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The variability of DNA content in turkey spermatozoa of four different lines and its correlation with body weight and sperm concentration were studied. In lines selected for lower body weight the DNA content was 2.034 and 2.036 pg per spermatozoon. In lines selected for higher body weight the DNA content was 2.267 and 2.370 pg per spermatozoon. Sperm concentration in 1 mm3 of semen, however, was higher in lines with a lower body weight (6.08–6.21 million) in comparison with lines selected for higher body weight (5.46–5.67 million). The correlations between the DNA content and sperm concentration were negative (r ranged from ?.457 to ?.860).  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of the mature spermatozoa and spermatogenesis of the bivalve Scrobicularia plana are described. Support cells extend from the basal lamina to the lumen of the testis and are laterally connected to the germinal epithelium. Germ cells present intercellular bridges and flagella since the spermatogonial stage. While spermatogonia and spermatocytes appear connected to support cells by desmosome-like junctions, elongated spermatids are held at the acrosomal region by support cell finger-like processes. During spermiogenesis, the acrosomal vesicle differentiates from a golgian saccule and then migrates to the nuclear apex. A microtubular manchette arising from centrioles surrounds the acrosomal vesicle, the nucleus, and the mitochondria at the time these three organelles start their elongation, disappearing after that. The mature spermatozoon of S. plana lacks a distinct midpiece because the mitochondria extend from the region of the pericentriolar complex along the nucleus anteriorly for approximately 1.4 μm. The features of this bivalve type of modified spermatozoon are compared with those of other animal groups having similar modifications.  相似文献   
The spermatozoon of Chiton marginatus is a long uniflagellate cell displaying structural features of “modified sperm.” The nucleus presents a conical shape with a long apical cylindrical extension. The chromatin is homogeneously dense. Scattered inside the condensed nucleus, a few nuclear lacunae are visible. The acrosomal complex is lacking. Some mitochondria are located in a laterofrontal structure side by side with the nucleus. The typical midpiece is absent. The cytoplasm forms a thin layer around the nucleus and the mitochondria. The proximal centriole is in a basal nuclear indent. The distal centriole serves to form the axoneme tail with the usual microtubular pattern. During nuclear maturation, the early spermatid nucleus is spherical and contains fine granular chromatin patches. The nuclear envelope shows a deposit of dense material at the base of the nucleus, forming a semicircular invagination occupied by a flocculent mass. In middle spermatid stage, the chromatin gets organized in filaments, coiled as a hank, attached over the inner surface of the basal thickening of the nuclear envelope. The nucleus starts to elongate anteroposteriorly. At the pointed apical portion of the spermatid, a group of microtubules is observed seeming to impose external pressure to the nucleus giving rise to the long apical nuclear point. The mitochondria have a basal position. Late spermatids have an elongated conical nucleus. The chromatin filaments are further condensed, and lacunae appear inside the nucleus. Some mitochondria migrate to a lateral position.  相似文献   
Background information. The spermatozoon of the quail (Coturnix coturnix L., var japonica) has a ‘9+2’ flagellum that is unusually long. When it moves in a viscous medium, near to the coverslip, it develops a meander waveform. Because of the high viscosity, the meander bends are static in relation to the field of view; bend propagation is therefore manifest as the forward movement of the flagellum through the meander shape. At the same time, the origin of the oscillation typically shifts proximally in a stepwise fashion. These movements have been analysed in the hope of contributing to the resolution of problems in flagellar mechanics. Results. (1) Meander waves originate from spontaneous sigmoid bend complexes. (2) On a given flagellum, fully developed meander bends are uniform in their large angle, curvature and propagation speed; interbends can vary in length and shape. (3) No intra‐axonemal sliding is transmitted through formed bends; sliding related to new bends is accommodated proximally. (4) Sliding reversal is initiated at a threshold shear angle of approx. 1 rad. (5) The arc wavespeed is the product of the arc wavelength and the beat frequency. (6) Physical obstruction to bend development causes a pause in the oscillation. (7) New bend initiation can thus be dissociated from bend propagation on the distal flagellum. (8) The steps in the forward advance of the oscillation site occur during the early phase of bend growth. Conclusions. (1) The main conclusion is that, in meander waves, the mechanical basis of the oscillation appears to be that the propulsive thrust arising from bend propagation acts as a bending stress to trigger sliding reversal, thus perpetuating the rhythmic beating. (2) Oscillations can originate at any position, provided the position is distal to a location where doublet sliding is restrained. (3) Meander waves are an example of new bend development without ‘paradoxical’ classes of sliding.  相似文献   
The mature sperm of Dina lineata is of the modified type. The sperm are 48 μm long and 0.3 μm wide. The sperm are filiform and helicoidal cells with a distinct head, a midpiece, and a tail. There are two distinct regions in the head: the acrosome and the posterior acrosome, each with its own characteristic morphology. The midpiece is the mitochondrial region and has a single mitochondrion. Two distinct portions can be observed in the tail: the axonematic region and the terminal piece. In the process of spermatogenesis the early spermatogonia divide to form a poliplast of 512 spermatic cells. In the spermiogenesis the following sequential stages can be distinguished: elongation of the flagellum; reciprocal migration of mitochondria and Golgi complex; condensation of chromatin and formation of the posterior acrosome; spiralization of nuclear and mitochondrial regions; and, finally, formation of the anterior acrosome. The extreme morphological complexity of the Dina spermatozoon is related to the peculiar hypodermal fertilization which characterizes the erpobdellid family. Correlation between sperm morphology and fertilization biology in the Annelida is revised.  相似文献   
The motility status of Xenopus laevis spermatozoa does not affect their respiration rate. Oxygen consumption for 109 spermatozoa is approximately 0.4 μmol/minute. Oxygen consumption is not increased by gramicidin D, an uncoupler, and it is not blocked by KCN or NaN3. The adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content of spermatozoa that have been activated is definitely less than that in the spermatozoa that remained immotile. Incubation in KCN, NaN3, and gramicidin decreases the ATP content and impairs motility. The conclusions of the present study are that in Xenopus spermatozoa motility and oxygen consumption are not correlated, and the composition of the respiratory chain of these spermatozoa presents noteworthy peculiarities.  相似文献   
通过电光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜观察了平疣桑椹石磺精子的形态及其超微结构。平疣桑椹石磺成熟精子属于进化型,由头部、中段和末段组成。头部由顶体和精核构成,顶体长约0.7μm,呈细奶嘴状,内含物分布均匀,电子密度稍低于细胞核。顶体基部与精核前端紧密相连,无间隙。精核长约3.8μm,宽约1.0μm,核质高度浓缩,电子密度高,无核泡,纵切似辣椒状,核后端内凹形成核后窝。中段加长,结构复杂,线粒体演化成线粒体鞘,螺旋状包绕轴丝。精子末段由轴丝及包绕轴丝的质膜组成,轴丝为典型的“9+2”结构。比较了平疣桑椹石磺精子与相关腹足类精子结构的异同,进一步证实了腹足纲贝类精子结构之间的区别主要在于顶体有无及形态,精核的长短与外形、中段线粒体的数目及其排列方式等。  相似文献   
Sperm morphology is diverse among vertebrates and is influenced by the reproductive strategies adopted by species. In anurans, sperm morphology is associated with reproductive modes and mating systems. Here, we describe the sperm morphology of 11 frog species in the genus Leptodactylus and that of Lithodytes lineatus and discuss the relationship between sperm morphology and species' mating systems. We observed two distinct sperm morphotypes among the leptodactyline species, which differed mostly in head morphology. Type I sperm had triangular head, discrete acrosome vesicle with posterior margin not clearly visible; type II sperm had elongated head, clear acrosomal vesicle with posterior margin clearly visible. These sperm types do not seem to be associated with phylogeny; instead, type II sperm was observed in all polyandrous species analysed and in species with evidences of polyandry. Moreover, sperm of all species presented tail with undulating membrane connected to the axial fibre. We suggest that differences in sperm morphology might be associated with sperm competition to what polyandrous species are subjected. However, natural history observations on polyandrous mating in some species presenting type II sperm and phylogenetic comparative studies are need to elucidate the role of mating systems in the evolution of sperm morphology in leptodactylines.  相似文献   
New data on spermiogenesis and the ultrastructure of spermatozoa of ‘true’ tapeworms (Eucestoda) are summarized. Since 2001, more than 50 species belonging to most orders of the Eucestoda have been studied or reinvestigated, particularly members of the Caryophyllidea, Spathebothriidea, Diphyllobothriidea, Bothriocephalidea, Trypanorhyncha, Tetraphyllidea, Proteocephalidea, and Cyclophyllidea. A new classification of spermatozoa of eucestodes into seven basic types is proposed and a key to their identification is given. For the first time, a phylogenetic tree inferred from spermatological characters is provided. New information obtained in the last decade has made it possible to fill numerous gaps in the character data matrix, enabling us to carry out a more reliable analysis of the evolution of ultrastructural characters of sperm and spermiogenesis in eucestodes. The tree is broadly congruent with those based on morphological and molecular data, indicating that convergent evolution of sperm characters in cestodes may not be as common as in other invertebrate taxa. The main gaps in the current knowledge of spermatological characters are mapped and topics for future research are outlined, with special emphasis on those characters that might provide additional information about the evolution of tapeworms and their spermatozoa. Future studies should be focused on representatives of those major groups (families and orders) in which molecular data indicate paraphyly or polyphyly (e.g. ‘Tetraphyllidea’ and Trypanorhyncha) and on those that have a key phylogenetic position among eucestodes (e.g. Diphyllidea, ‘Tetraphyllidea’, Lecanicephalidea, Nippotaeniidea).  相似文献   
Spermiogenesis in Castrada cristatispina begins with the formation of a zone of differentiation containing two centrioles with associated striated rootlets and an intercentriolar body between them. The centrioles give rise to two parallel, free flagella of the Trepaxonemata 9 + '1' pattern, growing out in opposite directions. Spermatids undergo a latero-ventral rotation of the flagella and a subsequent disto-proximal rotation of centrioles, and a distal cytoplasmic projection appears. The former rotation involves the compression of a row of microtubules and allows the recognition of a ventral side and a dorsal side. At the end of the differentiation, the centrioles and cortical microtubules lie parallel to the sperm axis. The modifications of the intercentriolar body and the migration of the nucleus and the centrioles toward the distal projection are described. The mature spermatozoon of C. cristatispina is filiform, tapered at both ends and shares several features with the other Rhabdocoela gametes. Nevertheless, the posterior extremity is capped by an electron-dense material. A gradient between mitochondria and dense bodies exists along the sperm axis. This study has enable us a phylogenetic approach of the Rhabdocoela through a comparison of the ultrastructural features of C. cristatispina with the other Rhabdocoela taxa. We propose the disto-proximal rotation of centrioles as a synapomorphy of the Rhabdocoela.  相似文献   
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