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Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) produces an induced defensive hypersensitive response in inner bark colonized by the southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), and its associated fungi. Adult beetles forced to colonize the induced response tissue in a laboratory study constructed galleries that were the same length as adults boring in normal phloem. However, each female laid fewer eggs in the induced tissue. Larval and pupal mortality were also higher in this tissue when compared to surrounding phloem. Beetles colonizing trees in response to pheromone baits constructed less gallery and laid fewer eggs in induced tissue than in surrounding normal phloem. These results suggest that the lesions produced by the induced defense system in conifers may not only contain the growth of fungi inoculated into trees during the attack phase of beetle colonization, but may also affect survival of bark beetle progeny.
Résumé Une réaction hypersensible de défense a été induite dans les couches profondes de l'écorce de P. taeda colonisée par D. frontalis et le champignon qui lui est associé. Au laboratoire, des adultes, contraints de coloniser les tissus où une réaction hypersensible e été induite, ont foré des galeries de même longueur que celles creusées dans du phloème sain. Cependant les femelles ont pondu moins d'oeufs dans les tissus induits; les mortalités larvaires et nymphales étaient aussi plus fortes dans ce tissu que dans le phloème voisin. Les scolytes, ayant colonisé les arbres après attraction par des pièges à phéromones, forent moins de galeries et pondent moins d'oeufs dans le tissu induit que dans le phloème sain voisin. Ces résultats suggèrent que les lésions, provoquées par le système de défense induit des conifères, peuvent non seulement limiter la croissance du champignon inoculé dans l'arbre au cours de la colonisation des scolytes, mais aussi affecter la survie des descendants dans l'écorce.
The flora and fauna of Europe are linked by a common biogeographic history, most recently the Pleistocene glaciations that restricted the range of most species to southern refugial populations. Changes in population size and migration, as well as selection, have all left a signature on the genetic differentiation. Thus, three paradigms of postglacial recolonization have been described, inferred from the patterns of DNA differentiation. Yet some species, especially wide-ranging carnivores, exhibit little population structuring between the proposed refugia, although relatively few have been studied due to the difficulty of obtaining samples. Therefore, we investigated mitochondrial variation in pine martens, Martes martes, in order to understand the extent to which they were affected by glacial cycles, and compared the results with an analysis of sequences from polecats, Mustela putorius. A general lack of ancient lineages, and a mismatch distribution that is consistent with an expanding population, is evidence that the present-day M. martes and Mu. putorius in central and northern Europe colonized from a single European refugium following a recent glaciation. There has also been interspecific mitochondrial introgression between M. martes and the sable M. zibellina in Fennoscandia.  相似文献   
Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-ethanol (IEt) were identified in immature seeds of Pinus sylvestris L. by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Indole-3-methanol was tentatively identified using multiple ion monitoring. Anatomical investigations of seeds, as well as measurements of free and alkali-hydrolysable IAA and IEt, were made during seed development and germination. Levels of free IAA and IEt decreased during seed development. In the later stages of seed maturation most IAA and IEt were present in alkali-hydrolysable forms. Bound IAA and bound IEt rapidly decreased during germination, while levels of free IAA and IEt increased dramatically for a short period.  相似文献   
One-year old loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L.) seedlings were grown in an unshaded greenhouse for 7 months under 4 levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation simulating stratospheric ozone reductions of 16, 25 and 40% and included a control with no UV-B radiation. Periodic measurements were made of growth and gas exchange characteristics and needle chlorophyll and UV-B-absorbing-compound concentrations. The effectiveness of UV-B radiation on seedling growth and physiology varied with the UV-B irradiance level. Seedlings receiving the lowest supplemental UV-B irradiance showed reductions in growth and photosynthetic capacity after only 1 month of irradiation. These reductions persisted and resulted in lower biomass production, while no increases in UV-B-absorbing compounds in needles were observed. Seedlings receiving UV-B radiation which simulated a 25% stratospheric ozone reduction showed an increase in UV-B-absorbing-compound concentrations after 6 months, which paralleled a recovery in photosynthesis and growth after an initial decrease in these characteristics. The seedlings grown at the highest UV-B irradiance (40% stratospheric ozone reduction) showed a more rapid increase in the concentration of UV-B-absorbing compounds and no effects of UV-B radiation on growth or photosynthetic capacity until after 4 months at this irradiance. Changes in photosynthetic capacity were probably the result of direct effects on light-dependent processes, since no effects were observed on either needle chlorophyll concentrations or stomatal conductance. Further studies are necessary to determine whether these responses persist and accumulate over subsequent years.  相似文献   
Two-month-old jack pine ( Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings were placed in a greenhouse where both nitrogen source and light level were varied. After 4 months, whole seedling biomass, leaf biomass and relative growth rate were greatest in seedlings grown with NH+4/NO/NO3-N and full light (FL) and least in seedlings grown with NO 3-N and low light (LL). NO 3-seedlings grown under full light and NH+4/NO3-seedlings grown under low light were approximately equal. This indicates that the extra carbon costs of assimilating only NO3-N were similar to the reduction of carbon fixation resulting from a 50% decrease in photon flux density. Percentage and total nitrogen content of needles were greater in seedlings grown under low light independent of nitrogen fertilization. Percentage and total nitrogen content of roots were higher under low light and lower when fertilized with NO3.
Nitrate reductase (NR) activity was higher in roots than in needles, while glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was higher in needles than in roots. Low light resulted in decreased NR activity (mg N)−1 in needles, but not in roots. However, no nitrate was detected in the needles in any treatment. GS activity, on the other hand, was greater under low light in both needles and roots. GS activity in needles is most likely involved with the reassimilation rather than the initial assimilation of ammonium. Some implications of these shifts in enzymatic activity for ecological phenomena in forests are discussed.  相似文献   
Respiration and soluble sugar metabolism in sugar pine embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Embroys excised from dormant seeds of sugar pine ( Pinus lambertiana Dougl.) incubated at 25°C (non-dormancy-breaking) or stratified at 5°C (dormancy-breaking) were analyzed to determine temperature effects on the relative activities of respiration and fermentative metabolism, the levels of soluble sugers and the activities of the hydrolytic enzymes, invertase and sucrose synthase, as related to the release of dormancy and germinatio. At 25°C, despite a sharp drop in embryo oxygen uptake after 48 h, a simultaneous decline in acetaldehyde and ethanol concentrations indicated that there was not a shift to fermentative metabolism. The concentrations of soluble sugars showed no treatment effects. Embryo invertase (EC activity changed only slightly at either temperature, while stratification was accompanied by a 4-fold increase in sucrose synthase (EC activity (cleavage direction). Upon transfer of stratified seeds to 25°C, embryo sucrose synthase activity rapidly increased almost 10-fold, with the increase beginning prior to germination, while mvertase activity increased 20-fold, concomitant with germination.  相似文献   
Rearing larvae of Ips calligraphus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in bolts of typical slash pine, Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii, with thin (TN; 0.5–1.5 mm) phloem (inner bark) relative to adult beetle body width significantly reduced body weight and lipid content of emerging adults compared with thick (TK; 2.5–3.5 mm) phloem-reared adults. Unmated (pre-nuptial) TK beetles averaged 2-fold longer daily and life-time flight duration than TN beetles. Daily flights were highly variable, averaging <20 min (longest daily flight=173 min). TK and TN beetles initiated flight, and the greatest number flew, on the first or second day after emergence form their rearing bolt; % of beetles flying and survival gradually declined to zero by day 9. Males (both TK and TN) averaged 2.5 days of flight, ca. 1 day longer than females. Fliers lived ca. 2-fold longer than non-fliers. Among TK and TN fliers, significant but weak positive correlations occurred between body weight and lifetime flight duration. Poor correlation between lifetime flight duration and longevity suggests little physiological cost to flight, but effects on fecundity were not assessed. Flight by mated, egg-laying (post-nuptial) beetles was substantially delayed (peaking on day 6), suggesting degeneration and subsequent regeneration of flight muscles.
Résumé Le comportement de vol d'Ips calligraphus GERMAR (Scolytidae) a été examiné au laboratoire par une technique de vol captif. La génération parentale avait été artificiellement introduite, suivant la taille des adultes (1,6 à 2,1 mm) dans des morceaux de Pinus elliottii Engelm. variété elliottii au phloeme épais (TK=2,5 à 3,5 mm) ou fin (TN=0,5 à 1,5 mm) les larves se sont développées dans ces morceaux de pin. Le poids et la teneur en lipide des adultes obtenus à partir de TN étaient significativement inférieure à ceux de TK. Le poids des mâles les plus gros a été plus réduit que celui des femelles; les mâles les plus petits semblaient être moins efficaces dans l'initiation des attaques sur les arbres, et les femelles les plus petites ont eu une fécondité réduite.Les durées de vol quotidiennes pendant la vie des mâles TK vierges étaient en moyenne deux fois plus longues que celles des mâles TN. Les durées de vol quotidiennes étaient très variables: en moyenne moins de 20 minutes, mais la plus longue a été de 173 mn. En moyennes les adultes TN et TK ont commencé à voler, et volaient en plus grand nombre, le premier et le second jour après l'émergence. Ensuite la fréquence d'adultes volants et le pourcentage de surviveants, ont graduellement diminué jusqu'à tomber à zéro le neuvième jour. Les mâles TN et TK avaient des vols quotidiens plus longs et volaient environ 1 jour de plus que les femelles. L'activité de vol accrue des mâles reflète leur besoin de trouver dans la nature des arbres convenables; les vols des femelles peuvent généralement être plus brefs, étant plus directement orientés comme une réponse aux phéromones mâles.Les voiliers ont vécu environ 2 fois plus longtemps que les non-voiliers. Parmi les voiliers TK et TN il y avait une corrélation positive étroite entre le poids du corps et la durée totale des vols. Il n'y en a qu'une faible corrélation entre cette durée totale des vols et la longévité, suggérant un faible coût physiologique du vol. L'influence de cette durée des vols et du prélèvement consécutif de lipides sur la fécondité n'a pas été examinée. L'initiation au vol chez les individus fécondés a été sérieusement retardée (maximum le sixième jour) par rapport aux vierges, ce qui suggère un dégénérescence des muscles du vol associée à la reproduction, suivie d'une régénération importante, comme cela a été signalé chez d'autres Scolytes.Ces résultats contribuent à notre compréhension des facteurs conditionnant le comportement de vol et d'autres aspects fondamentaux de la biologie des insectes des pins. Une telle connaissance est nécessaire au développement d'une politique efficace de protection.
Summary Within-species variability of a restriction site in the chloroplast (cp) DNA in Pinus monticola has been surveyed. Frequencies of two variants of the cp genome are significantly different in interior versus coastal populations. Paternal inheritance of the cp genome predominates, though some individuals have both variants of the genome. The presence of heteroplasmic individuals indicates occasional biparental inheritance.  相似文献   
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