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Trees can adjust xylem anatomical structure related with potential hydraulic functions to cope with climate variability. We therefore need a better understanding of how climate variability constrains wood anatomy and tree radial growth. Pinus tabuliformis dominates natural forests and plantations over the western Qinling Mountains, which is one of the ecologically vulnerable areas in China. Here, we investigated the response of P. tabuliformis tree-ring anatomical structure to climate variability by applying wood anatomy analysis, and evaluated the influences of anatomical traits on potential hydraulic functions and the climate significance of intra-annual density fluctuations (IADFs). We found that with the increasing temperature from spring to summer, the negative effect of temperature on the formation and enlargement of earlywood and transition-wood tracheids was gradually enhanced. However, spring precipitation not only had a direct and positive influence on the formation of earlywood, but also had a delaying impact on the transition-wood cell enlargement. Besides, the smaller earlywood tracheid size of P. tabuliformis could be a substantially characteristic reflecting spring drought. The contribution of lumen diameter on conduit wall reinforcement was dominated in earlywood, while the contribution of cell wall thickness was greater than that of lumen diameter in latewood. The different contributions of anatomical traits on conduit wall reinforcement would further affect the response of potential hydraulic function to climate. IADFs of P. tabuliformis could be a potential indicator to reflect the abnormal summer precipitation events in the western Qinling Mountains. IADFs with strong and weak intensity indicated years with high and low rates of change in mid-summer precipitation, respectively. Future warmer and drier climate in the western Qinling Mountains will likely result in the production of smaller tracheids to ensure hydraulic safety, which means the stronger drought resistant of P. tabuliformis in the future. In this study, we linked the xylem anatomy and potential hydraulics functions with intra-seasonal climate variability in the context of climate warming and drying, and proposed some xylem anatomical indices reflecting potential drought events.  相似文献   
We propose a technique for separating the climatic signal which is contained in two tree-ring parameters widely used in dendroclimatology. The method is based on the removal of the relationship between tree-ring width (TRW) and maximum latewood density (MXD) observed for narrow tree rings from high latitudes. The new technique is tested on data from three larch stands located along the northern timberline in Eurasia. Correlations were calculated between the temperatures of pentads (five consecutive days), TRW chronologies and MXD chronologies calculated according to the standard and proposed methods. The analysis confirms the great importance of summer temperature for tree radial growth and tree-ring formation. TRW is positively correlated with the temperature of four to eight pentads (depending on the region) at the beginning of the growth season, but MXD as obtained by the standard technique is correlated with temperature over a much longer period. For maximum density series from which the relationship between MXD and TRW has been removed (MXD′), there is a clear correlation with temperatures in the second part of the growing season. These results are consistent with the known dynamics of tree-ring growth in high latitudes and mechanisms of tree-ring formation.  相似文献   
Over the past two decades, the dendroclimate community has produced various annually resolved, warm season temperature reconstructions for the extratropical Northern Hemisphere. Here we compare these tree-ring based reconstructions back to 831 CE and present a set of basic metrics to provide guidance for non-specialists on their interpretation and use. We specifically draw attention to (i) the imbalance between (numerous) short and (few) long site chronologies incorporated into the hemispheric means, (ii) the beneficial effects of including maximum latewood density chronologies in the recently published reconstructions, (iii) a decrease in reconstruction covariance prior to 1400 CE, and (iv) the varying amplitudes and trends of reconstructed temperatures over the past 1100 years. Whereas the reconstructions agree on several important features, such as warmth during medieval times and cooler temperatures in the 17th and 19th centuries, they still exhibit substantial differences during 13th and 14th centuries. We caution users who might consider combining the reconstructions through simple averaging that all reconstructions share some of the same underlying tree-ring data, and provide four recommendations to guide future efforts to better understand past millennium temperature variability.  相似文献   
Trafficking protein particle complex 9 (TRAPPC9) is a major subunit of the TRAPPII complex. TRAPPC9 has been reported to bind nuclear factor κB kinase subunit β (IKKβ) and NF-kB-inducing kinase (NIK) where it plays a role in the canonical and noncanonical of nuclear factor-κB (NF-kB) signaling pathways, receptively. The role of TRAPPC9 in protein trafficking and cytoskeleton organization in osteoclast (OC) has not been studied yet. In this study, we examined the mRNA expression of TRAPPC9 during OC differentiation. Next, we examined the colocalization of TRAPPC9 with cathepsin-K, known to mediate OC resorption suggesting that TRAPPC9 mediates the trafficking pathway within OC. To identify TRAPPC9 protein partners important for OC-mediated cytoskeleton re-organization, we conducted immunoprecipitation of TRAPPC9 in mature OCs followed by mass spectrometry analysis. Our data showed that TRAPPC9 binds various protein partners. One protein with high recovery rate is L-plastin (LPL). LPL localizes at the podosomes and reported to play a crucial role in actin aggregation thereby actin ring formation and OC function. Although the role of LPL in OC-mediated bone resorption has not fully reported in detail. Here, first, we confirmed the binding of LPL to TRAPPC9 and, then, we investigated the potential regulatory role of TRAPPC9 in LPL-mediated OC cytoskeleton reorganization. We assessed the localization of TRAPPC9 and LPL in OC and found that TRAPPC9 is colocalized with LPL at the periphery of OC. Next, we determined the effect of TRAPPC9 overexpression on LPL recruitment to the actin ring using a viral system. Interestingly, our data showed that TRAPPC9 overexpression promotes the recruitment of LPL to the actin ring when compared with control cultures. In addition, we observed that TRAPPC9 overexpression reorganizes actin clusters/aggregates and regulates vinculin recruitment into the OC periphery to initiate podosome formation.  相似文献   
The “two-third spline” (2/3S) is a frequently applied method to detrend tree-ring series. It fits a spline with a 50% frequency cutoff at a frequency equal to two-thirds of each sample length in a dataset. It was introduced to ensure a minimum loss of low-frequency variance, which is resolvable during the detrending of ring-width series.In this paper I show potential problems that arise when rusing this method. The 2/3S runs counter the strengths of using a digital filter to detrend – i.e. one is giving up full control over the frequency-removing characteristics of the growth curve and each individual time series retains a different amount of low frequency. Thus, the 2/3S is less suitable for reconstructing climate or to compare environmental impacts on tree growth between groups – both of which comprise the majority of dendrochronological analyses – as it will likely introduce a temporal frequency bias. Within a long chronology it will result in decreasing power to resolve low frequencies towards present in a living-only trees setting, especially when the youngest segment lengths are 100 years and shorter, and more generally during the period where the chronology is constructed from samples with shorter segment lengths compared to the period with longer segment lengths. The frequency bias will also significantly impact regression slopes and correlation coefficients, possibly distorting analyses investigating multiple groups with different mean segment lengths. Highlighting these potential biases, I recommend the community to not use this method on an individual basis but rather to use a fixed spline stiffness for all samples based on the n% criterion (n = 67) of e.g. the mean segment length of the entire dataset.  相似文献   
Akaike's information criterion and the histogram   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TAYLOR  CHARLES C. 《Biometrika》1987,74(3):636-639
Summary The study of gonadal organogenesis and differentiation by means of light and electron microscopy suggested the following in Helix aspersa: (1) the distal parts of the acini have components of mesodermal origin, whereas the neck and efferent duct comprise ectodermal elements; (2) a segregation of a germinal line occurs early, during the embryonic life; (3) in juvenile and adult animals, male and female cells arise from a germinal ring located at the base of the acinar neck. Apart from developing oocytes, the epithelium lining the distal region of the acini consists of somatic cells (Sertoli and follicle cells).  相似文献   
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