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Summary During five different periods between Nov. 1982 and Aug. 1983, the diurnal patterns exhibited in photosynthetic CO2 uptake and stomatal conductance were observed under natural conditions on twigs of Cistus salvifolius, a Mediterranean semi-deciduous shrub which retains a significant proportion of its leaves through the summer drought. During the same periods, net photosynthesis at saturating CO2 partial pressure was measured on the same twigs as a function of irradiance at different temperatures. From these data, photosynthetic capacity, defined here as the CO2- and light-saturated net photosynthesis rate, was obtained as a function of leaf temperature. C. salvifolius is a winter growing species, shoot growth being initiated in Nov. and continuing through May. Photosynthetic capacity was quite high in Nov., March and June, exceeding 40 mol m-2 s-1 at optimum temperature. In Dec., photosynthetic capacity was somewhat reduced, perhaps due to low night-time temperatures (<5°C) during the measurement period. In Aug., capacity in oversummering shoots at optimum temperature fell to less than 8 mol m-2 s-1, due to water trees and perhaps leaf aging. Seasonal changes in maximal photosynthetic rates under ambient conditions were similar, and like those found in co-occurring evergreen sclerophylls. Like the evergreens, Cistus demonstrated considerable stomatal control of transpirational water loss, particularly in oversummering leaves. During each measurement period except Aug. when capacity was quite low, the maximum rates of net photosynthesis measured under ambient conditions were less than half the measured photosynthetic capacities at comparable temperatures, suggesting an apparent excess nitrogen investment in the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   
The Euxinian and the Hyrcanian floristic province are analysed in respect to their trees and shrubs. These provinces mark the southern limit of the Euro-Siberian Region in SW. Asia. Mesophyllic forests dominate; they are deciduous, but there is a substantial component of evergreen shrubs in the understorey. Characteristics species frequently have a relic nature. Species lists and some exemplary distribution maps are presented for the Euxinian and the Hyrcanian element, both with endemic and more wide-spread species, including the characteristic Euxine-Hyrcanian group.  相似文献   
Summary We tested the hypothesis that herbivorous insects on desert shrubs contribute to short-term nitrogen cycling, and increase rates of nitrogen flux from nutrient rich plants. Creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) shrubs were treated with different combinations of fertilizer and water augmentations, resulting in different levels of foliage production and foliar nitrogen contents. Foliage arthropod populations, and nitrogen in canopy dry throughfall, wet throughfall and stemflow were measured to assess nitrogen flux rates relative to arthropod abundances on manipulated and unmanipulated shrubs over a one-month period during peak productivity. Numbers and biomass of foliage arthropods were significantly higher on fertilized shrubs. Sap-sucking phytophagous insects accounted for the greatest numbers of foliage arthropods, but leaf-chewing phytophagous insects represented the greatest biomass of foliage arthropods. Measured amounts of bulk frass (from leaf-chewing insects) were not significantly different among the various treatments. Amounts of nitrogen from dry and wet throughfall and stemflow were significantly greater under fertilized shrubs due to fine frass input from sap-sucking insects. Increased numbers and biomass of phytophagous insects on fertilized shrubs increased canopy to soil nitrogen flux due to increased levels of herbivory and excrement. Nitrogen excreted by foliage arthropods accounted for about 20% of the total one month canopy to soil nitrogen flux, while leaf litter accounted for about 80%.  相似文献   
Resprout and mature plant shoot growth, leaf water status and gas exchange behavior, tissue nutrient content, flowering, and production were studied for co-occurring shallow-rooted (Arbutus unedo L.) and deeprooted (Quercus ilex L.) Mediterranean tree species at the Collserola Natural Park in Northeast Spain Resprouts showed higher growth rates than mature plant shoots. During fall, no differences in eco-physiological performance of leaves were found, but mobilization of carbohydrates from burls strongly stimulated growth of fall resprouts compared to spring resprouts, despite low exposed leaf area of the fall shoots. During summer drought, resprouts exhibited improved water status and carbon fixation compared to mature plant shoots. Shoot growth of Q. ilex was apparently extended due to deep rooting so that initial slower growth during spring and early summer as compared to A. unedo was compensated. Tissue nutrient contents varied only slightly and are postulated to be of minor importance in controlling rate of shoot growth, perhaps due to the relatively fertile soil of the site. Fall flowering appeared to inhibit fall shoot growth in A. unedo, but did not occur in Q. ilex. The results demonstrate that comparative examinations utilizing vegetation elements with differing morphological and physiological adaptations can be used to analyze relatively complex phenomena related to resprouting behavior. The studies provide an important multi-dimensional background framework for further studies of resprouting in the European Mediterranean region.  相似文献   
FRANCISCO-ORTEGA, J., JACKSON, M. T., SANTOS-GUERRA, A. & FORD-LLOYD, B. V., 1993. Morphological variation in the Chamaecytisus proliferus (L.f.) Link complex (Fabaceae: Genisteae) in the Canary Islands . A multivariate study (Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis, Warďs method) of 47 morphological traits from 164 populations of Chamaecytisus proliferus (L.f.) Link from the Canary Islands confirmed that this species complex is formed by seven morphological types. At least eight traits discriminated between these types. Patterns of variation follow a cline within Gran Canaria, Tenerife and La Palma. These results also show that morphological variation is greater in the eastern islands (i.e. Gran Canaria and Tenerife) than in the western islands (La Gomera, El Hierro and La Palma) and that no morphological differences are found between plants of typical tagasaste from wild and cultivated populations.  相似文献   
通过调查岷江干旱河谷两河口、飞虹、撮箕和牟托4个样地优势灌丛及其灌丛间空地的表土土壤物理化学性质和微生物群落组成,探讨植物灌丛群落对土壤微生物群落组成的影响。研究发现不同灌丛种类对土壤微生物群落组成以及土壤物理化学性质并没有显著影响,而同一样地灌丛与空地间的差异却较为显著。灌丛下比空地土壤中具有更高的有机质、养分含量,更高的土壤含水量和更低的容重,而灌丛下相对富集的养分资源是造成灌丛与空地间微生物群落组成差异的主要原因。不同样地影响微生物群落的主要因子存在一定差异,但与氮相关的因子(总氮、有效氮、碳/氮比)对土壤微生物群落着非常重要的影响,特别是对土壤微生物群落总生物量和细菌类群(革兰氏阳性菌、革兰氏阴性菌、细菌等)。虽然不同灌丛和空地下土壤中细菌群落都没有显著地变化,但真菌和菌根真菌却明显的在灌丛下富集。在飞虹和牟托样地,总磷和碳/磷比与真菌类群,主要指真菌和菌根真菌,表现出显著正相关性,这或许反映了真菌类群对于该区域磷循环的重要作用。研究结果揭示了灌丛植被在干旱河谷地区地下生态系统中的重要作用,以及氮、磷这两种养分元素对土壤微生物群落的重要影响。同时,未来对于干旱河谷地区植物-土壤关系的研究应该关注真菌和菌根真菌类群的作用。  相似文献   
晋西北不同年限小叶锦鸡儿灌丛土壤氮矿化和硝化作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白日军  杨治平  张强  张训忠 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8008-8014
利用PVC管顶盖埋管法研究了晋西北黄土高原区小叶锦鸡儿人工灌丛不同定植年限(5,10,20,30,40a)土壤氮矿化与硝化速率的动态和净矿化与硝化总量。结果表明,⑴小叶锦鸡儿灌丛土壤无机氮主要以NO_-~3-N形式存在,不同生长年限相同月份的土壤硝态氮(NO-3-N)含量分别是铵态氮(NH+4-N)含量的1.5—15.4倍;⑵土壤氮素硝化速率和矿化速率随生长年限延长而加快,30年生时达到高峰,数值达40.2,44.1 mg m~(-2)d~(-1)。从季节性变化看,7—8月份是硝化速率和矿化速率快速增长期,30年生小叶锦鸡儿灌丛土壤硝化速率和矿化速率分别达到86.9,93.1 mg m~(-2)d~(-1),显著高于其它生长年限(P0.05);(3)土壤氮素硝化与矿化总量同样随小叶锦鸡儿生长年限延长而增加,30年生时达到最高,与5年生相比,分别增加了3.7和3.1倍。(4)5—10月份小叶锦鸡儿生长期内,各年限土壤全氮量的2.3%被矿化成无机氮,其中87%最终被转化成NO-3-N形式存在于土体中。  相似文献   
Summary In the fragmented agricultural landscapes of temperate southern Australia, broad‐scale revegetation is underway to address multiple natural resource management issues. In particular, commercially‐driven fodder shrub plantings are increasingly being established on non‐saline land to fill the summer‐autumn feed gap in grazing systems. Little is known of the contribution that these and other planted woody perennial systems make to biodiversity conservation in multifunctional landscapes. In order to address this knowledge gap, a study was conducted in the southern Murray Mallee region of South Australia. Selected ecological indicators, including plant and bird communities, were sampled in spring 2008 and autumn 2009 in five planted saltbush sites and nearby areas of remnant vegetation and improved pasture. In general, remnant vegetation sites had higher biodiversity values than saltbush and pasture sites. Saltbush sites contained a diverse range of plants and birds, including a number of threatened bird species not found in adjacent pasture sites. Plant and bird communities showed significant variation across saltbush, pasture and remnant treatments and significant differences between seasons. This study demonstrates that saltbush plantings can provide at least partial habitat for some native biota within a highly modified agricultural landscape. Further research is being conducted on the way in which biota, such as birds, use available resources in these dynamic ecosystems. An examination of the effects of grazing on biodiversity in saltbush would improve the ability of landholders and regional natural resource management agencies in making informed land management decisions.  相似文献   
为评价水域环境中铬元素对两栖动物幼体的急性毒性,将中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)28~29期蝌蚪分别暴露于30~35 mg·L-1Cr(Ⅲ)6个不同浓度和10 ~ 45mg·L-1Cr(Ⅵ)6个不同浓度的水体中,分别在24、48、72和96 h统计蝌蚪的死亡率及半致死浓度(LC50).结果表明:暴露24、48、72和96 h,Cr(Ⅲ)对蝌蚪的LC50分别为34.09±1.06、33.47±0.65、32.58±0.11和(32.05±0.20) mg·L-1,安全浓度(SC)为(3.21±0.02)mg·L-1;Cr(Ⅵ)对蝌蚪的LC50分别为91.97±5.32、51.19±4.62、35.79±1.40和(28.81±1.87) mg·L-1,安全浓度(SC)为(2.88±0.19) rng·L-1.观察表明:Cr(Ⅲ)的急性毒性是通过与蝌蚪皮肤表面的分泌物结合后粘附在鳃部,导致呼吸障碍致死;而Cr(Ⅵ)的强氧化性可导致蝌蚪的表皮溃变,鳃部萎缩致死;另外,将28~29期蝌蚪暴露于安全浓度(SC)以下的含铬水体进行慢性实验,通过检测蝌蚪的体长、体重和完全变态时间显示,低浓度的Cr(Ⅲ)和Cr(Ⅵ)对蝌蚪的生长发育仍具有一定的抑制作用,并可导致畸型发生,其作用强度呈现剂量效应,但时间累积效应不规律.  相似文献   
Summary The types and quantities of defense compounds found in plants occupying ecologically distinct habitats have received much theoretical and little empirical attention. Here we characterize the leaf phenolic chemistry of eight species in two genera of tropical rainforest shrubs; four species in each genus are typical of disturbed sites, and four are typical of mature forest understory. Two Miconia species growing in light gaps had significantly higher leaf tannin and total phenolic contents than congenors growing in the primary forest; this pattern was not found among the gap- and forest-adapted Piper species. Tannin patterns were not mirrored by leaf cinnamic acids. These results indicate that plant phylogeny must be considered when predicting plant defense investment.  相似文献   
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