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Studies on positional behavior and canopy use are essential for understanding how arboreal animals adapt their morphological characteristics and behaviors to the challenges of their environment. This study explores canopy and substrate use along with positional behavior in adult black snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus strykeri, an endemic, critically endangered primate species in Gaoligong Mountains, southwest China. Using continuous focal animal sampling, we collected data over a 52-month period and found that R. strykeri is highly arboreal primarily using the high layers of the forest canopy (15–30 m), along with the terminal zone of tree crowns (52.9%), medium substrates (41.5%), and oblique substrates (56.8%). We also found sex differences in canopy and substrate use. Females use the terminal zones (56.7% versus 40.4%), small/medium (77.7% versus 60.1%), and oblique (59.9% versus 46.5%) substrates significantly more than males. On the other hand, males spend more time on large/very large (39.9% versus 22.3%) and horizontal (49.7% versus 35.2%) substrates. Whereas both sexes mainly sit (84.7%), and stand quadrupedally (9.1%), males stand quadrupedally (11.5% versus 8.3%), and bipedally (2.9% versus 0.8%) more often than females. Clamber, quadrupedalism, and leap/drop are the main locomotor modes for both sexes. Rhinopithecus strykeri populations never enter canopies of degenerated secondary forest and mainly use terminal branches in the middle and upper layers of canopies in intact mid-montane moist evergreen broadleaf forest and hemlock coniferous broadleaf mixed forests across their habitat.  相似文献   
Different primate species have developed extensive capacities for grasping and manipulating objects. However, the manual abilities of primates remain poorly known from a dynamic point of view. The aim of the present study was to quantify the functional and behavioral strategies used by captive bonobos (Pan paniscus) during tool use tasks. The study was conducted on eight captive bonobos which we observed during two tool use tasks: food extraction from a large piece of wood and food recovery from a maze. We focused on grasping postures, in‐hand movements, the sequences of grasp postures used that have not been studied in bonobos, and the kind of tools selected. Bonobos used a great variety of grasping postures during both tool use tasks. They were capable of in‐hand movement, demonstrated complex sequences of contacts, and showed more dynamic manipulation during the maze task than during the extraction task. They arrived on the location of the task with the tool already modified and used different kinds of tools according to the task. We also observed individual manual strategies. Bonobos were thus able to develop in‐hand movements similar to humans and chimpanzees, demonstrated dynamic manipulation, and they responded to task constraints by selecting and modifying tools appropriately, usually before they started the tasks. These results show the necessity to quantify object manipulation in different species to better understand their real manual specificities, which is essential to reconstruct the evolution of primate manual abilities.  相似文献   
目的:观察女性受试者在不同坐姿久坐前后腰部肌肉表面肌电(sEMG)信号的变化,探讨不同姿势的久坐对竖脊肌功能状态的影响。方法:32名女性受试者随机分成4组,分别在4种不同的座椅(座椅A、B、C、D)上久坐2 h。记录受试者腰部竖脊肌在久坐前后2次最大随意收缩力量(MVC)测试中的sEMG信号,观察测试过程中的前3 s时频指标及全程频域指标的变化。结果:3 s的时频指标平均肌电振幅(AEMG)、平均功率谱频率(MPF)在不同坐姿久坐前后无显著性差异,其中AEMG在座椅B组中明显大于座椅A组;全程信号的频域指标MPF在久坐后显著减小,但在不同坐姿之间无显著性差异。结论:女性受试者在4种不同坐姿2 h久坐前后腰部竖脊肌的最大活动水平无明显改变;最大持续收缩能力在久坐后下降,但在不同坐姿间并无显著差异。  相似文献   
Although the phenomenon of termite fishing by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) has historical and theoretical importance for primatology, we still have a limited understanding of how chimpanzees accomplish this activity, and in particular, about details of skilled actions and the nature of individual variation in fishing techniques. We examined movements, hand positions, grips, and other details from remote video footage of seven adult and subadult female chimpanzees using plant probes to extract Macrotermes muelleri termites from epigeal nests. Six chimpanzees used exclusively one hand (left or right) to grip the probe during termite fishing. All chimpanzees used the same repertoire of actions to insert, adjust, and withdraw the probe but differed in the frequency of use of particular actions. Chimpanzees have been described as eating termites in two ways—directly from the probe or by sweeping them from the probe with one hand. We describe a third technique: sliding the probe between the digits of one stationary hand as the probe is extracted from the nest. The sliding technique requires complementary bimanual coordination (extracting with one hand and grasping lightly with the other, at the same time). We highlight the importance of actions with two hands—one gripping, one assisting—in termite fishing and discuss how probing techniques are correlated with performance. Additional research on digital function and on environmental, organismic, and task constraints will further reveal manual dexterity in termite fishing.  相似文献   
Deviated wrist posture has been implicated as a risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), although alone it has not been found to have a causal relationship with CTS. Studies investigating deviated wrist posture have quantified posture in a single plane of motion and not interactions of wrist postures in multiple planes. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the ability of wrist and forearm posture interaction effects to predict CTS among a population of fish processing operators. A total of 53 participants performing five job tasks were evaluated using electrogoniometers. Due to task asymmetry, each hand was evaluated separately and treated independently, providing 106 hands as data observations. Using logistic regression analysis it was found that a model including flexed (F); extended (E), the interaction of length of employment (LE) by FE, and the interaction of LE by FE by pronation/supination (PS) accurately classified 78% of all hands as cases or non-cases. The sensitivity of the final model was approximately 48%. The developed model was found to have superior predictive ability when compared to models not considering interaction terms, indicating that posture interactions may in fact have a significant effect on CTS alone.  相似文献   
The maintenance of body temperature in endothermic animals imposes considerable metabolic costs that vary with air temperature fluctuations. To minimise these costs, endotherms can adopt certain behaviours to adjust the pattern of heat transfer between their bodies and the environment. In this study, we evaluated whether a small Neotropical primate, the black‐fronted titi monkey (Callicebus nigrifrons), living in a seasonal environment can use behavioural mechanisms to cope with fluctuations in the air temperature. We monitored the air temperature and the titi monkeys’ behaviour over 1 yr. When the animals were inactive, we recorded the microhabitat used, the huddling between individuals and the body postures adopted. The monkeys primarily responded to air temperature fluctuations through microhabitat selection: they spent more time in sunny places and used higher strata of forest under lower temperatures. Moreover, they used sunny microhabitats during the first hour of their active period after colder nights. The monkeys did not huddle or change body postures in response to air temperature fluctuations. Huddling behaviour seemed to be primarily influenced by social interactions, and body postures were more energy conserving, regardless of temperature. Titi monkeys, however, used more energy‐conserving postures and huddling behaviour under cloudy conditions than sunny conditions, suggesting that these behaviours may be important when they are unable to thermoregulate by microhabitat selection. We concluded that fluctuations in air temperature can promote significant changes in the behaviour of titi monkeys and can impose important restrictions on mammals’ activities, even in tropical regions.  相似文献   
Adam Britt 《Zoo biology》1998,17(5):379-392
Captive breeding of endangered species is commonly proposed as a means of conserving biodiversity. The suggestion is that captive populations can be built up to provide individuals to reinforce or re-establish wild populations. However, there is evidence to suggest that captive-bred animals lack the skills necessary for survival in their natural habitat. This research was designed to assess whether a group of captive-bred Varecia variegata variegata exhibit such behavioral deficiencies in relation to feeding behavior compared to two wild groups. A further aim was to determine which of four methods of food presentation and two captive environments were most effective in encouraging the exhibition of natural feeding behavior. An identical focal animal, instantaneous time-sampling technique was used to collect data from the wild groups in the Betampona Reserve, Madagascar, and the captive group at Chester, UK. Results from Betampona confirm the highly frugivorous and arboreal nature of V. v. variegata. Under all captive conditions, except the rooftop feed in the cage environment, the captive V. v. variegata spent significantly less time feeding than their wild conspecifics. Suspensory feeding postures are an important adaptation enabling wild V. v. variegata to harvest fruit in the small-branch setting. Similar frequencies of use of such postures to those observed at Betampona were most effectively encouraged among captive V. v. variegata in the cage environment by the rooftop food presentation method and on a naturalistic island exhibit by the suspended method of food presentation. Differences in feeding behavior between the wild and captive V. v.variegata can be explained in terms of structural differences between their environments. As naturalistic captive environments allow lemurs to experience the challenges associated with feeding in the wild, it is strongly recommended that zoos endeavor to provide them with such conditions. Zoo Biol 17:379–392, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Spider monkeys (Ateles) frequently use suspensory locomotion and postures, and their postcranial morphology suggests convergence with extant hominoids in canopy and food utilization. Previous studies of positional behavior in Ateles, have produced variable rates in the use of different positional activities. I investigated the positional behavior of black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus) in a wet rain forest in French Guiana, and assessed differences in the rates of use of positional modes across studies. I also discuss the significance of suspensory activities in forest utilization. In French Guiana, Ateles confined travel and feeding locomotion on small and medium-sized moderately inclined supports in the main canopy. Tail-arm brachiation and clamber were their main traveling modes, while clamber was the dominant feeding locomotor mode. Small horizontal supports were predominant during their feeding. Suspensory postures accounted for more than half of feeding bouts, with tail-hang and tail-hind limb(s) hang being the dominant postures. Feeding occurred largely in tree crown peripheries with the prehensile tail anchored frequently above the monkey. They usually collected food items below or at the same level as the body. There is no difference among the postures they used to acquire and eat young leaves and fruit. My results agree with reports on the positional behavior of different species of spider monkeys at other sites. Despite the use of different methods, the same species exhibited more or less similar profiles in similar forests. Interspecific differences could be associated with morphological differences. Moreover, intraspecific differences could be attributed to forest structure. The findings suggest that the major part of biological information is independent of methods used in the several studies. Suspensory behavior facilitates the exploitation of the forest canopy by shortening traveling pathways between and within trees, by enabling faster travel for the better exploitation of patchy food sources and by providing access to food in the flexible terminal twigs.  相似文献   
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