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ABSTRACT. An L-shaped auditory intemeuron (LI) has been recorded from extracellularly and intracellularly, and identified morphologically (by Lucifer yellow or cobalt injection) in the prothoracic ganglion of mature female Acheta domesticus. The morphology of the LI is very similar to ascending, prothoracic acoustic interneurons that are most sensitive to higher carrier frequencies in both A. domesticus and other gryllid species. Its terminations in the brain are similar to ascending acoustic interneurons found in other gryllids. The LI neuron is most sensitive to 4–5 kHz model calling songs (CSs), the main carrier frequency of the natural call. Thresholds to high frequencies (8–15 kHz) are 15–20 dB higher. Increasing CS intensities of up to 15 dB above threshold at 4–5 kHz result in increased firing rates by the LI. More than 15 dB increase in intensity causes saturation with little increase in spiking rate until the intensity surpasses 80 dB. In response to 70 dB or higher stimulus intensities, the LI responds to the second and third CS syllables with one or two spikes, pauses, and then produces a burst of nerve impulses with the same or greater latency than for lower intensity stimuli. In response to CS syllables of changing duration (10–30 ms) this neuron responds with a rather constant duration burst of impulses. Syllable periods of the CS stimuli were accurately encoded by the LI. Progressively stronger injection of hyperpolarizing current reduces, and ultimately stops spiking of the LI in response to CS stimuli. More intense stimulation with reduced hyperpolarization shows an initial spike, pause and burst of spikes. Intracellular recording from axonal regions of the neuron shows large spikes, small EPSPs and a developing hyperpolarization through the response to a CS chirp. Inhibitory input to the LI is demonstrated at 4.5, 8 and 16 kHz. This probably explains the specialized response characteristics of the LI which enhanced its encoding of CS syllable period.  相似文献   
The field cricket species, Gryllus firmusand G. pennsylvanicus,occur in a mosaic hybrid zone that roughly parallels the eastern slope of the Appalachian mountains in the northeastern United States. It is important to know what role, if any, the calling song plays in mate choice in sympatric and allopatric populations. In this report, we present results on the variability of calling song properties along transects across this hybrid zone. We also present the results of experiments on phonotactic selectivity of females from an allopatric population of G. firmus.The male calling song of allopatric G. firmuswas significantly slower in temporal rhythm (i. e., chirp and pulse repetition rates) and lower in pitch (i.e., dominant frequency) than that of allopatric G. pennsylvanicus.Calling song properties of males recorded in the hybrid zone varied considerably in temporal and spectral properties. In two-stimulus (choice) phonotaxis experiments, allopatric females of G. firmuspreferred synthetic calling songs with conspecific pulse repetition rates over songs that had lower and higher pulse rates. This preference persisted even when the sound pressure levels of alternative stimuli were unequal. Therefore, allopatric females of G. firmuscan discriminate between conspecific and heterospecific calling songs. Whether or not this same selectivity is present in sympatric populations remains unclear. Investigations of phonotactic selectivity in other allopatric and sympatric populations of both species are currently under way.  相似文献   
To determine whether gibbons discriminate among songs given by different groups, I conducted a series of experimental playbacks of recorded Bornean gibbon (Hylobates muelleri)duets. The gibbons did not respond differentially to their own, neighbors’, and strangers’ songs. Failure to show vocal discrimination may be due to factors associated with the experimental procedure or may indicate that there is no selective advantage gained by responding differentially under the playback circumstances.  相似文献   
Thorough examinations of purported cases of reproductive character displacement are critical for reaching an understanding of the role of reinforcement in the evolution of reproductive barriers between closely related species. In this paper, we report the results of an extensive investigation of male calling song variation in the ground crickets, Allonemobius fasciatus and A. socius. Contrary to the results of an earlier study, we uncovered little evidence of displacement of songs in areas of overlap. We discuss explanations for the lack of displacement as well as for the discrepancies between the results of the current study and those of the earlier study.  相似文献   
After being placed equidistant from playbacks of two computer-generated male calls, females of the katydidAmblycorypha parvipennis preferentially moved toward call phrases that were louder, longer, and leading (initiated without being overlapped by other call phrase endings). Because earlier tests with calling males had indicated that male mating success was related to these call parameters, we suggest that mating success is partly a result of female choice. Females also preferentially responded to the initial, rather than the latter, half of male phrases. Results of other tests suggested that females were responding to increased phonatome rate characteristic of the first half of the phrase. Males may compete to lead in order to prevent jamming of initial phrase information. Females also preferentially phonoresponded (ticked) in response to longer phrases. In earlier studies of male mating success and female phonotaxis using live males, male weight, sound level, and leading were intercorrelated; however, none of these parameters were correlated with phrase length. We suggest that females may respond to different call parameters under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   
We investigated cultural evolution in populations of common chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) in the Atlantic islands (Azores, Madeira, and Canaries) and neighboring continental regions (Morocco and Iberia) by employing a population-memetic approach. To quantify differentiation, we used the concept of a song meme, defined as a single syllable or a series of linked syllables capable of being transmitted. The levels of cultural differentiation are higher among the Canaries populations than among the Azorean ones, even though the islands are on average closer to each other geographically. This is likely the result of reduced levels of migration, lower population sizes, and bottlenecks (possibly during the colonization of these populations) in the Canaries; all these factors produce a smaller effective population size and therefore accentuate the effects of differentiation by random drift. Significant levels of among-population differentiation in the Azores, in spite of substantial levels of migration, attest to the differentiating effects of high mutation rates of memes, which allow the accumulation of new mutants in different populations before migration can disperse them throughout the entire region.  相似文献   
During a short field trip to the Special Reserve of Anjanaharibe-Sud in northeastern Madagascar, data concerning pelage coloration, behavior (especially vocalization), and ecology of indris were collected. Anjanaharibe-Sud is the northernmost locality of indri distribution. In comparison to the better-known indris from the southern part of their distribution, the indris in this region show different pelage coloration. Several types of loud vocalizations are analyzed, based on a small sample of tape recordings. Their song structure is more complicated than previously reported, containing distinct sequences of duetting. Data on behavior and ecology were collected by interviewing guides and local inhabitants. Some information contrasts with reports on the more southern indri populations. The conservation status of indris in Anjanaharibe-Sud and the future of the reserve are outlined.  相似文献   
In order to determine the critical period(s) during which estrogen alters sexually dimorphic behavior and neuroanatomy in zebra finches (Poephila guttata), nestlings were injected daily 20 μg estradiol benzoate (EB) during posthatching week 1, week 2, week 3, or weeks 1, 2, and 3. At 7 months of age, birds were implanted with testosterone propionate and tested with female partners for singing, dancing, and copulatory mounting. Brains were subsequently processed for morphometry, and the volumes of the song system nuclei HVC, area X, and RA and the soma sizes and densities of neurons in RA were determined. Males given EB during week 1 failed to mount. Females given EB during week 1 were fully masculinized with respect to dancing and RA neuron soma size and density, and were partially masculinized with respect to song nuclei volumes and singing. Treatment beginning after week 1 was ineffective or less effective for all measures. Only for RA neuron measures was treatment for all three weeks more effective than week 1 treatment. Thus the first post-hatching week is the most influential period of those tested for effects of exogenous estrogen on sexual differentiation in this species, and is a period during which both masculinization of females and demasculinization of males is possible. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Males of the planthopper Ribautodelphax imitanswere exposed to playbacks of either conspecific or heterospecific (R. imitantoides)female calls during their development from egg to adult, and thereafter these, as well as naive males,were offered a two- way choice between these calls. Males of all treatments approached the conspecific call significantly more often. However, males primed by the conspecific call chose the heterospecific call almost four times less often than did males primed by heterospecific calls or naive males, thus showing that the preference for conspecific calls can be partly learned. Males primed by heterospecific calls performed very similarly to completely naive males, suggesting that the signal recognition mechanism is much less sensitive to heterospecific calls than to conspecific calls. Males with experience of the conspecific female call tended to take more time to reach the call source in the trials than both other types of males. The evolutionary implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Male zebra finches normally learn their song from adult models during a restricted period of juvenile development. If song models are not available then, juveniles develop an isolate song which can be modified in adulthood. In this report we investigate the features of juvenile experience that underly the timing of song learning. Juvenile males raised in soundproof chambers or in visual isolation from conspecifics developed stable isolate song. However, whereas visual isolate song notes were similar to those of colony-reared males, soundproof chamber isolates included many phonologically abnormal notes in their songs. Despite having stable isolate songs, both groups copied new notes from tutors presented to them in adulthood (2.7 notes per bird for soundproof chamber isolates, 4.4 notes per bird for visual isolates). Old notes were often modified or eliminated. We infer that social interactions with live tutors are normally important for closing the sensitive period for song learning. Lesions of a forebrain nucleus (IMAN) had previously been shown to disrupt juvenile song learning, but not maintenance of adult song for up to 5 weeks after surgery. In this study, colony-reared adult males given bilateral lesions of IMAN retained all their song notes for up to 4–7.5 months after lesioning. However, similar lesions blocked all song note acquisition in adulthood by both visual and soundproof chamber isolates. Other work has shown that intact hearing is necessary for the maintenance of adult zebra finch song. We infer that auditory pathways used for song maintenance and acquisition differ: IMAN is necessary for auditorily guided song acquisition—whether by juveniles or adults—but not for adult auditorily guided song maintenance. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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