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Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are a family of large and dynamic oligomers highly expressed in long-lived cells of muscle, lens and brain. Several family members are upregulated during stress, and some are strongly cytoprotective. Their polydispersity has hindered high-resolution structure analyses, particularly for vertebrate sHsps. Here, crystal structures of excised α-crystallin domain from rat Hsp20 and that from human αB-crystallin show that they form homodimers with a shared groove at the interface by extending a β sheet. However, the two dimers differ in the register of their interfaces. The dimers have empty pockets that in large assemblies will likely be filled by hydrophobic sequence motifs from partner chains. In the Hsp20 dimer, the shared groove is partially filled by peptide in polyproline II conformation. Structural homology with other sHsp crystal structures indicates that in full-length chains the groove is likely filled by an N-terminal extension. Inside the groove is a symmetry-related functionally important arginine that is mutated, or its equivalent, in family members in a range of neuromuscular diseases and cataract. Analyses of residues within the groove of the αB-crystallin interface show that it has a high density of positive charges. The disease mutant R120G α-crystallin domain dimer was found to be more stable at acidic pH, suggesting that the mutation affects the normal dynamics of sHsp assembly. The structures provide a starting point for modelling higher assembly by defining the spatial locations of grooves and pockets in a basic dimeric assembly unit. The structures provide a high-resolution view of a candidate functional state of an sHsp that could bind non-native client proteins or specific components from cytoprotective pathways. The empty pockets and groove provide a starting model for designing drugs to inhibit those sHsps that have a negative effect on cancer treatment.  相似文献   
Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are ubiquitous molecular chaperones that prevent the unspecific aggregation of proteins. So far, Hsp26 was the only unambiguously identified member of the sHsp family in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show here that the sHsp system in the cytosol of S. cerevisiae consists of two proteins, Hsp26 and Hsp42. Hsp42 forms large dynamic oligomers with a barrel-like structure. In contrast to Hsp26, which functions predominantly at heat shock temperatures, Hsp42 is active as a chaperone under all conditions tested in vivo and in vitro. Under heat shock conditions, both Hsp42 and Hsp26 suppress the aggregation of one-third of the cytosolic proteins. This subset is about 90% overlapping for Hsp42 and Hsp26. The sHsp substrates belong to different biochemical pathways. This indicates a general protective function of sHsps for proteome stability in S. cerevisiae. Consistent with this observation, sHsp knockout strains show phenotypical defects. Taken together, our results define Hsp42 as an important player for protein homeostasis at physiological and under stress conditions.  相似文献   
Fibril fragmentation is considered to be an essential step in prion replication. Recent studies have revealed a strong correlation between the incubation period to prion disease and conformational stability of synthetic prions. To gain insight into the molecular mechanism that accounts for this correlation, we proposed that the conformational stability of prion fibrils controls their intrinsic fragility or the size of the smallest possible fibrillar fragments. Using amyloid fibrils produced from full-length mammalian prion protein under three growth conditions, we found a correlation between conformational stability and the smallest possible fragment sizes. Specifically, the fibrils that were conformationally less stable were found to produce shorter pieces upon fragmentation. Site-specific denaturation experiments revealed that the fibril conformational stability was controlled by the region that acquires a cross-β-sheet structure. Using atomic force microscopy imaging, we found that fibril fragmentation occurred in both directions—perpendicular to and along the fibrillar axis. Two mechanisms of fibril fragmentation were identified: (i) fragmentation caused by small heat shock proteins, including αB-crystallin, and (ii) fragmentation due to mechanical stress arising from adhesion of the fibril to a surface. This study provides new mechanistic insight into the prion replication mechanism and offers a plausible explanation for the correlation between conformational stability of synthetic prions and incubation time to prion disease.  相似文献   
Formation of heterooligomeric complexes of human small heat shock proteins (sHsp) HspB6 (Hsp20) and HspB1 (Hsp27) was analyzed by means of native gel electrophoresis, analytical ultracentrifugation, chemical cross-linking and size-exclusion chromatography. HspB6 and HspB1 form at least two different complexes with apparent molecular masses 100–150 and 250–300 kDa, and formation of heterooligomeric complexes is temperature dependent. These complexes are highly mobile, easily exchange their subunits and are interconvertible. The stoichiometry of HspB1 and HspB6 in both complexes is close to 1/1 and smaller complexes are predominantly formed at low, whereas larger complexes are predominantly formed at high protein concentration. Formation of heterooligomeric complexes does not affect the chaperone-like activity of HspB1 and HspB6 if insulin or skeletal muscle F-actin was used as model protein substrates. After formation of heterooligomeric complexes the wild type HspB1 inhibits the rate of phosphorylation of HspB6 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The 3D mutant mimicking phosphorylation of HspB1 also forms heterooligomeric complexes with HspB6, but is ineffective in inhibition of HspB6 phosphorylation. Inside of heterooligomeric complexes HspB6 inhibits phosphorylation of HspB1 by MAPKAP2 kinase. Thus, in heterooligomeric complexes HspB6 and HspB1 mutually affect the structure of each other and formation of heterooligomeric complexes might influence diverse processes depending on small heat shock proteins.  相似文献   
The core functional machinery of the RNAi pathway is the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), wherein Argonaute2 (Ago2) is essential for siRNA-directed endonuclease activity and RNAi/microRNA-mediated gene silencing. Crystallin-αB (CryAB) is a small heat shock protein involved in preventing protein aggregation. We demonstrate that CryAB interacts with the N and C termini of Ago2, not the catalytic site defined by the convergence of the PAZ, MID, and PIWI domains. We further demonstrate significantly reduced Ago2 activity in the absence of CryAB, highlighting a novel role of CryAB in the mammalian RNAi/microRNA pathway. In skeletal muscle of CryAB null mice, we observe a shift in the hypertrophy-atrophy signaling axis toward atrophy under basal conditions. Moreover, loss of CryAB altered the capability of satellite cells to regenerate skeletal muscle. These studies establish that CryAB is necessary for normal Ago2/RISC activity and cellular homeostasis in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress and Cu2+ have been implicated in several neurodegenerative diseases and in cataract. Oxidative stress, as well as Cu2+, is also known to induce the expression of the small heat shock proteins α-crystallins. However, the role of α-crystallins in oxidative stress and in Cu2+-mediated processes is not clearly understood. We demonstrate using fluorescence and isothermal titration calorimetry that α-crystallins (αA- and αB-crystallin and its phosphorylation mimic, 3DαB-crystallin) bind Cu2+ with close to picomolar range affinity. The presence of other tested divalent cations such as Zn2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ does not affect Cu2+ binding, indicating selectivity of the Cu2+-binding site(s) in α-crystallins. Cu2+ binding induces structural changes and increase in the hydrodynamic radii of α-crystallins. Cu2+ binding increases the stability of α-crystallins towards guanidinium chloride-induced unfolding. Chaperone activity of αA-crystallin increases significantly upon Cu2+ binding. α-Crystallins rescue amyloid beta peptide, Aβ1-40, from Cu2+-induced aggregation in vitro. α-Crystallins inhibit Cu2+-induced oxidation of ascorbate and, hence, prevent the generation of reactive oxygen species. Interestingly, α-synuclein, a Cu2+-binding protein, does not inhibit this oxidation process significantly. We find that the Cu2+-sequestering (or redox-silencing) property of α-crystallins confers cytoprotection. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to reveal high affinity (close to picomolar) for Cu2+ binding and redox silencing of Cu2+ by any heat shock protein. Thus, our study ascribes a novel functional role to α-crystallins in Cu2+ homeostasis and helps in understanding their protective role in neurodegenerative diseases and cataract.  相似文献   
Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are molecular chaperones employed to interact with a diverse range of substrates as the first line of defense against cellular protein aggregation. The N-terminal region (NTR) is implicated in defining features of sHsps; notably in their ability to form dynamic and polydisperse oligomers, and chaperone activity. The physiological relevance of oligomerization and chemical-scale mode(s) of chaperone function remain undefined. We present novel chemical tools to investigate chaperone activity and substrate specificity of human HspB1 (B1NTR), through isolation of B1NTR and development of peptide-conjugated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). We demonstrate that B1NTR exhibits chaperone capacity for some substrates, determined by anti-aggregation assays and size-exclusion chromatography. The importance of protein dynamics and multivalency on chaperone capacity was investigated using B1NTR-conjugated AuNPs, which exhibit concentration-dependent chaperone activity for some substrates. Our results implicate sHsp NTRs in chaperone activity, and demonstrate the therapeutic potential of sHsp-AuNPs in rescuing aberrant protein aggregation.  相似文献   
The first draft of the Chlamydomonas nuclear genome was searched for genes potentially encoding members of the five major chaperone families, Hsp100/Clp, Hsp90, Hsp70, Hsp60, the small heat shock proteins, and the Hsp70 and Cpn60 co-chaperones GrpE and Cpn10/20, respectively. This search yielded 34 potential (co-)chaperone genes, among them those 8 that have been reported earlier inChlamydomonas. These 34 genes encode all the (co-)chaperones that have been expected for the different compartments and organelles from genome searches in Arabidopsis, where 74 genes have been described to encode basically the same set of (co-)chaperones. Genome data from Arabidopsis and Chlamydomonas on the five major chaperone families are compared and discussed, with particular emphasis on chloroplast chaperones.  相似文献   
AlphaB-Crystallin is a ubiquitous small heat-shock protein (sHsp) renowned for its chaperone ability to prevent target protein aggregation. It is stress-inducible and its up-regulation is associated with a number of disorders, including those linked to the deposition of misfolded proteins, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. We have characterised the formation of amyloid fibrils by human alphaB-crystallin in detail, and also that of alphaA-crystallin and the disease-related mutant R120G alphaB-crystallin. We find that the last 12 amino acid residues of the C-terminal region of alphaB-crystallin are predicted from their physico-chemical properties to have a very low propensity to aggregate. (1)H NMR spectroscopy reveals that this hydrophilic C-terminal region is flexible both in its solution state and in amyloid fibrils, where it protrudes from the fibrillar core. We demonstrate, in addition, that the equilibrium between different protofilament assemblies can be manipulated and controlled in vitro to select for particular alphaB-crystallin amyloid morphologies. Overall, this study suggests that there could be a fine balance in vivo between the native functional sHsp state and the formation of amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   
The hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf) grows optimally at 100 °C and encodes single genes for the Group II chaperonin (Cpn), Pf Cpn and α-crystallin homolog, the small Heat shock protein (sHsp). Recombinant Pf Cpn is exceptionally thermostable and remained active in high ionic strength, and up to 3 M guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn-HCl). Pf Cpn bound specifically to denatured lysozyme and ATP addition resulted in protection of lysozyme from aggregation and inactivation at 100 °C. While complexed to heat inactivated lysozyme, Pf Cpn showed enhanced thermostability and ATPase activity, and increased the optimal temperature for ATPase activity from 90 to 100 °C. Protein substrate binding also stabilized the 16-mer oligomer of Pf Cpn in 3 M Gdn-HCl and activated ATPase hydrolysis in 3-5 M Gdn-HCl. In addition, Pf Cpn recognized and refolded the non-native lysozyme released from Pf sHsp, consistent with the inferred functions of these chaperones as the primary protein folding pathway during cellular heat shock.  相似文献   
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