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Cytogenetic patterns from primary short-term culture of breast cancer, renal carcinoma, and tumors of the central nervous system are presented to illustrate the range of karyotypic diversity of human solid tumors as well as their biologic differences in culture systems that support their growth. These studies have illustrated several major issues. 1) Results vary with the tissue of origin: primary cultures from breast are almost uniformly diploid, while renal tumors are near-diploid, mosaic, and show clonal aberrations; and CNS tumors are heterogeneous: some diploid, some near-diploid and some highly aneuploid. 2) Results after short-term culture are selective, representing subpopulations from the heterogeneous cells that are detected on direct analysis of fresh tumors by cytogenetics or flow cytometry (FCM). It is not yet clear whether prognosis depends on the dominant population of the primary tumor or alternatively should be influenced by detection of small aneuploid subpopulations. 3) Evidence from all three tumor types supports the interpretation that cytogenetically normal diploid cells constitute part of some tumor populations, and may be better adapted to routine growth in culture than aneuploid subpopulations from the same primary tumors. These cells may also compose a major portion of the viable population of tumors in vivo and, therefore, could represent a useful model for studies of tumorigenesis and therapeutic regimens.  相似文献   
Summary The proliferation of isolated normal prostate epithelial cells from rat and man is androgen-independent and requires cholera toxin, insulin, dexamethasone, epidermal growth factor (EGF) and one or more polypeptide factors that are concentrated in bovine neural tissue. The active agents in the neural tissue extract are heparin-binding polypeptides (prostatropins), the predominant form of which has a molecular weight of 17400 and an acetylalanine at the aminoterminus. Prostatropins supported a half-maximal increase in normal prostate epithelial cell number at 50 picomolar. The proliferation of primary and serially-cultured epithelial cells from androgen-responsive Dunning R3327 rat prostate tumors was also androgen-independent, but exhibited dramatic alterations in response to hormones that stimulated normal cell proliferation. At low cell density, androgen-independent growth of isolated tumor-derived epithelial cells was independent on cholera toxin, was stimulated by dexamethasone, required insulin andeither EGFor prostatropin. The presence of either EGF or prostatropin masked the response to the other factor. In the absence of EGF, purified prostatropins supported a half-maximal increase in tumor cell number at 7 picomolar. Endogenous production of EGF-like and prostatropin-like factors or both was suggested by the reduced requirement for EGF and prostatropin at high prostate tumor cell density. These results suggest that anti-hormonal therapies against prostate tumor growth should be based on intervention with the activity of insulin (or insulin-like factors) or simultaneous intervention with both EGF and prostatropin (or their homologues). This work was supported by NIH grants CA 37589 and HL 33847, and grant 1718 from the Council for Tobacco Research. Editor’s Statement This paper is the first report of the comparison of the hormone requirements of primary cultures of normal and tumor prostate epithelial cells from the same system.  相似文献   
Quantitative analyses of LH-RH-like membrane receptors were performed in five tumors from the transplantable Dunning R3372H rat prostatic adenocarcinoma. The binding of D-Trp6-LH-RH, an agonist of LH-RH, was observed in all 5 tumors. The antagonist [Ac-Dp-Cl-Phe1,2,D-Trp3,D-Lys6,D-Ala10]-LH-RH was bound to 4 tumors. The apparent equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) for D-Trp6-LH-RH receptor was from 2.6–3.9 × 10?10 M. The apparent equilibrium Bmax values (maximum number of binding sites) were from 17.2–86.0 fmol/mg membrane protein for D-Trp6-LH-RH receptor. The Kd for the antagonist was from 2.4–2.7 × 10?10 M and the Bmax values were from 35.5–66.0 fmol/mg membrane protein. Similar binding studies performed in 6 normal rat prostates showed no binding capacities.  相似文献   
Summary Rat prostate extracts contain an abundant 20–22 kilodalton heparin-binding protein with near identical chromatographic properties, but only 0.2–1% of the mitogenic activity, of bovine brain heparin-binding growth factor-1 (acidic fibroblast growth factor). Amino terminal amino acid sequence (met-met-thr-asp-lys-asn-leu-lys-lys-lys-ile-glu-gly-asn-trp-arg-thr-val-tyr-leu-ala-ala-ser-?-val-glu-lys-ile-asn-glu-gly-ser-pro) and immunochemical analysis revealed that the protein is identical to the androgen-dependent protein “probasin”. This work was supported in part by NCI grant CA37589 (W. L. M., J. W. C.) and the Medical Research Council of Canada (R. J. M.).  相似文献   
Summary Sustained growth of mouse ventral and anterior prostatic epithelial cells embedded within collagen gel matrix was achieved in a serum-free medium composed of Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium and Ham's F12 medium, 1∶1 (vol/vol), supplemented with bovine serum albumin fraction V, epidermal growth factor, transferrin, cholera toxin, prolactin, 5α-dihydrotestosterone, cortisol, putrescine, fibroblast growth factor, and a trace element mixture. Three-dimensional growth of prostatic epithelial cells occurred inside the collagen gel matrix. This serum-free medium allowed cell growth greater than sevenfold over 10 d in culture. Tissue recombination and cell culture techniques were integrated to demonstrate that cultured cells retained prostatic characteristics. Following 10 d of culture, epithelial colonies from mouse ventral and anterior prostatic epithelial cell cultures were isolated and combined with rat fetal urogenital sinus mesenchyme and grown for 4 wk under the renal capsule of intact athymic male mice. These tissue recombinants showed distinctive prostatic histologic characteristic (alveoli and ducts lined with cuboidal or columnar epithelium surrounded by stroma). When histologic sections of recombinants were stained with the Hoechst 33258, epithelial cells of mouse origin were distinguishable from stromal cells of rat origin. Aided by grants CA-05388 and CA-09041 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and by M. A. R. C. fellowship GM08730 to T. T.  相似文献   
As conventional treatments are unsuccessful, the survival rate of stage D3 prostate cancer patients is poor. Reports have suggested the existence of humoral and cell-mediated immunity (CMI) against prostate cancer tumour-associated antigens (TAA). These observations prompted us to treat stage D3 prostate cancer patients with an in vitro produced transfer factor (TF) able to transfer, in vitro and in vivo, CMI against bladder and prostate TAA. Fifty patients entered this study and received one intramuscular injection of 2–5 units of specific TF monthly. Follow-up, ranging from 1 to 9 years, showed that complete remission was achieved in 2 patients, partial remission in 6, and no progression of metastatic disease in 14. The median survival was 126 weeks, higher than the survival rates reported in the literature for patients of the same stage.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of copulation on the rat coagulating gland (anterior prostate) was studied. At 4 to 6 h after the beginning of copulation the coagulating glands of rats that had produced copulatory plugs were nearly empty of secretion. Ultrastructurally, the coagulating gland has large cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and few condensing vacuoles or secretion granules. After copulation the number of secretion granules and the frequency of their expulsion into the lumen increased. Also in the lumen were fragmentation vesicles (50–100 nm diameter) that were bounded by a unit membrane and appeared to arise from microvilli. At 4, 6, and 7h after the beginning of copulation there was an increase in apical blebbing. Blebbing was found in both perfusion and immersion-fixed tissue. Also, after copulation there was an increase in light cells that were characterized by reduced RER cisternae, an electron lucent cytoplasm, and atrophic Golgi apparatus. The luminal ground substance, secretion granules, and some Golgi elements, contained polysaccharides as seen with the periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate method.  相似文献   
Summary Culturing human prostate PC-3 cells for 4, 24, or 72 h in the presence of 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), an inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism and cholesterol biosynthesis, markedly altered the morphology and reduced the number of mitochondria in the treated cells. Using quantitative electron microscopic morphometry, we documented changes in the number, form, area, matrix density, and integrity of the cristae and limiting membranes of mitochondria in cells cultured with ETYA. The inhibition of cholesterol synthesis or the substitution of ETYA for polyunsaturated fatty acids in the inner membrane may participate in the disruption of the mitochondria, which resembles the morphologic sequelae of oxidative stress. If sufficiently extensive, these changes could contribute to the inhibition of cellular proliferation by ETYA.  相似文献   
Summary The ventral prostatic secretory epithelial cells in older rats were studied by light and electron microscopy. The cells vary in height in different parts of the same organ, and ultrastructurally they show the presence of a developed secretory apparatus such as well-developed Golgi body and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum. They also show signs of a depressed secretory activity, involving occasional emiocytosis of apical secretory vacuoles and a paucity of condensing vacuoles in the Golgi region and above it. Further, they are characterized by the frequent occurrence of supra and paranuclear pleomorphic lysosomes.  相似文献   
BackgroundThe purpose of this study was to assess the impact of coincidental radiotherapy on the volume of the non-malignant prostate gland in rectal cancer patients treated with neo-adjuvant radiotherapy.Materials and methodsIn this retrospective analysis, thirty male patients with rectal cancer who had neoadjuvant radiotherapy met the inclusion criteria. These patients had pre-treatment magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and at least one post-treatment MRI of the pelvis and the whole of their prostate volume received the full prescribed radiotherapy dose; 45 Gy in 25 fractions (n = 22), 45 Gy in 20 fractions (n = 4) and 25 Gy in 5 fractions (n = 4).ResultsThe median age of this patient cohort was 66 years (range: 30–87). With a median interval between pre-treatment MRI and first MRI post-treatment of 2 months (range: 1–11), the mean prostate volume reduced from 36.1 cm3 [standard deviation (SD) 14.2] pre-radiotherapy to 31.3 cm3 (SD 13.0) post radiotherapy and this difference was significant (p = 0.0004).ConclusionRadiotherapy may cause shrinkage in volume of normal (non-malignant) prostate. Further research is required in this field, since these results may be of some comfort to men contemplating the consequences of radiotherapy on their quality of life. The authors suggest recording flow-rate and international prostate symptom score (IPSS) during rectal radiotherapy as a next step.  相似文献   
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