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The mechanism of depletion of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates by isolated rat heart mitochondria was studied using hydroxymalonate (an inhibitor of malic enzymes) and mercaptopicolinate (an inhibitor of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) as tools. Hydroxymalonate inhibited the respiration rate of isolated mitochondria in state 3 by 40% when 2 mM malate was the only external substrate, but no inhibition was found with 2 mM malate plus 0.5 mM pyruvate as substrates. In the prescence od bicarbonate, arsenite and ATP, propionate was converted to pyruvate and malate at the rates of 14.0 ± 2.9 and 2.8 ± 1.8 nmol/mg protein in 5 min, respectively. Under these conditions, 0.1 mM mercaptopicolinate did not affect this conversion, but 2 mM hydroxymalonate inhibited pyruvate formation completely and resulted in an accumulation of malate up to 13.2 ± 2.9 nmol/mg protein. No accumulation of phosphoenolpyruvate was found under any condition tested. It is concluded that malic enzymes but not phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, are involved in conversion of propionate to pyruvate in isolated rat heart mitochondria.  相似文献   
In this study we have measured, under experimental conditions which maintained efficient coupling, respiratory intensity, respiratory control, oxidative phosphorylation capacity and protonmotive force. Succinate cytochrome-c reductase and cytochrome-c oxidase activities were also studied. These investigations were carried out using kidney mitochondria from cyclosporine-treated rats (in vivo studies) and from untreated rats in the presence of cyclosporine (in vitro studies). Inhibition of respiratory intensity by cyclosporine did not exceed 21.1% in vitro and 15.9% in vivo. Since there was no in vitro inhibition of succinate cytochrome-c reductase and cytochrome-c oxidase activities, the slowing of electron flow observed can be interpreted as a consequence of an effect produced by cyclosporine between cytochromes b and c1. Cyclosporine had no effect on respiratory control either in vitro or in vivo. Statistically significant inhibition of the oxidative phosphorylation was observed both in vitro (6.6%) and in vivo (12.1%). Moreover, cyclosporine did not induce any change of membrane potential either in vivo or in vitro. Our findings show that cyclosporine is neither a protonophore, nor a potassium ionophore. In cyclosporine-treated rats we noticed a decrease of protein in subcellular fraction, including the mitochondrial fraction. The role of the inhibition respiratory characteristics by cyclosporine in nephrotoxicity in vivo must take account of these two parameters: inhibition of the respiratory characteristics measured in vitro and diminution of mitochondrial protein in cyclosporine-treated rats.  相似文献   

1. 1.In young pigs living at 35 or 10°C on a high or low energy intake, respiratory enzyme activities in longissimus dorsi muscle were greater both in the cold and on low intake. The elevated activities in the cold were unlikely to be related entirely to shivering since they were also found in muscle from the diaphragm.

2. 2.In a second study, pigs were kept close to thermal neutrality (26°C) on different levels of food intake and for different periods of time. For all animals, as body weight increased there was a decline in respiratory enzyme activity and the number of dark fibres in skeletal muscle. For those of the same weight, but different age and food intake, there was no difference in enzyme activity or number of dark fibres per unit area.

3. 3.At least part of the difference in respiratory enzyme activities related to energy intake must therefore be due to differences in body size. However, size is not the sole determinant of enzyme activity in skeletal muscle, since in animals of similar size those living at 10°C have greater enzyme activities than those at 35°C.

Author Keywords: Respiratory enzymes; growth; energy intake; mitochondria; muscle; pigs  相似文献   

Tim44 is a protein of the mitochondrial inner membrane and serves as an adaptor protein for mtHsp70 that drives the import of preproteins in an ATP-dependent manner. In this study we have modified the interaction of Tim44 with mtHsp70 and characterized the consequences for protein translocation. By deletion of an 18-residue segment of Tim44 with limited similarity to J-proteins, the binding of Tim44 to mtHsp70 was weakened. We found that in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the deletion of this segment is lethal. To investigate the role of the 18-residue segment, we expressed Tim44Delta18 in addition to the endogenous wild-type Tim44. Tim44Delta18 is correctly targeted to mitochondria and assembles in the inner membrane import site. The coexpression of Tim44Delta18 together with wild-type Tim44, however, does not stimulate protein import, but reduces its efficiency. In particular, the promotion of unfolding of preproteins during translocation is inhibited. mtHsp70 is still able to bind to Tim44Delta18 in an ATP-regulated manner, but the efficiency of interaction is reduced. These results suggest that the J-related segment of Tim44 is needed for productive interaction with mtHsp70. The efficient cooperation of mtHsp70 with Tim44 facilitates the translocation of loosely folded preproteins and plays a crucial role in the import of preproteins which contain a tightly folded domain.  相似文献   
Summary The uptake of deoxyguanosine by rat liver mitochondria was characterized. The process required an intact mitochondrial membrane and exhibited a dependence on added phosphate. Deoxyguanosine uptake was minimally influenced by Mg2+ or Mn2+, but Ca2+ at concentrations above 0.5 mM were detrimental. Of the deoxynucleosides tested, only deoxyinosine inhibited the uptake of deoxyguanosine. The ribonucleoside guanosine was not observed to compete with its deoxynucleoside analog. Known inhibitors of nucleoside transport, cytochalasin B and NBMPR, did not block deoxyguanosine uptake, but the sulfhydryl reagents NEM and pCMB were both inhibitory. The uptake of deoxyguanosine was shown to be a saturable process and an apparent Km of 0.64 M was calculated from a Hanes plot.  相似文献   
Most proteins located in chloroplasts are encoded by nuclear genes, synthesized in the cytoplasm, and transported into the organelle. The study of protein uptake by chloroplasts has greatly expanded over the past few years. The increased activity in this field is due, in part, to the application of recombinant DNA methodology to the analysis of protein translocation. Added interest has also been gained by the realization that the transport mechanisms that mediate protein uptake by chloroplasts, mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum display certain characteristics in common. These include amino terminal sequences that target proteins to particular organelles, a transport process that is mechanistically independent from the events of translation, and an ATP-requiring transport step that is thought to involve partial unfolding of the protein to be translocated. In this review we examine recent studies on the binding of precursors to the chloroplast surface, the energy-dependent uptake of proteins into the stroma, and the targeting of proteins to the thylakoid lumen. These aspects of protein transport into chloroplasts are discussed in the context of recent studies on protein uptake by mitochondria.Abbrevlations CAT chloramphenicol acetyl transferase - CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DHFR dihydrofolate reductase - EPSP 5-enol-pyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate - ER endoplasmic reticulum - LHCP light harvesting chlorophyll a/b apoprotein - NPT neomycin phosphotransferase - oATP adenosine-2,3-dialdehyde-5-triphosphate - P-inorganic phosphate Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - SSU small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - SRP signal recognition particle  相似文献   
Incubation of potato tuber tissue discs on B5 medium supplemented with 1-naphtyl-acetic acid (NAA) led to callus formation, irrespective of the presence of kinetin; without NAA no callus formation occurred. Incubation in the presence of abscisic acid (ABA) reduced the increases in fresh weight and dry weight both in callus-forming and in non-callus-forming tissue. Mitochondrial respiration was lowered by ABA as well. The induction of the alternative, CN-resistant pathway was inhibited by the presence of ABA, especially in mitochondria from non-callus-forming tissue.The in vivo respiration of the callus-forming tissue was higher than that of the non-callus-forming tissue. Total respiration, cytochrome pathway activity and the capacity of the alternative pathway were all lowered in callus-forming tissue by treatment with ABA. The in vivo activity of the alternative pathway was low in all tissue types, especially after ABA-treatment. The slight stimulation by hydroxamates of the oxygen uptake of callus-forming tissue incubated on medium with NAA and ABA indicates the involvement of a hydroxamate-activated peroxidase in the oxygen uptake of this tissue; this peroxidase seemed not to participate in the oxygen uptake of the other tissues types.In non-callus-forming tissue the oxygen uptake of ABA-treated tissue was very low and almost completely resistant to the combined addition of inhibitors of both the cytochrome and the alternative pathway, indicating that the in vivo activity of the mitochondria in the oxygen uptake of the tissue was very low. The possible causes for this ABA-effect are discussed. In non-callus-forming tissue the treatment with ABA creates a situation which is comparable with that observed in intact potato tubers. This situation is characterized by a tissue respiration lower than that of the isolated mitochondria and an alternative pathway capacity that is low or absent.  相似文献   
A short period of global ischemia results in the death of selected subpopulations of neurons. Some advances have been made in understanding events which might contribute to the selectivity of this damage but the cellular changes which culminate in neuronal death remain poorly defined. This overview examines the metabolic state of tissue in the post-ischemic period and the relationship of changes to the development of damage in areas containing ischemia-susceptible neurons. During early recirculation there is substantial recovery of ATP, phosphocreatine and related metabolites in all brain regions. However, this recovery does not signal restitution of normal energy metabolism as reductions of the oxidative metabolism of glucose are seen in many areas and may persist for several days. Furthermore, decreases in pyruvate-supported respiration develop in mitochondria from at least one ischemia-susceptible region at times coincident with the earliest histological evidence of ischemia-induced degeneration. These mitochondrial changes could simply be an early marker of irreversible damage but the available evidence is equally consistent with these contributing to the degenerative process and offering a potential site for therapeutic intervention.Submitted as an Overview article for the volume of Neurochemical Research in honor of Alan N. Davison.  相似文献   
We describe a calcium transport that is sensitive to ruthenium red in liposomes reconstituted with mitochondrial extracts. This system is able to build an internally negative membrane potential, which allows the electrogenic influx of Ca2+ and Sr2+. Proteins with molecular weights higher than 35 kDa were incorporated to the vesicles, and enhanced the accumulation of the cation in an energy-dependent fashion.  相似文献   
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