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目的:观察女性受试者在不同坐姿久坐前后腰部肌肉表面肌电(sEMG)信号的变化,探讨不同姿势的久坐对竖脊肌功能状态的影响。方法:32名女性受试者随机分成4组,分别在4种不同的座椅(座椅A、B、C、D)上久坐2 h。记录受试者腰部竖脊肌在久坐前后2次最大随意收缩力量(MVC)测试中的sEMG信号,观察测试过程中的前3 s时频指标及全程频域指标的变化。结果:3 s的时频指标平均肌电振幅(AEMG)、平均功率谱频率(MPF)在不同坐姿久坐前后无显著性差异,其中AEMG在座椅B组中明显大于座椅A组;全程信号的频域指标MPF在久坐后显著减小,但在不同坐姿之间无显著性差异。结论:女性受试者在4种不同坐姿2 h久坐前后腰部竖脊肌的最大活动水平无明显改变;最大持续收缩能力在久坐后下降,但在不同坐姿间并无显著差异。  相似文献   
ObjectivesElectromyography (EMG) is recording of the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. The classification of the EMG signals for different physical actions can be useful in restoring some or all of the lost motor functionalities in these individuals. Accuracy in classifying the EMG signal indicates efficient control of prosthesis.Material and methodsThe flexible analytic wavelet transform (FAWT) is used for classification of surface electromyography (sEMG) signals for identification of physical actions. FAWT is an efficient method for decomposition of sEMG signal into eight sub-bands, features namely neg-entropy, mean absolute value (MAV), variance (VAR), modified mean absolute value type 1 (MAV1), waveform length (WL), simple square integral (SSI), Tsallis entropy, integrated EMG (IEMG) are extracted from the sub-bands. Extracted features are fed into an extreme learning machine (ELM) classifier with sigmoid activation function.ResultsComprehensive experiments are conducted on the input sEMG signals and the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity scores are used for performance measurement. Experiments showed that among all sub-bands, the seventh sub-band provided the best performance where the recorded accuracy, sensitivity and specificity values were 99.36%, 99.36% and 99.93%, respectively. The comparison results showed best efficiency of proposed method as compared to other methods on the same dataset.ConclusionThis paper investigates the usage of the FAWT and ELM on sEMG signal classification. The results show that the proposed method is quite efficient in classification of the sEMG signals. It is also observed that the seventh sub-band of the FAWT provides the best discrimination property. In the future works, recent wavelet transform methods will be used for improving the classification performance.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate a surface electromyography (sEMG) signal and force model for the biceps brachii muscle during isotonic isometric contractions for an experimental set-up as well as for a simulation. The proposed model includes a new rate coding scheme and a new analytical formulation of the muscle force generation. The proposed rate coding scheme supposes varying minimum and peak firing frequencies according to motor unit (MU) type (I or II). Practically, the proposed analytical mechanogram allows us to tune the force contribution of each active MU according to its type and instantaneous firing rate. A subsequent sensitivity analysis using a Monte Carlo simulation allows deducing optimised input parameter ranges that guarantee a realistic behaviour of the proposed model according to two existing criteria and an additional one. In fact, this proposed new criterion evaluates the force generation efficiency according to neural intent. Experiments and simulations, at varying force levels and using the optimised parameter ranges, were performed to evaluate the proposed model. As a result, our study showed that the proposed sEMG–force modelling can emulate the biceps brachii behaviour during isotonic isometric contractions.  相似文献   
For individuals with temporomandibular disorder (TMD) it has been theorized that stressful events trigger oral habits (e.g., teeth grinding), thereby increasing masticatory muscle tension and subsequent pain. Recent research involving adjunctive behaviors found an increase in masseter surface EMG (sEMG) and oral habits when students with TMD symptomatology were placed on a fixed-time reinforcement schedule. The current study used a treatment-seeking community sample with TMD symptomatology in a competitive task designed to be a more naturalistic Fixed Time task. The experiment consisted of Adaptation, Free-Play, Scheduled-Play, and Recovery phases. During the Scheduled-Play phase participants played, and waited to play, an electronic poker game. Results indicated that masseter muscle tension in the Scheduled-Play phase was significantly higher (p<.001) than in any other phase. Moreover, during the Scheduled-Play phase masseter sEMG was higher (p#60;.001) when participants waited to play. Self-reported oral habits and overall affect were significantly higher (p's<.05) in the Free-Play and Scheduled-Play phases relative to Adaptation and Recovery. The observation that masseter sEMG was elevated during the Scheduled-Play phase relative to all other phases, and within the Scheduled-Play phase sEMG was highest while waiting, suggests that adjunctive oral habits may lead to TMD symptomatology.  相似文献   
This pilot study investigated whether group training, in which participants become role models and coaches, would reduce discomfort as compared to a nontreatment Control Group. Sixteen experimental participants participated in 6 weekly 2-hr group sessions of a Healthy Computing program whereas 12 control participants received no training. None of the participants reported symptoms to their supervisors nor were they receiving medical treatment for repetitive strain injury prior to the program. The program included training in ergonomic principles, psychophysiological awareness and control, sEMG practice at the workstation, and coaching coworkers. Using two-tailed t tests to analyze the data, the Experimental Group reported (1) a significant overall reduction in most body symptoms as compared to the Control Group and (2) a significant increase in positive work-style habits, such as taking breaks at the computer, as compared to the Control Group. This study suggests that employees could possibly improve health and work style patterns based on a holistic training program delivered in a group format followed by individual practice.  相似文献   
The modification of posture in children using sEMG is a new area that offers much potential to aid disabled children regain function. This article describes a new protocol, the minimax procedure, to aid children regain motor function in sitting. The protocol uses selective reinforcement to encourage recruiting/relaxing target sites (gluteus medius/maximus) in a predetermined way so as to encourage good form in sitting. Children often are unaware how to make changes in posture, and when they do succeed the progress is so slow that sustaining motivation is a challenge. This paper describes a procedure that helps the child recognize when they have achieved the correct posture, immediately rewards them for doing so, and generates data using Boolean operations to numerically substantiate the clinically observed changes in posture.  相似文献   
The identification of the motor unit (MU) innervation zone (IZ) using surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals detected on the skin with a linear array or a matrix of electrodes has been recently proposed in the literature. However, an analysis of the reliability of this procedure and, therefore, of the suitability of the sEMG signals for this purpose has not been reported.The purpose of this work is to describe the intra and inter-rater reliability and the suitability of surface EMG in locating the innervation zone of the upper trapezius muscle.Two operators were trained on electrode matrix positioning and sEMG signal analysis. Ten healthy subjects, instructed to perform a series of isometric contractions of the upper trapezius muscle participated in the study. The two operators collected sEMG signals and then independently estimated the IZ location through visual analysis.Results showed an almost perfect agreement for intra-rater and inter-rater reliability. The constancy of IZ location could be affected by the factors reflecting the population of active MUs and their IZs, including: the contraction intensity, the acquisition period analyzed, the contraction repetition. In almost all cases the IZ location shift due to these factors did not exceed 4 mm. Results generalization to other muscles should be made with caution.  相似文献   
目的:探讨肌肉疲劳过程中sEMG功率谱变化与H 的关系以及可能存在的其它影响因素.方法:利用肌肉进行疲劳收缩结束后,短时间内肌肉pH值尚无明显改变的特性,观察恢复期30 s内s EMG功率谱的变化规律.八名男性受试者,以肱二头肌为目标肌肉,负荷强度为60%MVC,静态持续负荷至疲劳点后,在恢复期以同样负荷分别观察2 s、4 s、6 s、8 s、10 s、20 s、30 s时的sEMG信号特征.结果:肱二头肌在以60%MVC静态疲劳负荷过程中MPF呈线性下降.在疲劳负荷后的恢复期,MPF恢复极其迅速,运动结束后仅2 s,MPF已恢复到整个下降范围的26.5%;至30 s,MPF已恢复到整个下降范围的87.7%.结论:由[H ]增加引起的肌纤维动作电位传导速度下降不是决定sEMG功率谱左移的唯一因素,提示sEMG功率谱左移可能与神经源性的中枢机制的作用有关.  相似文献   
ObjectiveVibration conditioning has been adopted as a tool to improve muscle force and reduce fatigue onset in various rehabilitation settings. This study was designed to asses if high frequency vibration can induce some conditioning effects detectable in surface EMG (sEMG) signal; and whether these effects are central or peripheral in origin.Design300 Hz vibration was applied for 30 min during 5 consecutive days, to the right biceps brachii muscle of 10 healthy males aged from 25 to 50 years. sEMG was recorded with a 16 electrode linear array placed on the skin overlying the vibrated muscle. The test protocol consisted of 30% and 60% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) as well as involuntary (electrically elicited) contractions before and after treatment.ResultsNo statistically significant differences were found between PRE and POST vibration conditioning when involuntary stimulus-evoked contraction and 30% MVC were used. Significant differences in the initial values and rates of change of muscle fibre conduction velocity were found only at 60% MVC.Conclusions300 Hz vibration did not induce any peripheral changes as demonstrated by the lack of differences when fatigue was electrically induced. Differences were found only when the muscle was voluntarily fatigued at 60% MVC suggesting a modification in the centrally driven motor unit recruitment order, and interpreted as an adaptive response to the reiteration of the vibratory conditioning.  相似文献   
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