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The Annual bioProcessUK Conference has acted as the key networking event for bioprocess scientists and engineers in the UK for the past 10 years. The following article is a report from the sessions that focused on continuous bioprocessing during the 10th Annual bioProcessUK Conference (London, December 2013). These sessions were organized by the ‘EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Emergent Macromolecular Therapies’ hosted at University College London. A plenary lecture and workshop provided a forum for participants to debate topical issues in roundtable discussions with industry and academic experts from institutions such as Genzyme, Janssen, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Merck, GE Healthcare and University College London. The aim of these particular sessions was to understand better the challenges and opportunities for continuous bioprocessing in the bioprocessing sector.  相似文献   
本工作通过测定大鼠血清、胰腺灌流液以及肤腺组织中胰岛素含量,观察生长抑素(SS)对链佐霉素(STZ)诱发的实验性糖尿病的作用。结果如下:皮下注射生理盐水后10min,再向腹腔注射链佐霉素(35mg/kg),24h 后大鼠血清胰岛素浓度明显降低。胰腺组织匀浆中的胰岛素含量也明显减少。如若在注射链佐霉素前10min 皮下注射生长抑素,则可有效地防止上述两项指标的改变,(NS STZ)和(SS STZ)两组之间具有显著差异。单独注射生长抑素,24h 后血清胰岛素及胰腺组织中胰岛素含量与正常对照无明显差异。用分离的大鼠胰腺作体外灌流,观察到:NS STZ 组大鼠灌流胰腺对19.7mmol/L 的高浓度葡萄糖刺激无胰岛素释放反应,而 SS STZ 组大鼠的胰腺对高浓度葡萄糖有反应性,刺激后出现胰岛素分泌峰。上述结果表明,SS(30μg/kg)预防性注射可以防止 STZ 引起的胰岛 B 细胞分泌功能的障碍。  相似文献   
The kinetics of45Ca2+ efflux were examined at circumscribed sites in the perfused hippocampus of the freely moving rat with either one of two tetrahydroisoquinoline (TIQ) products, tetrahydropapaveroline (THP) or salsolinol. Guide tubes for unilateral push-pull perfusion were implanted stereotaxically to rest just above sites within the dorsal hippocampus. Upon recovery from surgery, a tissue site in the hippocampus was prelabeled with 1.0 l of45Ca2+ (2.0 Ci) injected through the indwelling guide tube. After 16–20 hr had elapsed, successive push-pull perfusions of the site were carried out with an artificial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), at 5.0 min intervals and at a rate of 20 l/min, in order to obtain a control washout curve of declining radioactivity. On the fifth of a series of 5.0 min perfusions, either THP or salsolinol was added to the perfusion medium in a concentration of 10 or 100 ng/l. Then the hippocampal site was perfused again with control CSF for the collection of an additional three samples. Although THP in both of the test concentrations generally augmented the efflux of45Ca2+, the temporal course and magnitude of the enhancement depended on the anatomical site of the perfusion. In the more rostral hippocampal planes of AP 3.0 and AP 4.0, THP caused a delayed efflux of the cation, after the perfusion of THP had been discontinued, in nearly half of the loci reactive to the TIQ. Similarly, salsolinol enhanced significantly the efflux of45Ca2+ in a concentration-dependent manner during the interval of its perfusion within the hippocampal plane of AP 3.0. These results suggest that both THP and salsolinol can affect differentially the kinetics of45Ca2+ efflux and that these differences are contingent on the circumscribed anatomical site of push-pull perfusion. It is envisaged that a part of the neurochemical effects of the two TIQs when acting centrally are mediated by membrane mechanisms involving Ca2+ transport, metabolism or other cellular activity of the cation.  相似文献   
We have developed a high cell density and high product concentration culture system recycling high molecular weight components. The production of monoclonal antibodies in high concentration was performed by this culture system with mouse human hybridoma H2 and V6 cells in serum-free defined media.The concentration of IgG after 48 days culture of H2 cells in ITES-eRDF reached 2 mg/ml and the purity of IgG in culture fluid was 61%. In addition, high molecular weight components in serum-free media, such as transferrin or BSA, could be reduced to 5% of the original concentration.  相似文献   
Process intensity of fixed bed glass sphere culture systems is increased considerably by replacing solid glass spheres with open pore glass spheres. This technique demonstrates the possibility of having a system capable of both volumetric and cell density scale up and being suitable for substrate attached and suspension cells. The yields achieved for a number of attached cell lines (approximately 107/ml) demonstrate an increase approaching one order of magnitude over solid glass spheres (approximately 106/ml). Also suspension cells were successfully entrapped in the open pore structure with similar yields.  相似文献   
Abstract We tested the hypothesis that electrogenic ion pumps, working at the parenchyma symplast/xylem interface of pea hypocotyls, provide the driving force for K+ uptake from the xylem. Solutions of known composition were perfused through a hypocotyl segment. The K+ activity of the solution flowing out of the xylem (K+out) increased (i.e. K+ uptake decreased) when aerobic respiration was inhibited by lack of O2, and this was preceded by a decrease in Vpx (electrical potential difference between parenchyma symplast and xylem). Perfusion with auxin (1AA) and fusicoccin (FC) stimulated the electrogenic activity of the ‘xylem pumps’ (111 and 205% respectively) and stimulated uptake of K + from the xylem (with 71% and 29% respectively). The close correlation between xylem pump activity and K+ uptake corroborated the aforementioned hypothesis. Interestingly, inhibition of pump activity by anoxia was incomplete in the presence of FC. It is thought that FC increases the affinity of the ATP-requiring xylem pump for ATP, thus ensuring that ATP production during fermentation is sufficient to fuel the pump in the absence of O2.  相似文献   
The development and use of an extracorporeal liver support device depends upon the isolation of a large number of viable, functioning hepatocytes from whole or partial livers. Current practice, however, produces nonoptimal yields, given that a large percentage of hepatocytes initially present are not successfully isolated. The normal hepatocyte isolation protocol consists of sequential perfusion with calcium chelating and collagenase buffers, and then separation of viable hepatocytes from non-viable and nonparenchymal cells, usually on the basis of cell density. In order to improve understanding regarding the metabolic and perfusion state of the liver during this perfusion protocol, ATP, pH, and tissue perfusion were evaluated using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Perfusion with calcium chelating buffer was found to have minimal effect on the metabolic and perfusion parameters, whereas subsequent perfusion with collagenase buffer produced large declines in ATP, pH, and homogeneity of perfusion within 3 min. Perfusion with calcium-chelating buffer alone, or perfusion with calcium chelating buffer followed by a short period of ischemia to mimic the perfusion disruption of collagenase, did not produce the same decline in metabolic parameters. This NMR data suggested that enhancing the early perfusion and penetration of collagenase or prolonging the nontoxic calcium-chelation step may improve the yield and/or functionality of isolated cells. Therefore, several altered perfusion protocols were evaluated in terms of yield of viable parenchymal hepatocytes and hepatocyte albumin production. Although increasing the perfusion flow rate and initial perfusion with inactive (cold) collagenase did not produce significant improvements when compared with the control protocol (control cell yield 226 +/- 42 x 10(6) viable hepatocytes for 10- to 14-week-old female Lewis rat), prolonging and enhancing the calcium-chelating perfusion step or increasing the collagenase concentration did yield a significantly great number of viable parenchymal hepatocytes (393 +/- 44 and 328 +/- 39 x 10(6) viable hepatocytes, respectively) with no change in albumin production per seeded viable cell. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A spinning cylindrical filter, known as a spinfilter, permits the mammalian cell bioreactor operation at high perfusion rates leading to very high cell densities (10(7) mL(-1)). Filter screens with openings (25 mum) slightly larger than the average cell size have been used to retain single cells in suspension over a long period of operation without clogging. We have previously shown why it is necessary to optimize the rotational speed of the spinfilter in order to achieve efficient cell retention and avoid potential screen clogging. Effects of bulk mixing and perfusion rate on screen fouling and cell retention were also investigated. Based on this analysis, in this article, we suggest strategies for scaleup of spinfilters. Experimental data from 12- and 175-L (working volume) bioreactors is shown in support of the scaleup analysis. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The production of anti--fetoprotein monoclonal antibodies for diagnostic use was carried out in a stirred tank fermenter equipped with a double membrane stirrer for bubble free aeration and continuous medium perfusion. A serum-free medium supplemented with 4 mM L-glutamine and 2.0 g/l glucose with a protein content of only 780 g/ml was used for the production process. The harvested antibodies were concentrated 50-fold using a tangential ultrafiltration system and were then purified in a one step purification process by protein G affinity chromatography. The purity of the final product (90%) was controlled by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, gel exclusion chromatography and isoelectric focussing. For further quality controls of the product the immunoglobulin subclass and the isoelectric point were determined and the specificity of the purified mAb was tested by RIA using125I labelled -fetoprotein.1.87 g of purified monoclonal antibodies were produced (90% purity) within 2 weeks. It was found that the use of this type of stirred tank fermenter combined with a one step purification process using protein G affinity chromatography represents a suitable method for the fast production of medium scale quantities (500 mg–5 g) of monoclonal antibodies for diagnostic use.Abbreviations AFP -Fetoprotein - BSA bovine serum albumine - FCS Fetal calf serum - HRP horseradish peroxidase - OPD o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride - I.P. isoelectric point - IEF isoelectric focussing - PBS Phosphate buffered saline  相似文献   
The steady-state metabolic parameters for a hybridoma cell line have been determined in continuous suspension-perfusion culture over a wide range of perfusion rates and cell bleed rates. Significant increases in viable cell concentrations and volumetric productivities were achieved at high perfusion rates and low cell bleed rates. At the low growth rates examined in this study, cellular metabolism shifted to become more oxidative, and as a result, the fraction of consumed substrate converted to inhibitory metabolic by-products was reduced. Specific antibody productivity was found to be non-growth associated. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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