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Abstract. The larvae of the antlion Euroleon nostras are pit-builders, constructing pitfall traps in loose sand. The number of pits and the pit diameter are recorded when larvae are kept in substrates with different particle sizes. The most convenient pit-building sand fractions are two fractions with fine sand (≤ 0.23 mm; 0.23–0.54 mm). The largest pits are constructed in sand with a particle size of 0.23–0.54 mm. In this sand fraction, larvae of all three instars most readily build pits. No pits are constructed in sand with a particle size greater than 1.54 mm. First- and second-instar larvae avoid building pits in substrates of particle size 1–1.54 mm, but third-instar larvae construct pits in this sand fraction. It is assumed that the antlion is capable of distinguishing between substrate types and this hypothesis is tested by giving larvae the choice of building a pit in one of four particle-size fractions. Larvae of all three instars prefer to build pits in the fraction with a particle size of 0.23–0.54 mm. Only third-instar larvae build pits in all four fractions, but only occasionally in the coarser fraction.  相似文献   
Plant coated vesicles   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract. Coated vesicles are organelles frequently encountered in many plant cell types often in association with the plasma membrane, Golgi apparatus, partially coated reticulum and multivesicular bodies. They are readily identified by a characteristic cage or basket composed of interlocking triskelions of the protein clathrin which are bound to the surface of the vesicle membrane. Although their transport function has been well studied and characterized in mammalian systems, the possible importance of coated vesicles as transport organelles in plant cells is only just beginning to be explored. In this review, the authors describe the structure of higher plant coated vesicles and discuss their possible involvement in the endocytosis of marcromolecules, in exocytosis and in the intracellular transport of material between cytoplasmic compartments. Their possible role in maintaining the macromolecular composition of the plasma membrane whilst allowing recycling of excess lipid bilayer and their potential application as vehicles for the introduction of foreign macromolecules into plant cells are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary De novo formation of cytoplasmic cell connections are studied at the graft interface of 5 day old in vitro heterografts ofVicia faba onHelianthus annuus. Continuous and half plasmodesmata, both branched and unbranched, are described at various stages of development in non-division walls between unlike and like dedifferentiated callus cells. In apical portions of protruding callus cells and in the contact zone between opposing cells extremely thin wall parts with a striking ER/plasmalemma contact are observed. During subsequent thickening of the modified wall parts cytoplasmic strands enclosing constricted ER cisternae are entrapped within the newly deposited wall material. These cytoplasmic strands represent half plasmodesmata which—in case of fusion with corresponding structures of adjoining cells across the loosened wall matrix — form continuous cell connections. Golgi vesicles secreting wall material are involved in the process of forming half and continuous plasmodesmata, thus following the same mechanism of plasmodesmata development as described for isolated protoplasts in cell cultures. The findings suggest the existence of a unifying mechanism of secondary formation of plasmodesmata showing far-reaching similarities with the establishment of primary cell connections.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Verlauf der Sehbahn und die Lokalisation der optischen Zentren wurden bei Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii (nordamerikanischer Ammernfink) nach einseitiger Augenexstirpation mit den Techniken von Nauta-Fink-Heimer, Bodian und Bielschowsky erforscht. Die Untersuchungen erstreckten sich über einen Zeitraum von 3 bis zu 120 Tagen nach der Operation. Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii besitzt ein für Vögel typisches visuelles System. Die Hauptmasse der Optikusfasern endet im Stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale des Tectum opticum. Weitere zentrale Endgebiete sind: Nucleus geniculatus lateralis, Nucleus lateralis anterior, Nucleus superficialis synencephali, Nucleus externus, tectales Grau und Nucleus ectomamillaris als Kern der basalen optischen Wurzel. Alle Fasern werden im Chiasma opticum total gekreuzt, auch der Tractus isthmo-opticus, ein efferentes Bündel, dessen Ursprung im Nucleus isthmo-opticus zu finden ist. Dieses efferente Fasersystem läßt sich im Stumpf des durchtrennten N. opticus noch 120 Tage nach der Operation gut versilbern. Eine direkte Verbindung von Retina und Hypothalamus war lichtmikroskopisch nicht nachweisbar. Neurosekretorisch aktive Zellen des Hypothalamus können zwar einen engen räumlichen Kontakt mit den optischen Fasern haben, Synapsen sind aber an diesen Stellen nicht zu erkennen. Es werden passagere Opticusfasern beschrieben, die auf dem Weg zum Nucleus lateralis anterior und Nucleus superficialis synencephali den Hypothalamus durchsetzen.
Neurohistological and experimental studies of the visual system in Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii
Summary The course of the optic pathways and the positions of the optic centers have been investigated with unilaterally enucleated white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, using the techniques of Nauta-Fink-Heimer, Bodian, and Bielachowsky. The investigation involved birds examined 3–120 days after enucleation. The white-crowned sparrow has a typically avian visual system. The major bundles of optic fibers terminate in the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale of the tectum opticum. Further terminal areas are the nucleus geniculatus lateralis, nucleus lateralis anterior, nucleus superficialis synencephali, nucleus externus, the tectal gray, and the nucleus ectomamillaris of the basal optic root. There is a complete crossing of all fibers in the chiasma, including those of the tractus isthmo-opticus, an efferent bundle with its origin in the nucleus isthmo-opticus. This efferent fiber system can be well impregnated in the stump of the sectioned optic nerve up to 120 days after the operation. No direct connection between the retina and hypothalamus could be demonstrated by light microscopy. Hypothalamic neurosecretory cells can occur in close contact with optic fibers but no synapses have been recognized. Some optic fibers pass through the hypothalamus enroute to the nucleus lateralis anterior and the nucleus superficialis synencephali.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Herrn Prof. Dr. D.S. Farner, Department of Zoology, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., danke ich für die Förderung dieser Studien (National Institutes of Health Research Grant No. 5 ROI NB 06187 to Professor D. S. Farner).  相似文献   
The phytoplankton of two gravel pits with comparable nutrient concentrations but different chlorophyll-a concentrations and phytoplankton biovolume was investigated qualitatively and quantitatively over a period of two years. This study deals with the phytoplankton-rich ‘Rotter See’ and the phytoplankton-poor ‘Paulsmaar’, both South of Cologne. The trophic state of both lakes was determined comparatively according to Ryding &; Rast (1989) and the categories used by Brettum (1989). The results were compared with each other. The trophic lake index according to Hörnström (1981) was modified slightly and subsequently determined for both lakes. A combination of qualitative and quantitative phytoplankton analysis made a proposal of a rehabilitation for the Rotter See possible.  相似文献   
The common inhibitor (CI) has been studied morphologically and electrophysiologically in the fifth thoracic ganglion of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). It has a large soma and possesses two separate dendritic fields arising from distinct integrative segments.In vitro preparations display motor outputs ranging from tonic activity to fictive locomotion. The CI's tonic firing frequency increases as more excitors are recruited, and displays two peaks of frequency during fictive locomotion, one during stance, the other during swing.Paired intracellular recordings have been used to demonstrate the different central synaptic connections received or made by the CI. At least 27% of the proximal excitors receive monosynaptic connections from the CI corresponding to post-synaptic depolarizations of small amplitude mediated by GABA. However as they do not change the overall activities of the excitors which receive them, they may be used for local inhibition within the dendrites. Besides, electrical synapses between several proximal excitors and the CI may synchronize their activity.The CI receives synaptic connections arising from interneurones. Some are direct either by inhibitory monosynaptic connections or by electrical couplings whereas others arise through polysynaptic pathways. All these connections are functionally significant in the control of the CI firing activity and in its motor coordinations.  相似文献   
李凤阁  李海兵 《蛇志》1994,6(4):20-21
对照组小鼠腹腔注射蝮蛇抗栓酶0.1u/10g,实验组同时再注射0.5%EDTA2Na溶液0.25ml/10g,结果表明,死亡率各组间无差别(P>0.05),但对照组动物脏器有出血现象,而实验组则无出血。  相似文献   
We have studied the effects of fetal neuronal grafts on the temporal pattern of drinking behavior of suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN)-lesioned adult rats. Additionally, in an independent set of animals, the immunohistochemical staining for vasopressin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and neuropeptide Y and the retinal connections to the hypothalamus were studied. The behavioral experiments indicate that anterior hypothalamic transplants induced reorganization of the temporal pattern of drinking behavior when placed in the third ventricle of adult hosts bearing complete SCN lesions, but not when placed in a cavity in the occipital cortex. Such rhythmicity persists only when the animals were recorded under constant darkness but not under constant light, indicating that the restored rhythmicity was generated endogenously but that the oscillator was extremely sensitive to light. Fetal occipital cortex induced reorganization of the temporal pattern of previously arrhythmic hosts, but it disappeared when the animals were recorded under constant light or constant darkness. It is clear that this rhythmicity was exogenous. In contrast to the cortical transplants, the hypothalamic transplants showed a morphological organization similar to that found in the normal hypothalamus regardless of their placement in the host brain. From these observations it is concluded that development of neocortex is more affected by environmental factors than that of the hypothalamus. Both hypothalamic and cortical transplants induced sprouting of retinal fibers into the anterior hypothalamus and the grafted tissue. It is possible that such fibers could be the neuroanatomical substrate by which rhythmicity is induced by cortical tissue.  相似文献   
The mechanism of water-stress-induced embolism of xylem was investigated in Malosma laurina and Heteromeles arbutifolia, two chaparral shrub species of southern California. We tested the hypothesis that the primary cause of xylem dysfunction in these species during dehydration was the pulling of air through the pores in the cell walls of vessels (pores in pit membranes) as a result of high tensions on xylem water. First, we constructed vulnerability-to-embolism curves for (i) excised branches that were increasingly dehydrated in the laboratory and (ii) hydrated branches exposed to increasing levels of external air pressure. Branches of M. laurina that were dehydrated became 50% embolized at a xylem pressure potential of -1.6 MPa, which is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the +1.6 MPa of external air pressure that caused 50% embolism in hydrated stems. Dehydrated and pressurized branches of H. arbutifolia reached a 50% level of embolism at -6.0 and +6.4 MPa, respectively. Secondly, polystyrene spheres ranging in diameter from 20 to 149 nm were perfused through hydrated stem segments to estimate the pore size in the vessel cell walls (pit membranes) of the two species. A 50% or greater reduction in hydraulic conductivity occurred in M. laurina at perfusions of 30, 42, 64 and 82 nm spheres and in H. arbutifolia at perfusions of 20 and 30 nm spheres. Application of the capillary equation to these pore diameters predicted 50% embolism at xylem tensions of -2.2 MPa for M. laurina and -6.7 MPa for H. arbutifolia, which are within 0.7 MPa of the actual values. Our results suggest that the size of pores in pit membranes may be a factor in determining both xylem efficiency and vulnerability to embolism in some chaparral species. H. arbutifolia, with smaller pores and narrower vessels, withstands lower water potentials but has lower transport efficiency. M. laurina, with wider pores and wider vessels, has a greater transport efficiency but requires a deeper root system to help avoid catastro-phically low water potentials.  相似文献   
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