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Field observations of two sympatric pitheciine species reveal that the positional repertoire of the white-faced saki, Pithecia pithecia, is dominated by leaping behaviors, whereas the bearded saki, Chiropotes satanas, is predominantly quadrupedal. Examination and comparison of the postcranial skeletal morphologies and limb proportions of these species display numerous features associated with their respective locomotor behaviors. These observations accord with associations found in other primate and mammalian groups and with predictions based on theoretical and experimental biomechanics. Preliminary observations of the skeletal morphology of Cacajao calvus demonstrate a marked similarity to that of Chiropotes. The fossil platyrrhine Cebupithecia sarmientoi displays greater similarity to Pithecia, suggesting that its positional repertoire also included significant leaping and clinging behaviors.  相似文献   

The antioxidant effects of ellagic acid (EA) and hesperidin (HES) against skeletal muscle ischemia/reperfusion injury (I/R) were performed. Hindlimb ischemia has been induced by tourniquet occlusion for 2?h on left hindlimb. At the end of ischemia, the tourniquate has been removed and initiated reperfusion for 2?h. EA (100?mg/kg) has been applied orally before ischemia/reperfusion in the EA?+?I/R group. HES (100?mg/kg) has been given orally in the HES?+?I/R group. The left gastrocnemius muscle has been harvested and stored immediately at??80?°C until assessed for the levels of MDA and antioxidant enzymes activities. MDA level has statistically increased in I/R group (p?<?0.05) compared to other groups. The muscle tissue antioxidant enzymes activities were lower than the other groups in the I/R group (p?<?0.05). EA and HES treatments significantly reversed the damage level in I/R, also activity of tissue SOD increased in the EA?+?I/R and HES?+?I/R groups.  相似文献   
Muscle fine structure reflects ecotype in two nototheniids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fine structure of swimming (pectoral) and myotomal (axial) skeletal muscle and myocardium of two species of Antarctic nototheniid fishes were studied by electron microscopy, comparing the cryopelagic Pagothenia borchgrevinki and the benthic Trematomus bernacchii . Mean fibre size varied by a factor of four among muscles within each species and may have reflected the locomotory power available, being larger in pectoral oxidative (red) and axial glycolytic (white) muscle of P. borchgrevinki . Both species use labriform locomotion, and the more active P. borchgrevinki had a greater capillary supply, expressed as a capillary to fibre ratio, than T. bernacchii to both red (3·48 ± 0·36 v . 1·63 ± 0·14, mean ±  s . e .; P  < 0·01) and white (2·70 ± 0·20 v . 1·53 ± 0·18, mean ±  s . e .; P  < 0·01) regions of the pectoral musculature. The greater aerobic scope of P. borchgrevinki was strikingly demonstrated in the higher mitochondrial content of all skeletal muscle types sampled, and the ventricular myocardium (0·269 ± 0·011 v . 0·255 ± 0·012 mean ±  s . e .; P  < 0·05). Minor differences were found in other elements of fibre composition, with the exception of a five‐fold greater lipid content in pectoral red fibres of P. borchgrevinki (0·074 ± 0·014 mean ±  s . e .) v . T. bernacchii (0·010 ± 0·003; P  < 0·05). Differences in muscle fine structure among species clearly reflected differences in their ecotype.  相似文献   
The uptake of two different preparations of99mTechnetium-methylene diphosphonate in fetal rat calvaria is compared. The localization of99mTc after administration of99mTc(Sn)-MDP and99mTc-MDP showed equal distribution in autoradiography.  相似文献   
Troponin is a ternary protein complex consisting of subunits TnC. TnI, and TnT, and plays a key role in calcium regulation of the skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction. In the present study, a partial complex (CI47) was prepared from Escherichia coli-expressed rabbit skeletal muscle TnC and fragment 1-47 of TnI, which is obtained by chemical cleavage of an E. coli-expressed mutant of rabbit skeletal muscle TnI. Within the ternary troponin complex, CI47 is thought to form a core that is resistant to proteolytic digestion, and the interaction within CI47 likely maintains the integrity of the troponin complex. Complex CI47 was crystallized in the presence of sodium citrate. The addition of trehalose improved the diffraction pattern of the crystals substantially. The crystal lattice belongs to the space group P3(1)(2)21, with unit cell dimensions a = b = 48.2 A, c = 162 A. The asymmetric unit presumably contains one CI47 complex. Soaking with p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (PCMBS) resulted in loss of isomorphism, but enhanced the quality of the crystals. The crystals diffracted up to 2.3 A resolution, with completeness of 91% and R(merge) = 6.4%. The crystals of PCMBS-derivative should be suitable for X-ray studies using the multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction technique. This is the first step for elucidating the structure of the full troponin complex.  相似文献   
Summary Four monoclonal antibodies against the calcium ATPase in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of rabbit fast-twitch skeletal muscle were characterized using SDS-PAGE, Western blots and immunofluorescence. The ultrastructural distribution of the antigens was determined using post-embedding immunolabeling. The antibodies recognized the calcium ATPase in the SR but not in transverse (T-) tubule or plasma membranes. The antibody, D12, had the same binding affinity for the calcium ATPase from fast-twitch (rabbit sternomastoid) and slow-twitch (rabbit soleus) fibers and the affinity fell by 30% after fixation for electron microscopy in both types of muscle fiber. Ultrastructural studies revealed that the density of D12 antibody binding to the terminal cisternae membrane of extensor digitorum longus (edl) and sternomastoid fibers was on average seven times greater than in the slow-twitch soleus and semimembranosus fibers. Since the affinity of the ATPase for the antibody was the same in SR from fast- and slow-twitch muscles, the concentration of calcium ATPase in the terminal cisternae membrane of fast-twitch fibers was seven times greater than in slow-twitch fibers. This conclusion was supported by the fact that the concentration of calcium ATPase in light SR membranes was six times greater in SR from fast-twitch fibers than in SR from slow-twitch fibers. The results provide strong evidence that the different calcium accumulation rates in mammalian fast- and slow-twitch muscles are due to different concentrations of calcium ATPase molecules in the SR membrane.  相似文献   
Summary Fractionation of rabbit skeletal muscle cytosol on Aminohexyl-Sepharose has resulted in the identification of a latent ATP, Mg-dependent protein phosphatase whose catalytic subunit is in the active conformation, but is inhibited by the presence of more than one modulator unit. The partially purified enzyme is converted to an inactive, kinase FA-dependent form upon incubation at 30°C unless modulator-specific polyclonal antibodies are added to the preparation. The immunoglobulins also relieve the inhibition which is responsible for the low basal phosphatase activity of the enzyme, and they counteract all of the heat-stable inhibitor activity present in the preparation. Addition of free catalytic subunit abolishes the inhibition of the latent enzyme in a dose-dependent way, but cannot prevent the inactivation process. The inactivated phosphatase and the original latent enzyme exhibit the same apparent M r in sucrose density-gradient centrifugation (70 000) and in gel filtration (110 000).Abbreviations PMSF Phenylmethanesulphonyl Fluoride - TLCK L-l-chloro-3-(4-tosylamido)-7-amino2-heptanone-hydrochloride - TPCK L-l-chloro-3-(4-tosvlamido)-4-phenyl-2-butanone  相似文献   
Skeletal muscle triads are possessing the whole set of enzymes of the phosphatidylinositol (PI)-linked signal generating pathway, PI-kinase, PI(4)P-kinase, and PI(4,5)P2-phospholipase C (PLC). The activities of these enzymes are comparable to those found in other cell types for which a functional role of the PI-pathway in intracellular signal transduction has been established. For skeletal muscle an unequivocal function and an initiating signal for Ins(1,4,5)P3-liberation is still unknown. However, the observed Ca-dependency of PLC activity suggests that here Ins(1,4,5)P3 production is a consequence rather than a cause of increasing cytosolic Ca2+. Recently, the glycolytic enzyme aldolase, whose activity can be modulated by inositol polyphosphates, has been localized in the triadic structure. The enzyme which has a high affinity to Ins(1,4)P2, Ins(1,4,5)P3 and Ins(1,3,4,5)P4, seems to be compartmentalized to the junctional foot structure from which it is released upon binding of these molecules. This phenomenon could reflect a capability for regulation of the glycolytic flux even for aldolase, especially if a non steady-state situation in the junctional gap is considered. Meanwhile we have accumulated evidence for the operation of a partial glycolytic sequence in the junctional region established by the enzymes aldolase, glyceraldehyde-3-P (GAP) dehydrogenase and phosphoglycerate kinase. This system is able to produce ATP upon oxidation of GAP and could be, because of the inositol polyphosphate-sensing abilities of aldolase, a target for the membrane associated PI-pathway. The ATP production is however transient which indicates the coupling to an ATP hydrolyzing reaction. Thus, it appears that the ATP produced by the membrane associated system is effectively utilized by an ATP consuming membrane localized system like PI-metabolism or protein kinases. There are indications that exogeneously added ATP does not equilibrate with the ATP synthesized in the junctional region which suggests an effective structural or kinetical compartmentalization of this system. Therefore it is hypothesized that the ATP synthesized by the membrane associated glycolytic sequence is utilized in membrane localized reactions.  相似文献   
Summary A tissue culture system has been developed which can mechanically stimulate cells growing on a highly elastic plastic substratum in a 24-well cell growth chamber. The collagen-coated substratum to which the cells attach and grow in the Mechanical Cell Stimulator (Model I) can be repetitively stretched and relaxed by stepper motor with linear accuracy of 30 μm. The activity controlling unit is an Apple IIe computer interfaced with the cell growth chamber via optical data links and is capable of simulating many of the mechanical activity patterns that cells are subjected to in vivo. Primary avian skeletal myoblasts proliferate and fuse into multinucleated myotubes in this set-up in a manner similar to normal tissue culture dishes. Under static culture conditions, the muscle cells differentiate into networks of myotubes which show little orientation. Growing the proliferating muscle cells on a unidirectional stretching substratum causes the developing myotubes to orient parallel to the direction of movement. In contrast, growing the cells on a substratum undergoing continuous stretch-relaxation cycling orients the developing myotubes perpendicular to the direction of movement. Neither type of mechanical activity significantly affects the rate of cell proliferation of the rate of myoblast fusion into myotubes. These results indicate that during in vivo skeletal muscle organogenesis, when substantial mechanical stresses are placed on skeletal muscle cells by both continuous bone elongation and by spontaneous contractions, only bone elongation plays a significant role in proper fiber orientation for subsequent functional work. Supported by grants NS16753, AR36266, and RR05818 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were treated with 17- estradiol to induce vitellogenin synthesis in liver. This led to an increase in liver wet weight and total DNA. After incubation with micrococcal nuclease (EC less soluble chromatin was obtained from nuclei of the estradiol treated than the control fish, but active gene regions were solubilized by the nuclease. Thus, in the estradiol treated fish soluble mononucleosomes contained hybridizable vitellogenin gene sequences. As a result of estradiol treatment the content in total liver of putrescine rose 3-fold, that of spermidine 2-fold, while spermine was unchanged. In muscle no significant changes were observed. The regulatory functions of polyamines during gene expression were investigated by binding (14C)spermine to isolated liver nuclei depleted of endogenous polyamines. The number of binding sites was higher in nuclei of estradiol treated than control fish. (14C)spermine associated preferentially with micrococcal nuclease insensitive chromatin. Thus, the high content of putrescine and spermidine in liver supported the view of polyamine accumulation in proliferating tissues. The preferential binding to condensed chromatin indicated a stabilizing effect of polyamines on the organization of inactive chromatin structures.Abbreviations MNase micrococcal nuclease - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride  相似文献   
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