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吡嗪酰胺(pyrazinamide,PZA)是重要的一线抗结核药物,与异烟肼、利福平和乙胺丁醇构成治疗方案的核心。因其疗效较好,被广泛应用于结核病的治疗过程。然而,近年来随着耐多药结核病的出现,PZA耐药导致部分患者治疗失败,因此常规开展PZA药物敏感性试验对于减少耐药性的发生显得极为重要。由于PZA在酸性条件下才能发挥作用,而结核分枝杆菌在酸性环境下生长不良,故PZA耐药性检测一直是临床中的难题。本文结合国内外最新研究进展,就结核分枝杆菌PZA耐药性检测方法的研究进行阐述,期望能为更有效地诊治结核病提供新思路。  相似文献   
Of 48 temperature-sensitive mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae examined, five belonging to the same complementation group were found to undergo extensive loss of viability at the restrictive temperature. These mutants were protected from the lethal effects of exposure to a non-permissive temperature by starving for an auxotrophic requirement. By analogy with the method described by Littlewood [6] for selecting antibiotic-sensitive mutants, these temperature-sensitive mutants were found suitable in enriching for specific auxotrophs. Optimal conditions have been determined for selecting specific auxotrophs after mutagenesis by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. These enable 20-fold enrichment and at least in the case of mutation to adenine dependence the method does not appear to favour mutations at any particular locus.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of feeding with a diet containing pyrazinamide (PYR) on the metabolism of l-tryptophan (Trp) to nicotinamide in streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic rats and whether the diabetic action of STZ is prevented by feeding with the PYR diet, which is known as an inhibitor of aminocarboxy-muconate-semialdehyde decarboxylase and poly(ADP)ribose synthetase and therefore, significantly increases the formation of nicotinamide from Trp in normal rats. As was expected, feeding with the PYR diet to the STZ-injected rats caused a significantly increased excretion of nicotinamide and its metabolites like that in normal rats. The body weight increased in the STZ-injected rats fed with the PYR diet, while it was lost in the STZ-injected rats fed with the non-PYR diet. However, the blood glucose level and the urinary excretion of glucose were not improved even when the rats were fed with the PYR diet. Therefore, it was suggested that chronically increasing the formation of nicotinamide from Trp could not completely prevent the STZ-diabetic action.  相似文献   
Glycyl-l-leucine is one of the best substrates for peptide hydrolases in the intestinal mucosa. Its absorption and hydrolysis were investigated in epithelial cells isolated from the rat intestine in the presence of bestatin, a specific inhibitor of certain peptide hydrolases, Bestatin competitively inhibited dipeptide hydrolase activities in isolated cells with a Ki value of 10?8 m, but noncompetitively inhibited, and less significantly, the dipeptide absorption by isolated cells. At 10?4 m bestatin inhibited half the dipeptide absorption, but only minimally inhibited the absorption of constituent amino acids. In the presence of bestatin at substantial concentrations the isolated cells took up a significant amount of the intact dipeptide, which otherwise appeared entirely in the form of free amino acids. These results are interpreted to substantiate a notion that a dual mechanism is operative for the absorption of readily-hydrolysable peptides: the peptide hydrolysis followed by uptake of thereby released amino acids, and the peptide transport followed by cytosolic hydrolysis.  相似文献   
Pyrazinamide (PZA) is an important component of first-line antituberculosis drugs activated by Mycobacterium tuberculosis pyrazinamidase (PZase) into its active form pyrazinoic acid. Mutations in the pncA gene have been recognized as the major cause of PZA resistance. We detected some novel mutations, Leucine19Arginine (L19R), Arginine140Histidine (R140H), and Glutamic acid144 Lysine (E144K), in the pncA gene of PZA-resistant isolates in our wet lab PZA drug susceptibility testing and sequencing. As the molecular mechanism of resistance of these variants has not been reported earlier, we have performed multiple analyses to unveil different mechanisms of resistance because of PZase mutations L19R, R140H, and E144K. The mutants and native PZase structures were subjected to comprehensive computational molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at 100 nanoseconds in apo and drug-bound form. Mutants and native PZase binding pocket were compared to observe the consequence of mutations on the binding pocket size. Hydrogen bonding, Gibbs free energy, and natural ligand Fe +2 effect were also analyzed between native and mutants. A significant variation between native and mutant PZase structure activity was observed. The native PZase protein docking score was found to be the maximum, showing strong binding affinity in comparison with mutants. MD simulations explored the effect of the variants on the biological function of PZase. Hydrogen bonding, metal ion Fe +2 deviation, and fluctuation also seemed to be affected because of the mutations L19R, R140H, and E144K. The variants L19R, R140H, and E144K play a significant role in PZA resistance, altering the overall activity of native PZase, including metal ion Fe +2 displacement and free energy. This study offers valuable evidence for better management of drug-resistant tuberculosis.  相似文献   
Pyrazinamide is an essential first-line antitubercular drug which plays pivotal role in tuberculosis treatment. It is a prodrug that requires amide hydrolysis by mycobacterial pyrazinamidase enzyme for conversion into pyrazinoic acid (POA). POA is known to target ribosomal protein S1 (RpsA), aspartate decarboxylase (PanD), and some other mycobacterial proteins. Spontaneous chromosomal mutations in RpsA have been reported for phenotypic resistance against pyrazinamide. We have constructed and validated 3D models of the native and Δ438A mutant form of RpsA protein. RpsA protein variants were then docked to POA and long range molecular dynamics simulations were carried out. Per residue binding free-energy calculations, free-energy landscape analysis, and essential dynamics analysis were performed to outline the mechanism underlying the high-level PZA resistance conferred by the most frequently occurring deletion mutant of RpsA. Our study revealed the conformational modulation of POA binding site due to the disruptive collective modes of motions and increased conformational flexibility in the mutant than the native form. Residue wise MMPBSA decomposition and protein-drug interaction pattern revealed the difference of energetically favorable binding site in the wild-type (WT) protein in comparison with the mutant. Analysis of size and shape of minimal energy landscape area delineated higher stability of the WT complex than the mutant form. Our study provides mechanistic insights into pyrazinamide resistance in Δ438A RpsA mutant, and the results arising out of this study will pave way for design of novel and effective inhibitors targeting the resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  相似文献   
Modern chemotherapy has significantly improved patient outcomes against drug-sensitive tuberculosis. However, the rapid emergence of drug-resistant tuberculosis, together with the bacterium’s ability to persist and remain latent present a major public health challenge. To overcome this problem, research into novel anti-tuberculosis targets and drug candidates is thus of paramount importance. This review article provides an overview of tuberculosis highlighting the recent advances and tools that are employed in the field of anti-tuberculosis drug discovery. The predominant focus is on anti-tuberculosis agents that are currently in the pipeline, i.e. clinical trials.  相似文献   
Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) represents a growing problem for global healthcare systems. In addition to 1.3 million deaths in 2018, the World Health Organisation reported 484,000 new cases of MDR-TB. Isoniazid is a key anti-TB drug that inhibits InhA, a crucial enzyme in the cell wall biosynthesis pathway and identical in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. bovis. Isoniazid is a pro-drug which requires activation by the enzyme KatG, mutations in KatG prevent activation and confer INH-resistance. ‘Direct inhibitors’ of InhA are attractive as they would circumvent the main clinically observed resistance mechanisms. A library of new 1,5-triazoles, designed to mimic the structures of both triclosan molecules uniquely bound to InhA have been synthesised. The inhibitory activity of these compounds was evaluated using isolated enzyme assays with 2 (5-chloro-2-(4-(5-(((4-(4-chloro-2-hydroxyphenoxy)benzyl)oxy)methyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)phenoxy)phenol) exhibiting an IC50 of 5.6 µM. Whole-cell evaluation was also performed, with 11 (5-chloro-2-(4-(5-(((4-(cyclopropylmethoxy)benzyl)oxy)methyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)phenoxy)phenol) showing the greatest potency, with an MIC99 of 12.9 µM against M. bovis.  相似文献   
The mycobacterial enzyme pyrazinamidase (PZase) is the target of key tuberculosis drug, pyrazinamide. Mutations in PZase cause drug resistance. Herein, three point mutations, W68G, L85P, and V155G, were investigated through over 8 µs of molecular dynamics simulations coupled with essential dynamics and binding pocket analysis at neutral (pH = 7) and acidic (pH = 4) ambient conditions. The 51-71 flap region exhibited drastic displacement leading to enlargement of binding cavity, especially at the lower pH. Accessibility of solvent to the active site of the mutant enzymes was also reduced. The protonation of key surface residues at low pH results in more contribution of these residues to structural stability and integrity of the enzyme and reduced interactions with solvent molecules, which acts as a cage, keeping the enzyme together. The observed results suggest a pattern of structural alterations due to point mutations in PZase, which is consistent with other experimental and theoretical investigations and, can be harnessed for drug design purposes.  相似文献   
Without the proper information on pyrazinamide (PZA) susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), PZA is inappropriately recommended for the treatment of both susceptible and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in Nepal. This study aimed to collect information regarding PZA susceptibility in MTB isolates from Nepal by analyzing pncA and its upstream regulatory region (URR). A total of 211 MTB isolates were included in this study. Sequence analysis of pncA and its URR was performed to assess PZA resistance. First-line drug susceptibility testing, spoligotyping, and sequence analysis of rpoB, katG, the inhA regulatory region, gyrA, gyrB, and rrs were performed to assess their association with pncA mutation. Sequencing results reveal that 125 (59.2%) isolates harbored alterations in pncA and its URR. A total of 57 different mutation types (46 reported and 11 novel) were scattered throughout the whole length of the pncA gene. Eighty-seven isolates (41.2%) harbored mutations in pncA, causing PZA resistance in MTB. There was a more significant association of pncA alterations in MDR/pre-extensively drug-resistant (Pre-XDR) TB than in mono-resistant/pan-susceptible TB (p < 0.005). This first report on the increasing level of PZA resistance in DR-TB in Nepal highlights the importance of PZA susceptibility testing before DR-TB treatment.  相似文献   
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