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DNA damage created by endogenous or exogenous genotoxic agents can exist in multiple forms, and if allowed to persist, can promote genome instability and directly lead to various human diseases, particularly cancer, neurological abnormalities, immunodeficiency and premature aging. To avoid such deleterious outcomes, cells have evolved an array of DNA repair pathways, which carry out what is typically a multiple-step process to resolve specific DNA lesions and maintain genome integrity. To fully appreciate the biological contributions of the different DNA repair systems, one must keep in mind the cellular context within which they operate. For example, the human body is composed of non-dividing and dividing cell types, including, in the brain, neurons and glial cells. We describe herein the molecular mechanisms of the different DNA repair pathways, and review their roles in non-dividing and dividing cells, with an eye toward how these pathways may regulate the development of neurological disease.  相似文献   
A vector for preparation of mouse polyomavirus capsid-like particles for transfer of foreign peptides or proteins into cells was constructed. Model pseudocapsids carrying EGFP fused with the C-terminal part of the VP3 minor protein (EGFP-VLPs) have been prepared and analysed for their ability to be internalised and processed by mouse cells and to activate mouse and human dendritic cells (DC) in vitro. EGFP-VLPs entered mouse epithelial cells, fibroblasts and human and mouse DC efficiently and were processed by both, lysosomes and proteasomes. Surprisingly, they did not induce upregulation of DC co-stimulation molecules or maturation markers in vitro; however, they did induce interleukin 12 secretion.  相似文献   
Breakage of tRNA(Lys(UUU)) by the Escherichia coli anticodon nuclease PrrC (EcoPrrC) underlies a host antiviral response to phage T4 infection that is ultimately thwarted by a virus-encoded RNA repair system. PrrC homologs are prevalent in other bacteria, but their activities and substrates are not defined. We find that induced expression of EcoPrrC is toxic in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and E. coli, whereas the Neisseria meningitidis PrrC (NmePrrC) is not. PrrCs consist of an N-terminal NTPase module and a C-terminal nuclease module. Domain swaps identified the EcoPrrC nuclease domain as decisive for toxicity when linked to either the Eco or Nme NTPase. Indeed, a single arginine-to-tryptophan change in the NmePrrC nuclease domain (R316W) educed a gain-of-function and rendered NmePrrC toxic to yeast, with genetic evidence for tRNA(Lys(UUU)) being the relevant target. The reciprocal Trp-to-Arg change in EcoPrrC (W335R) abolished its toxicity. Further mutagenesis of the EcoPrrC nuclease domain highlighted an ensemble of 15 essential residues and distinguished between hypomorphic alleles and potential nuclease-nulls. We report that the RNA repair phase of the bacterial virus-host dynamic is also portable to yeast, where coexpression of the T4 enzymes Pnkp and Rnl1 ameliorated the toxicity of NmePrrC-R316W. Plant tRNA ligase AtRNL also countered NmePrrC-R316W toxicity, in a manner that depended on AtRNL's 5'-kinase and ligase functions.  相似文献   
Several RNA-cleaving deoxyribozymes (DNAzymes) have been reported for efficient cleavage of purine-containing junctions, but none is able to efficiently cleave pyrimidine-pyrimidine (Pyr-Pyr) junctions. We hypothesize that a stronger Pyr-Pyr cleavage activity requires larger DNAzymes with complex structures that are difficult to isolate directly from a DNA library; one possible way to obtain such DNAzymes is to optimize DNA sequences with weak activities. To test this, we carried out an in vitro selection study to derive DNAzymes capable of cleaving an rC-T junction in a chimeric DNA/RNA substrate from DNA libraries constructed through chemical mutagenesis of five previous DNAzymes with a kobs of ∼ 0.001 min− 1 for the rC-T junction. After several rounds of selective amplification, DNAzyme descendants with a kobs of ∼ 0.1 min− 1 were obtained from a DNAzyme pool. The most efficient motif, denoted “CT10-3.29,” was found to have a catalytic core of ∼ 50 nt, larger than other known RNA-cleaving DNAzymes, and its secondary structure contains five short duplexes confined by a four-way junction. Several variants of CT10-3.29 exhibit a kobs of 0.3-1.4 min− 1 against the rC-T junction. CT10-3.29 also shows strong activity (kobs  > 0.1 min− 1) for rU-A and rU-T junctions, medium activity (> 0.01 min− 1) for rC-A and rA-T junctions, and weak activity (> 0.001 min− 1) for rA-A, rG-T, and rG-A junctions. Interestingly, a single-point mutation within the catalytic core of CT10-3.29 altered the pattern of junction specificity with a significantly decreased ability to cleave rC-T and rC-A junctions and a substantially increased ability to cleave rA-A, rA-T, rG-A, rG-T, rU-A, and rU-T junctions. This observation illustrates the intricacy and plasticity of this RNA-cleaving DNAzyme in dinucleotide junction selectivity. The current study shows that it is feasible to derive efficient DNAzymes for a difficult chemical task and reveals that DNAzymes require more complex structural solutions for such a task.  相似文献   
Here we report a new approach for label-free colorimetric assay of T4 polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase (PNKP) activity based on G-quadruplex/hemin DNAzyme. In the presence of T4 PNKP, the DNA primer with a 3’-phosphate can be dephosphorylated into a 3’-hydroxyl and initiate a primer elongation reaction to open the hairpin probe, and leading to releasing the G-quartets. Under optimal conditions, the proposed method exhibited a considerable performance with a detection limit of 0.01 U/mL. Furthermore, the present assay can be used to study the potential T4 PNKP inhibitor screening, making it promise to be applied in the fields of drug discovery.  相似文献   
Yeast and human Clp1 proteins are homologous components of the mRNA 3′-cleavage-polyadenylation machinery. Recent studies highlighting an association of human Clp1 (hClp1) with tRNA splicing endonuclease and an intrinsic RNA-specific 5′-OH polynucleotide kinase activity of hClp1 have prompted speculation that Clp1 might play a catalytic role in tRNA splicing in animal cells. Here, we show that expression of hClp1 in budding yeast can complement conditional and lethal mutations in the essential 5′-OH RNA kinase module of yeast or plant tRNA ligases. The tRNA splicing activity of hClp1 in yeast is abolished by mutations in the kinase active site. In contrast, overexpression of yeast Clp1 (yClp1) cannot rescue kinase-defective tRNA ligase mutants, and, unlike hClp1, the purified recombinant yClp1 protein has no detectable RNA kinase activity in vitro. Mutations of the yClp1 ATP-binding site do not affect yeast viability. These findings, and the fact that hClp1 cannot complement growth of a yeast clp1Δ strain, indicate that yeast and human Clp1 proteins are not functional orthologs, despite their structural similarity. Although hClp1 can perform the 5′-end-healing step of a yeast-type tRNA splicing pathway in vivo, it is uncertain whether its kinase activity is necessary for tRNA splicing in human cells, given that other mammalian counterparts of yeast-type tRNA repair enzymes are nonessential in vivo.  相似文献   
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