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Two series of amino-modified silicate gels prepared by sol-gel processing were used to absorb Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Mn(II) and Cr(III) from aqueous solutions. These easily prepared sorbents with various content of primary amino groups in series (A) or primary and secondary amino groups in series (AA) have reasonable stability. The gel composition, time and concentration dependence of the uptake of the metal ions by these materials were studied systematically. These materials would be further used as supports to disperse catalytically active phases by conventional wet chemical procedures. Apart from this they demonstrate potential for the preconcentration aid for transition metal analysis.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in the phytoplankton at four depths off Tema, Ghana were investigated between September 1973 and November 1974. The physico-chemical factors show that there are two marine seasons, the season of major upwelling (July–October), characterized by low water temperatures (< 25°C), high salinity (> 35) and high nutrient levels, and a non-upwelling period (November–June) when water temperatures are higher and salinity and nutrients are lower. The latter marine season is broken by a small, unpredictable upwelling (December-January). Phytoplankton cell counts are high (> 1000 × 103 cells/1) during the major upwelling period and can be very low (< 2 × 103 cells/1) during the non-upwelling period. Dinoflagellates form the main components of the phytoplankton population during the nonupwelling period and diatoms form the dominant components at other times. There is a close relationship between the physicochemical factors and the phytoplankton population especially during the major upwelling period. For example there is a good correspondence between the peaks in phytoplankton numbers and low levels of nutrients such as silicate, nitrate and phosphate with the reverse taking place at other times.  相似文献   
施硅对增温稻田CH4和N2O排放的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘燕  娄运生  杨蕙琳  周东雪 《生态学报》2020,40(18):6621-6631
夜间增温幅度大于白天是气候变暖的显著特征。夜间增温影响水稻生产及CH4和N2O排放。硅是作物有益元素,施硅可提高产量,减少稻田CH4排放。增温或施硅单因子对稻田CH4和N2O排放影响已有报道,但二者耦合如何影响水稻生产及稻田CH4和N2O排放,尚不清楚。通过田间模拟试验,研究了夜间增温下施硅对水稻生长、产量及温室气体持续增温/冷却潜势和排放强度的影响。采用铝箔反光膜夜间(19:00-6:00)覆盖水稻冠层进行模拟夜间增温试验。增温设2水平,即常温对照(CK)和夜间增温(NW);施硅量设2水平,即Si0(不施硅)和Si1(钢渣硅肥,200 kgSiO2/ha)。结果表明,施硅可缓解夜间增温对水稻根系活力的抑制作用,降低夜间增温对水稻地上部、地下部干重和产量的抑制作用。夜间增温显著提高CH4累计排放量,而施硅显著降低CH4累计排放量。夜间增温下施硅处理稻田CH4累计排放量在分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗-扬花期和灌浆成熟期比未施硅处理分别低48.12%、49.16%、61.59%和39.13%。夜间增温或施硅均促进稻田N2O排放,夜间增温下施硅在上述生育期以及全生育期的累计排放量依次比对照高78.17%、51.45%、52.01%、26.14%和40.70%。研究认为,施硅可缓解夜间增温对稻田综合增温潜势和排放强度的促进作用。  相似文献   
BackgroundThis study aimed to track the toxic ions released by MTA Fillapex, BioRoot RCS, and an experimental tricalcium silicate-based sealer (CEO) into local and distant tissues as well as to investigate their potential adverse effects. In addition, the chemical constituents of the sealers were also evaluated. The main components of the dry powders, pastes, and mixed sealers were characterized.Material and methodsDry powder and sealer discs were each set for 72 h and their main components were characterized by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Polyethylene tubes filled with sealers were used to measure silicon and calcium ions. Polyethylene tubes filled with sealers or empty tubes were implanted into the dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats. On days 7, 15, 30, and 45, the animals were euthanized and their brains, livers, kidneys, and subcutaneous tissues were removed and processed to determine the concentrations of chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, iron, magnesium and nickel using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer.ResultsThe main compounds in all sealers were carbon, oxygen, silicon, and calcium. MTA Fillapex release more Si while highest levels of Si were found in presence of BioRoot. The release of Si and Ca ions promoted by MTA Fillapex raise by time. No traces of cobalt, chromium, or magnesium were detected in any tissue. Irrespective of the sealer, no traces of copper and lead were found in the subcutaneous tissue; however, they were observed in the organs. The highest concentration of iron was identified in the liver. All sealers exhibited similar nickel traces in the brain, kidney, and liver except for MTA Fillapex, which demonstrated levels higher than CEO in the subcutaneous tissue on day 7. Tracing nickel ions over time revealed that lowest concentrations were found in subcutaneous tissue.ConclusionTaken together, our data demonstrate that CEOs have chemical compositions similar to those of other commercial sealers. Furthermore, none of them exhibited a threat to systemic health. Moreover, the minimal amounts of iron and nickel detected were not related to the sealers.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted using completely randomized designs to study the bioavailability of Si from three sources to growing rats and turkeys fed semipurified diets. The basal diets were dextrose-egg albumin for rats and dextrose-casein for turkeys. The Si sources were tetraethylorthosilicate (TES), sodium silicate (NaSil), and sodium zeolite A (NaZA). Rats and turkeys were supplemented at 500 and 270 ppm Si, respectively, from each source. A control group of unsupplemented rats and turkeys was included in each experiment. In general, irrespective of Si source, Si supplementation slowed (p < 0.05 orp < 0.01) growth rates in both rats and turkeys. Although dietary Si supplementation reduced (p < 0.05) plasma Mg levels and liver Zn concentrations in rats, it increased (p < 0.05) plasma P and reduced (p < 0.05) plasma Cu levels in turkeys. Rats on TES had significantly slower (p < 0.05 orp < 0.01) growth rates (5–10%) than those on NaSil or NaZA. In rats, NaZA and TES reduced (p < 0.05) hemoglobin concentrations and plasma Zn, respectively. However, plasma Mg levels were higher (p < 0.05) in TES than NaSil-or NaZA-fed rats. The source of the dietary Si did not affect (p < 0.05) the organ weights of rats and their mineral concentrations. Turkeys on TES diets grew at a significantly faster (p < 0.05) rate (15%) than those on NaSil or NaZA diets during the first 2 wk of experimentation. However, after 4 wk, there were no significant (p > 0.05) differences in growth between the Si sources. In turkeys, NaZA increased (p < 0.05) hematocrit levels and plasma Mg levels. Turkeys on NaZA diets had larger (p < 0.05) hearts and livers than those on NaSil but not TES. Liver Mn content was higher (p < 0.05) in turkeys on NaSil than TES or NaZA. Heart Zn was lower (p < 0.05) in turkeys on NaSil than TES, but not NaZA.  相似文献   
To prepare an immobilized protease with a high activity for transesterification of vinyl n-butyrate with 3-methyl-1-butanol (isoamyl alcohol) in organic media, a protease was entrapped into organic–inorganic hybrid silica gel on Celite 545 by the sol-gel method. When propyltrimethoxysilane was used as the organic silane precursor mixed with tetramethoxysilane at a molar ratio of 16:1, the hybrid gel-entrapped protease on Celite 545 had 8 times the activity of the protease deposited on Celite 545 from 35 to 85°C.  相似文献   
Forested ecosystems diversified more than 350 Ma to become major engines of continental silicate weathering, regulating the Earth''s atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by driving calcium export into ocean carbonates. Our field experiments with mature trees demonstrate intensification of this weathering engine as tree lineages diversified in concert with their symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi. Preferential hyphal colonization of the calcium silicate-bearing rock, basalt, progressively increased with advancement from arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) to later, independently evolved ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi, and from gymnosperm to angiosperm hosts with both fungal groups. This led to ‘trenching’ of silicate mineral surfaces by AM and EM fungi, with EM gymnosperms and angiosperms releasing calcium from basalt at twice the rate of AM gymnosperms. Our findings indicate mycorrhiza-driven weathering may have originated hundreds of millions of years earlier than previously recognized and subsequently intensified with the evolution of trees and mycorrhizas to affect the Earth''s long-term CO2 and climate history.  相似文献   
Two kinds of layer silicate powder, Micromica and chlorite, were used to aid protein crystallization by the addition to hanging drops. Using appropriate crystallization buffers, Micromica powder facilitated crystal growth speed for most proteins tested in this study. Furthermore, the addition of Micromica powder to hanging drops allowed the successful crystallization of lysozyme, catalase, concanavalin A, and trypsin even at low protein concentrations and under buffer conditions that otherwise would not generate protein crystals. Except for threonine synthase and apoferritin, the presence of chlorite delayed crystallization but induced the formation of large crystals. X-ray analysis of thaumatin crystals generated by our novel procedure gave better quality data than did that of crystals obtained by a conventional hanging drop method. Our results suggest that the speed of crystal growth and the quality of the corresponding X-ray data may be inversely related, at least for the formation of thaumatin crystals. The effect of Micromica and chlorite powders and the application of layer silicate powder for protein crystallization are discussed.  相似文献   
Soluble alkali silicate glasses, liquids and powders are an important class of primary synthetic chemicals and are produced in large quantities both in Europe and world-wide. They are utilised in a broad range of application fields, both industrial and domestic, including detergents, chemical feedstocks, paper manufacture, civil engineering and adhesives. In order to establish viable figures for the consumption of raw materials, water and energy and the emissions to air and water and solid waste generation, the production routes for five typical commercial sodium silicate products were traced back to the extraction of the relevant raw materials from the earth. Life Cycle Inventories for these products were compiled by EMPA St. Gallen / Switzerland on behalf of CEES, a Sector Group of CEFIC, using the data input based on the production of 1995 from 12 West European silicate producers covering about 93% of the total alkaline silicate production in Western Europe.  相似文献   
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