as a skeletal support for the cell surface during deposition of the wall material. A subcapsular “space” which provides area for expansion of the developing sporozoites is formed in early multinucleate oocysts. The subcapsular “space” appears to be formed through a condensation of the peripheral cytoplasm, resulting in an osmotic gradient across the oocyst's limiting membrane. Consequently water diffuses out, creating a fluid-filled space. Sporozoite formation begins with localized thickenings on the oocyst's limiting membrane. Subsequent extension of the thickened regions into the subcapsular “space” marks the onset of sporozoite budding. The process is highly synchronized, and culminates with the production of up to 150 sporozoites about the sporoblastoid body. The structure of sporozoites from mature oocysts and of the salivary glands of the vector is basically similar, although salivary gland sporozoites are more elongate and have numerous electron-dense micronemes. The paired rhoptries in the latter sporozoites are more elongate and uniformly electron-dense than in oocyst sporozoites.  相似文献   
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