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It has been suggested by some authors that the low fruit to flower ratio in some Proteaceae is due to andromonoecy, while others, looking particularly at Banksia , have not been able to find evidence for male flowers in the inflorescences. Stirlingia latifolia, Xylomelum occidentals and X. angustifolium are clearly andromonoecous, while no evidence for this condition could be found in Brabejum stellatifoliutn. Production of fertile fruit is related to andromonoecy in Xylomelum and S. latifolia but not in Brabejum. It is unlikely that all-encompassing solutions will be found to what initially seem to be widespread traits in the family, especially in regard to pollination biology, as the genera in the family occupy widely different environments and have very diverse ecological ranges.  相似文献   
Small conductance Ca2+-sensitive potassium (SK2) channels are voltage-independent, Ca2+-activated ion channels that conduct potassium cations and thereby modulate the intrinsic excitability and synaptic transmission of neurons and sensory hair cells. In the cochlea, SK2 channels are functionally coupled to the highly Ca2+ permeant α9/10-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) at olivocochlear postsynaptic sites. SK2 activation leads to outer hair cell hyperpolarization and frequency-selective suppression of afferent sound transmission. These inhibitory responses are essential for normal regulation of sound sensitivity, frequency selectivity, and suppression of background noise. However, little is known about the molecular interactions of these key functional channels. Here we show that SK2 channels co-precipitate with α9/10-nAChRs and with the actin-binding protein α-actinin-1. SK2 alternative splicing, resulting in a 3 amino acid insertion in the intracellular 3′ terminus, modulates these interactions. Further, relative abundance of the SK2 splice variants changes during developmental stages of synapse maturation in both the avian cochlea and the mammalian forebrain. Using heterologous cell expression to separately study the 2 distinct isoforms, we show that the variants differ in protein interactions and surface expression levels, and that Ca2+ and Ca2+-bound calmodulin differentially regulate their protein interactions. Our findings suggest that the SK2 isoforms may be distinctly modulated by activity-induced Ca2+ influx. Alternative splicing of SK2 may serve as a novel mechanism to differentially regulate the maturation and function of olivocochlear and neuronal synapses.  相似文献   
The origin of nervous systems is a main theme in biology and its mechanisms are largely underlied by synaptic neurotransmission. One problem to explain synapse establishment is that synaptic orthologs are present in multiple aneural organisms. We questioned how the interactions among these elements evolved and to what extent it relates to our understanding of the nervous systems complexity. We identified the human neurotransmission gene network based on genes present in GABAergic, glutamatergic, serotonergic, dopaminergic, and cholinergic systems. The network comprises 321 human genes, 83 of which act exclusively in the nervous system. We reconstructed the evolutionary scenario of synapse emergence by looking for synaptic orthologs in 476 eukaryotes. The Human–Cnidaria common ancestor displayed a massive emergence of neuroexclusive genes, mainly ionotropic receptors, which might have been crucial to the evolution of synapses. Very few synaptic genes had their origin after the Human–Cnidaria common ancestor. We also identified a higher abundance of synaptic proteins in vertebrates, which suggests an increase in the synaptic network complexity of those organisms.  相似文献   
Emerging infectious diseases threaten a wide diversity of animals, and important questions remain concerning disease emergence in socially structured populations. We developed a spatially explicit simulation model to investigate whether—and under what conditions—disease-related mortality can impact rates of pathogen spread in populations of polygynous groups. Specifically, we investigated whether pathogen-mediated dispersal (PMD) can occur when females disperse after the resident male dies from disease, thus carrying infections to new groups. We also examined the effects of incubation period and virulence, host mortality and rates of background dispersal, and we used the model to investigate the spread of the virus responsible for Ebola hemorrhagic fever, which currently is devastating African ape populations. Output was analyzed using regression trees, which enable exploration of hierarchical and non-linear relationships. Analyses revealed that the incidence of disease in single-male (polygynous) groups was significantly greater for those groups containing an average of more than six females, while the total number of infected hosts in the population was most sensitive to the number of females per group. Thus, as expected, PMD occurs in polygynous groups and its effects increase as harem size (the number of females) increases. Simulation output further indicated that population-level effects of Ebola are likely to differ among multi-male–multi-female chimpanzees and polygynous gorillas, with larger overall numbers of chimpanzees infected, but more gorilla groups becoming infected due to increased dispersal when the resident male dies. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of social system on the spread of disease in wild mammals.  相似文献   
A simple, rapid, and inexpensive method for the preparation and purification of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from pea has been developed. The crucial step is the isolation of chloroplasts in a medium of high ionic strength (I congruent equal to 1.40 M). CpDNA from pea prepared according to this method has successfully been used for restriction enzyme mapping, Southern transfers, and cloning.  相似文献   
A new method for the analysis of NMR data in terms of the solution structure of proteins has been developed. The method consists of two steps: first a systematic search of the conformational space to define the region allowed by the initial set of experimental constraints, and second, the narrowing of this region by the introduction of additional constraints and optional refinement procedures. The search of the conformational space is guided by heuristics to make it computationally feasible. The method is therefore called the heuristic refinement method and is coded in an expert system called PROTEAN. The paper describes the validation of the first step of the method using an artificial NMR data set generated from the known crystal structure of sperm whale carbon monoxymyoglobin. It is shown that the initial search procedure yields a low-resolution structure of the myoglobin molecule, accurately reproducing its main topological features, and that the precision of the structure depends on the quality of the initial data set.  相似文献   
Recently, biologist and philosophers have been much attracted by an evolutionary view of knowledge, so-called evolutionary epistemology. Developing this insight, the present paper argues that our cognitive abilities are the outcome of organic evolution, and that, conversely, evolution itself may be described as a cognition process. Furthermore, it is argued that the key to an adequate evolutionary epistemology lies in a system-theoretical approach to evolution which grows from, but goes beyond, Darwin's theory of natural selection.  相似文献   
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