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The life cycle of Amblyospora camposi n. sp. is described from the mosquito Culex renatoi and the copepod Paracyclops fimbriatus fimbriatus collected in the leaf axils of the plant Eryngium cabrerae in Argentina. Meiospores of A. camposi (5.8 x 4.1 microm) were infectious per os to female adults of the copepod P. f. fimbriatus. All developmental stages in the copepod had unpaired nuclei, with sporulation involving the formation of a sub-persistent, sporontogenic, interfacial envelope and the production of a second type of uninucleate spore. These spores, formed in the ovaries of P. f. fimbriatus, were large, pyriform, and measured 10.70 x 3.85 microm. When ingested they infected C. renatoi larvae to initiate a sequence that involves schizogony and gametogony and ends with plasmogamy and nuclear association to form diplokaryotic meronts. Oblong ovate binucleate spores (7.86 x 2.96 microm) are formed in the adult mosquito and are responsible for vertical transmission to the filial generation. This is the first report of an Amblyospora species from a mosquito that inhabits the small-water bodies held in parts of terresterial plants (phytotelmata).  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Colonisation of ephemeral aquatic habitats via oviposition by invertebrates may be influenced by a variety of factors, such as the quality of aquatic habitat and the characteristics of the surrounding terrestrial environment. The water-holding bracts of Heliconia caribaea , a subtropical herb that produces ephemeral aquatic habitats, are colonised by a variety of aquatic invertebrates. To date, no experiments have been conducted to identify the cues that affect colonisation patterns via oviposition selection in Heliconia .
2. Artificial bracts were used to assess the influence of two types of resources found in bracts (plant produced carbohydrates and terrestrial snail faeces) on oviposition site-selection by invertebrate taxa via a replicated factorial design at four locations in the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico, U.S.A. Eleven microsite characteristics thought to affect oviposition were measured for each experimental container.
3. Most taxa responded in a minor way to microsite characteristics, whereas site selection by the most numerically dominant groups (e.g. Syrphidae) were influenced principally by resources within artificial bracts. Overall, the greatest response by particular taxa was to the presence of snail faeces. At the community level, total abundance, richness, and evenness of invertebrates increased with increasing biomass of faeces. Variation in sugar produced a more complex response.
4. In general, the terrestrial matrix surrounding these aquatic habitats was only a secondary determinant of population and community attributes; the principal factor affecting site selection was the quality of the aquatic habitat.  相似文献   
Tree‐fall gaps are small‐scale disturbances whose formation, colonization, and role in forest dynamics are well documented, but whose effects on animal ecology are still greatly overlooked, except for studies comparing species richness of gaps 6+ months old to that in the closed canopy. Other factors associated with the invasion of fresh tree‐fall gaps such as animal breeding adaptations have been largely neglected. I studied the immediate (within hours and days) arrival of the poison frog Dendrobates tinctorius in new tree‐fall gaps to examine the dynamics of their invasion in relation to tadpole rearing. I found that rearing sites are occupied sooner and tadpoles deposited at higher rates in fresh gaps than in the closed forest, but that the rate of cannibalism is also much greater in the former. This suggests that invading new tree‐fall gaps can be the best parental decision when parents arrive early because they get access to fresh, high‐quality resources, but it could be to the detriment of the offspring if parents arrive late, because of overcrowding and cannibalism. These results highlight the importance of studying the earliest stages of invasions in order to have a better understanding of the composition of communities in disturbed ecosystems at later successional stages.  相似文献   
Tree‐holes provide an important microhabitat that is used for feeding, roosting and breeding by numerous species around the world. Yet despite their ecological importance for many of New Zealand's endangered species, few studies have investigated the abundance or distribution of tree‐holes in native forests. We used complementary ground and climbed tree surveys to determine the abundance, distribution and characteristics of tree‐holes in undisturbed Nothofagus forest in the Lewis Pass, New Zealand. We found that hole‐bearing trees were surprisingly abundant compared with many other studies, including Australian Eucalyptus species and American beech. In fact, we estimated as many as 3906 tree‐holes per hectare, of which 963 holes per hectare were potentially large enough to provide roost sites for hole‐nesting bats in New Zealand, while only eight holes per hectare were potentially suitable for specialist hole‐nesting birds. This was of great interest as primary cavity‐excavating animals are absent from New Zealand forests, compared with North America and Australia. Moreover, tree‐hole formation in New Zealand is likely to be dominated by abiotic processes, such as branch breakage from windstorms and snow damage. As has been found in many other studies, tree‐holes were not uniformly distributed throughout the forest. Tree‐holes were significantly more abundant on the least abundant tree species, Nothofagus fusca, than on either N. menziesii or N. solandri. In addition to tree species, tree size was also an important factor influencing the structural characteristics of tree‐holes and their abundance in this forest. Moreover, these trends were not fully evident without climbed tree surveys. Our results revealed that ground‐based surveys consistently underestimated the number of tree‐holes present on Nothofagus trees, and illustrate the importance of using climbed inspections where possible in tree‐hole surveys. We compare our results with other studies overseas and discuss how these are linked to the biotic and abiotic processes involved in tree‐hole formation. We consider the potential implications of our findings for New Zealand's hole‐dwelling fauna and how stand dynamics and past and future forest management practices will influence the structural characteristics of tree‐holes and their abundance in remnant forest throughout New Zealand.  相似文献   
Among vertebrates, anuran amphibians represent the highest number of species associated with bromeliads and possess a range of ecological, behavioral, and morphological specializations to life in these plants. Despite the importance of bromeliads as biodiversity amplifiers, and their diversity in some habitats, studies of the relationship between anurans and these plants are scarce in Brazil. Here, we investigated the way anurans select and use bromeliads in a threatened coastal habitat. We analyzed data from 23 standardized samples of the anurans associated with the bromeliad Neoregelia cruenta in the Restinga de Maricá, State of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil. We found nine anuran species using these bromeliads, representing the highest richness reported for a Brazilian restinga. We identified a general pattern of bromeliad usage, where plants located at the edges of scrub patches (exposed to the sun) were more frequently occupied by anurans than those located more to the center (in the shade). There is strong evidence of an active selective process based on the quality of the water stored in the rosette, which differs between plants depending on their position in the scrub patch. Although the number of individuals varied during the period of study, the frequency of bromeliads used was constant, indicating that plant occupation follows a regular pattern throughout the year. Furthermore, the high frequency of bromeliads used by anurans during the whole year highlights the importance of considering these plants in developing conservation programs concerning the protection of anurans.  相似文献   
Classic niche partitioning suggests that coexistence among asymmetric competitors is facilitated by differential resource use. Coexistence is also possible, however, when a species only has access to resources that are shared with a competitor, providing it is the superior competitor on that resource (the ‘included niche’). To test predictions of these two coexistence mechanisms, we studied habitat selection of two closely related sympatric plant‐specialist frogs from Madagascar (Guibemantis bicalcaratus and Guibemantis punctatus). Both species live and breed only in the water‐filled leaf axils of Pandanus plants, and previous experiments with their tadpoles demonstrated asymmetric competition. In a 3‐yr field study, we: (1) monitored the biotic and abiotic conditions of 348 plants; (2) surveyed these plants for frogs; (3) undertook a mark‐recapture study; and (4) conducted an experiment where we manipulated the amount of detritus in plants. We identified several differences in the conditions of the habitats selected by both species (e.g., plant height, canopy cover over the plant, abundance of heterospecifics). Co‐occurrence was nevertheless common, and G. punctatus persisted almost exclusively in plants it shared with G. bicalcaratus. As predicted by theory, G. punctatus was the superior competitor, at least in the tadpole stage. The inferior competitor (G. bicalcaratus) had access to exclusive resources not available to G. punctatus, by virtue of a faster developmental rate that permitted reproduction in lower quality plants. While there was some evidence of weak niche partitioning, we conclude that coexistence in these plant‐specialist frogs is primarily via an included niche mechanism. Abstract in French is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   
Poison frogs in the genus Dendrobates have very small clutch sizes (2–6 eggs among species for which there are data) and typically transport their tadpoles singly to small phytotelmata, such as bromeliad tanks, leaf axils, fallen fruit capsules, and treeholes. Tadpoles of many species are predaceous, consuming larvae of insects that use the same microhabitat for breeding, such as giant damselflies and mosquitoes. Previous studies and observations on the behavior of poison frog tadpoles led us to question whether tadpoles might be cannibalistic. We studied a population of Dendrobates castaneoticus in lowland rainforest in Pará, Brazil; additional data were collected on Dendrobates auratus in Nicaragua. At the study site in Brazil, we established a grid of 40 Brazil nut capsules, the microhabitat used by D. castaneoticus for tadpole deposition. Of 42 tadpoles deposited during the 55 days of the study, 20 were killed or died; 16 of these were presumably killed by conspecific tadpoles. Growth rate and time to metamorphosis was higher among tadpoles that consumed three or more tadpoles or relatively large larvae of the mosquito Trichoprosopon digitatum, a colonist of newly opened Brazil nut capsules. We propose that selection has favored the development of predatory behavior in poison frog tadpoles primarily as a mechanism to eliminate predators from the small phytotelmata in which they develop and that cannibalism is a secondary outcome of this behavior. Predatory behavior also provides tadpoles with a source of food, which is frequently limited in these microhabitats. Additional studies of the biology of tadpoles of other species of Dendrobates are needed to determine the evolution of predatory and cannibalistic behavior in the clade.  相似文献   
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