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Ring  S. M.  Fisher  R. P.  Poile  G. J.  Helyar  K. R.  Conyers  M. K.  Morris  S. G. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):521-524
The major phytotoxins in acid soils are aluminium and manganese. Tolerances to Al and to excessive Mn are independently inherited and Al and Mn solubilities in soils vary. In this work, the response of pasture grasses and legumes to soil acidity was studied on three soils with different Al and Mn concentrations. One provides moderate concentrations of Al with little Mn; one provides high concentrations of both Al and Mn and another provides a very high concentration of Mn at relatively low concentrations of Al. The response of a plant cultivar to changes in the soil acidity induced by lime or acid additions reflects the degree of Al and/or Mn stress provided by a particular soil, and the ability of the cultivar to tolerate those stresses. Examples are given of the way cultivars with different tolerances to Al and Mn toxicity respond to changes in acidity on the soils with different Al and Mn solubility characteristics. The utility of this screening technique to define the tolerance of cultivars to acidity on classically different soils is highlighted.  相似文献   
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and their clusters, also known as circulating tumor microemboli (CTM), have emerged as valuable tool that can provide mechanistic insights into the tumor heterogeneity, clonal evolution, and stochastic events within the metastatic cascade. However, recent investigations have hinted that CTM may not be mere aggregates of tumor cells but cells comprising CTM exhibit distinct phenotypic and molecular characteristics in comparison to single CTCs. Moreover, in many cases CTM demonstrated higher metastatic potential and resistance to apoptosis as compared to their single cell counterparts. Thus, their evaluation and enumeration may provide a new dimension to our understanding of cancer biology and metastatic cancer spread as well as offer novel theranostic biomarkers. Most of the existing technologies for isolation of hematogenous tumor cells largely favor single CTCs, hence there is a need to devise new approaches, or re-configure the existing ones, for specific and efficient CTM isolation. Here we review existing knowledge and insights on CTM biology. Furthermore, a critical commentary on current and emerging trends in CTM enrichment and characterization along with recently developed ex-vivo CTC expansion methodologies is presented with the aim to facilitate researchers to identify further avenues of research and development.  相似文献   
Succession is a key ecological process that supports our understanding of community assembly and biotic interactions. Dispersal potential and dispersal strategies, such as wind- or animal-dispersal, have been assumed to be highly relevant for the success of plant species during succession. However, research yielded varying results on changes in dispersal modes between successional stages. Here, we test the hypotheses that (a) vascular plant species that use a number of dispersal modes dominate in early stages of succession while species specialized on one/few dispersal modes increase in abundance towards later stages of succession; (b) species well adapted to wind-dispersal (anemochory) will peak in abundance in early successional stages and (c) species well adapted to adhesive dispersal (epizoochory) will increase with proceeding succession. We test these hypotheses in four sites within agriculturally dominated landscapes in Germany. Agricultural use in these sites was abandoned 20–28 years ago, leaving them to secondary succession. Sites have been monitored for plant biodiversity ever since. We analyze changes in plant species richness and abundance, number of dispersal modes and two ranking indices for wind- and adhesive dispersal by applying generalized linear mixed-effect models. We used both abundance-weighted and unweighted dispersal traits in order to gain a comprehensive picture of successional developments. Hypothesis (a) was supported by unweighted but not abundance-weighted data. Anemochory showed no consistent changes across sites. In contrast, epizoochory (especially when not weighted by abundance) turned out to be an indicator of the transition from early to mid-successional stages. It increased for the first 9–16 years of succession but declined afterwards. Species richness showed an opposing pattern, while species abundance increased asymptotically. We suggest that plant-animal interactions play a key role in mediating these processes: By importing seeds of highly competitive plant species, animals are likely to promote the increasing abundance of a few dominant, highly epizoochorous species. These species outcompete weak competitors and species richness decreases. However, animals should as well promote the subsequent increase of species richness by disturbing the sites and creating small open patches. These patches are colonized by weaker competitors that are not necessarily dispersed by animals. The changes in the presence of epizoochorous species indicate the importance of plant traits and related plant–animal interactions in the succession of plant communities.  相似文献   
Monitoring individual cow feed intake is necessary for calculating the cow individual feed efficiency. The cost and maintenance time necessary for research systems make them impractical for most of the commercial producers. We developed a measurement system with producer convenience and low investment as key design criteria. The goal of this study was to design the system and validate its ability to rank cows by their feed conversion efficiency in commercial farms. The new system consisted of three principal parts: (a) a hanging weighing system, (b) a visual cow identification system and (c) an automatic cleaning system. The weighing system consisted of hanging a single load cell to provide feed mass measurements. The image-based cow identification system (replacing Radio-Frequency Identification) entailed cameras installed above the feeding area and an image processing algorithm that recognized cows by their collar numbers. The new system worked within normal farm routines: the feed supplying truck distributed the animal feed, and a tractor cleaned feed residual. To validate the accuracy and convenience of the system and to rank the cows by their efficiency, an experiment with six scales and 12 cows was conducted in a research barn, succeeded by eight-scale system in a commercial farm with 16 cows. The feed intake of each cow participating in the experiments was monitored for one month. The validation experiment showed that the system had the following specification: scales were accurate within 120 g; the visual cow identification rate was greater than 96%; feeding duration was accurate to 52 s; and routine farm practices (feed distribution, pushing, and residual removal) continued as usual. The cost for a feeding station (utilized consequently for a number of cows) was about 1 500 USD. An example of application of the system to rank cows by their efficiency under commercial conditions was shown. The system can potentially be used for ranking cows by their efficiency in commercial facilities.  相似文献   
The Anderson-Kannemann test is a rank test for treatment effects in a randomized block design with K treatments and N blocks. In this paper, an algorithm for computing the exact distribution of the Anderson-Kannemann test statistic under the null hypothesis is deduced. Then, the exact distribution is compared with the asymptotic χ2-distribution, and it is shown that the exact distribution is approximated fairly well by the asymptotic distribution. Tables of the exact distribution are given for K = 3, N = 3(1)15; K = 4, N = 3(1)11; K = 5, N = 3(1)7; and K = 6, N = 3(1)5.  相似文献   
The identification of differences between groups is often important in biomechanics. This paper presents group classification tasks using kinetic and kinematic data from a prospective running injury study. Groups composed of gender, of shod/barefoot running and of runners who developed patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during the study, and asymptotic runners were classified.

The features computed from the biomechanical data were deliberately chosen to be generic. Therefore, they were suited for different biomechanical measurements and classification tasks without adaptation to the input signals. Feature ranking was applied to reveal the relevance of each feature to the classification task.

Data from 80 runners were analysed for gender and shod/barefoot classification, while 12 runners were investigated in the injury classification task. Gender groups could be differentiated with 84.7%, shod/barefoot running with 98.3%, and PFPS with 100% classification rate. For the latter group, one single variable could be identified that alone allowed discrimination.  相似文献   
A. Mingo 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1):181-189

A factorial experiment was conducted in order to test whether the ranking of competitive ability at seedling stage is affected by different resource availability and competition asymmetry levels. Seedlings of three Mediterranean species (Rhamnus alaternus, Ampelodesmos mauritanicus and Cistus incanus) were grown at two competition intensities with different water and nutrient levels. Plants responses were expressed as mortality, biomass production and plant architecture. Data were also analysed by an index of competitive response intensity. A clear ranking of competitive response was observed, with Rhamnus > Ampelodesmos > Cistus. Competition was affected both by water and nutrient availability, but none of these factors modified competitive ranking. Seedling competition behaviour appeared to be related to species successional roles.  相似文献   
Computational enzyme design is an emerging field that has yielded promising success stories, but where numerous challenges remain. Accurate methods to rapidly evaluate possible enzyme design variants could provide significant value when combined with experimental efforts by reducing the number of variants needed to be synthesized and speeding the time to reach the desired endpoint of the design. To that end, extending our computational methods to model the fundamental physical–chemical principles that regulate activity in a protocol that is automated and accessible to a broad population of enzyme design researchers is essential. Here, we apply a physics‐based implicit solvent MM‐GBSA scoring approach to enzyme design and benchmark the computational predictions against experimentally determined activities. Specifically, we evaluate the ability of MM‐GBSA to predict changes in affinity for a steroid binder protein, catalytic turnover for a Kemp eliminase, and catalytic activity for α‐Gliadin peptidase variants. Using the enzyme design framework developed here, we accurately rank the most experimentally active enzyme variants, suggesting that this approach could provide enrichment of active variants in real‐world enzyme design applications. Proteins 2014; 82:3397–3409. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) has developed into a powerful tool allowing label-free detection of numerous biomolecules in situ. In contrast to shotgun proteomics, proteins/peptides can be detected directly from biological tissues and correlated to its morphology leading to a gain of crucial clinical information. However, direct identification of the detected molecules is currently challenging for MALDI–IMS, thereby compelling researchers to use complementary techniques and resource intensive experimental setups. Despite these strategies, sufficient information could not be extracted because of lack of an optimum data combination strategy/software. Here, we introduce a new open-source software ImShot that aims at identifying peptides obtained in MALDI–IMS. This is achieved by combining information from IMS and shotgun proteomics (LC–MS) measurements of serial sections of the same tissue. The software takes advantage of a two-group comparison to determine the search space of IMS masses after deisotoping the corresponding spectra. Ambiguity in annotations of IMS peptides is eliminated by introduction of a novel scoring system that identifies the most likely parent protein of a detected peptide in the corresponding IMS dataset. Thanks to its modular structure, the software can also handle LC–MS data separately and display interactive enrichment plots and enriched Gene Ontology terms or cellular pathways. The software has been built as a desktop application with a conveniently designed graphic user interface to provide users with a seamless experience in data analysis. ImShot can run on all the three major desktop operating systems and is freely available under Massachusetts Institute of Technology license.  相似文献   
I compared the behavior of three old postreproductive females in a wild population of toque macaques (Macaca sinica)in Polonnaruwa with those of reproductive females via focal-animal sampling techniques. Postreproductives foraged less, slept more, and were less active overall than reproductive females were. They also had significantly lower rates of agonistic behavior, were more peripheral, and had lower frequencies of overall affiliative contact. Although postreproductives initiated contact with others as frequently as reproductives did, group members initiated contact with them significantly less than they did with reproductive females. Postreproductives associated more with adult females than reproductives did and less with adult and subadult males than high-ranking reproductives did. Juvenile and infant females associated more frequently with reproductive females of high or low rank than with postreproductives. Postreproductives resembled low-ranking reproductive females in giving less grooming to others than they received. This contrasts with high-ranking females, which gave more grooming to others than they received. The results suggest that old age and cessation of reproduction are evident through the manifestation of distinct behavioral characteristics in toque macaque females.  相似文献   
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