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From 1972 to 1976 rainfall in Kajiado District of Kenya was below normal. The capacity of the farming and herding systems to cope with the consequent reduction in production is discussed within a context of changing land-use patterns and altered resource availability. It is concluded that land-use planning to allocate the available land and water resources and to promote off-farm employment is required to reduce the vulnerability of the population to future drought conditions.  相似文献   
This article reports on a study of schooling in southwest Nova Scotia. Using Bourdieu's concepts of cultural capital and habitus, I analyze rural men's relationships involving identity, work, place, and schooling to explain continuing high male dropout rates and local traditions of ambivalence and resistance to schooling. I conclude that the tension between formal schooling and place is endemic in many rural communities and that qualitative migration analysis can reveal the complexity of relationships between learning and leaving.  相似文献   
The Duvensee originated before the Alleroed in the Late Glacial, and had its largest areal coverage during the Preboreal. After the lake retreat, which began in early Boreal times, the marginal shore areas and nearshore islands were repeatedly inhabited by man in the early Mesolithicum. Archaeological excavations of human settlements and pollen analyses of sediment cores show evidence of lake level fluctuations in the ensuing period. The results disclose that shallow water sediments such as lake marls, algal muds and coarse detrital gyttjas predominate in the sequence. In keeping with the shallow water conditions, strong lateral facies changes were observed in the cores. The early Holocene deposits have almost the same thickness irrespective of their position in the shallow or deep parts of the lake basin. The subaerial exposure of the nearshore and island areas sometimes resulted in fern and reed peats. The last remnants of the lake, which was drained in 1850, lay in the marginal areas over shallow water sediments.  相似文献   
Zimbabwe provides a significant context to examine the interplay of the new development rhetoric, the actions of powerful conservation organizations, donor policies, a relatively strong and stable government, and the empowerment of local communities. This interplay exists in diverse rural areas where the Communal Areas Management Program for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) is in various stages of experimentation and implementation. CAMPFIRE has been described as a philosophy of sustainable rural development that enables rural communities to manage, and benefit directly form indigenous wildlife. It is the best known of African efforts to permit African communities to re- assert their management of selected natural resources. The program has the official support of the Zimbabwean government. Nonetheless, there are many potential areas of serious conflict. Three case studies are utilized to explore how the challenges of repossession of critical environmental resources by marginalized communities in the changing context of state and NGO relationships where international tourism is a revenue generator for both the private sector and government.  相似文献   
This paper describes the results of the archaeobotanical examination of four Late Neolithic lakeshore settlements on Lake Biel in Switzerland. Due to the excellent preservation conditions in lakeshore settlements, non-carbonized as well as carbonized seeds and fruits were recovered in large numbers. In addition to the diaspore analyses, some samples of charcoal and moss were identified. The spectrum of cultivated plants was markedly different between the sites. In the transition from the 34th to 33rd century B.C. (sites Nidau, Lüscherz and Lattrigen ‘VI’) naked wheat and barley were predominant, while in the 32nd century B.C. (Lattrigen'VII') emmer (a glume wheat) was most abundant. Flax and opium poppy were of great importance during the whole late Neolithic period. In addition to cereals, a large number of cereal weeds were detected. The wild flora included a high percentage of aquatic and lake-shore plants which results from the strong influence of water on the cultural layers. Taxa of flood-plain forest are also common. The proportion of potential grassland plants was low (in total only 13 taxa) which suggests that in addition to the cultivated fields only few pastures and grassland areas existed close to the settlements.  相似文献   
Andean cultural ecologists have made two claims in recent years: ecological decomposition is absent due to effective indigenous management of communal resources, and agricultural intensification is inversely related to altitude. Drawing on material from the Jukumani Indians of Northern Potosi, Bolivia, these assertions are challenged. First, there is little evidence to prove or disprove ecological degradation. Second, the location of agricultural intensification, as the Jukumani data suggests, is influenced by altitude as well as by the presence of market.Fieldwork in Bolivia was carried out between January 1979 and May 1981. This essay was originally presented at a conference entitled, How Communities Resolve Common Property Problems, sponsored by the Harvard Institute for International Development and the Center for Population Studies of Harvard University in the spring semester of 1983.  相似文献   
【目的】分析居住于哈尔滨城市和乡村的青年居民肠道菌群多样性的异同。【方法】采用PCR和DGGE技术相结合的方法对生活于哈尔滨城市和乡村的青年志愿者肠道菌群多样性进行研究。基于DGGE指纹图谱,分别使用聚类和PCA分析对志愿者肠道微生物相似性进行分析,使用Shannon-Weine多样性指数(H′)、丰度(S)和均匀度(EH)对志愿者肠道微生物多样性进行分析,对图谱中具有代表性的共性和特异性条带进行胶回收和克隆测序以分析志愿者肠道微生物组成。基于PCR技术在种水平上对城乡志愿者肠道内乳杆菌属和双歧杆菌属多样性进行定性分析。【结果】相似性分析显示,城乡青年居民间肠道微生物群落结构存在分开趋势,相似性小于城市或乡村青年居民内部;多样性分析显示,城乡青年居民肠道微生物多样性差异不显著;测序结果表明,城乡居民肠道微生物组成在门水平上相同,但是在种属水平上存在差异。PCR定性分析显示Lactobacillus plantarum、L.casei和L.salivarius在哈尔滨城乡青年居民肠道内检出率接近100%,Bifidobacterium longum和B.breve的检测率约90%,在哈尔滨城乡青年居民肠道内普遍存在;乳杆菌属和双歧杆菌属各细菌种在城乡居民肠道中的检出频率差异不显著。【结论】哈尔滨城市和乡村青年居民肠道微生物多样性差异不显著。  相似文献   
黄甜  郭青海  邹凯  李达维  易海军 《生态学报》2021,41(19):7579-7588
乡村社会-生态系统的稳定和可持续发展为农业农村现代化的实现奠定着基础,在稳定社会经济发展、提高城乡居民福祉方面发挥着重要作用。服务性公共设施作为乡村社会-生态系统供给服务的重要组成部分,代表了乡村的发展水平与该地区居民生活质量水平。研究公共服务设施的空间分布特征和综合评价其供给服务可改善乡村社会-生态系统结构,为城乡居民提供高质量的社会生态系统服务。以厦门市岛外城市化乡村为研究对象,通过厦门市岛外POI数据和乡村社会经济统计数据,以公共服务设施为景感载体,分析其空间分布和测度其供给服务水平,采用核密度分析方法与熵值分析法,分析厦门市乡村社会-生态系统供给服务空间分布特征,结合人口、经济、距岛内核心区距离等指标对各村庄社会-生态系统供给服务能力进行皮尔逊相关性分析。研究发现厦门乡村公共设施供给服务能力表现为集美区 > 海沧区 > 同安区 > 翔安区;各村庄公共设施供给服务能力水平影响因素是多元且具有多样性的;提出从城乡居民的认知心理与物质需求出发对公共设施进行景感生态营造以提高村庄社会-生态系统供给服务能力,更好满足人们的需求。本文对公共服务设施的空间优化提出对策建议,研究结果可为乡村社会-生态系统供给服务提升和乡村可持续发展提供理论研究依据。  相似文献   
贫困与生态环境问题呈现强烈的相关性,为避免旅游扶贫重点村发展落入"贫困陷阱",有效地评价其生态脆弱性成为开展旅游扶贫和精准脱贫的重要前提。然而,当前鲜有将旅游扶贫与生态环境问题置于同一分析框架内,开展乡村旅游扶贫重点村生态脆弱性及其驱动因子研究的成果。以福建省472个全国乡村旅游扶贫重点村为样本,基于"成因-结果"模型构建生态脆弱性评价指标体系,采用空间主成分分析法测算样本生态脆弱性指数,并深入分析其空间分异与驱动因子。结果显示:重点村生态脆弱性指数平均值为4.84,总体处于轻度脆弱;30 m×30 m栅格单元生态脆弱性呈零散分布格局,空间分异不显著;极度和重度生态脆弱村主要分布在三明市、宁德市、南平市和龙岩市,并在宁德市和三明市形成3处高度脆弱核心区;餐饮和床位数、旅游基础设施状况、土壤侵蚀强度、人口密度、多年平均降水量、坡度、休闲农业园面积等为生态脆弱性主要驱动因子。  相似文献   
肖娟  杨永清 《生态学报》2017,37(13):4529-4537
以川东地区传统聚落为研究对象,基于现代生态适应性理论,探索了川东传统聚落空间格局的构建方法和驱动因素,以期为传统聚落的生态适应性和空间结构演变提供理论依据。研究表明:传统聚落实质体现了其对自然地理要素及生态系统完整性的适应。在聚落选址方面具体化为山、河、路、池等环境要素,形成理想聚居模式以适应环境。传统聚落营建风水林以弥补原自然环境的不足,这不仅起到了维持生物多样性的作用,且使人和其它生物及环境要素一起构成一个完整的生态系统。在房屋形式的选择上,传统聚落建筑极富地域特色,反映了对自然的尊崇和适应。传统聚落是一种以人类行为为主导,自然环境为依托,资源流动为命脉,社会、文化为经络的人工复合生态系统。经济、文化和制度三者相辅相成构成社会系统的原动力。  相似文献   
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