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Summary Seven highly inbred lines of White Leghorn chickens were used in a near complete diallel mating plan during eight years. The lines originated from three different base populations selected for egg weight. Average inbreeding coefficients of parents of chicks hatching in successive years were 0.75, 0.80, 0.84, 0.86, 0.89, 0.91, 0.93 and 0.94. The composition of line, specific combining ability and reciprocal effects and their estimated values are given. These effects were estimated for age at first egg (AFE), average weight of all eggs laid to 40 weeks (EW40), body weight at 40 weeks (BW40), number of eggs to 40 weeks (EP40) and number of eggs between 41 and 60 weeks (EP60). Records of 3247 hens surviving to 40 weeks and of 3133 birds to 60 weeks could be used. Large differences between line effects could be found in all traits. They were only partly due to the preceding selection in the base populations. All specific combining effects were in the expected direction, negative for AFE and positive for EW40, BW40, EP40 and EP60. Recovery of inbreeding depression inflated these effects rather substancially. Average heterosis, defined as the relative superiority of a line combination over the mid parent value, was –11.3%, 5.8%, 7.8%, 45.1% and 35.8% for AFE, EW40, BW40, EP40 and EP60 respectively. One line showed a relative superiority in AFE of -19.3% compared to about –7.9% for all other combinations. Reciprocal or sex-linked effects were generally smaller in all traits than specific combining effects, they were considerably smaller in AFE, EP40 and EP60. General reciprocal effects could be found for several lines in one or more traits. Offspring of two lines, when used as sire lines, showed a negative correlation between reciprocal effects of egg weight and body weight.  相似文献   
We describe here a reliable high-throughput method for extraction of RNA from fresh or frozen plant tissue that obviates laborious and time-consuming homogenisation by mortar and pestle. The method is based on homogenisation by high-speed reciprocal shaking in presence of a mixture of inexpensive abrasive materials; i.e., quartz sand and glass beads. After homogenisation, the method follows a standard procedure for RNA extraction by phenol/LiCl. Yield and quality of RNA obtained by homogenisation with the sand/glass bead mix are identical to those obtained by mortar and pestle.  相似文献   
Abstract The effect of increasing planting unit size and stabilizing sediment was examined for two seagrass planting methods at Carnac Island, Western Australia in 1993. The staple method (sprigs) was used to transplant Amphibolis griffithii (J. M. Black) den Hartog and the plug method was used to transplant A. griffithii and Posidonia sinuosa Cambridge and Kuo. Transplant size was varied by increasing the number of rhizomes incorporated into a staple and increasing the diameter of plugs. Planting units were transplanted into bare sand, back into the original donor seagrass bed, or into a meadow of Heterozostera tasmanica, which is an important colonizing species. Sprigs of A. griffithii were extracted from a monospecific meadow; tied into bundles of 1, 2, 5, and 10 rhizomes; and planted into unvegetated areas. Half the units were surrounded by plastic mesh and the remainder were unmeshed. All treatments were lost within 99 days after transplanting, and although larger bundles survived better than smaller ones, no significant differences could be attributed to the effects of mesh or sprig size. Plugs of P. sinuosa and A. griffithii were extracted from monospecific meadows using polyvinyl chloride pipe of three diameters, 5, 10, and 15 cm, and planted into unvegetated areas nearby. Half the units were surrounded by plastic mesh and the remainder were unmeshed. Posidonia sinuosa plugs were also placed within a meadow of H. tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog. Only 60% of A. griffithii plug sizes survived 350 days after transplanting back into the donor bed; however, survival of transplants at unvegetated areas varied considerably, and analysis of variance indicated a significant two‐way interaction between treatment and plug size. Transplants survived better when meshed (90% survived) and survival improved with increasing plug size. Posidonia sinuosa transplants survived poorly (no plugs survived beyond 220 days in bare or meshed treatments) regardless of size. Survival of 10‐ and 15‐cm plugs was markedly better than the 5‐cm plugs in vegetated areas, including the H. tasmanica meadow. The use of large seagrass plugs may be appropriate for transplantation in high‐energy wave environments.  相似文献   
Tillers and seedlings ofHordeum jubatum L. from three sites with contrasting salinity regimes in central Saskatchewan, Canada were reciprocally transplanted in order to examine the tolerance of populations of this species to salinity and related habitat factors. Survival, growth and fecundity of the three populations were controlled more by transplant site characteristics than by genetic differences, i.e. differences among populations at a site tended to be smaller than differences among sites. Survival, growth and reproduction of all three populations were best at the non-saline site. The population originating at the non-saline site showed the poorest growth in the two saline habitats, but still had substantial salt tolerance. Fecundity was greatest when the populations were grow at their site of origin.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that monkeys direct grooming to high-ranking individuals in an attempt to obtain agonistic support in return. But whether these two categories of interactions are causally related has proven difficult to establish. Part of the problem stems from the fact that in stable groups social relationships reflect an equilibrium state and that behaviors need only be performed at low rates and long intervals to maintain the current social structure. In theory, however, if affiliative and supportive interactions are indeed causally related, it should be possible to accentuate their temporal relation, hence their causal dynamics. For example, destabilizing dominance relations can be expected to induce competition for status and force individuals to deploy behavioral tactics for settling new rank relations. We experimentally induced rank reversals in a captive group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) composed of three matrilines (A-B-C rank order). A reversed C-A-B order composed of three individuals per matriline was maintained for 2 weeks. The results show the close temporal relation among (i) asserting one’s rank, (ii) competing for access to dominants through affiliation and interferences in affiliation, (iii) receiving support from dominants against lower-ranking individuals, and (iv) supporting dominants against subordinates. These findings are compatible with one version of the affiliation-for-support hypothesis, namely that monkeys affiliate with dominants as a way to assert their position in the hierarchy. In a functional perspective, mutual selfishness provides a better explanation than reciprocal altruism because the possibility that both groomers and supporters derive immediate net benefits cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
Experimental data suggest that the B-cell antigen CD20 may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of many diseases including glomerular diseases. These and other findings underpin the central concept of B-cell-depleting therapies that target CD20 antigen as treatments for lupus nephritis, idiopathic membranous nephropathy, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, cryglobulinemic glomerulonephritis, antibody mediated renal allograft rejection and recurrent glomerulonephritis in renal allograft. Use of rituximab as a B-cell depleting therapy has been associated with clinical improvement and has emerged as a possible adjunct or alternative treatment option in this field of nephrology.  相似文献   
Seagrass meadows are in decline globally. Although numerous experimental methods have been implemented to restore meadows, few have been successful in the long term. Poor decisions on the sourcing of transplants from donor sites, including poor genetic integration and/or low genetic diversity, may impact on restoration success. However, despite evidence to suggest a positive association between genetic diversity and ecological resilience, there is usually little or no input from genetic data to inform on the genetic management of ecological restoration. Cockburn Sound has seen a 77% decline in seagrass cover since 1967. A transplant trial was conducted between 2004 and 2008 with sprigs of Posidonia australis being planted into a bare sand area. Survival was monitored annually, and in 2012, we compared genetic diversity in this transplant area with the original donor site. Genetic diversity in the restored meadow was very high and comparable to the donor site, with no genetic differentiation detected. The high level of genetic diversity and choice of site may have played an important role in the success of this restoration trial. The observed natural recruits around the site after establishment of transplants suggest that local restoration efforts may improve seafloor habitat and facilitate natural expansion of the meadow.  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are widespread root symbionts that often improve the fitness of their plant hosts. We tested whether local adaptation in mycorrhizal symbioses would shape the community structure of these root symbionts in a way that maximizes their symbiotic functioning. We grew a native prairie grass (Andropogon gerardii) with all possible combinations of soils and AM fungal inocula from three different prairies that varied in soil characteristics and disturbance history (two native prairie remnants and one recently restored). We identified the AM fungi colonizing A. gerardii roots using PCR amplification and cloning of the small subunit rRNA gene. We observed 13 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) belonging to six genera in three families. Taxonomic richness was higher in the restored than the native prairies with one member of the Gigaspora dominating the roots of plants grown with inocula from native prairies. Inoculum source and the soil environment influenced the composition of AM fungi that colonized plant roots. Correspondingly, host plants and AM fungi responded significantly to the soil–inoculum combinations such that home fungi often had the highest fitness and provided the greatest benefit to A. gerardii. Similar patterns were observed within the soil–inoculum combinations originating from two native prairies, where five sequence types of a single Gigaspora OTU were virtually the only root colonizers. Our results indicate that indigenous assemblages of AM fungi were adapted to the local soil environment and that this process occurred both at a community scale and at the scale of fungal sequence types within a dominant OTU.  相似文献   
There is ample evidence that human cooperative behaviour towards other individuals is often conditioned on information about previous interactions. This information derives both from personal experience (direct reciprocity) and from experience of others (i.e. reputation; indirect reciprocity). Direct and indirect reciprocity have been studied separately, but humans often have access to both types of information. Here, we experimentally investigate information use in a repeated helping game. When acting as donor, subjects can condition their decisions to help recipients with both types of information at a small cost to access such information. We find that information from direct interactions weighs more heavily in decisions to help, and participants tend to react less forgivingly to negative personal experience than to negative reputation. Moreover, effects of personal experience and reputation interact in decisions to help. If a recipient''s reputation is positive, the personal experience of the donor has a weak effect on the decision to help, and vice versa. Yet if the two types of information indicate conflicting signatures of helpfulness, most decisions to help follow personal experience. To understand the roles of direct and indirect reciprocity in human cooperation, they should be studied in concert, not in isolation.  相似文献   
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