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孙铭明  靳硕  刘祥林  何奕昆 《遗传》2006,28(6):754-760
种子植物含有5个已分离的光受体和至少1个未鉴定的蓝光/紫外光-A受体。隐花色素(CRY1、CRY2和CRY3) 调节植物的生长发育,而向光蛋白(PHOT1和PHOT2) 调节植物对光的营养反应。黄素可以吸收蓝光和紫外光-A,是生色团。对这些光受体的结构和作用模式已了解很多。苔藓植物小立碗藓中含有2个已分离的隐花色素(CRY1a和CRY1b),负责调节侧枝形成和生长素代谢;有4个向光蛋白(PHOTA1,PHOTA2,PHOTB1,PHOTB2) 调节叶绿体的运动。苔藓细胞内蓝光/紫外光-A刺激引发的信号转导有Ca2+参与。  相似文献   
The phototropins phot1 and phot2 are plant blue-light receptors that mediate phototropism, chloroplast movements, stomatal opening, leaf expansion, the rapid Inhibition of hypocotyl growth in etiolated seedlings, and possibly solar tracking by leaves in those species in which It occurs. The phototroplns are plasma membrane-associated hydrophilic proteins with two chromophore domains (designated LOV1 and LOV2 for their resemblance to domains In other signaling proteins that detect light, oxygen, or voltage) in their Nterminal half and a classic serine/threonlne kinase domain in their C-terminal half. Both chromophore domains bind flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and both undergo light-activated formation of a covalent bond between a nearby cystelne and the C(4a) carbon of the FMN to form the signaling state. LOV2-cystelnyl adduct formation leads to the release downstream of a tightly bound amphlpathlc α-helix, a step required for activation of the klnase function. This cysteinyl adduct then slowly decays over a matter of seconds or minutes to return the photoreceptor chromophore modules to their ground state. Functional LOV2 is required for light-activated phosphorylation and for various blue-light responses mediated by the phototroplns. The function of LOV1 is still unknown, although It may serve to modulate the signal generated by LOV2. The LOV domain Is an ancient chromophore module found In a wide range of otherwise unrelated proteins In fungi and prokaryotes, the latter Including cyanobacterla, eubacterla, and archaea. Further general reviews on the phototropins are those by Celaya and Liscum (2005) and Christie and Briggs (2005).  相似文献   
Flavin-binding, Kelch repeat, F-box (FKF1) protein is a photoreceptor to regulate flowering of Arabidopsis. The protein has a light, oxygen and voltage (LOV)-sensing domain binding a flavin mononucleotide. The photo-activation of the domain is an indispensable step to initiate the cellular signaling for flowering. In the present study, a LOV-containing polypeptide of FKF1 was prepared by an overexpression system, and the quaternary structure of it was studied by size exclusion chromatography and small-angle X-ray scattering. The apparent molecular weight from chromatography suggested a globular trimeric or an anisotropic-shaped dimeric association of the polypeptide in solution. The scattering experiment demonstrated a dimeric association of the polypeptides with an elongated molecular shape displaying the radius of gyration of 27 A and the maximum dimension of 94 A. The molecular shape simulated from scattering profiles suggests an antiparallel association of the LOV domains in the dimer. Though the absorption spectrum of blue-light irradiated polypeptide was stable in the photoactivated state for a long period, the scattering profiles showed very small changes between the dark and light conditions. Based on the homologies in the amino-acid sequences and the scattering profiles, these results are discussed in connection with the structures and function of LOV domains of phototropin.  相似文献   
Blue light (BL) rapidly and strongly inhibits hypocotyl elongation during the photomorphogenic response known as de-etiolation, the transformation of a dark-grown seedling into a pigmented, photoautotrophic organism. In Arabidopsis thaliana, high-resolution studies of hypocotyl growth accomplished by computer-assisted electronic image capture and analysis revealed that inhibition occurs in two genetically independent phases, the first beginning within 30 sec of illumination. The present work demonstrates that phototropin (nph1), the photoreceptor responsible for phototropism, is largely responsible for the initial, rapid inhibition. Signaling from phototropin during the curvature response is dependent upon interaction with NPH3, but the results presented here demonstrate that NPH3 is not necessary for phototropin-dependent growth inhibition. Activation of anion channels, which transiently depolarizes the plasma membrane within seconds of BL, is an early event in the cryptochrome signaling pathway leading to a phase of growth inhibition that replaces the transient phototropin-dependent phase after approximately 30 min of BL. Surprisingly, cry1 and cry2 were found to contribute equally and non-redundantly to anion-channel activation and to growth inhibition between 30 and 120 min of BL. Inspection of the inhibition kinetics displayed by nph1 and nph1cry1 mutants revealed that the cryptochrome phase of inhibition is delayed in seedlings lacking phototropin. This result indicates that BL-activation of phototropin influences cryptochrome signaling leading to growth inhibition. Mutations in the NPQ1 gene, which inhibit BL-induced stomatal opening, do not affect any aspect of the growth inhibition within the first 120 min examined here, and NPQ1 does not affect the activation of anion channels.  相似文献   
Hitomi Katsura 《FEBS letters》2009,583(3):526-3395
Oligomeric structures of the four LOV domains in Arabidopsis phototropin1 (phot1) and 2 (phot2) were studied using crosslinking. Both LOV1 domains of phot1 and phot2 form a dimer independently on the light conditions, suggesting that the LOV1 domain can be a stable dimerization site of phot in vivo. In contrast, phot1-LOV2 is in a monomer-dimer equilibrium and phot2-LOV2 exists as a monomer in the dark. Blue light-induced a slight increase in the monomer population in phot1-LOV2, suggesting a possible blue light-inducible dissociation of dimers. Furthermore, blue light caused a band shift of the phot2-LOV2 monomer. CD spectra revealed the unfolding of helices and the formation of strand structures. Both light-induced changes were reversible in the dark.

Structured summary

MINT-6823377, MINT-6823391:PHOT1 (uniprotkb:O48963) and PHOT1 (uniprotkb: O48963) bind (MI:0407) by cross-linking studies (MI:0030)MINT-6823495, MINT-6823508:PHOT2 (uniprotkb:P93025) and PHOT2 (uniprotkb:P93025) bind (MI:0407) by cross-linking studies (MI:0030)  相似文献   
Phototropins 1 and 2 (phot1 and phot2) function as blue light (BL) photoreceptors for phototropism, chloroplast relocation, stomatal opening and leaf flattening in Arabidopsis thaliana. Phototropin consists of two functional domains, the N-terminal photosensory domain and the C-terminal Ser/Thr kinase domain. However, little is known about the signal transduction pathway that links the photoreceptors and the physiological responses downstream of BL perception. To understand the mechanisms by which phot2 initiates these responses, we transformed the phot1phot2 double mutant of Arabidopsis with constructs encoding translationally fused phot2:green fluorescent protein (P2G). P2G was fully functional for the phot2-specific physiological responses in these transgenic plants. It localized strongly to the plasma membrane and weakly to the cytoplasm in the dark. Upon illumination with BL, punctate P2G staining was formed within a few minutes in addition to the constitutive plasma membrane staining. This punctate distribution pattern matched well with that of the Golgi-localized KAM1DeltaC:mRFP. Brefeldin A (BFA), an inhibitor of vesicle trafficking, induced accumulation of P2G around the perinuclear region even in darkness, but the punctate pattern was not observed. After treatment of these cells with BL, P2G exhibited the punctate distribution pattern that matched with that of the Golgi marker. Hence, the light-dependent association of P2G with the Golgi apparatus was BFA-insensitive. A structure/function analysis indicated that the kinase domain was essential for the Golgi localization of phot2. The BL-induced Golgi localization of phot2 may be one of important signaling steps in the phot2 signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   
植物向光弯曲生长主要是由于其向光和背光面生长素的不对称分布引起。近年来研究发现,在不同强度的蓝光单侧照射下,植物可能存在不同的向光弯曲调节机制。目前,关于向光素PHOT1介导弱蓝光引起的下胚轴弯曲研究较为详细,即PHOT1感受蓝光后,与其下游的信号蛋白NPH3、RPT2和PKS1相互作用,调控生长素运输蛋白的活性及定位,诱导生长素的不对称分布引起向光弯曲。PHOT1和PHOT2以功能冗余方式调节强蓝光引起的植物下胚轴向光弯曲,NPH3可能作为共享调节因子,引发不同的信号转导通路实现功能互补。此外,其他光受体、激素、蛋白激酶、蛋白磷酸酶以及Ca2+也参与了植物向光弯曲的调节。本文就近年来有关植物下胚轴向光弯曲信号组分及可能的网络关系进行总结,并对该研究领域存在的问题及今后可能的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   
Devising analysis tools for elucidating the regulatory mechanism of complex enzymes has been a challenging task for many decades. It generally requires the determination of the structural‐dynamical information of protein solvent systems far from equilibrium over multiple length and time scales, which is still difficult both theoretically and experimentally. To cope with the problem, we introduce a full‐residue space multiscale simulation method based on a combination of the kinetic Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics techniques, in which the rates of the rate‐determining processes are evaluated from a biomolecular forcefield on the fly during the simulation run by taking into account the full space of residues. To demonstrate its reliability and efficiency, we explore the light‐induced functional behavior of the full‐length phototropin1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Cr‐phot1) and its various subdomains. Our results demonstrate that in the dark state the light oxygen voltage‐2‐Jα (LOV2‐Jα) photoswitch inhibits the enzymatic activity of the kinase, whereas the LOV1‐Jα photoswitch controls the dimerization with the LOV2 domain. This leads to the repulsion of the LOV1‐LOV2 linker out of the interface region between both LOV domains, which results in a positively charged surface suitable for cell–membrane interaction. By contrast, in the light state, we observe that the distance between both LOV domains is increased and the LOV1‐LOV2 linker forms a helix–turn–helix (HTH) motif, which enables gene control through nucleotide binding. Finally, we find that the kinase is activated through the disruption of the Jα‐helix from the LOV2 domain, which is followed by a stretching of the activation loop (A‐loop) and broadening of the catalytic cleft of the kinase. Proteins 2014; 82:2018–2040. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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