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The formation of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) during redox cycling of newly synthesized potential antitumor 2,5-bis (1-aziridinyl)-1,4-benzoquinone (BABQ) derivatives has been studied by assaying the production of ROI (superoxide, hydroxyl radical, and hydrogen peroxide) by xanthine oxidase in the presence of BABQ derivatives. At low concentrations (< 10 microM) some BABQ derivatives turned out to inhibit the production of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals by xanthine oxidase, while the effect on the xanthine-oxidase-induced production of hydrogen peroxide was much less pronounced. Induction of DNA strand breaks by reactive oxygen species generated by xanthine oxidase was also inhibited by BABQ derivatives. The DNA damage was comparable to the amount of hydroxyl radicals produced. The inhibiting effect on hydroxyl radical production can be explained as a consequence of the lowered level of superoxide, which disrupts the Haber-Weiss reaction sequence. The inhibitory effect of BABQ derivatives on superoxide formation correlated with their one-electron reduction potentials: BABQ derivatives with a high reduction potential scavenge superoxide anion radicals produced by xanthine oxidase, leading to reduced BABQ species and production of hydrogen peroxide from reoxidation of reduced BABQ. This study, using a unique series of BABQ derivatives with an extended range of reduction potentials, demonstrates that the formation of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals by bioreductively activated antitumor quinones can in principle be uncoupled from alkylating activity.  相似文献   
W Ferro 《Mutation research》1985,149(3):399-408
We investigated larval sensitivity to UV and repair of UV- and X-ray-induced lesions in the DNA of the ebony strain compared to a wild-type strain (Canton S). The ebony strain was previously characterized as being more sensitive to UV-induced killing of embryos than Canton S. Also the ebony strain is more sensitive to X-rays for induction of larval killing, dominant lethals and recessive lethals. In this paper it is demonstrated that (1) ebony larvae are more sensitive to killing by UV and less proficient in photoreactivation (PR) ability than Canton S larvae; (2) the ebony strain has a defect in PR repair of endonuclease-sensitive sites induced in the DNA of primary cell cultures by UV irradiation; (3) the ebony strain has a defect in the repair of single-strand breaks induced in the DNA by X-rays (again in primary cell cultures), at least early on in the repair incubation. A rough localization of the UV sensitivity and the PR ability is presented and the possible relevance of the biochemical to the genetic results is discussed.  相似文献   
This work describes a neutral and alkaline elution method for measuring DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs), DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), and DNA-DNA crosslinks in rat testicular germ cells after treatments in vivo or in vitro with both chemical mutagens and gamma-irradiation. The methods depend upon the isolation of testicular germ cells by collagenase and trypsin digestion, followed by filtration and centrifugation. 137Cs irradiation induced both DNA SSBs and DSBs in germ cells held on ice in vitro. Irradiation of the whole animal indicated that both types of DNA breaks are induced in vivo and can be repaired. A number of germ cell mutagens induced either DNA SSBs, DSBs, or cross-links after in vivo and in vitro dosing. These chemicals included methyl methane sulfonate, ethyl methane sulfonate, ethyl nitrosurea, dibromochlorpropane, ethylene dibromide, triethylene melamine, and mitomycin C. These results suggest that the blood-testes barrier is relatively ineffective for these mutagens, which may explain in part their in vivo mutagenic potency.This assay should be a useful screen for detecting chemical attack upon male germ-cell DNA and thus, it should help in the assessment of the mutagenic risk of chemicals. In addition, this approach can be used to study the processes of SSB, DSB, and crosslink repair in DNA of male germ cells, either from all stages or specific stages of development.Abbreviations DBCP dibromochlorpropane - DSB(s) DNA double-strand break(s) - EDB ethylene dibromide - EMS ethyl methane sulfonate - ENU ethyl nitrosurea - MC mitomycin C - MMS methyl methane sulfonate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SSB (s) DNA single-strand break(s) - TEM triethylene melamine - UDS unscheduled DNA synthesis  相似文献   
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers designed to amplify the octapeptide repeat region of the bovine prion gene were used to test the association of genotypes with bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE) in 56 BSE-affected and 177 unaffected animals. Three alleles (A, B, C) were detected as single-strand conformation polymorphisms (SSCPs) and two alleles (1,2 representing six or five copies of the octapeptide repeat respectively) were detected as amplified double-strand fragment length polymorphisms (AMFLPs). Observed genotypes of SSCPs and AMFLPs were analysed by x-square. The SSCP genotypes of nuclear family members of animals with BSE and BSE-affected animals were different (P < 0.001, P < 0.01) from unrelated animals of the same breed without BSE. No genotypic differences were found between the BSE-affected animals and their relatives (P > 0.469). No AMFLP genotypic differences were detected between BSE-affected animals, their relatives, unrelated animals of the same breed or animals of different breeds (P > 0.05). These data suggest that BSE-affected animals and their relatives are more likely to have the AA SSCP genotype than unrelated animals of the same breed or animals of different breeds.  相似文献   
非同位素PCR-单链构象多态性技术的建立和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PCR-单链构象多态性技术问世以来,成为研究基因突变的工具,特别是在分子肿瘤学研究中,广泛应用于癌基因,抑癌基因突变的研究,常规PCR-SSCP采用同位素标记PCR产物,测序板电泳分离突变,在操作和费用上有种种局限,文章建立了一种非同位素PCR-SSCP技术;通过不对称PCR获得单链,普通PAGE分离,经银染检出突变,用这种方法,还研究了四株鼻咽癌细胞株CNE1,CNE2,HK1和SUNE1中肿瘤  相似文献   
Near-ultraviolet (NUV) radiation killing of Escherichia coli K-12 can be enhanced by a sub-lethal concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This can be divided into a “RecA-dependent” and “RecA-independent” synergistic killing action. Stationary phase wild-type and 8 closely related repair-deficient mutants were examined for their NUV sensitivities in the presence and absence of H2O2. All exhibited the “RecA-independent” synergism; i.e., H2O2 enhanced NUV lethality when RecA repair was not operating. The “RecA-independent” synergism did not result from destruction of repair enzymes. Very few DNA—protein crosslinks could be detected following NUV plus H2O2 treatment. However, double-strand (DS) DNA breaks were produced, apparently by conversion of closely spaced single-strand (SS) breaks on opposite strands. The correlation between DS-break formation and lethality in wild-type and a polA mutant indicates that the RecA-independent synergistic killing results from the conversion of SS into lethal DS breaks.  相似文献   
分离自冬虫夏草可培养真菌的多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
冬虫夏草是生长于青藏高原的一种名贵中药材。天然冬虫夏草及其微环境中生活着多种真菌。作者使用常规分离培养方法对冬虫夏草的真菌区系进行研究。从天然冬虫夏草的子座、菌核和菌膜3个部位共分离到572个真菌菌株,并根据形态特征将大部分菌株鉴定到37个不同的属。这些菌株经SSCP(single-strand conformation polymorphism)分析后,再根据nrDNAITS序列的相似性(以97%为阈值)共区分出92种不同的分类单元(operational taxonomic unit,OTU)。其中,属于子囊菌的菌株数及OTU数均比接合菌和担子菌多。从菌膜分离的菌株数及OTU数都明显多于子座和菌核。分离自子座的优势真菌是产黄青霉Penicillium chrysogenum,而分离自菌核和菌膜的优势真菌均为玫红假裸囊菌Pseudogymnoascus roseus。尚未最终鉴定的部分真菌可能为新的真菌物种。  相似文献   
SRY盒基因在斑马鱼和胡子鲇中的保守性分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本文采用人类SRY基因探针,与EcoRI消化的中国的胡子鲇(Clarias fusc us)和美国的斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)基因组DNA进行了Southern印迹杂交分析。首次在这两种鱼中发现了SRY盒基因及其存在特征;在斑马鱼中发现了明显的限制性片段长度多态性; 并深入分析了SRY盒基因的进化保守性。 Abstract:Using,Southern bloting analysis,EcoRI-digested genomic DNA from Clarias fuscus and Brachydanio rerio were hybridizae to human SRY probe.Hybridization occurred in both male and female of the two species.RFLP associated with SRY-box genes was observed in Brachydanio rerio.The conservation of SRY-box genes was analysed.  相似文献   
DNA damage created by endogenous or exogenous genotoxic agents can exist in multiple forms, and if allowed to persist, can promote genome instability and directly lead to various human diseases, particularly cancer, neurological abnormalities, immunodeficiency and premature aging. To avoid such deleterious outcomes, cells have evolved an array of DNA repair pathways, which carry out what is typically a multiple-step process to resolve specific DNA lesions and maintain genome integrity. To fully appreciate the biological contributions of the different DNA repair systems, one must keep in mind the cellular context within which they operate. For example, the human body is composed of non-dividing and dividing cell types, including, in the brain, neurons and glial cells. We describe herein the molecular mechanisms of the different DNA repair pathways, and review their roles in non-dividing and dividing cells, with an eye toward how these pathways may regulate the development of neurological disease.  相似文献   
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