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Summary A field experiment was conducted using15N-labelled urea on a Reddish Brown Lateritic (Peleustult) soil. Growing two crops on flat land and on soil ridges of 15 cm height produced similar comparative effects from fertilizer on maize. However, fertilizer applied by broadcasting on maize with a 50 cm effective band followed by incorporating was more useful to mungbean than that applied by banding below the cereal seed rows when crops were grown on flat land. The reverse was observed when crops were grown on ridges. It was deduced that the maize cultivar was not likely to affect comparative efficiencies of fertilizer. For fertilizer application at sowing, broadcasting in 50 cm maize effective band followed by incorporating was slightly superior to banding below maize seed rows. Side-dressing of fertilizer to maize at 4 weeks after sowing was superior to application at sowing. Evenly-split application, at sowing and at 4 weeks after sowing, was either only slightly superior or comparable to non-split application by banding below maize seed rows at sowing, depending on placement method of the first application. Soil moisture status as a possible factor rendering discrepancy in the comparative efficiencies obtained by different authors is discussed.  相似文献   
A procedure is described for the rapid preparation of nerve ending particles (synaptosomes) from 11 regions of one rat brain. The synaptosomal fractions have been characterized by electron microscopy and determination of four marker enzymes, i.e., glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), acetylcholinesterase, succinate dehydrogenase, and glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Comparison with a much lengthier standard (Ficoll-sucrose) preparation showed that the synaptosomal yield of the new procedure was substantially better as judged by both morphological evaluation and protein recovery. The improved synaptosome preparation was used for determination of regional gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels in synaptosomal fractions. The postmortem increase in GABA level during removal and dissection of brain tissue and homogenization and fractionation procedures could be minimized by rapid processing of the tissue at low temperatures and inclusion of the GAD inhibitor 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3-MP; 1 mM) in the homogenizing medium. The addition of GABA (0.2 mM) to the homogenizing medium did not alter the GABA levels in the synaptosomes, indicating that no significant redistribution of GABA occurred during subcellular fractionation in sodium-free media. Synaptosomal GABA levels determined in the 11 rat brain areas showed the same regional distribution as the GABA-synthesizing enzyme GAD. On the basis of these findings, it was suggested that the synaptosome preparation could be used to evaluate the in vivo effects of drugs on nerve terminal GABA. Treatment of rats with a convulsant dose of 3-MP (50 mg/kg i.p.) 3 min before decapitation significantly lowered synaptosomal GABA levels in olfactory bulb, hippocampus, thalamus, tectum, and cerebellum. The 3-MP-induced seizures and reduction of GABA levels could be prevented by administration of valproic acid (200 mg/kg i.p.) 15 min before the 3-MP injection. The data indicate that the improved synaptosome preparation offers a convenient method of preparing highly purified synaptosomes from a large number of small tissue samples and can provide useful information on the in vivo effects of drugs on regional GABA levels in nerve terminals.  相似文献   
The characteristics of small unilamellar, large unilamellar and large multilamellar vesicles of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and their interaction with α-lactalbumin are compared at pH 4. (1) By differential scanning calorimetry and from steady-state fluorescence anisotropy data of the lipophilic probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene it is shown that the transition characteristics of the phospholipids in the large unilamellar vesicles resemble more those of the multilamellar vesicles than of the small unilamellar vesicles. (2) The size and composition of the lipid-protein complex formed with α-lactalbumin around the transition temperature of the lipid are independent of the vesicle type used. Fluorescence anisotropy data indicate that in this complex the motions of the lipid molecules are strongly restricted in the presence of α-lactalbumin. (3) The previous data and a comparison of the enthalpy changes, ΔH, of the interaction of the three vesicle types with α-lactalbumin allow us to derive that the enthalpy state of the small unilamellar vesicles just below 24°C is about 24 kJ/mol lipid higher than the enthalpy state of both large vesicle types at the same temperature. The abrupt transition from endothermic to exothermic ΔH values around 24°C for large vesicles approximates the transition enthalpy of the pure phospholipid  相似文献   
We describe a method for isolating chromosomes from testes of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, and their subsequent incubation with antibodies directed against chromosomal proteins. The procedure involves hypotonic pretreatment of the germ cells, centrifugation onto coverslips in a cytocentrifuge and immunolabeling, while still unfixed, using a chromatin-stabilizing buffer. In the present case, an antibody specific for the acetylated isoforms of his tone H4 was tested. After the antibody treatment, the preparations are fixed using formaldehyde, stained with a DNA-specific fluorescent dye and mounted. Analysis of the preparations revealed good preservation of chromosome structure in prophase spermatogonia and late prophase I spermatocytes. Fully condensed chromosomes were not observed and are probably lost during preparation. The bright fluorescence of the autosomes indicates that the reaction between the antibody against acetylated histone H4 and its chromosomal antigen is not impeded. In contrast, the X univalent remained unstained with the exception of a small terminal band. Thus, cytospin preparations of locust germ cells allow high resolution immunolabeling with antibodies against chromosome-associated proteins.  相似文献   
(1) A synaptosomal fraction obtained from locust nervous tissue has been shown to possess an active γ-aminobutyric acid transport mechanism. This activity is preserved and even enriched by the membrane vesicles derived from osmotically shocked synaptosomes. (2) Electron-microscopy examination indicates that the above membrane vesicles are derived predominantly from the neuronal plasma membrane and are devoid of any internal cellular organelles and components. Active transport of γ-aminobutyric acid into these vesicles has been demonstrated with artificially imposed ion gradients as the sole energy source. (3) γ-Aminobutyric acid transport can be driven by an Na+ gradient (out>in) and /or by a gradient of Cl? (out>in). This process is absolutely dependent on the simultaneous presence of both types of ion in the external medium. The stimulation of the process by valinomycin indicates that γ-aminobutyric acid transport is an electrogenic process which is stimulated by a membrane potential (interior negative).  相似文献   
彭小芳  田振  韩伟  王晨光  冯娜  张劲松 《菌物学报》2021,40(5):1190-1199
本研究建立一种从灵芝子实体提取物中快速制备灵芝萜烯酮醇的方法.以沪农灵芝1号子实体为原料,经乙醇提取、D101大孔树脂富集后,再经一次正相色谱柱层析,获得富含灵芝萜烯酮醇的流分.采用高速逆流色谱法对该流分进行分离,优化分离条件,获得的最佳条件为:溶剂体系为正己烷-乙酸乙酯-甲醇-水(V/V/V/V,12∶24∶18∶9...  相似文献   
对猴头菌Hericium erinaceus原生质体制备的各种因素进行比较研究,结果表明,猴头菌原生质体制备的最佳体系为:液体培养5d的猴头菌丝,以0.6mol/L KCl作为稳渗剂,加入含1.0%纤维素酶+1.0%蜗牛酶+1.0%溶壁酶的复合酶,在30℃酶解猴头菌丝3h时,原生质体得率达到3.0×106个/mL。潮霉素敏感性测试表明,猴头菌在PDSA固体培养基上的潮霉素最低筛选浓度为60μg/mL。采用PEG介导的原生质体法,将质粒pBgGI-hph(含有灵芝gpd1-Gl启动子和潮霉素抗性基因hph)转化猴头菌原生质体,经潮霉素初步筛选以及PCR鉴定,表明有4株猴头菌拟转化子的基因组扩增出hph基因;转化子经过多次转接后进行Southern杂交验证,结果表明4个转化子的基因组中均稳定整合了hph抗性基因。  相似文献   
在巨细胞病毒(CMV)的研究中常需对病毒定量。CMV需低滴度传代,否则会产生没有感染性的缺损病毒颗粒;CMV的抗原性受其感染量的影响;检测CMV中和抗体或纯化病毒都需具备病毒空斑定量基础。另外,制备高感染滴度的无细胞病毒(游离病毒)是对CMV进行分子生物学研究的前提。本文建立了CMV微量板法中性红斑定量技术并比较了几种制备无细胞CMV的方法。  相似文献   
海洋中具有丰富的动植物及微生物资源,海洋真菌是其重要组成之一。我们前期的研究发现一株深海真菌白色侧齿霉Engyodontium album能产生具有抑菌活性的次级代谢产物engyodontiumin A,该化合物能抑制黑曲霉、金黄色葡萄球菌及创伤弧菌等病原菌的生长,是一种潜在的海洋源抗菌药物。目前,该菌遗传转化体系尚未建立,不利于开展次级代谢产物合成调控机制及其他功能基因研究。本研究成功制备了深海白色侧齿霉菌的原生质体,建立了借助聚乙二醇3350介导的原生质体转化体系,并将pCT74-sGFP载体成功导入白色侧齿霉的原生质体中,结果显示外源GFP能稳定表达。此外,为了明确白色侧齿霉菌是否能够开展基因敲除研究,通过氨基酸序列同源比对,我们选取酵母高渗甘油信号途径中的同源基因EaSHO1进行初步探究。利用同源重组的方法成功将目的基因EaSHO1的开放阅读框(ORF)替换成潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因(HPH),由此获得EaSHO1基因敲除突变体,并对突变体进行Southern杂交验证及初步的表型分析。结果表明,EaSHO1缺失不影响白色侧齿霉菌的营养生长及对高盐胁迫的响应,亚细胞定位结果显示EaS...  相似文献   
使用冷冻方法防治昆虫标本虫害   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姚建  刘虹  陈小琳 《昆虫知识》2005,42(1):96-98
皮蠹幼虫对昆虫标本的蛀蚀是我国北方地区标本保藏时需要注意的首要问题。经12次的试验观察表明,花斑皮蠹幼虫TrogodermavariabileBallion在冰柜中放置位置不同其冷冻致死率亦不相同置于冰柜表层的,死亡率介于0~50%;上层的死亡率为95%~100%;中上层及中层死亡率达100%。放置在表层及上层的皮蠹幼虫,在经2d以上的冷冻处理后部分个体出现复活。因此,对那些原先放置上层及表层的标本,第1次冷冻结束后,间隔数天应再进行第2次冷冻,以提高和巩固冷冻杀虫效果。经3年的实践证明,采用冷冻方法治理皮蠹幼虫为害效果明显,可以推广普及。  相似文献   
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