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厦门海域浮游植物夏季赤潮期间分布变异的多元分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨清良  林更铭 《生态学报》2007,27(2):465-476
根据2000年6月至7月夏季藻华期在11个监测站10个航次获取的表层浮游植物和现场测定的理化参数数据,采用多元分析方法揭示浮游植物聚群在污染胁迫下的动态特征。结果表明:(1)该区调查期间浮游植物群落的物种多样性时空变异显著,各站多样性指数值(H′)变动在0.45—4.23之间;(2)聚类分析和多维排序(MDS)结果显示,浮游植物聚群可分为3个与浮游植物阶段性演替以及各水域间不同的理化特征相关联的群落。群落Ⅰ系2000年6月赤潮暴发时主要出现于西海域的低盐港湾群落,由微型(nano一)浮游植物组成,包括硅藻门的角毛藻、骨条藻等属种类以及金藻门的单鞭金藻属种类等,如中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、聚生角毛藻(Chaetoceros socialis)等和一种单鞭金藻(Chromulina sp.)(未鉴定到种,藻径3~5μm),它们是赤潮原因种。群落Ⅱ和群落Ⅲ都以小型(micro-)浮游植物占优势。群落Ⅱ为赤潮前后广泛出现于调查区各水域的亚热带近岸广布群落,代表种有具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、翼鼻状藻(Proboscia alata)、菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)和冰河拟星杆藻(Asterionellopsis glacialis).群落Ⅲ主要分布于本海区东一东北部,由我国东南沿海常见的近海广布性种类组成,包括旋链角毛藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus)、地中海细柱藻(Leptocylindrus mediterraneus)、尖刺伪菱形藻(Pseudonitzschia pungens)、优美施罗藻(Schroederella delicatula)和斯氏几内亚藻(Guinardia striata)等;(3)丰度-生物量曲线(ABC)分析结果显示,当微藻赤潮出现时,数值丰度的K-优势曲线位于生物量K-优势曲线上方,而无赤潮时2条曲线大体上重叠。其模式可指示厦门海区西部海域污染严重以及东-东北部中度污染的状况;(4)根据各航次全部调查数据所作的PCA分析得到的前3个最主要成分,包括浮游植物丰度和溶解氧,铵氮和磷酸盐,盐度和温度等,大约解析本调查总差异的78.5%。  相似文献   
The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) was created in 2004 to more effectively conserve and manage the region's tuna fishery. One of the Commission's principal enforcement tools is the high seas boarding and inspection regime, which authorizes each member state to board and inspect fishing vessels engaged in a regulated fishery to verify compliance with the Commission's conservation and management measures. This article examines the structure of the WCPFC's high seas boarding and inspection regime and analyzes its effectiveness in furthering the Commission's conservations and management mandate.  相似文献   
韩瑞  陈求稳  王丽  汤新武  沈新强 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4907-4918
利用Ecopath with Ecosim在前期研究的基础上构建了3个时期(2000年秋、2006年秋、2012年秋)长江口水域生态系统的生态通道模型,分析对比了三峡工程蓄水前中后期,长江口水域生态系统结构与能量流动特征。模型将长江口水域生态系统划分为鱼类、虾类、蟹类、头足类、底栖动物、浮游动物、浮游植物、碎屑等17个功能组,基本覆盖了长江口生态系统能量流动的主要途径。模型结果分析表明:蓄水前中后期,长江口水域生态系统各功能组营养级组成和分布相近,但由于长江口渔业过度捕捞,蓄水中后期多数功能组的生态营养转换率被动提高。长江口渔获物的组成未发生明显变化,但渔获物的平均营养级降低,渔获量减少。蓄水中后期,生态系统中牧食食物链的重要性增加,碎屑食物链的重要性降低,这与蓄水之后长江入海径流改变、泥沙量减少、陆源污染增加关系密切。结果表明,蓄水前中后期,生态系统均处于不成熟阶段,蓄水后生态系统总生物量、初级生产量及流向碎屑的能量呈降低趋势,但系统的净效率和再循环率升高。  相似文献   
为了解福岛核泄漏放射性核素对北太平洋公海渔场的后续性污染影响情况,于2013年8—11月在北太平洋公海渔场(40°—44° N、145°—160° E)采集柔鱼样品,利用超低本底HPGe γ 谱仪分析5种放射性核素.结果表明: 134Cs和110mAg未检测出高于本底值的比活度,而210Pb、137Cs和40K均有检出.其中210Pb在柔鱼体的比活度范围为0.99~7.60 Bq·kg-1,137Cs的比活度范围为最低检测限~0.37 Bq·kg-1,40K的比活度范围为46.00~107.00 Bq·kg-1.210Pb核素含量在柔鱼250~300 mm胴长组分布最高;在200~250和>400 mm胴长组中最低.137Cs含量在柔鱼200~250 mm胴长组中最高;在250~300和350~400 mm胴长组较低.40K核素含量在柔鱼250~300 mm胴长组中最高,在150~200 mm胴长组最低,总体分布比较均匀.3种核素在柔鱼的不同组织中含量不同,但均在内脏中含量最高.通过风险评估发现,北太平洋公海渔场所有检测的海洋生物的放射性核素含量值与基准值的熵值均未超过1,说明目前核辐射对该海域渔业资源的影响暂无大风险.研究可为福岛核事故对海洋环境生态影响及公众健康危害评估提供理论依据.  相似文献   
张中秋  张裕凤  胡宝清 《生态学报》2024,44(12):5140-5158
深入评估典型资源要素生态健康的时空异质性及其社会经济自然驱动机理,对实现可持续发展目标具有重要意义。然而,探究区域山水林田湖草(海)健康发展时空异质性及其驱动力的研究案例较少。广西北部湾经济区覆盖内陆与沿海6市,定位为生态环境综合治理先行区。以此为研究区,运用正态云模型、Dagum基尼系数、主成分分析和时空地理加权回归等模型,在综合评价的基础上,分析其2005-2020年山水林田湖草(海)健康发展的时空异质性,并依据系统论深入解析驱动力。结果表明:(1)除北海市的山水林田湖草(海)为亚健康外,其他均为健康状态,经济区内陆3市健康指数的基尼系数(0.095)高于沿海3市(0.016),存在时空非均衡性,超变密度(46.71%)和市域间差异(44.93%)是主要原因;(2)影响健康发展的驱动因子主要为:城镇土地利用率(0.427)>城乡居民可支配收入(0.397)>年均降水量(0.377)>房地产开发投资规模(-0.333)>建成区绿化覆盖度(0.261);(3)影响健康发展的驱动要素表现为:土地投入程度(0.611)>土地利用程度(0.442)>经济城镇化(-0.393)>自然条件(0.23),各因素均存在时空非平稳性。研究表明土地集约利用、城镇化发展和自然环境条件是广西北部湾经济区山水林田湖草(海)健康发展的主要驱动力,表现为自然环境条件起基础保障、土地集约利用起正向促进、经济城镇化起负向抑制的作用机理,提高城镇土地利用率、提升城乡居民可支配收入、扩大建成区绿化覆盖度并控制房地产开发规模是促进健康发展的关键抓手。  相似文献   
The research performed in August 2004 within the framework of the Russian-American Long-term Census of the Arctic (RUSALCA) resulted in the first data concerning the rates of the key microbial processes in the water column and bottom sediments of the Bering strait and the Chukchi Sea. The total bacterial counts in the water column varied from 30 × 103 cells ml?1 in the northern and eastern parts to 245 × 103 cells ml?1 in the southern part. The methane content in the water column of the Chukchi sea varied from 8 nmol CH4l?1 in the eastern part of the sea to 31 nmol CH4l?1 in the northern part of the Herald Canyon. Microbial activity occurred in the upper 0–3 cm of the bottom sediments; the methane formation rate varied from 0.25 to 16 nmol CH4dm?3 day?1. The rates of methane oxidation varied from 1.61 to 14.7 nmol CH4dm?3 day?1. The rates of sulfate reduction varied from 1.35 to 16.2 μmol SO 4 2? dm?1 day?1. The rate of methane formation in the sediments increased with depth, while sulfate reduction rates decreased (less than 1 μmol SO 4 2? dm?3 day?1). These high concentrations of biogenic elements and high rates of microbial processes in the upper sediment layers suggest a specific type of trophic chain in the Chukchi Sea. The approximate calculated balance of methane emission from the water column into the atmosphere is from 5.4 to 57.3 μmol CH4m?2 day?1.  相似文献   
中国近海生物固碳强度与潜力   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过现场调查和数据分析,首次探讨了中国近海浮游植物的固碳强度与潜力以及近海人工养殖大型藻类的固碳能力.结果表明,渤、黄、东海的浮游植物固碳强度约为2.22亿t a-1,固碳量的季节变化从大到小的顺序依次为春季、夏季、秋季、冬季,其中春夏季的固碳量占全年的65.3%.南黄海1999~2005年10~11月间浮游植物固碳强度有较大的年际变化,10~11月份7a间其浮游植物最低固碳量为3.54万t d-1,最高为16.58万t d-1,平均为10.50万t d-1,没有明显的年际变化趋势,磷对浮游植物固碳强度的影响最为明显,次之的影响因素是Chl a和亚硝氮 (NO2-N)的含量.南海的固碳能力约为渤黄东海的2倍,为4.16亿t a-1,其季节变化和渤黄东海不同,南海浮游植物在冬季的固碳能力最强,在夏季最弱.整个中国近海浮游植物年固碳量达6.38亿t,可占全球近海区域浮游植物年固碳量的5.77%.实际外海龙须菜的养殖发现,龙须菜每年固定的碳为8.18 t,养殖密度与方式对其产量和固碳量影响巨大.近几年,我国大型经济藻类养殖产量每年在120~150万t左右,换算为固碳量为36~45万t,平均每年40万t,如果海藻养殖产量每年增加5%,到2010年,我国大型经济藻类养殖的固碳量可达57万t a-1,海藻养殖是海洋增加碳汇有多重价值的重要措施.  相似文献   
Increased international cooperation to limit transboundary and global environmental problems, increased sectoral responsibility and decentralization, and improved information and statistics on the state of the environment are the main lines for the development of future environmental policy. For lakes, watercourses, and the seas the overall objective is to maintain viable, balanced populations of naturally occurring species. Pollution is not to limit the use of water for fishing, recreation, or water supply. Foreign species or organisms subjected to genetic mutation are only to be introduced with great restriction. Measures are suggested that will reduce environmental disturbances from agriculture and forestry, traffic, energy production, industry, goods, chemical products, and waste.Paper presented at Seminar on Ecosystems Approach to To Water Management (Oslo, Norway, 27–31 May 1991).  相似文献   
The most eastern point of the Arabian Peninsula, Ras Al Hadd, marks the boundary between the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. This geographic landmark coincides with an abrupt floristic turnover, probably one of the sharpest biotic transitions known in marine biogeography. The floras of different Arabian localities across this floristic break were compared using macrophyte distribution data throughout the Indian Ocean and seasonal sea‐surface temperature (SST) data. The localities from the Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman differ significantly from those of the Arabian Sea based on their species richness, species composition, average distribution range per species, general temperature affinity of the composing species, and seasonal temperature data of the coastal waters. Pooling the temperature data into two groups (SST3avg, average SST of the three warmest seasons; SSTmin, minimum of the seasonal SSTs) revealed a temperature limit at 28°C using both the temperature affinity data of the floras and the seasonal temperatures recorded for the specific Arabian localities, which significantly separates the Arabian Sea from localities of both Gulfs. Finally, SST data of the Indian Ocean were analyzed using this upper temperature threshold of macrophytes at 28°C and the lower temperature limit of corals at 25°C, revealing general macrophyte diversity patterns.  相似文献   
The occurrence of tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier in the Atlantic Ocean was assessed using at‐sea observer data from multiple pelagic longline fisheries. Geographic positions of 2764 G. cuvier recorded between 1992 and 2013 and covering a wide area of the Atlantic Ocean were compared with the currently accepted distribution ranges of the species. Most records fell outside those ranges in both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, which strongly suggests that the distribution range of G. cuvier in the open ocean is considerably larger than previously described  相似文献   
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