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Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are associated with seafloor tectonic and magmatic activity, and the communities living there are subject to disturbance. Eruptions can be frequent and catastrophic, raising questions about how these communities persist and maintain regional biodiversity. Prior studies of frequently disturbed vents have led to suggestions that faunal recovery can occur within 2–4 years. We use an unprecedented long-term (11-year) series of colonization data following a catastrophic 2006 seafloor eruption on the East Pacific Rise to show that faunal successional changes continue beyond a decade following the disturbance. Species composition at nine months post-eruption was conspicuously different than the pre-eruption ‘baseline'' state, which had been characterized in 1998 (85 months after disturbance by the previous 1991 eruption). By 96 months post-eruption, species composition was approaching the pre-eruption state, but continued to change up through to the end of our measurements at 135 months, indicating that the ‘baseline'' state was not a climax community. The strong variation observed in species composition across environmental gradients and successional stages highlights the importance of long-term, distributed sampling in order to understand the consequences of disturbance for maintenance of a diverse regional species pool. This perspective is critical for characterizing the resilience of vent species to both natural disturbance and human impacts such as deep-sea mining.  相似文献   
Goal, Scope and Background The objective of this study was to assess environmental impacts of Norwegian cod fishing and salmon farming and compare these with chicken farming in order to find reference levels for environmental performance and identify problem areas and potentials for improvements. Methods A Life Cycle Screening following the production of 0.2 kg fillets as a functional unit through the respective food chains is performed for all 3 products. The analysis is partly quantitative and qualitative focusing on energy use, antifouling and land use impacts. Case studies are performed to investigate potentials for improvements within the fisheries and aquaculture industry. Results and Conclusions It can be concluded that the fishing phase for the cod and the feeding phase for both salmon and chicken dominate for all environmental impacts considered. Chicken is most energy effective followed by salmon and cod, which are almost on the same level. The area of sea floor affected by bottom trawling is around 100 times larger than the land area needed to produce the chicken feed for production of the 0.2 kg fillet. - The case studies show potentials for improvement of environmental performance, both for salmon farming and cod fishing, especially when it comes to energy use. The environmental impacts on the sea floor imposed by bottom trawling are not fully explored, but based on the precautionary principle a reasonable conclusion is that bottom trawls with less impact on the sea floor should be developed. Recommendation and Perspective LCA methods have initially been developed for land based industrial applications. More effort should be given to adapt these to fishing applications in order to obtain more accurate assessment of environmental impacts from seafood products. It is recommended to put more emphasis in finding improved indicators for impacts imposed by over-fishing, fuel emission from combustion at sea, use of antifouling and seafloor ecosystem disturbance.  相似文献   
Deep-sea benthic foraminifera show important but transient assemblage changes at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, when many biota suffered severe extinction. We quantitatively analyzed benthic foraminiferal assemblages from lower bathyal–upper abyssal (1500–2000 m) northwest Pacific ODP Site 1210 (Shatsky Rise) and compared the results with published data on assemblages at lower bathyal (~ 1500 m) Pacific DSDP Site 465 (Hess Rise) to gain insight in paleoecological and paleoenvironmental changes at that time.At both sites, diversity and heterogeneity rapidly decreased across the K/Pg boundary, then recovered. Species assemblages at both sites show a similar pattern of turnover from the uppermost Maastrichtian into the lowermost Danian: 1) The relative abundance of buliminids (indicative of a generally high food supply) increases towards the uppermost Cretaceous, and peaks rapidly just above the K/Pg boundary, coeval with a peak in benthic foraminiferal accumulation rate (BFAR), a proxy for food supply. 2) A peak in relative abundance of Stensioeina beccariiformis, a cosmopolitan form generally more common at the middle than at the lower bathyal sites, occurs just above the buliminid peak. 3) The relative abundance of Nuttallides truempyi, a more oligotrophic form, decreases at the boundary, then increases above the peak in Stensioeina beccariiformis. The food supply to the deep sea in the Pacific Ocean thus apparently increased rather than decreased in the earliest Danian. The low benthic diversity during a time of high food supply indicates a stressed environment. This stress might have been caused by reorganization of the planktic ecosystem: primary producer niches vacated by the mass extinction of calcifying nannoplankton may have been rapidly (<10 kyr) filled by other, possibly opportunistic, primary producers, leading to delivery of another type of food, and/or irregular food delivery through a succession of opportunistic blooms.The deep-sea benthic foraminiferal data thus are in strong disagreement with the widely accepted hypothesis that the global deep-sea floor became severely food-depleted following the K/Pg extinction due to the mass extinction of primary producers (“Strangelove Ocean Model”) or to the collapse of the biotic pump (“Living Ocean Model”).  相似文献   
Seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) deposits are the target of available metallic resources. The toxic impacts of leachable metals from hydrothermal ore by mining operations in marine environments are a concern. However, ecotoxicological knowledge about marine algae, and particularly open ocean species, is still limited. Here, we evaluated the toxic effects of three leachable metals (i.e. Zn, Cu, and Pb) on seven marine algae, including cyanobacteria and eukaryotes, by a delayed fluorescence method. Cyanobacterial Synechococcus and Cyanobium species were sensitive to Zn and Cu, while eukaryotic algae showed various responses to heavy metal species. The prasinophycean Bathycoccus prasinos NIES‐2670 was sensitive to all metal species; this strain is a potential test strain to detect the leachable metals. A co‐culture experiment showed that the impact on community structure varies depending on leachable metal species. This study demonstrates that surveys across multiple taxonomic groups are necessary to assess the impact of SMS‐mining operations on marine ecosystems as a whole.  相似文献   
Southern pink shrimp (Penaeus notialis) are an important Senegalese export commodity. Artisanal fisheries in rivers produce 60%. Forty percent are landed in trawl fisheries at sea. The shrimp from both fisheries result in a frozen, consumer‐packed product that is exported to Europe. We applied attributional life cycle assessment (LCA) to compare the environmental impact of the two supply chains and identify improvement options. In addition to standard LCA impact categories, biological impacts of each fishery were quantified with regard to landed by‐catch, discard, seafloor impact, and size of target catch. Results for typical LCA categories include that artisanal fisheries have much lower inputs and emissions in the fishing phase than does the industrial fishery. For the product from artisanal fisheries, the main part of the impact in the standard LCA categories occurs during processing on land, mainly due to the use of heavy fuel oil and refrigerants with high global warming and ozone depletion potentials. From a biological point of view, each fishery has advantages and drawbacks, and a number of improvement options were identified. If developing countries can ensure biological sustainability of their fisheries and design the chain on land in a resource‐efficient way, long distance to markets is not an obstacle to sustainable trading of seafood products originating in artisanal fisheries.  相似文献   
Three areas of the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (USA) were surveyed to show seasonal changes in the distribution and biomass of macroalgae and seagrass. Acoustic seafloor discrimination based on first and second echo returns of a 50 kHz and 200 kHz signal, and two different survey systems (QTCView and ECHOplus) were used. System verification in both the field and a controlled environment showed it was possible to distinguish acoustically between seagrass, sparse algae, and dense algae. Accuracy of distinction of three classes (algae, seagrass, bare substratum) was around 60%. Maps were produced by regridding the survey area to a regular grid and using a nearest-neighbor interpolation to provide filled polygons. Biomass was calculated by counting pixels assigned to substratum classes with known wet-weight biomass values (sparse algae 250 g m− 2, dense algae 2000 g m− 2, seagrass 100 g m− 2) that were measured in the field. In three study areas (Melbourne, Sebastian Inlet, and Cocoa Beach), a dependence of algal biomass on depth and season was observed. Seagrass most frequently occurred in water less than 1 m deep, and in November, seagrass beds tended to be covered by dense algae that also extended up- and downstream of shoals in the Lagoon. In March, the pattern was similar, with the exception that some areas of previously dense algae had started thinning into sparse algae. Macrophyte biomass was lowest in May in the Melbourne and Cocoa Beach study areas, with the opposite situation in the Sebastian Inlet study area. In May, seagrass areas were largely devoid of dense algae and most algae accumulations were sparse. In August, dense algae covered large areas of the deep Lagoon floor while shoals were largely free of algae or had only sparse cover. We suggest this summer pattern to reflect moribund algae being washed from the shallows to deeper channels and from there being removed from the lagoonal ecosystem either through tidal passages into the open ocean or by degradation and breakdown in situ. The differences between the study areas indicate high spatial and temporal variability in biomass and distribution of macrophyte biomass in the Indian River Lagoon.  相似文献   
Low food availability is a major structuring force in deep-sea benthic communities, sustaining only very low densities of organisms in parts of the abyss. These low population densities may result in an Allee effect, whereby local reproductive success is inhibited, and populations are maintained by larval dispersal from bathyal slopes. This slope–abyss source–sink (SASS) hypothesis suggests that the abyssal seafloor constitutes a vast sink habitat with macrofaunal populations sustained only by an influx of larval ‘refugees'' from source areas on continental slopes, where higher productivity sustains greater population densities. Abyssal macrofaunal population densities would thus be directly related to larval inputs from bathyal source populations. We evaluate three predictions derived from the SASS hypothesis: (i) slope-derived larvae can be passively transported to central abyssal regions within a single larval period, (ii) projected larval export from slopes to the abyss reproduces global patterns of macrofaunal abundance and (iii) macrofaunal abundance decreases with distance from the continental slope. We find that abyssal macrofaunal populations are unlikely to be sustained solely through influx of larvae from slope sources. Rather, local reproduction probably sustains macrofaunal populations in relatively high-productivity abyssal areas, which must also be considered as potential larval source areas for more food-poor abyssal regions.  相似文献   
冲绳海槽海底黑烟囱中微生物化石的发现及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用光学显微镜以及扫描电镜对冲绳海槽海底黑烟囱样品进行研究,发现了大量的微生物化石,它们保留了完好的形态,主要有四种不同类型的丝状体,可能是硫或者铁氧化化能自养细菌和真菌。这些化石微生物的鉴别基于大小、形状、细胞分裂、群落聚集等物理标志。初步研究表明这些微生物不仅依存于海底热液活动,同时在热液成矿过程中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
Microtextures of titanite (CaTiSiO5) in exceptionally preserved Archean pillow lavas have been proposed as the earliest examples of microbial ichnofossils. An origin from microbial tunneling of seafloor volcanic glass that is subsequently chloritized and the tunnels infilled by titanite has been argued to record the activities of subseafloor microbes. We investigate the evidence in pillow lavas of the 3.35 Ga Euro Basalt from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia, to evaluate the biogenicity of the microtextures. We employ a combination of light microscopy and chlorite mineral chemical analysis by EPMA (electron probe micro‐analysis) to document the environment of formation and analyze their ultrastructure using FIB‐TEM (focussed ion beam combined with transmission electron microscopy) to investigate their mode of growth. Petrographic study of the original and re‐collected material identified an expanded range of titanite morphotypes along with early anatase growth forming chains and aggregates of coalesced crystallites in a sub‐greenschist facies assemblage. High‐sensitivity mapping of FIB lamellae cut across the microtextures confirm that they are discontinuous chains of coalesced crystallites that are highly variable in cross section and contain abundant chlorite inclusions, excluding an origin from the mineralization of previously hollow microtunnels. Comparison of chlorite mineral compositions to DSDP/IODP data reveals that the Euro Basalt chlorites are similar to recent seafloor chlorites. We advance an abiotic origin for the Euro Basalt microtextures formed by spontaneous nucleation and growth of titanite and/anatase during seafloor‐hydrothermal metamorphism. Our findings reveal that the Euro Basalt microtextures are not comparable to microbial ichnofossils from the recent oceanic crust, and we question the evidence for life in these Archean lavas. The metamorphic reactions that give rise to the growth of the Euro Basalt microtextures could be commonplace in Archean pillow lavas and need to be excluded when seeking traces of life in the subseafloor on the early Earth.  相似文献   
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