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Three species of microalgae able to produce eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA) were collected from brackish and sea water around Japan. The species were identified as Navicula saprophila, Rhodomonassalina and Nitzschia sp. EPA as a proportion of total fatty acids increased in the presence of acetic acid for Rhodomonas salina and Nitzschia sp. However, Navicula saprophila displayed the greatest productivity of EPA and the EPA content of its biomass was enhanced under mixotrophic conditions in the presence of acetic acid. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The haploid genome size of Artemia is determined to be about 0.9·1012, as evidenced both by Feulgen microspectrophotometry of individual diploid class nuclei, which are but one of five polyploid classes present within the larvae, and by analysis of the reassociation kinetics of the isolated single copy DNA component. Polysomes isolated from 24-h incubation stage larvae contain an average of 10 ribosomes per messenger RNA molecule. Their rRNAs are found to have sedimentation coefficients of 18 S and 26 S, corresponding to molecular weights of 0.70·106 and 1.40·106, respectively, as determined by polyacrylamide electrophoresis and also by sucrose density centrifugation. Denaturation in glyoxal followed by agarose gel electrophoresis shows that unlike deuterostome rRNAs, Artemia 26 S rRNA contains a cryptic nick about midway in the molecule, which is not found in the 18 S molecule. Isolated rRNAs were labelled in vitro with 125I and hybridized with filter-immobilized DNA to saturation, which occurred at 0.051% for Xenopus, and at 0.074% for Artemia. From these results, it is calculated that in the haploid Artemia genome there are about 320 copies of the (18 S + 26 S) ribosomal RNA genes. Reciprocal heterologous hybridizations between these two species show that they share about 30% homology between their rDNA coding sequences.  相似文献   
本文采用RT-PCR技术从人的胎盘组织中克隆canstatin基因,定向连接到表达载体pUΩ上,然后与筛选标记bar盒连接得到真核表达载体pUΩ-Can-Bar。采用玻璃珠转化法将该表达载体转化杜氏盐藻(以下简称盐藻),通过草丁膦固体平板筛选得到转化株,进而对转化株进行阳性鉴定。PCR结果显示,在盐藻转化株中均能够扩增出约700 bp特异的条带,而在阴性对照中没有扩增出该条带。Southern blot结果进一步证明人canstatin基因已经整合到盐藻细胞的基因组中。此外,本文对盐藻转化株的遗传稳定行进行了分析,结果表明canstatin基因能够在转化藻株中稳定遗传。人canstatin转基因盐藻株的成功制备为利用盐藻反应器大规模生产人canstatin蛋白提供了实验依据,为及早实现canstatin蛋白在治疗肿瘤上的临床应用提供了前期工作基础。  相似文献   
杜氏盐藻rbcS启动子的克隆和功能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高转基因盐藻的表达效率,利用基因组步行方法和巢式PCR,从盐藻中克隆了1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco)的小亚基基因rbcS 的5'上游调控序列,并对其进行序列分析和转基因功能分析。采用Dra I、EcoR V、Pvu II和Stu I四种平端限制内切酶分别酶切盐藻基因组DNA,并与接头连接,构建基因组步行文库GWL 1、GWL 2、GWL 3和GWL 4;设计特异引物从这四种文库中扩增rbcS基因的5'上游调控序列。在GWL 1、GWL 4中分别扩增出约1.2 kb的片段。对该序列的分析表明,它的3'端与已知盐藻rbcS cDNA 的5'端序列完全一致,说明是该基因的5'端上游区,并且包含多个与转录调控有关的保守序列(如TATA-box、CAAT-box),富含GT的重复序列。此序列EcoR I下游的片段与除草剂抗性基因bar相融合,构建表达载体,电击法转化盐藻。通过对转化藻株的抗性筛选以及PCR和Southern blot检测,表明该区域能驱动外源基因bar在转基因盐藻中的表达,推断是盐藻rbcS基因的启动子调控区。  相似文献   
不同启动子驱动下转基因盐藻外源基因的稳定表达   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
摘要:为了探讨外源性与内源性启动子对转基因盐藻外源基因表达的影响,将含外源性启动子CMV35S的表达载体CMV35S-bar(G12)和含内源双拷贝碳酸酐酶启动子DCA1的表达载体DCA1-bar(D-B)分别转化盐藻,筛选稳定转化株后,观察在不同启动子驱动下外源基因的表达情况及对转基因盐藻生长的影响。 通过电击法分别将表达载体G12 和D-B转化盐藻,经PPT筛选后,各得到了3株PPT抗性藻株,经PCR及测序分析证实外源基因bar已经整合到盐藻的基因组中,半定量RT-PCR结果显示,在内源性启动子DCA1驱动下,bar基因的表达强度明显高于在外源性启动子驱动下bar的表达,并且D-B转化株的bar基因表达在盐诱导下其表达明显提高,而G12转化株中bar基因的表达对盐诱导无反应。Southern blot 分析显示,外源基因的拷贝数与不同启动子间无相关性。转化株的生长特性分析显示,D-B转化株的生长速度明显高于G12转化株。本研究的结果指出,内源诱导型启动子在驱动转基因盐藻外源基因的高效稳定表达中比外源组成型启动子更具有优势。  相似文献   
杜氏盐藻是一种抗渗透能力强的单细胞绿藻,甘油在其渗透调节过程中具有重要作用。葡萄糖对杜氏盐藻细胞数量的增加效果不明显,但对盐藻细胞内甘油积累有显著促进作用,在0~15g/L范围内葡萄糖的浓度与胞内甘油积累显著相关(R2=0.9604,P=0.01);葡萄糖浓度达到15g/L时,胞内甘油积累量达到最高值7.80pg/cell,是对照的1.88倍,胞内甘油积累量与葡萄糖的消耗量极显著相关(R2=0.9982,P=0.01)。葡萄糖对盐藻细胞内总蛋白、3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶(GPDH)酶活和比活都有显著影响,在15g/L葡萄糖时这3个值达到最大值,分别是对照的1.354、4.384、3.229倍。数据显示葡萄糖浓度在15g/L时细胞内蛋白质含量增加不多,但GPDH酶活和比活却大幅度增加;葡萄糖导致的渗透压的变化可能诱导新的同功酶的合成。  相似文献   
盐生杜氏藻甘油-3-磷酸脱氢酶的分离纯化及其特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用PEG分级,DEAE离子交换层析,BlueSepharose拟亲和层析,MonoQ离子交换层析等手段,分离纯化盐生杜氏藻(Dunalielasalina(Dunal)Teod.)甘油三磷酸(G3P)脱氢酶(EC1.1.1.8),得到比活为12.6U/mg的电泳纯的酶,并对此酶的生化特性进行了研究。4%~20%非变性聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳测得全酶分子量约为270kD,SDSPAGE表明该酶只有一种分子量约为65kD的亚基,据此推测该酶应为同四聚体。酶催化磷酸二羟丙酮(DHAP)还原的最适pH值为7.5,催化G3P脱氢的最适pH值为10。该酶对4个底物还原型辅酶Ⅰ(NADH),二磷酸吡啶核苷酸(DHAP),辅酶Ⅰ(NAD),G3P的表观Km值分别为63μmol/L,272μmol/L,1.53mmol/L,6.52mmol/L。该酶在保存过程中易失活。NADH能降低酶失活的速度,而NAD则不然。低浓度NaCl对酶略有保护作用,但高浓度NaCl加快酶的失活,且浓度越高效应越明显。  相似文献   
根据莱因衣藻、卵形肾藻、普通小球藻等10种藻类的atpA全基因氨基酸高度保守序列,设计简并引物,利用PCR方法从盐藻叶绿体DNA中扩增出约400bp的片段,将该片段连接到T-vector上进行序列测定。结果表明,核苷酸长度为405bp,编码135个氨基酸。推导的氨基酸序列与莱因衣藻的同源性为92%,普通小球藻88%,Mesostigmaviride87%,卵形肾藻86%,Cyanidioschyzonmerolae85%。以所克隆的DNA片段为探针,与盐藻叶绿体基因组进行SouthernBlot杂交结果有明显的杂交信号。据此可推断本实验中所克隆的序列为杜氏盐藻叶绿体atpA基因片段。该基因序列已被GenBank收录,接受号为AY435096。  相似文献   

For a feasible microalgae biodiesel, increasing lipid productivity is a key parameter. An important cultivation parameter is light wavelength (λ). It can affect microalgal growth, lipid yield, and fatty acid composition. In the current study, the mixture design was used as an alternative to model the influence of the λ on the Dunaliella salina lipid productivity. The illumination was considered to be the mixture of different λ (the light colors blue, red, and green). All experiments were performed with and without sodium acetate (4?g/L), as carbon source, allowing the identification of the impact of the cultivation regimen (autotrophic or mixotrophic). Without sodium acetate, the highest lipid productivity was obtained using blue and red light. The use of mixotrophic cultivations significantly enhanced the results. The optimum obtained result was mixotrophic cultivation under 65% blue and 35% green light, resulting in biomass productivity of 105.06 mgL?1day?1, a lipid productivity of 53.47 mgL?1day?1, and lipid content of 50.89%. The main fatty acids of the oil obtained in this cultivation were oleic acid (36.52%) and palmitic acid (18.31%).  相似文献   
杜氏盐藻是一种以甘油为渗透调节物质的单细胞海藻,能够在0.08~5.0mol/L NaGl的培养液中生长。当外界NaGl浓度从0.5mol/L上升到4.0mol/L时,藻细胞内的Na~+和K~+含量变化不大,甘油含量则从6.20Pg/cell上升到51.50pg/cell。当藻细胞承受2.0mol/L到3.0mol/L NaCl的高渗胁迫时,能通过增加细胞内甘油含量来恢复原有形态;同时,藻细胞的H~+分泌增加,ATP含量下降;20μmol/L Na_3VO_4抑制了这些变化。KGN处理虽降低藻细胞内的ATP含量,却增加K~+外流和Na~+内渗。  相似文献   
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