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植酸酶phyAm基因结构延伸突变改善酶的热稳定性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
将来源于黑曲霉N25的植酸酶基因phyA^m重组于大肠杆菌表达载体pET-30b(+),以重组表达载体pET30b-FphyA^e为模板经PCR扩增获得结构延伸突变植酸酶基因phyA^m(在植酸酶基因C端增加了来源于pET-30b-FphyA^m载体上13氨基酸残基)。含突变基因的重组表达载体pPIC9k-phyA^e在GS115酵母中表达。纯化的突变酶pp-NP^e与野生型酶PP-NP^m-8相比:PP-NPA^e的最适反应温度上升了3气,75℃处理10min,热稳定性提高21%,比活力略有提高。最适反应pH为5.6,有效pH范围pH4,6到pH6.6。比未突变酶扩大了0.4单位。  相似文献   
黑曲霉N14植酸酶基因在巴斯德毕赤酵母中的高效表达   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从黑曲霉N14基因组DNA中扩增出植酸酶phyA基因表达片段 ,并将其克隆到pMD18-T载体中。以此片段构建了pPIC9K-phyA重组表达载体 ,目的片段以正确的阅读框架插入到pPIC9K的多克隆位点EcoRⅠ和NotⅠ之间。重组表达载体经XbaⅠ线性化处理 ,电击转化毕赤酵母 ,经G418抗性筛选、酶活性测定、PCR鉴定和SDS-PAGE分析 ,获得了两株产酶活性分别为 14 39583u mL发酵液 (PP N1422 )和14 89083u/mL发酵液 (PP-N1444)的高产工程菌 ,其酶活性分别是出发菌株酶活性 (422u/mL)的 34113倍和 35286倍 ,重组酵母具有很好的遗传稳定性。重组植酸酶在pH值 2.5~3.0和 5.0~5.5时酶活性最高 ,且在pH4.5~6.5之间均有相当高的酶活性 ,最适作用温度为55℃。  相似文献   
F43Y及I354M,L358F定点突变对植酸酶热稳定性及酶活性的改善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对重组酵母PPNPm8的植酸酶phyAm基因进行PCR介导的定点突变,即将植酸酶43位的苯丙氨酸替换为酪氨酸(F43Y),将其354、358位的异亮氨酸、亮氨酸分别替换为甲硫氨酸和苯丙氨酸(I354M,L358F),得到了2个突变体PPNPm-1(F43Y)及PPNPm-2(I354M,L358F).含突变基因的重组表达载体pPIC9kphyAm-1,pPIC9kphyAm-2在毕赤酵母GS115中表达,对表达产物进行酶活性测定及热稳定性检测.结果表明:突变体PPNPm-1最适反应温度比未突变体PPNPm8上升了3℃,75℃处理10min,热稳定性提高15%,比活力提高11%;PPNPm-2最适反应温度未改变,热稳定性比PPNPm8仅提高3%,比活力降低6.5%.对突变前后的植酸酶空间结构进行比较预测,发现突变氨基酸Tyr43与空间位置相邻的Asn416之间形成氢键,增强了酶的热稳定性.  相似文献   
从无花果曲霉(Aspergillus ficuum)3.4322中用RT-PCR方法扩增出一条约1.4kb的特异性条带,DNA序列测定表明,目的片段为不含信号肽的植酸酶编码序列,全长1347bp。无花果曲霉(Aspergillus ficuum)3.4322phyA基因序列已在GenBank注册(注册号为:AF537344)。将该基因克隆到酵母表达载体pYES2中,构建成不带信号肽phyA基因的重组表达载体pYPA2。用醋酸锂法将pYPA2转进urd缺陷型的酿酒酵母(s.oeraisiae INVSc1),筛选获得含植酸酶基因的酵母转化子。经半乳糖诱导表达后,用磷钼蓝显色(AMES)法对酵母菌体进行酶活测定,测出了明显的植酸酶活性,pYPA2胞内植酸酶活性约11.55IU/mL,表明无花果曲霉(Aspergillus ficuum)3.4322phyA基因能在酿酒酵母中表达。  相似文献   
Flowering time is one of important agronomic traits determining the crop yield and affected by high temperature. When facing high ambient temperature, plants often initiate early flowering as an adaptive strategy to escape the stress and ensure successful reproduction. However, here we find opposing ways in the short-day crop soybean to respond to different levels of high temperatures, in which flowering accelerates when temperature changes from 25 to 30 °C, but delays when temperature reaches 35 °C under short day. phyA-E1, possibly photoperiodic pathway, is crucial for 35 °C-mediated late flowering, however, does not contribute to promoting flowering at 30 °C. 30 °C-induced up-regulation of FT2a and FT5a leads to early flowering, independent of E1. Therefore, distinct responsive mechanisms are adopted by soybean when facing different levels of high temperatures for successful flowering and reproduction.  相似文献   
Phytochrome photoconversion   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The spectral properties of native and modified phytochromes and the molecular events during phytochrome photoconversion, , are reviewed. Steady-state and time-resolved absorption spectra of native phytochrome A, as well as recombinant phytochromes (oat and potato phytochrome A and potato phytochrome B) reconstituted with phycocyanobilin and phytochromobilin as chromophores, are analysed. The vinyl double bond, present at position 18 in phytochromobilin and substituted by an ethyl group in phycocyanobilin, has a considerable influence on the photo-transformation kinetics of phytochromes A and B, evidently due to a strong interaction of this region of the chromophore with the protein surrounding. The kinetics of the phototransformation of potato phytochrome B differs from that of oat phytochrome A (wild-type and recombinant), indicating that the chromophore-protein interaction in phytochrome B is different from that in phytochrome A. It remains to be seen whether this difference is due to the di- versus monocotyledon origin of the phytochromes. Optoacoustic spectroscopy, applied to native oat phytochrome A, afforded thermo-dynamic, structural and kinetic parameters of the Pr→I700 and the I700→Pr phototransformations. Raman and infrared spectroscopic data for wild-type phytochrome A suggest that the protonated chromophore in Pr undergoes torsions around two single bonds in addition to the Z→E isomerization of the 15 ,16 double bond, and that all transients, possibly with the exception of IbI, are protonated at the central pyrrole ring.  相似文献   
A quantum mechanics (QM)/molecular mechanics (MM) hybrid method was applied to the Pr state of the cyanobacterial phytochrome Cph1 to calculate the Raman spectra of the bound PCB cofactor. Two QM/MM models were derived from the atomic coordinates of the crystal structure. The models differed in the protonation site of His260 in the chromophore-binding pocket such that either the δ-nitrogen (M-HSD) or the ɛ-nitrogen (M-HSE) carried a hydrogen. The optimized structures of the two models display small differences specifically in the orientation of His260 with respect to the PCB cofactor and the hydrogen bond network at the cofactor-binding site. For both models, the calculated Raman spectra of the cofactor reveal a good overall agreement with the experimental resonance Raman (RR) spectra obtained from Cph1 in the crystalline state and in solution, including Cph1 adducts with isotopically labeled PCB. However, a distinctly better reproduction of important details in the experimental spectra is provided by the M-HSD model, which therefore may represent an improved structure of the cofactor site. Thus, QM/MM calculations of chromoproteins may allow for refining crystal structure models in the chromophore-binding pocket guided by the comparison with experimental RR spectra. Analysis of the calculated and experimental spectra also allowed us to identify and assign the modes that sensitively respond to chromophore-protein interactions. The most pronounced effect was noted for the stretching mode of the methine bridge A-B adjacent to the covalent attachment site of PCB. Due a distinct narrowing of the A-B methine bridge bond angle, this mode undergoes a large frequency upshift as compared with the spectrum obtained by QM calculations for the chromophore in vacuo. This protein-induced distortion of the PCB geometry is the main origin of a previous erroneous interpretation of the RR spectra based on QM calculations of the isolated cofactor.Abbreviations: Agp1, phytochrome from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; α-CPC, α-subunit of C-phycocyanin; BV, biliverdin IXα; B3LYP, three-parameter exchange functional according to Becke, Lee, Yang, and Parr; DFT, density functional theory; DrBphP, phytochrome from Deinococcus radiodurans; GAF, domain found in cGMP-specific phosphodiesterases; MM, molecular mechanics; MD, molecular dynamics; N-H ip, N-H in-plane bending; PCB, phycocyanobilin; PED, potential energy distribution; phyA, plant phytochrome; Pr, Pfr, red- and far-red absorbing parent states of phytochrome; PΦB, phytochromobilin; QM, quantum mechanics; RMSD, root mean-square deviation; RR, resonance Raman  相似文献   
植酸酶产生菌黑曲霉N14的诱变选育及其基因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以植酸酶产生菌黑曲霉03214为出发菌株,经紫外线和亚硝基胍诱变,获得了产酶活性较出发菌株提高了22.3%,达422IU/ml发酵液的突变菌株黑曲霉N14,其最适pH值为2.5,最适温度为50℃。通过对黑曲霉N14植酸酶phyA基因进行PCR扩增,获得了一条长约1.5kb的特异性产物。以pMD18-T为载体,构建了含有目的基因片段的重组质粒。DNA序列测定表明,目的基因片段含有植酸酶phyA基因的完整序列(GenBank Accession:AY426977),phyA基因全长1506bp,其中包含一段长102bp的内含子,编码467个氨基酸,有10个潜在的糖基化位点,5’端有一编码19个氨基酸的信号肽序列。实验结果为植酸酶基因工程菌的构建奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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