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Development of effective resuscitation agents for blood-loss replacement in trauma or surgery is extremely important despite substantial improvements in screening methods of blood from human donors. This paper reports the design and synthesis of peptides that mimic the natural environment of the heme group in myoglobin (Mb) and in the - and -subunits of human adult hemoglobin (Hb). The designs were based on the fact that the heme group in the aforementioned proteins is sandwiched between helices E and F. Fifteen test peptides and six control peptides were synthesized, and their ability to form stable complexes with heme was investigated. It was found that none of the control peptides or proteins was able to bind heme. However, each of the peptides that were designed to mimic the E--F helices, and even shorter designs, which removed from this region residues that do not contribute to contacts with the heme group, were each able to bind one mole of heme per mole of peptide forming peptide–heme complexes that were stable to manipulation and behaved as single molecular species. Oxygen binding measurements on the reduced peptide–heme complexes showed that these compounds bind oxygen and give visible spectra that were typical of oxygenated heme-proteins. In oxygen binding measurements done under different partial pressures of oxygen, the heme–peptide complexes gave hyperbolic oxygen-saturation curves, but showed slight differences in their P50 values. The P50 values ranged from 3.8 mmHg for the heme–peptide B7 complex to 13.7 mmHg for the heme–peptide D13 complex (under the same conditions, P50 values for Hb and Mb were 34.0 and 5.5 mmHg, respectively). It is concluded that peptide constructs designed to mimic the heme-binding regions of Mb or the Hb subunits were able to form coordinate 1:1 complexes with heme, and these complexes bind oxygen in a manner expected for single subunit heme proteins.  相似文献   
王华东  曹文杰  张民  付振帅  刘道营  李耀胜 《生物磁学》2013,(25):4929-4931,4912
目的:早期液体复苏对感染性休克患者血流动力学的影响。方法:选取2012年2月-2013年2月我院ICU收治的26例感染性休克患者作为研究对象,随机分为对照组和试验组,各13例。两组患者均采用PICCO监测,并根据早期复苏目标导向(Earlygoaldirectedtherapy,EGDT)进行早期液体复苏治疗。对照组和试验组复苏液分别为林格液和6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4氯化钠溶液。分别于复苏开始时(Oh)、8h和24h收集患者的血流动力学参数。结果:两组患者CO及PAWP水平均随着时间的延长下降,而CI、CVP及SVR水平均随着时间的增加上升。除对照组CI外,与开始复苏(oh)相比较试验组和对照组的C0、CI、CVP、SVR及PAWP与开始复苏(O小时)相比较均有显著差异(P值均〈0.05)。经重复测量资料的.方差分析进行比较发现,与对照组相比较,试验组CVP和SVR上升水平及PAWP下降水平明显,差异具有统计学意义(P值均〈0.05)。结论:感染性休克患者使用6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4氯化钠溶液进行复苏,能更好的改善患者的血流动力学指标。  相似文献   


The current outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients in the Maastricht region was analysed with the prospect of implementing extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (E-CPR).


A retrospective analysis of adult patients who were resuscitated for OHCA during a 24-month period was performed.


195 patients (age 66 [57–75] years, 82 % male) were resuscitated for OHCA by the emergency medical services and survived to admission at the emergency department. Survival to hospital discharge was 46.2 %. Notable differences between non-survivors and survivors were observed and included: age (70 [58–79] years) vs. (63 [55–72] years, p = 0.01), chronic heart failure (18 vs. 7 %, p = 0.02), shockable rhythm (67 vs. 99 %, p < 0.01), and return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) at departure from the site of the arrest (46 vs. 99 %, p < 0.01) and on arrival to the emergency department (43 vs. 98 %, p < 0.01), respectively. Acute coronary syndrome was diagnosed in 32 % of non-survivors vs. 59 % among survivors, p < 0.01. Therapeutic hypothermia was provided in non-survivors (20 %) vs. survivors (43 %), p < 0.01. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was performed in 14 % of non-survivors while 52 % of survivors received PCI (p < 0.01). No statistical significance was observed in terms of gender, witnessed arrest, bystander CPR, or automated external defibrillator deployed among the cohort. At hospital discharge, moderately severe neurological disability was present in six survivors.


These observations are compatible with the notion that a shockable rhythm, ROSC, and post-arrest care improve survival outcome. Potentially, initiating E-CPR in the resuscitation phase in patients with a shockable rhythm and no ROSC might serve as a bridge to definite treatment and improve survival outcome.  相似文献   
Aims:  The aim was to characterize the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state of Vibrio cincinnatiensis and its resuscitation.
Methods and Results:  Vibrio cincinnatiensis VIB287 was cultured in sterilized seawater microcosms at 4°C. Plate counts, direct viable counts and total counts were used. A large population of the V. cincinnatiensis became nonculturable after approx. 50 day at 4°C. Electron microscopy revealed that the VBNC cells changed from rod to coccoid and decreased in size. Resuscitation of VBNC cells was achieved by temperature upshift in nutrition of yeast extract and peptone by addition of catalase or compound vitamin B. The VBNC and resuscitative cells were intraperitoneally injected into zebra fish separately. No death was observed in the group inoculated with the VBNC cells.
Conclusions:  Vibrio cincinnatiensis VIB287 could enter VBNC state in adverse environments. Resuscitation of VBNC cells occurred by addition of compound vitamin B or catalase to VBNC cells containing nutrient. The resuscitative cells might retain their pathogenicity.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The study confirmed that V. cincinnatiensis could enter into VBNC state in seawater at low temperature and resuscitated. The resuscitative cells retained their pathogenicity, which may be important in future studies of ecology of V. cincinnatiensis .  相似文献   
目的:研究严重烧伤患者休克期经肠道给予燕麦米汤对肠道复苏的影响。方法:选取烧伤面积≥30%TBSA的患者42例,并随机分为:燕麦米汤组,伤后24h内开始经鼻肠管给予燕麦米汤;对照组,伤后24h内开始经鼻肠管给予50g/L葡萄糖盐水,连续4d,每组21例。在伤后1、2、3、4 d分别检测其血清二氨氧化酶(DAO)值及动脉血乳酸(LAC)含量,观察两组患者腹胀缓解时间、肠鸣音恢复时间等临床指标。结果:两组患者伤后血清二氨氧化酶及动脉血乳酸含量均呈下降趋势,燕麦米汤组血清二氨氧化酶在伤后2、3、4d显著低于对照组(P〈0.01),而脉血乳酸含量在伤后2、3d显著低于对照组(P〈0.05或0.01),治疗过程中燕麦米汤组其腹胀缓解时间、肠鸣音恢复时间、排气时间、开始完全肠内营养时间、继发感染例数均优于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论:在严重烧伤休克期尽早鼻饲燕麦米汤能较好地促进肠道复苏。  相似文献   
燕麦米汤对严重烧伤患者休克期肠道复苏的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:研究严重烧伤患者休克期经肠道给予燕麦米汤对肠道复苏的影响。方法:选取烧伤面积≥30%TBSA的患者42例,并随机分为:燕麦米汤组,伤后24h内开始经鼻肠管给予燕麦米汤;对照组,伤后24h内开始经鼻肠管给予50g/L葡萄糖盐水,连续4d,每组21例。在伤后1、2、3、4 d分别检测其血清二氨氧化酶(DAO)值及动脉血乳酸(LAC)含量,观察两组患者腹胀缓解时间、肠鸣音恢复时间等临床指标。结果:两组患者伤后血清二氨氧化酶及动脉血乳酸含量均呈下降趋势,燕麦米汤组血清二氨氧化酶在伤后2、3、4d显著低于对照组(P<0.01),而脉血乳酸含量在伤后2、3d显著低于对照组(P<0.05或0.01),治疗过程中燕麦米汤组其腹胀缓解时间、肠鸣音恢复时间、排气时间、开始完全肠内营养时间、继发感染例数均优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:在严重烧伤休克期尽早鼻饲燕麦米汤能较好地促进肠道复苏。  相似文献   
目的:观察不同液体复苏对失血性休克大鼠肠粘膜的影响以及肠粘膜的变化。方法:利用大鼠失血性休克模型以及不同的补液方式,在复苏后120分钟时处死大鼠,取回肠4cm,做病理切片并根据Chiu等方法评估回肠黏膜上皮损伤指数。结果:液体复苏组的肠粘膜损伤程度小于休克不补液组(p<0.05),而限制型液体复苏组的肠粘膜损伤程度小于充分液体复苏组(p<0.05)。结论:通过本实验对肠粘膜的观察可以得出,对于失血性休克,液体复苏时有效的抗休克方式,而对于复苏的方式来说,从肠黏膜的保护方面来说,限制型液体复苏是优于传统的充分液体复苏的。  相似文献   
目的:探讨限制性补液复合去甲肾上腺素对脓毒性休克患者血流动力学及氧代谢的影响。方法:将62例脓毒性休克患者按照液体复苏策略随机分为限制性液体复苏(治疗组)和常规液体复苏(对照组),每组各31例。观察和比较复苏前后血流动力学指标、氧代谢指标的变化,记录两组低血压、弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)、多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)、急性呼吸窘迫综合症(ARDS)的发生率及2周病死率。结果:治疗后1 h、3 h、6 h,两组患者CVP、MAP明显升高,HR明显下降(P0.05);治疗后3 h、6 h,治疗组MAP明显低于对照组(P0.05),而两组HR、CVP比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。治疗后1 h、3 h、6 h,两组患者PaCO_2、PaO_2、SaO_2、PaO_2/Fi O_2均不同程度改善,治疗组治疗后3 h、6 h PaO_2、PaO_2/Fi O_2明显高于对照组(P0.05)。治疗后3 d,治疗组MODS的发生率较对照组显著降低(P0.05),而两组低血压、ARDS、DIC及2周病死率均无显著性差异(P0.05)。结论:限制性液体复合小剂量去甲肾上腺素对脓毒性休克患者有助于维持血流动力学稳定,改善全身氧代谢,减少并发症的发生,改善预后。  相似文献   
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