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Multiple endonuclease digestion of template DNA or amplification products can increase significantly the detection of polymorphic DNA in fingerprints generated by multiple arbitrary amplicon profiling (MAAP). This coupling of endonuclease cleavage and amplification of arbitrary stretches of DNA, directed by short oligonucleotide primers, readily allowed distinction of closely related fungal and bacterial isolates and plant cultivars. MAAP analysis of cleaved template DNA enabled the identification of molecular markers linked to a developmental locus of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill). Ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS)-induced supernodulating, near-isogenic lines altered in the nts locus, which controls nodule formation, could be distinguished from each other and from the parent cultivar by amplification of template pre-digested with 2–3 restriction enzymes. A total of 42 DNA polymorphisms were detected using only 19 octamer primers. In the absence of digestion, 25 primers failed to differentiate these soybean genotypes. Several polymorphic products co-segregated tightly with the nts locus in F2 families from crosses between the allelic mutants nts382 and nts1007 and the ancestral G. soja Sieb. & Succ. PI468.397. Our results suggest that EMS is capable of inducing extensive DNA alterations, probably around discrete mutational hot-spots. EMS-induced DNA polymorphisms may constitute sequence-tagged markers diagnostic of specific genomic regions.  相似文献   
Abstract Polymerase chain reaction was carried out to amplify the conserved region (789 bp in the case of Mycoplasma capricolum ) of the dnaA gene (1350 bp in the case of M. capricolum ) of 15 representatives of the class Mollicutes using degenerate oligonucleotide primers. The dnaA gene fragments were amplified from M. mycoides subsp. capri, Spiroplasma apis and S. citri . The amino acid sequences deduced from the nucleotide sequences of the amplified fragments showed very low similarities to those of the corresponding regions of four walled bacteria. The values of similarity between any two of the three mollicute species were lower than those between any two of the four walled bacteria.  相似文献   
This paper reviews recent developments in the use of molecular probes for analyzing the genetic makeup of somatic hybrids. Successful application of somatic hybridization to the interspecific transfer of traits encoded in the nucleus is still having limited success. A major difficulty is hybrid infertility, particularly in hybrids between sexually incompatible species. The formation of asymmetric hybrids is being explored as an approach for improving hybrid fertility. Evaluation of the degree of chromosome elimination and chromosome stability and instability in asymmetric hybrids is difficult when the traditional approaches of chromosome counting and isozyme analysis are used. Two new approaches are resolving this difficulty. The use of species-specific repetitive DNA probes in dot blotting and in situ hybridization to chromosomes is providing quantitative data on chromosome elimination and allows detection of translocations. Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) probes for analysis of hybrids between genetically mapped species makes it possible to account for the presence or absence of individual chromosomes and chromosomes arms. Wider use of such molecular probes should greatly improve our understanding of the genetics of both symmetric and asymmetric somatic hybrids and may lead to new strategies for the effective interspecific transfer of nucleus-encoded traits by protoplast fusion.  相似文献   
Natural products provide a unique element of molecular diversity and biological functionality and they are still indispensable for drug discovery. The polyketides, comprising a large and structurally diverse family of bioactive natural products, have been isolated from a group of mycelia-forming Gram-positive microorganisms, the actinomycetes. Relatively high amino acid sequence identity of the actinomycetes type I polyketide synthases (PKSs) was used to design three degenerate primer pairs for homology-based PCR detection of novel PKS genes, with particular interest into PKSs involved in biosynthesis of immunosuppressive-like metabolites. The stepdown PCR method, described here, enables fast insight into the PKS arsenal within actinomycetes. Designed primers and stepdown PCR were applied for the analysis of two natural isolates, Streptomyces sp. strains NP13 and MS405. Sequence analysis of chosen clones revealed the presence of two distinctive sequences in strain Streptomyces sp. NP13, but only one of these showed homology to PKS-related sequences. On analysing PCR amplicons derived from Streptomyces sp. strain MS405, three different PKS-related sequences were identified demonstrating a potential of designed primers to target PKS gene pool within single organism.  相似文献   
从簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa (L.) Schur.)组合CA9211/RW15(6D/6V异代换系)幼胚培养SC2后代中,用原位杂交方法鉴定出T240-6为6VS端体异代换系. 以此为材料,采用微细玻璃针切割法及"单管反应"技术体系,对6VS进行切割分离及LA (Linker adaptor)-PCR扩增.扩增带在100~3 000 bp 之间,大部分集中在600~1 500 bp.利用32P标记的簇毛麦基因组为探针进行Southern杂交,证实扩增产物来源于簇毛麦.扩增产物纯化后,连接到pGEM-T载体上,构建了6VS DNA质粒文库.对文库的分析表明,文库大约有17 000个白色克隆;插入片段分布在100~1 500 bp,平均600 bp.点杂交结果表明,37%克隆有中度到强烈的杂交信号,证明含有中度或高度重复序列;63%克隆有较弱的信号或没有信号,证明为单/低拷贝序列克隆.从文库中获得8个簇毛麦特异克隆,对其中两个克隆pHVMK22和 pHVMK134进行了RFLP分析和序列分析,并利用该探针对小麦抗白粉病基因Pm21进行了检测.RFLP 结果表明,两个克隆一个为低拷贝序列克隆(pHVMK22),另一个为高度重复序列克隆,均为簇毛麦专化DNA序列.以pHVMK22为探针对抗、感病小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品系的Southern杂交发现抗病品系有一条2 kb的特征带, 该探针可能作为检测抗病基因Pm21的探针.  相似文献   
属特异性T-RFLP技术用于乳酸杆菌的群落分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】设计乳酸杆菌属特异性T-RFLP技术(末端限制性片段长度多态性分析)对14株乳酸杆菌进行分型。【方法】采用源于16S-23S rRNA基因间隔区序列的乳酸杆菌属特异性引物LAB-rev,乳酸杆菌的属特异性引物,6-FAM荧光标记后结合16S上游通用引物7f用于乳酸杆菌的PCR扩增。【结果】选取HaeⅢ和HhaⅠ进行限制性酶切,最后对酶切后的产物末端测序得到T-RFLP峰谱图,该图谱能够快速准确地对不同种的乳酸杆菌进行定性、定量的分析。【结论】实验成功搭建T-RFLP技术用于微生态环境中乳酸杆菌检测的平台,对于在功能性食品、乳酸饮料和药物对肠道微生态的影响及菌种鉴定等领域有重大意义。  相似文献   
Studies of animal and plant microbiomes are burgeoning, but the majority of these focus on bacteria and rarely include microeukaryotes other than fungi. However, there is growing evidence that microeukaryotes living on and in larger organisms (e.g. plants, animals, macroalgae) are diverse and in many cases abundant. We present here a new combination of ‘anti-metazoan’ primers: 574*f–UNonMet_DB that amplify a wide diversity of microeukaryotes including some groups that are difficult to amplify using other primer combinations. While many groups of microeukaryotic parasites are recognised, myriad other microeukaryotes are associated with hosts as previously unknown parasites (often genetically divergent so difficult to amplify using standard PCR primers), opportunistic parasites, commensals, and other ecto- and endo-symbionts, across the ‘symbiotic continuum'. These fulfil a wide range of roles from pathogenesis to mutually beneficial symbioses, but mostly their roles are unknown and likely fall somewhere along this spectrum, with the potential to switch the nature of their interactions with the host under different conditions. The composition and dynamics of host-associated microbial communities are also increasingly recognised as important moderators of host health. This ‘pathobiome’ approach to understanding disease is beginning to supercede a one-pathogen-one-disease paradigm, which cannot sufficiently explain many disease scenarios.  相似文献   

Background and objectives

The role of CCR2-V64I polymorphism in various cancers has been reported in many studies. However, results from published studies on the association between CCR2-V64I polymorphism and cancer risk are conflicting. Therefore, we performed a meta-analysis to estimate the overall cancer risk associated with the polymorphism.


Electronic searches of PubMed and EMBASE were conducted for all publications on the association between this variant and cancer. Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were used to access the strength of this association.


Sixteen studies with 2661 cancer patients and 5801 healthy controls were included. Overall, significant association was found between the CCR2-V64I polymorphism and cancer risk (OR = 1.84, 95% CI = 1.35–2.51, AA vs GA/GG, P = 0.37). In the subgroup analysis stratified by cancer types, there was a significant association between this polymorphism and bladder cancer (OR = 2.06, 95% CI = 1.02–4.15, AA vs GA/GG, P = 0.11), cervical cancer (OR = 3.34, 95% CI = 1.48–7.50, AA vs GG, P = 0.56), and oral cancer (OR = 2.04, 95% CI = 1.46–2.84, GA vs GG, P = 0.70). In the subgroup analysis stratified by ethnicities, an increased cancer risk was also found in Europeans (OR = 2.31, 95% CI = 1.45–3.68, AA vs GA/GG, P = 0.16) and Asians (OR = 1.88, 95% CI = 1.12–3.16, AA vs GA/GG, P = 0.92).


This meta-analysis suggested that CCR2-V64I polymorphism may contribute to an increased risk of cancer.  相似文献   
Metabarcoding of microbial eukaryotes (collectively known as protists) has developed tremendously in the last decade, almost solely relying on the 18S rRNA gene. As microbial eukaryotes are extremely diverse, many primers and primer pairs have been developed. To cover a relevant and representative fraction of the protist community in a given study system, an informed primer choice is necessary, as no primer pair can target all protists equally well. As such, a smart primer choice is very difficult even for experts and there are very few online resources available to list existing primers. We built a database listing 285 primers and 83 unique primer pairs that have been used for eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene metabarcoding. In silico performance of primer pairs was tested against two sequence databases: PR2 version 4.12.0 for eukaryotes and a subset of silva version 132 for bacteria and archaea. We developed an R -based web application enabling browsing of the database, visualization of the taxonomic distribution of the amplified sequences with the number of mismatches, and testing any user-defined primer or primer set ( https://app.pr2-primers.org ). Taxonomic specificity of primer pairs, amplicon size and location of mismatches can also be determined. We identified universal primer sets that matched the largest number of sequences and analysed the specificity of some primer sets designed to target certain groups. This tool enables guided primer choices that will help a wide range of researchers to include protists as part of their investigations.  相似文献   
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