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严艳  葛淼 《生物数学学报》2001,16(4):500-504
运用相关分析和回归分析的方法,研究了老年前期人红细胞压积参考值与地理因素的关系,结果表明海拔高度是影响红细胞压积参考值最主要的因素。  相似文献   
目的 探究长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)ZNF667-AS1通过靶向miR-31-5p对食管癌细胞增殖和迁移的影响及潜在的机制.方法 采用实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)技术检测ZNF667-AS1在食管癌细胞Eca109、EC1、TE1和正常食管上皮细胞Het-1A的表达水平,并选择表达差异最大的细胞株进行后续实验....  相似文献   
鼎湖山植被演替过程中椎栗和荷木种群的动态   总被引:31,自引:5,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
 森林群落的演替过程,是以各优势种群的动态为其表现特征的。本项研究系统地研究了鼎湖山森林植被演替过程各优势种群的动态。本文研究演替顶极建群种椎栗和荷木等阳生性种群的动态,结果表明其生态位宽度在演替过程中由入侵针叶林起逐渐开始增大,至阳生性为优势常绿阔叶树阶段时为最大,此后渐渐下降,但不会下降为零。在其演变过程中,这些阳生性的种群格局由集群分布演变为趋于随机分布;其与早期先锋种马尾松树种的生态位宽度重叠值和种间联结值由高向低转变,而与中生性树种却有较高的生态位重叠值和种间联结值,但这两方面的值在后期有减弱的趋向。这些结果一方面说明该种群的先锋特性,另一方面也说明由于成熟群落的循环更新使群落结构出现不均匀与镶嵌,使这些阳生性先锋种群 在演替的后期仍以一定数量存在。  相似文献   
Cellular signal transduction and the reversal of malignancy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Animal cells contain only a few defined molecular systems that transduce hormonal and growth signals from the external environment to the intracellular milieu to regulate cellular growth and differentiation. Among the most ubiquitous of these "second messenger" pathways are those utilizing cyclic AMP and phosphatidylinositide turnover. The former activates protein kinase A, while the latter leads to the activation of protein kinase C and mobilization of intracellular calcium. Lesions induced by oncogenes in signal transduction systems may be responsible for the cancerous transformation of cells. In many tumor cell lines, including some transformed by the ras and sis oncogenes, activation of protein kinase A by elevation of cyclic AMP or activation of protein kinase C by addition of phorbol esters can restore many normal aspects of growth and morphology. Such "reverse transformation" is accompanied by the phosphorylation of unique cellular proteins and alterations in the phosphoinositide cycle. Molecular mechanisms by which activation of signal transduction systems can attenuate the malignant phenotype are considered in the context of cellular growth and differentiation.  相似文献   
郭柯 《植物生态学报》2000,24(4):385-390
 千金榆(Carpinus cordata var.chinensis)和千筋树(Carpinus fargesiana)是四川省北部山地水青冈林中的两种主要落叶阔叶树。两种植物种子萌发和幼苗生存与生长的实验研究结果显示:千金榆种子秋季成熟落地后有一年多的休眠期,种子主要在落地后的第二和第三个生长季萌发;千筋树种子成熟落地后有的可在来年萌发,但大部分是在第二个生长季萌发;由于每2~3年两种树就有一个较大的结实年,每年都会有一些新的幼苗在林中出土;尽管两种树是耐荫的,但幼苗在较好光照条件下(如林窗)生存和生长明显好于在林冠遮荫的地方;施肥会加速幼苗的死亡,特别是在阴暗的林下,但在光照较好的条件下能促进幼苗的生长。结果说明两种鹅耳枥的幼苗可以在林下持续存在,但只有在较好的光照条件下,如稀疏的林冠下或林窗下才会有明显的净生长。  相似文献   
Wei W  Wen L  Huang P  Zhang Z  Chen Y  Xiao A  Huang H  Zhu Z  Zhang B  Lin S 《Cell research》2008,18(6):677-685
Growth factor independence 1 (GFI1) is important for maturation of mammalian lymphocytes and neutrophils and maintenance of adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). The role of GFI1 in embryonic hematopoiesis is less well characterized. Through an enhancer trap screen and bioinformatics analysis, we identified a zebrafish homolog of Gill (named grill) and analyzed its function during embryonic development. Expression of both an endogenous griLl gene and a GFP reporter gene inserted near its genomic locus was detected in hematopoietic cells of zebrafish embryos. Morpholino (MO) knockdown of gill.1 reduced expression of scl, Imo2, c-myb, mpo, ragl, gatal and hemoglobin alpha embryonic-1 (hbael), as well as the total amount of embryonic hemoglobin, but increased expression ofpu.1 and l-plastin. Under the same conditions, MO injection did not affect the markers involved in vascular and pronephric development. Conversely, overexpression of gill.1 via mRNA injection enhanced expression ofgatal but inhibited expression ofpu.1. These findings suggest that Gill.1 plays a critical role in regulating the balance of embryonic erythroid and myeloid lineage determination, and is also required for the differentiation of lymphocytes and granulocytes during zebrafish embryogenesis.  相似文献   
目的:针对当前国内生物材料市场仍被大量国外产品占据这一现状,从发明专利角度识别纳米生物材料领内现存的技术机会,旨在服务企业及研究机构更好地开展技术创新活动.方法:应用词频分析及共词分析法,借助信息可视化工具揭示同类别(共有材料、性能、技术和产品等4大类)及不同类别词汇间的关联关系.结果:据共词图谱结果并结合文献调研及专家咨询,发现了某些材料(如聚乳酸、纳米银、磁性纳米粒子等)、技术的新应用及其变化情况和具有潜在整合价值的技术、材料及其性能等,并从中总结出一些技术机会识别视角.结论:在实际的技术机会识别过程中,必须综合利用各种类型的科技文献信息资,并且要意识到领专家智慧的重要性.  相似文献   
中国蔓藓科两新种和五新分布种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道我国蔓藓科植物2新种:云南灰气藓Aerobryopsis yunnanensis X.J.Li et D.C.Zhang,sp.nov.芒叶灰气藓Aerobryopsis aristifolia X.J.Li,S.H.Wu et D.C.Zhang,sp.nov.以及5个新记录:波叶毛扭藓Aerobryidium crispifolium (Broth.et Geh.)Fleisch,ex Broth,膜叶灰气藓Aerobryopsis membranacea(Mitt.Broth.纤细灰气藓Aerobryopsis subleptostigmata Broth.et Par.,卷叶悬藓Barbella convolvens(Mitt.)Broth,斯氏悬藓Barbella stevensii(Ren.et Card.)Fleisch.ex Broth.  相似文献   
Although soluble sugar levels affect many aspects of plant development and physiology, little is known about the mechanisms by which plants respond to sugar. Here we report the isolation of 13 sugar-insensitive (sis) mutants of Arabidopsis that, unlike wild-type plants, are able to form expanded cotyledons and true leaves when germinated on media containing high concentrations of glucose or sucrose. The sis4 and sis5 mutants are allelic to the ABA-biosynthesis mutant aba2 and the ABA-insensitive mutant abi4, respectively. In addition to being insensitive to glucose and sucrose, the sis4/aba2 and sis5/abi4 mutants also display decreased sensitivity to the inhibitory effects of mannose on early seedling development. Mutations in the ABI5 gene, but not mutations in the ABI1, ABI2 or ABI3 genes, also lead to weak glucose- and mannose-insensitive phenotypes. Wild-type and mutant plants show similar responses to the effects of exogenous sugar on chlorophyll and anthocyanin accumulation, indicating that the mutants are not defective in all sugar responses. These results indicate that defects in ABA metabolism and some, but not all, defects in ABA response can also alter response to exogenous sugar.  相似文献   
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