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Summary Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells kept in suspension culture for 12–15 hr displayed high-affinity binding sites for125I-lathyritic (soluble) collagen (120,000/cell,K D =30nm) and preferred collagens types I and IV over laminin or fibronectin as substrates during the first hour of attachment. On the other hand, after 4 hr, attachment to all four substrates was equally efficient. Upon challenge with a collagen substrate, the high-affinity sites were rapidly recruited on it (T1/2=6 min). Their occupancy by soluble collagen triggered the exocytosis of a second large population of low-affinity collagen binding sites that included laminin and seems to be involved in a second cell-attachment mechanism. These results are compatible with a twostep model of MDCK cell attachment to the substrate: first, via high-affinity collagen binding sites, and second, via laminin of cellular origin.  相似文献   
Summary Brush border membrane vesicles were prepared from mussel gills using differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. These vesicles contained both the maximal Na+-dependent alanine transport activity found in the gradient and the maximal activities of -glutamyl transpeptidase and alkaline phosphatase. Electron micrographs showed closed vesicles of approximately 0.1–0.5 m diameter. Transport experiments using these vesicles demonstrated a transient 18-fold overshoot in intravesicular alanine concentration in the presence of an inwardly directed Na+ gradient, but not under Na+ equilibrium conditions. A reduced overshoot (10-fold) was seen with an inwardly directed K+ gradient. Further studies revealed a broad cation selectivity, with preference for Na+, which was characteristic of alanine transport but not glucose transport in these membranes. The apparent amino acid specificity of the uptake pathway(s) was similar to that of intact gills and supported the idea of at least four separate pathways for amino acid transport in mussel gill brush border membranes. The apparent Michaelis constant for alanine uptake was approximately 7m, consistent with values forK t determined with intact tissue.  相似文献   
Summary Active HCO 3 t- secretion in the anterior rectal salt gland of the mosquito larva,Aedes dorsalis, is mediated by a 11 Cl/HCO 3 exchanger. The cellular mechanisms of HCO 3 and Cl transport are examined using ion- and voltage-sensitive microelectrodes in conjunction with a microperfused preparation which allowed rapid saline changes. Addition of DIDS or acetazolamide to, or removal of CO2 and HCO 3 from, the serosal bath caused large (20 to 50 mV) hyperpolarizations of apical membrane potential (V a) and had little effect on basolateral potential (V bl). Changes in luminal Cl concentration alteredV a in a repid, linear manner with a slope of 42.2 mV/decaloga Cl l –. Intracellular Cl activity was 23.5mm and was approximately 10mm lower than that predicted for a passive distribution across the apical membrane. Changes in serosal Cl concentration had no effect onV bl, indicating an electrically silent basolateral Cl exit step. Intracellular pH in anterior rectal cells was 7.67 and the calculated was 14.4mm. These results show that under control conditions HCO3 enters the anterior rectal cell by an active mechanism against an electrochemical gradient of 77.1 mV and exits the cell at the apical membrane down a favorable electrochemical gradient of 27.6 mV. A tentative cellular model is proposed in which Cl enters the apical membrane of the anterior rectal cells by passive, electrodiffusive movement through a Cl-selective channel, and HCO 3 exits the cell by an active or passive electrogenic transport mechanism. The electrically silent nature of basolateral Cl exit and HCO3 entry, and the effects of serosal addition of the Cl/HCO3 exchange inhibitor, DIDS, on and transepithelial potential (V ic) suggest strongly that the basolateral membrane is the site of a direct coupling between Cl and HCO 3 movements.  相似文献   
Summary A general method is presented for the formulation and numerical evaluation of mathematical models describing epithelial transport. The method is based on the principles of conservation of mass, and maintenance of electroneutrality within the cells and bathing solutions. It is therefore independent of the specific membrane transport mechanisms, and can be used to evaluate different models describing arbitrary transport processes (including passive, active and cotransport processes). Detailed numerical methods are presented that allow computation of steady-state and transient responses under open-circuit, current-clamp and voltage-clamp conditions, using a general-purpose laboratory minicomputer. To evaluate the utility of this approach, a specific model is presented that is consistent with the Koefoed-Johnson and Ussing hypothesis of sodium transport in tight epithelia (Acta Physiol. Scand. 42:298–308, 1958). This model considers passive transport of an arbitrary number of permeant solutes, active transport of sodium and potassium, and osmotically induced water transport across the apical and basolateral membranes. Results of the model are compared to published experimental measurements in rabbit urinary bladder epithelium.  相似文献   
Summary In Lithobius forficatus each of the coxae of the four posterior trunk segments bear a pore field with several coxal pores. The surrounding single-layered epithelium is composed of four different cell types: the main epithelial cells having a fine-structural organization of transport cells with deep apical and basal folds of the cell surfaces and plasmalemma-mitochondrial complexes, junctional cells, exocrine glands, and the wall cells of the pore channel. The entire epithelium is separated from the hemolymph by an inner cellular sheath. It is assumed that the coxal organs participate in fluid uptake.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of pH buffers and related compounds on the conductance of an outwardly rectifying anion channel has been studies using the patch-clamp technique. Single-channel current-voltage relationships were determined in solutions buffered by trace amounts of bicarbonate and in solutions containing N-substituted taurines (HEPES, MES, BES, TES) and glycines (glycylglycine, bicine and tricine), Tris andbis-Tris at millimolar concentrations. HEPES (pKa=7.55) reduced the conductance of the channel when present on either side of the membrane. Significant inhibition was observed with 0.6mm HEPES on the cytoplasmic side (HEPES i ) and this effect increased with [HEPES i ] so that conductance at the reversal potential was diminished 25% with 10mm HEPES i )and 70% at very high [HEPES i ]. HEPES i block was relieved by applying positive voltage but positive currents were not consistent with a Woodhulltype blocking scheme in that calculated dissociation constants and electrical distances depended on HEPES concentration. Results obtained by varying total HEPES i concentration at constant [HEPES] and vice versa suggest both the anionic and zwitterionic (protonated) forms of HEPES inhibit. Structure-activity studies with related compounds indicate the sulfonate group and heterocyclic aliphatic groups are both required for inhibition from the cytoplasmic side. TES (pKa=7.54), substituted glycine buffers (pKa=8.1–8.4) andbis-Tris (pKa=6.46) had no measurable effect on conductance and appear suitable for use with this channel.  相似文献   
Summary Chloride ions (Cl) are concentrated in airway epithelial cells and subsequently secreted into the tracheal lumen by downhill flux through apical Cl channels. We have studied Cl currents in cultured canine tracheal cells using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. Ultrastructural techniques demonstrated that the cells used in the electrophysiological experiments possessed apical membrane specializations known to be present in the intact, transporting cell type. Cultured cells 2–6 days old were characterized by an input resistance of 3.4±0.8 G (n=11) and a capacitance of 63.8±10.8 pF (n=26). A comparison of 3 and 4 day-old cells with 5 and 6 day-old cells showed that the input resistance decreased almost 50%, and the cell capacitance and the inward and outward currents increased concomitantly approximately 200%. Cultured cells 3–4 days old held at –40 mV produced currents of 196±22 pA at 50 mV and –246±27 pA at –90 mV (n=212) with pipette and bath solutions containing primarily 140 KCl and 140 NaCl, respectively. The chloride channel blocker diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC, 100 m) suppressed whole-cell currents by 76.8% at 60 mV; however, currents were unaffected by the stilbenes SITS (1mm) and DNDS (1–30 m). Replacement of K+ with Cs+ in the pipette solution did not affect the outward current, the current reversal potential, or the input resistance of the cells, indicating that the current was not significantly K+ dependent when the intrapipette solution was buffered to a Ca2+ concentration of 20nm. The Cl/Na+ permeability ratio was estimated to be greater than 11 as calculated from reversal potential measurements in the presence of an internal to external NaCl concentration ratio of 12. Current equilibrium permeabilities, relative to Cl were: I (2.9)NO 3 (1.1)Br (1.1)Cl (1.0)F (0.93)MeSO 4 (0.19)gluconate (0.18)aspartate (0.14). Depolarizations to potentials greater than 20 mV elicited a time-dependent component in the outward current in 71% of the cells studied. Currents inactivated with a double exponential time course at the most depolarized voltages. Recovery from inactivation was fast, holding potential-dependent, and followed a double exponential time course. Current amplitude was increased via a cAMP-dependent pathway as has been demonstrated for single Cl-selective channels in cell-attached patches from cultured canine and human tracheal epithelial cells. Forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase, produced a 260% increase in the outward current at +50 mV. In summary, cultured canine tracheal cells have a single resting conductance that is Cl selective, voltage-dependent, and modulated by a cAMP-dependent mechanism. This preparation appears to be appropriate for analysis of cellular modulation of airway Cl channels and Cl secretion.  相似文献   
Summary Intracellular microelectrode techniques were employed to study the mechanism by which amphotericin B induces a transient mucosa-negative transepithelial potential (V ms) in the gallbladder ofNecturus. When the tissue was incubated in standard Na-Ringer's solution, the antibiotic reduced the apical membrane potential by about 40 mV, and the basolateral membrane potential by about 35 mV whereas the transepithelial potential increased by about 5 mV. The electrical resistance of the apical membrane fell by 83%, and that of the basolateral membrane by 40%; the paracellular resistance remained unchanged. Circuit analysis indicated that the equivalent electromotive forces of the apical and basolateral membranes fell by 35 and 11 mV, respectively. Changes in potentials and resistances produced by ionic substitutions in the mucosal bathing medium showed that amphotericin B produces a nonselective increase in apical membrane small monovalent cation conductance (K, Na, Li). In the presence of Na-Ringer's on the mucosal side, this resulted in a reduction of the K permselectivity of the membrane, and thus in a fall of its equivalent emf. During short term exposure to amphotericin B,P Na/P Cl across the paracellular pathway did not change significantly, whereasP K/P Na doubled. These results indicate that V ms is due to an increase of gNa across the luminal membranes of the epithelial cells (Cremaschiet al., 1977,J. Membrane Biol. 34:55); the data do not support the alternative hypothesis (Rose & Nahrwold, 1976.J. Membrane Biol. 29:1) that V ms results from a reduction in shuntP Na/P Cl acting in combination with a rheogenic basolateral Na pump.  相似文献   
Summary A knowledge of the relationship between ion flow, both passive and active, ionic concentration, and membrane potential is essential to the understanding of cellular function. The problem has been analyzed on the basis of elementary physical and biophysical principles, providing a theoretical model of current flow and resting potential of cells, including those in epithelia. The model assumes that the permeability of the ion channets is not voltage dependent, but applies to gated channels when the gates are open. Two sources of nonlinearity of the current-voltage relationship are included in the analysis: ionic depletion and accumulation at the channels' mouths, and channel saturation at higher concentrations. The predictions of the model have been quantitative, validated by comparison with experiment, which has been limited to the only two cases in which adequate data was found. Application of the theory to the scala media of the mammalian cochlea has explained the source of its high positive potential and provided estimates of the Na+ and K+ permeabilities of the membranes of its marginel cess. This analysis provides a theoretically sound alternative to the widely used Goldman equation, the limited validity of which was emphasized by Goldman (D.E. Goldman, 1943,J. Gen. Physiol.27:37–60), as well as its derivatives, including the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation for resting potentials.  相似文献   
Alain De Vocht 《Hydrobiologia》1991,227(1):291-298
The ultrastructural organization of the proboscis in Mesorhynchus terminostylis is distinctly different from that in other members of the Polycystididae in which it is currently classified. The sheath epithelium is formed by three belts, all with intra-epithelial nuclei. The apical belt of the bipartite cone epithelium has a single intrabulbar nucleus, and the basal belt possesses five insunk nucleiferous cell parts behind the bulb. Six types of glands surface through the epithelia; the three types emerging through the cone epithelium can be homologized with those described for Polycistis naegelii. Only uniciliary receptors are found in the epithelium. The musculature in the bulb has a very loose appearance, and the bulbar septum appears to be a bipartite basement membrane. The septum can be considered the basement membrane of the cone epithelium as if the contractile portion of the inner longitudinal muscles have invaded the epithelium and come to lie between the epithelial cells and the basement membrane. Thus the inner musculature of the bulb is entirely intraepithelial as is the case for Psammorhynchus tubulipenis and Cytocystis clitellatus. The systematic position of M. terminostylisremains uncertain but seems to lie between Psammorhynchus and Cytocystis on one hand and Koinocystididae and Polycystididae on the other.  相似文献   
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