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B Westley  F E May 《Gene》1984,28(2):221-227
Sequences related to the mouse mammary tumour virus (MuMTV) DNA were isolated from a genomic library of human DNA by screening under conditions of relaxed stringency. It is estimated that there are in the order of 50 MuMTV-like sequences per haploid genome and that the homology between the different human sequences and MuMTV varies by 15%.  相似文献   
Xenotransplantation from pigs provides a possible solution to the shortage of human organs for allotransplantation. Porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) are a possible obstacle to using porcine organs in addition to the immunological barriers. Three main types of PERVs (A, B and C) have been previously investigated in diverse pig breeds. To examine the copy numbers of PERVs and their genomic locations in the Korean native pig genome, we screened a BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) library with PERV-specific protease primers for initial recognition of PERV-positive clones and three sets of envelope-specific primers for the identification of PERV types. A total of 45 PERV-positive clones, nine PERV-A and 36 PERV-B, have been identified from the library screening and the BAC contigs were constructed using the primers designed from BAC end sequences (BESs). These primers were also used for SCH (Somatic Cell Hybrid) and RH (Radiation Hybrid) mapping of the PERV-positive clones. The results indicate that 45 PERV-positive BAC clones belong to nine contigs and a singleton. SCH and IMpRH (INRA-Minnesota Porcine Radiation Hybrid) mapping results indicated that there are at least eight separate PERV genomic locations, consisting of three PERV-A and five PERV-B. One contig could not be mapped, and two contigs are closely located on SSC7. Southern blotting indicates there may be up to 15 additional sites. Further investigation of these clones will contribute to a general strategy to generate PERV-free lines of pigs suitable for xenotransplantation.  相似文献   
The majority of clinical trials for gene therapy currently employ retroviral-mediated gene delivery. This is because the life cycle of the retrovirus is well understood and can be effectively manipulated to generate vectors that can be efficiently and safely packaged. Here, we review the molecular technology behind the generation of recombinant retroviral vectors. We also highlight the problems associated with the use of these viruses as gene therapy vehicles and discuss future developments that will be necessary to maintain retroviral vectors at the forefront of gene transfer technology.  相似文献   
Murray B. Gardner 《Genetica》1993,91(1-3):199-209
Different populations of wild mice (Mus musculus domesticus) in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties were observed over their lifespan in captivity for expression of infectious murine leukemia virus (MuLV) and murine mammary tumor virus (MMTV) and for the occurrence of cancer and other diseases. In most populations of feral mice these indigenous retroviruses were infrequently expressed and cancer seldom occurred until later in life (>2 years old). MMTV was found in the milk of about 50% of wild mice, but was associated with only a low incidence (>1%) of breast cancer after one year of age. By contrast, in several populations, most notably at a squab farm near Lake Casitas (LC), infectious MuLV acquired at birth via milk was highly prevalent, and the infected mice were prone to leukemia and a lower motor neuron paralytic disease after one year of age. These two diseases were both caused by the same infectious (ecotropic)strain of MuLV and were the principal cause of premature death in these aging LC mice. A dominant gene called FV-4R restricting the infection with ecotropic MuLV was found segregating in LC mice. Mice inheriting this FV-4R allele were resistant to the ecotropic MuLV associated lymphoma and paralysis. The FV-4R allele represents a defective endogenous MuLV provirus DNA segment that expresses an ecotropic MuLV envelope-related glycoprotein (gp70) on the cell surface. This FV-4R encoded gp70 presumably occupies the receptor for ecotropic MuLV and blocks entry of the virus. The FV-4R gene was probably acquired by the naturally occurring crossbreeding of LC feral mice with another species of feral mice (Mus castaneus) from Southeast Asia. The FV-4R gp70 does not block entry of the amphotropic MuLV that uses a separate cell surface receptor. Therefore LC mice continued to be susceptible to the highly prevalent but weakly lymphogenic and nonparalytogenic amphotropic strain of MuLV. The study points out the potential of feral populations to reveal genes associated with specific disease resistance.  相似文献   
Applications of immortalized cells in basic and clinical neurology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immortalized cell lines can serve as model systems for studies of neuronal development and restoration of function in models of neurological disease. Cell lines which result from spontaneous or experimentally-induced tumors have been used for these purposes. More recently, the techniques of genetic engineering have resulted in the production of cell lines with specific desired characteristics. This has been accomplished by insertion of a desired gene into a pre-existing immortal cell or by immortalizing primary cells. The production of immortal cell lines using temperature-sensitive immortalizing genes offers an additional method of controlling gene expression, and thereby controlling cell proliferation and differentiation. In the nervous system, these techniques have produced immortal cell lines with neuronal and glial properties.  相似文献   
Transposable elements are present in almost all genomes including that of humans. These mobile DNA sequences are capable of invading genomes and their impact on genome evolution is substantial as they contribute to the genetic diversity of organisms. The mobility of transposable elements can cause deleterious mutations, gene disruption and chromosome rearrangements that may lead to several pathologies including cancer. This mini-review aims to give a brief overview of the relationship that transposons and retrotransposons may have in the genetic cause of human cancer onset, or conversely creating protection against cancer. Finally, the cause of TE mobility may also be the cancer cell environment itself.  相似文献   
The HERV‐W family of human endogenous retroviruses represents a group of numerous sequences that show close similarity in genetic composition. It has been documented that some members of HERV‐W–derived expression products are supposed to play significant role in humans' pathology, such as multiple sclerosis or schizophrenia. Other members of the family are necessary to orchestrate physiological processes (eg, ERVWE1 coding syncytin‐1 that is engaged in syncytiotrophoblast formation). Therefore, an assay that would allow the recognition of particular form of HERV‐W members is highly desirable. A peptide nucleic acid (PNA)–mediated technique for the discrimination between multiple sclerosis‐associated retrovirus and ERVWE1 sequence has been developed. The assay uses a PNA probe that, being fully complementary to the ERVWE1 but not to multiple sclerosis‐associated retrovirus (MSRV) template, shows high selective potential. Single‐stranded DNA binding protein facilitates the PNA‐mediated, sequence‐specific formation of strand invasion complex and, consequently, local DNA unwinding. The target DNA may be then excluded from further analysis in any downstream process such as single‐stranded DNA‐specific exonuclease action. Finally, the reaction conditions have been optimized, and several PNA probes that are targeted toward distinct loci along whole HERV‐W env sequences have been evaluated. We believe that PNA/single‐stranded DNA binding protein–based application has the potential to selectively discriminate particular HERV‐W molecules as they are at least suspected to play pathogenic role in a broad range of medical conditions, from psycho‐neurologic disorders (multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia) and cancers (breast cancer) to that of an auto‐immunologic background (psoriasis and lupus erythematosus).  相似文献   
Viral mimicry of the complement system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The complement system is a potent innate immune mechanism consisting of cascades of proteins which are designed to fight against and annul intrusion of all the foreign pathogens. Although viruses are smaller in size and have relatively simple structure, they are not immune to complement attack. Thus, activation of the complement system can lead to neutralization of cell-free viruses, phagocytosis of C3b-coated viral particles, lysis of virus-infected cells, and generation of inflammatory and specific immune responses. However, to combat host responses and succeed as pathogens, viruses not only have developed/adopted mechanisms to control complement, but also have turned these interactions to their own advantage. Important examples include poxviruses, herpesviruses, retroviruses, paramyxoviruses and picornaviruses. In this review, we provide information on the various complement evasion strategies that viruses have developed to thwart the complement attack of the host. A special emphasis is given on the interactions between the viral proteins that are involved in molecular mimicry and the complement system.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Recently, several cancer gene therapy studies have shown that replication-competent retroviral vectors represent a major improvement over replication-defective ones in terms of transgene propagation efficiency. However, this positive effect is somewhat spoiled by the increased risk of dissemination and oncogenesis that replication-competent retroviral vectors entail. To enhance both their integral safety and their transgene capacity, we developed a semi-replication-competent retroviral vector system. METHODS: The semi-replication-competent retroviral vector system is based on two transcomplementing replication-defective retroviral vectors termed gag-pol vector (GPv) and env vector (Ev). Vector propagation was monitored in vitro and in solid tumors in vivo, using different reporter transgenes for GPv and Ev. Systemic vector dissemination and leukemogenesis was assessed by direct intravenous vector injection and subsequent bone marrow transplantation, in MLV-sensitive mice. RESULTS: In vitro and in vivo the semi-replication-competent retroviral vectors propagate transgenes almost as efficiently as replication-competent ones. The semi-replication-competent retroviral vector system does not lead to detectable dissemination or leukemogenesis as does the replication-competent vector or the parental virus. Additionally, the vector duo allows co-propagation of different transgenes as well as mobilization of a third replication-defective vector. CONCLUSIONS: This study is an initial proof of principle for the use of complementary retroviral vectors to deliver and propagate transgenes in vitro and in solid tumors in vivo, but with reduced pathogenicity compared to its parental virus. In-between replication-defective and replication-competent retroviral vectors, this semi-replicative system offers good grounds for its application in in vitro studies and allows envisioning its further development for cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   
Retroviral Gag polyprotein precursors are both necessary and sufficient for the assembly and release of virus-like particles (VLPs) from infected cells. It is well established that small Gag-encoded motifs, known as late domains, promote particle release by interacting with components of the cellular endosomal sorting and ubiquitination machinery. The Gag proteins of a number of different retroviruses are ubiquitinated; however, the role of Gag ubiquitination in particle egress remains undefined. In this study, we investigated this question by using a panel of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) Gag derivatives bearing the wild-type EIAV late domain, heterologous retroviral late domains or no late domain. Ubiquitin was fused in cis to the C-termini of these Gag polyproteins, and the effects on VLP budding were measured. Remarkably, fusion of ubiquitin to EIAV Gag lacking a late domain (EIAV/DeltaYPDL-Ub) largely rescued VLP release. We also determined the effects of ubiquitin fusion on the sensitivity of particle release to budding inhibitors and to depletion of key endosomal sorting factors. Ubiquitin fusion rendered EIAV/DeltaYPDL-Ub sensitive to depletion of cellular endosomal sorting factors Tsg101 and Alix and to overexpression of dominant-negative fragments of Tsg101 and Alix. These findings demonstrate that ubiquitin can functionally compensate for the absence of a retroviral late domain and provide insights into the host-cell machinery engaged by ubiquitin during particle egress.  相似文献   
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