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A new species‐group of the dobsonfly genus Protohermes is proposed, the Protohermes xanthodes species‐group. Three species from eastern Asia belonging to the new species‐group are redescribed and illustrated. Phylogenetic relationships among the species in this group, as well as the biogeography of these species, are discussed on the basis of a cladistic analysis.  相似文献   
Abstract  The third instars of the Australian species Hyphydrus lyratus Swartz, H. contiguus Wehncke, H. elegans (Montrouzier) and H. decemmaculatus Wehncke (Coleoptera: Adephaga: Dytiscidae) are described, including a chaetotaxic analysis of the cephalic capsule, head appendages, legs, last abdominal segment and urogomphi. Larvae of these species morphologically resemble other species of Hyphydrus Illiger for which the larvae have been described. A key to identify larvae of the Australian species of Hyphydrus is provided. Larvae of H. effeminatus Watts appear identical to those of H. decemmaculatus . A 822 bp fragment of the CO1 gene of larvae and adults of these species showed very slight differences, suggesting the possibility that, in Australia at least, H. decemmaculatus is polymorphic.  相似文献   
本文报道了采自我国东北地区的蝇科棘蝇属二新种,属于一新种团;模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。 小爪棘蝇种团Phaonia minutiungula-group,新种团:雄额约为头宽1/4,上眶鬃1,口上片突出于额角;前中鬃缺如,后背中鬃4,翅前鬃发达,前胸基腹片裸,背侧片和后气门前肋具小毛,小盾全黑,前、后气门褐色;前足第1分跗节具少数长感觉毛,中胫无后腹鬃,后胫无端位后腹鬃;r-m和m-m横脉附近略具暗晕,平衡棒黄色;腹部具变色斑,各背板正中具宽的黑条。新种团主要近似游荡棘蝇种团Phaonia errans-group,但后者雄额较窄,上部的下眶鬃退化,无上眶鬃,小盾带黄色等不同。 小爪棘蝇,新种Phaonia minutiungula,雄复眼的纤毛稀而短,触角芒短纤毛状,颊高为眼高的3/7,前缘刺短小;前胫中位后鬃1-2,中胫前背鬃1,后股前腹鬃列完整且均发达;腹部背板正中黑条较宽,两侧变色斑不很明显。正模(?),吉林长白山冻原带,1989-07-15,张春田采。 黑龙山棘蝇,新种Phaonia heilongshanensis,雄复眼的纤毛长而密,触角芒短羽状,颊高为眼高的2/7;前缘刺约等于r-m横脉长的1.5倍;前胫无中位后鬃,中胫无前背鬃,后股基半部的前腹鬃列短小;腹部背板正中黑条较窄,约等于跗节宽,两侧变色斑明显。正模(?),黑龙江五大连池,1988-07-22,崔昌元采。  相似文献   
Abstract Two new Australian ants of the genus Monomorium Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are described. The most distinctive of the two species, Monomorium sublamellatum sp. n., pushes back the diagnostic boundaries of the genus Monomorium , and can not be placed at present in existing Australian species-groups of Monomorium . Monomorium punctulatum sp. n. belongs to the Monomorium rubriceps species-group.  相似文献   
Macaca, comprising 20 well-characterized species, represents the largest and one of the most ecologically and socially diverse of all the nonhuman primate genera. We report the discovery of a macaque that is new to science from the high altitudes of western Arunachal Pradesh, a biodiversity-rich state in northeastern India. We propose the scientific name Macaca munzala and the vernacular name Arunachal macaque for the species. It shares morphological characteristics independently with the Assamese macaque (Macaca assamensis) and with the Tibetan macaque M. thibetana; like them, it appears to belong to the sinica species-group of the genus. However, the species is distinctive in relative tail length, which is intermediate between those of Tibetan and Western Assamese macaques, the subspecies with which it is sympatric. It is also unique in its altitudinal distribution, occurring largely at altitudes between 2000 and 3500 m. We provide a morphological characterization of the species, report preliminary data on its field biology and discuss possible taxonomic identity in relation to the other closely-related species of Macaca.*This paper is dedicated to Dr. A. J. T. Johnsingh for his immense contributions to the study and conservation of India’s wildlife and for being an inspiration to a whole generation of students.  相似文献   
李志强  LI Hou-Hun 《昆虫学报》2005,48(2):247-261
基于对世界柽麦蛾属昆虫外部形态和外生殖器的形态学研究,选择了66个性状演变系列,通过PAUP*4b10软件对柽麦蛾属51种昆虫进行了支序系统学分析。分析结果认为heluanensis种团并不是一个单系群,柽麦蛾属被重新作了7个种团的划分。在支序系统学分析的基础上,柽麦蛾属昆虫的14个地理分布区域等级关系被重建,显示出古地中海地区复杂的历史,同时说明在该属分布格局中扩散事件客观存在。  相似文献   
记述铠甲属一新种,微齿铠甲Micropeplus dentatus,sp.nov.,新种采自浙江省镇姚。新种鞘翅具两条盘脊,体表无刻点,但具革质刻纹,属于tesserula group。这是该类群在我国的第一次纪录。新种与日本种Micropeplus sharpi Sawada极为相似,新种中足胫节内缘具11个小齿与日本种的8个小齿明显不同。新种主要鉴别特征为:头顶中脊发达,鞘翅具伪缘折脊,中足胫节内缘具11个小齿。模式标本保藏在中国科学院动物研究所标本馆内。  相似文献   
讨论《国际动物命名法规》(简称《法规》)关于种级单元异物同名的处理及相关规定。以斧须隐翅虫亚科Oxyporinae的同名问题为例,笔者分析了属级单元名称变动对种级单元同名关系的影响。一些古老的属级单元有很长且比较复杂的分类历史,深入分析可将各类变化归纳为六类,其中三类与原同名有关,二类与后同名有关,余一类不再影响种级同名关系。文中讨论了第4版《法规》中与种级同名关系有关的若干重要变动,通过分析比较,说明《法规》的这类变动如何影响动物分类名称的稳定性与正确性。这些分析,可望有助于避免产生新的次同名,也有助于正确恰当地解决已有的同名问题。  相似文献   
The Chinese species of Coenosia tigrina species ‐ group of the genus Coenosia Meigen, 1826 are treated. One new species, C. albisquama sp. nov., and two new subspecies, C. attenuata brunnea subsp. nov. and C. strigipes bannaensis subsp. nov., are described. A key to Chinese species is given to seperate the species. The types specimens are deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University.  相似文献   
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