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ABSTRACT. A procedure was developed to purify a coated vesicle fraction from the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei. Electron microscopy revealed a difference between T. brucei coated vesicles and clathrin-coated vesicles from other eukaryotes: trypanosome vesicles were larger (100 to ISO nm in diameter) and contained an inner coat of electron-dense material in addition to the external coat. Evidence suggests that the internal coat is the parasite's variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) coat. The SDS-PAGE analysis shows the major protein of T. brucei coated vesicles has a molecular mass of 61 kD, similar to VSG; this protein was recognized in an immunoblot by anti-VSG serum. Trypanosome coated vesicles also contain a protein which comigrates with the major protein (clathrin) of coated vesicles purified from rat brains. However, this protein is a minor component and it is not serologically cross-reactive with mammalian clathrin. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that the parasite vesicles contained host IgG, IgM, and serum albumin.  相似文献   
In sub-confluent cultures of Balb/c-3T3 cells, pinocytosis rates were increased after exposure to specific growth factors (serum; platelet-derived growth factor, PDGF; epidermal growth factor, EGF). Conversely, as cells became growth-inhibited with increasing culture density, there was a corresponding decline in pinocytosis rate per cell. In order to test whether density-inhibition of pinocytosis was influenced either by the growth cycle or by cell contact independently of growth, cells were induced into a quiescent state at a range of subconfluent and confluent densities. Under such conditions, cell density did not significantly inhibit pinocytosis rate. When confluent quiescent cultures in 2.5% serum were exposed to 10% serum, the resulting round of DNA synthesis was accompanied by enhanced pinocytosis per cell, even though the cells were incontact with one another. Furthermore, in a SV40-viral transformed 3T3 cell line, both the growth fraction and the pinocytosis rate per cell remained unchanged over a wide range of culture densities. These studies indicate that density-dependent inhibition of pinocytosis in 3T3 cells appears to be secondary to growth-inhibition rather than to any direct physical effects of cell–cell contact.  相似文献   
Summary Proton secretion in the urinary bladder of the fresh-water turtle is mediated by a proton pump located in the apical membrane of a population of cells characteristically rich in carbonic anhydrase. Earlier studies have demonstrated that these cells exhibit apical-membrane endocytotic and exocytotic processes which are thought to be involved in the regulation of the rate of proton transport via alterations in the number of pumps within the apical membrane. In this study, we sought to characterize these processes using two different methods. Analysis of transepithelial impedance yielded estimates of membrane capacitance which could be related to membrane area, thereby allowing one to monitor net changes in apical-membrane area resulting from changes in the net rates of endo-and exocytosis. Uptake of the fluid-phase marker FITC-dextran provided a measure of net extracellular volume uptake which was related to net rates of endocytosis. Our major conclusions are summarized as follows. The bladder cells exhibit a high baseline rate of endocytosis which appears to be a constitutive process similar to pinocytosis. This process is completely inhibited when ambient temperature is reduced to 15°C. In addition, serosal application of 0.5mm acetazolamide causes a transient increase in the rate of endocytosis, concomitant with a decrease in the rate of transport. Reduction of ambient temperature to 15°C reduces the rate of acetazolamide-induced endocytosis, but does not abolish it. Addition of 1mm serosal azide not only prevents the acetazolamide-induced increase in endocytosis, but also prevents the decrease in transport caused by acetazolamide. Azide has no effect on the baseline rate of endocytosis, nor does it prevent inhibition of carbonic anhydrase by acetazolamide. The specificity of azide, coupled with the different temperature sensitivities, demonstrate that the constitutive and transport-dependent endocytotic pathways are distinct processes. The observation that azide prevents both the acetazolamide-induced increase in endocytosis and the decrease in transport strongly supports the notion that endocytosis of proton-pump-containing membrane is requisite for the inhibition of transport by acetazolamide. Finally, the results also demonstrate that acetazolamide does not inhibit proton secretion simply by inhibiting carbonic anhydrase.  相似文献   
Rho proteins: linking signaling with membrane trafficking   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Rho proteins are well known for their effects on the actin cytoskeleton, and are activated in response to a variety of extracellular stimuli. Several Rho family members are localized to vesicular compartments, and increasing evidence suggests that they play important roles in the trafficking of vesicles on both endocytic and exocytic pathways. In particular, RhoA, RhoB, RhoD, Rac and Cdc42 have been shown to affect various steps of membrane trafficking. The underlying molecular basis for these effects of Rho proteins are incompletely understood, but in the case of Cdc42 it appears that it can drive vesicle movement through Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin polymerization at the surface of the vesicle. This is similar to what is believed to happen when Rac and Cdc42 stimulate actin polymerization at the plasma membrane. Rho proteins may also affect membrane trafficking by altering phosphatidylinositide composition of membrane compartments, or through interactions with microtubules.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of the organelles concerned with the ingestion of exuvial fluid by the trophont of the apostome ciliate, Hyalophysa chattoni, has been examined. One of the taxonomic characteristics of the order Apostomatida is that cytostomes of ciliates within the taxon are reduced and evolving toward astomy. When examined by electron microscopy the cytostome of H. chattoni appears as a small region of active pinocytosis which is continuous with a very large cortical area, the extended cytostome. The fine structure of the extended cytostome resembles that of the cytostomes of ciliates from other orders in that it is covered by a single membrane underlain with microtubular ribs. Beneath the extended cytostome are accumulations of peculiar organelles that may represent stored membrane for recycling during food vacuole formation. Associated with the site of pinocytosis is a complex fiber that may be contractile.  相似文献   
Transcytosis in cultured proximal tubular cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Studies were designed to examine fluid-phase pinocytosis in proximal tubular cells. Canine proximal tubules were obtained from the band IV of Percoll® gradient centrifugation of the dispersed renal cortex, and were seeded on collagen-coated polycarbonate membranes. Integrity of monolayers was confirmed by electrophysiologic measurements, and by scanning electron microscopy. At confluence cell monolayers were studied in Ussing chambers. The rate of transfer of a marker of fluidphase pinocytosis, Lucifer Yellow CH, from the luminal to the basolateral bath was three times higher than that occurring in the opposite direction. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that Lucifer Yellow was trapped exclusively in the vesicular compartment. Electron microscopy of the monolayers incubated with cationized ferritin added to the luminal or to the basolateral bath revealed that endocytic vesicles were formed only at the luminal surface. Luminal-to-basolateral transfer of Lucifer Yellow was almost completely blocked at 0°C, and was significantly diminished by K+ depletion. Transcytosis of Lucifer Yellow was stimulated twofold by 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-glycerol. Transfer of quin-2 acetoxymethylester across the monolayer was used as a marker of the paracellular pathway, demonstrating the lack of directional selectivity of this transport route. In summary, vectorial fluid-phase pinocytosis in proximal tubular cells represents an additional mechanism contributing to fluid transport in this segment of the nephron.  相似文献   
The expression of Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) lethality in mice requires entry of the virus into the central nervous system. This entry is presumably through the capillary endothelial cells (CEC), because entry between CECs is inhibited by bands of circumferential tight-junctions. A viremic stage occurs during the first 4 to 5 days after JEV administration in mice, and both microwave radiation (2.45-GHz, continuous wave, 10-min exposure) and hypercarbia were employed to increase CEC permeability to JEV. Exposure to microwaves at power densities of 10-50 mW/cm2 resulted in a dose-dependent increase in JEV-induced lethality. Mice did not become tolerant or sensitized to microwave potentiation of JEV-induced mortality because 4 daily exposures at 10 or 50 mW/cm2 (SARS, approximately 24-98 W/kg) did not alter the lethality pattern to subsequent microwave radiation of JEV-exposed animals. Similarly, hypercarbia (5, 10, and 20% CO2) was observed to produce a dose-dependent increase in JEV-induced lethality. Both microwave radiation and hypercarbia are thought to promote pinocytosis in CNS capillary endothelial cells. This may be one mechanism by which they enhance JEV-induced lethality in adult Swiss-Cox mice.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. We used a photoactivatable fluid-phase marker to isolate a new collection of thermosensitive endocytosis mutants in the cellular slime mold Dicfyostelium discoideum. All the strains were thermosensitive for growth on bacteria or axenic medium at 27° C. Initial rates of endocytosis rapidly decreased upon incubation at the restrictive temperature, but surprisingly most of the strains showed a transient recovery of activity with prolonged exposure to 27° C. Endocytosis and exocytosis activities were uncoupled for some of the cell lines at 27° C whereas the others had to be shifted to 29° C. Further molecular analysis of these mutants could lead to the discovery of new proteins involved in endocytosis and its regulation.  相似文献   
Rat immunoglobulin (IgG) was covalently bound to N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) copolymers via glycylglycyl spacer. The resultant conjugate, free IgG and HPMA copolymer (containing a low percentage of tyrosinamide to facilitate radiolabelling) were radioiodinated, and their rates of pinocytic uptake, intracellular degradation and exocytic release by rat visceral yolk sacs culturedin vitro were determined. Free IgG was pinocytosed rapidly by the yolk sac and some IgG was subject to intracellular proteolysis. In comparison the IgG-HPMA copolymer conjugate was captured more slowly, but faster than unmodified HPMA. IgG was also exocytosed rapidly by the yolk sac following pinocytic capture and similarly IgG-HPMA copolymer had a much higher rate of release than unmodified H PMA. Measurement of tissue accumulation of125I-labelled IgG-H PMA copolymer in the presence of increasing concentrations of non-radiolabelled IgG showed competition for membrane binding sites between the free, and polymer-bound immunoglobulin. These experiments indicate that immunoglobulins can be covalently bound to a soluble polymer developed as a drug-carrier in such a way that they can still interact with specific membrane receptors and they are subsequently subjected to specific cellular transport mechanisms.  相似文献   
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