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Complex coevolutionary relationships among competitors, predators, and prey have shaped taxa diversity, life history strategies, and even the avian migratory patterns we see today. Consequently, accurate documentation of prey selection is often critical for understanding these ecological and evolutionary processes. Conventional diet study methods lack the ability to document the diet of inconspicuous or difficult‐to‐study predators, such as those with large home ranges and those that move vast distances over short amounts of time, leaving gaps in our knowledge of trophic interactions in many systems. Migratory raptors represent one such group of predators where detailed diet studies have been logistically challenging. To address knowledge gaps in the foraging ecology of migrant raptors and provide a broadly applicable tool for the study of enigmatic predators, we developed a minimally invasive method to collect dietary information by swabbing beaks and talons of raptors to collect trace prey DNA. Using previously published COI primers, we were able to isolate and reference gene sequences in an open‐access barcode database to identify prey to species. This method creates a novel avenue to use trace molecular evidence to study prey selection of migrating raptors and will ultimately lead to a better understanding of raptor migration ecology. In addition, this technique has broad applicability and can be used with any wildlife species where even trace amounts of prey debris remain on the exterior of the predator after feeding.  相似文献   
We studied the nest defense behavior of Eurasian kestrels (Falcotinnunculus) towards a stuffed pine marten (Martes martes) througha 3-year vole cycle (1990–92) in western Finland. Survivalprobability of offspring decreases with a later start of breeding,and, therefore, early breeders should protect their offspringmore than late ones. We found this true for males during theincubation period, but not for females. In addition, we expectedthe nest defense intensity to increase with offspring number.During the incubation period, this was true for females, butnot for males. During the nestling phase, parents did not adjusttheir defense effort to natural or manipulated (by one to twoyoung) brood size. Survival prospects of kestrel offspring werehighest in the increasing vole year 1991 and lowest in the decreasingvole year 1992, and, therefore, we expected the defense activityof kestrels to follow the same trend. However, the oppositeresult appeared true for females with a similar tendency formales. Most hypotheses predicting avian nest defense behaviorwere not supported by our data. Temporally heterogeneous environmentand low degree of nest-site tenacity of migratory kestrels maymake them unfamiliar with environmental variation and survivalprospects of their offspring. Therefore, fitness benefits ofparental care are not predictable, and kestrels may thus adjusttheir parental effort to their own future reproductive potential(i.e., number of future breeding attempts), rather than to somecurrent investment indicator, like offspring age and number.  相似文献   
Diurnal raptor habitat use has conservation implications due to environmental and anthropogenic interactions. Three tree-nesting diurnal raptors, black kites (Milvus milvus), steppe buzzards (Buteo vulpinus) and African fish eagles (Haliaeetus vocifer), were studied from December 2016 to October 2017. The objective was to determine factors influencing diurnal raptor habitat selection and use in and around Chembe Bird Sanctuary of Kalulushi district, Zambia. We surveyed for birds in ten randomly selected 200 × 200 m sample plots in each of the five stratified sampling units (miombo woodland, grasslands, human settlements, Lake Chembe and marsh). Seasons and dietary composition variably influenced the distribution, habitat selection and use by raptors. The three raptors devised a suit of behaviours to curtail challenges associated with seasonal food and water availability, and anthropogenic disturbances. There is a need to promote multi-stakeholder engagement and involvement in raptor conservation.  相似文献   
Many large raptors exploit or rely on anabatic and orographic winds which provide vertical lift, to supplement or provide the energy fuelling flight. Airspace is therefore a critical habitat for such large raptors and its use is subject to the underlying terrestrial topography, because particular topographical features are more likely to provide wind-energetic lift. Accordingly, ridges and/or ‘rugged topography’ are common preferred features in habitat use by large raptors. Our study aimed to provide a simple model of space use for a large raptor, the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos, based on thousands of GPS telemetry records during juvenile dispersal of 92 birds tagged as nestlings between 2007 and 2016 across upland Scotland. Model development was based on the hypothesis that four topographical variables would be influential: slope, aspect, altitude and distance from ridge. The telemetry dataset was divided into training and two testing components. The first testing set was derived by a temporal split resulting in approximately equal sample size on records and some temporal overlap in individuals’ records with training data. The second testing set involved no individuals from the training set. Aspect was removed early in training model development because it was not influential. The model found that young Golden Eagles preferred, or used according to availability, space above slopes greater than 10°, at an altitude of ≥ 300 m, and within 300 m of a ridge. The test data were highly correlated with those from the training data in the model variables, and performance as regard to expected preferences from the model was improved in both test datasets, indicating the model was robust. Given the apparent universal nature of large raptor dependence on topography, that topography is relatively immutable according to time and use, and that topographical data are readily available, we commend our approach to other habitat preference studies of Golden Eagles and other large raptors elsewhere.  相似文献   
Repeat monitoring is vital to measure biodiversity change. However, monitoring protocols may change, as survey techniques improve or different questions are asked. Such modifications may cause difficulties when examining changes in wildlife populations. The Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1 and 2 are repeat national bird surveys undertaken 20 years apart. These surveys therefore offer unrivalled potential to examine bird population changes in an African context. However, changes in protocols, both spatially and temporally, between the two surveys have raised concerns over using these data to infer population changes. In this study we use independ- ent nest survey data to test whether changes in reporting rates of Martial Eagles in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park between the two SABAP surveys were reflected in real change in numbers of nesting pairs. From 11 quarter degree squares (QDS), covering c. 8 000 km2, both SABAP and nest surveys suggested a near identical 44% decline. Levels of agreement were weaker at the individual QDS scale, although in 67% of cases the direction of change was the same using both surveys. These results suggest that comparisons in the reporting rates between SABAP 1 and SABAP 2 accurately reflect changes in the breeding population size of this species.  相似文献   
We analysed migration strategies of the Osprey Pandion haliaetus on the poorly studied Eastern European–East African flyway. Four adult birds were equipped with GPS-based satellite-transmitters or data-loggers in their breeding sites in Estonia (north-eastern Europe) and tracked to their wintering grounds in Africa and back, during up to six migration cycles. Departure times, migration routes, as well as wintering and stopover sites varied remarkably between individuals but not much between years. Stopovers (2–30 days) were made mostly in Europe and less in the Middle East (Turkey) and north-eastern Africa (Egypt). The Ospreys did not avoid flying long distances over the sea, and the sea was crossed four times during the night. The current study adds to current knowledge on Osprey migration and should help to concentrate actions on protecting important flyways and stopover locations.  相似文献   
Detectability of different colour morphs under varying light conditions has been proposed as an important driver in the maintenance of colour polymorphism via disruptive selection. To date, no studies have tested whether different morphs have selective advantages under differing light conditions. We tested this hypothesis in the black sparrowhawk, a polymorphic raptor exhibiting a discrete white and dark morph, and found that prey provisioning rates differ between the morphs depending on light condition. Dark morphs delivered more prey in lower light conditions, while white morphs provided more prey in brighter conditions. We found support for the role of breeding season light level in explaining the clinal pattern of variation in morph ratio across the species range throughout South Africa. Our results provide the first empirical evidence supporting the hypothesis that polymorphism in a species, and the spatial structuring of morphs across its distribution, may be driven by differential selective advantage via improved crypsis, under varying light conditions.  相似文献   
The historic persecution and decline of European raptor populations precipitated the use of reintroduction as a species restoration tool in the late twentieth century. One of the key requirements of the World Conservation Union reintroduction guidelines concerns the need for social feasibility studies to explore the attitudes of local human populations toward restoration and reintroduction proposals. Ahead of any formal proposals to reintroduce white‐tailed sea eagles to Cumbria, United Kingdom, we conducted a baseline public attitudinal survey (n = 300). We identified broad public support for this reintroduction, which transcended differences in the demographic, geographic, and employment profiles of the study cohort. There was public recognition that white‐tailed sea eagles could deliver a broad range of socioeconomic and environmental benefits with few detrimental impacts. Although the value of attitudinal surveys of this nature has been questioned, we would argue that they provide a useful baseline “snapshot” ahead of a more structured and focused reintroduction consultation. These results reinforce the emergence of public interest in the restoration of European raptors in the late twentieth and early twenty‐first century.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Conservation grasslands can provide valuable habitat resource for breeding songbirds, but their value for wintering raptors has received little attention. We hypothesized that increased availability of grassland habitat through the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) has resulted in an increase or redistribution in numbers of four species of raptors in Pennsylvania since 2001. We tested this by analyzing winter raptor counts from volunteer surveys, conducted from 2001 to 2008, for Red‐tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), Rough‐legged Hawks (Buteo lagopus), Northern Harriers (Circus cyaneus), and American Kestrels (Falco sparverius). During that period, numbers of wintering Northern Harriers increased by more than 20% per year. Log‐linear Poisson regression models show that all four species increased in the region of Pennsylvania that had the most and longest‐established conservation grasslands. At the county scale (N= 67), Bayesian spatial models showed that spatial and temporal population trends of all four species were positively correlated with the amount of conservation grassland. This relationship was particularly strong for Northern Harriers, with numbers predicted to increase by 35.7% per year for each additional 1% of farmland enrolled in CREP. Our results suggest that conservation grasslands are likely the primary cause of the increase in numbers of wintering Northern Harriers in Pennsylvania since 2001.  相似文献   
Top predators may induce extensive cascading effects on lower trophic levels, for example, through intraguild predation (IGP). The impacts of both mammalian and avian top predators on species of the same class have been extensively studied, but the effects of the latter upon mammalian mesopredators are not yet as well known. We examined the impact of the predation risk imposed by a large avian predator, the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos, L.), on its potential mammalian mesopredator prey, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes, L.), and the pine marten (Martes martes, L.). The study combined 23 years of countrywide data from nesting records of eagles and wildlife track counts of mesopredators in Finland, northern Europe. The predation risk of the golden eagle was modeled as a function of territory density, density of fledglings produced, and distance to nearest active eagle territory, with the expectation that a high predation risk would reduce the abundances of smaller sized pine martens in particular. Red foxes appeared not to suffer from eagle predation, being in fact most numerous close to eagle nests and in areas with more eagle territories. This is likely due to similar prey preferences of the two predators and the larger size of foxes enabling them to escape eagle predation risk. Somewhat contrary to our prediction, the abundance of pine martens increased from low to intermediate territory density and at close proximity to eagle nests, possibly because of similar habitat preferences of martens and eagles. We found a slightly decreasing trend of marten abundance at high territory density, which could indicate that the response in marten populations is dependent on eagle density. However, more research is needed to better establish whether mesopredators are intimidated or predated by golden eagles, and whether such effects could in turn cascade to lower trophic levels, benefitting herbivorous species.  相似文献   
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