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Fifty-two male elephant seals were weighed and photographed at Año Nuevo State Reserve, California, to establish a predictive relationship between photographically measured morphological variables (length, side area, and girth area) and body mass. Regression of mass on these variables revealed that side area, roughly equivalent to a longitudinal cross-section, was the most useful single variable for predicting mass, and that adding the other two variables to side area slightly improved the accuracy of the photogrammetric technique. Curvilinear regressions based on a power model provided the best predictive relationships. This technique may prove useful for estimating body mass of other pinnipeds.  相似文献   
Investigating sexual dimorphism is important for our understanding of its influence on reproductive strategies including male-male competition, mate choice, and sexual conflict. Measuring physical traits in wild animals can be logistically challenging and disruptive for the animals. Therefore body size and ornament variation in wild primates have rarely been quantified. Gorillas are amongst the most sexually dimorphic and dichromatic primates. Adult males (silverbacks) possess a prominent sagittal crest, a pad of fibrous and fatty tissue on top of the head, have red crest coloration, their saddle appears silver, and they possess a silverline along their stomach. Here we measure levels of sexual dimorphism and within-male variation of body length, head size, and sexual dichromatism in a population of wild western gorillas using photogrammetry. Digital photogrammetry is a useful and precise method to measure sexual dimorphism in physical traits yielding sexual dimorphism indices (ISD), similar to those derived from traditional measurements of skeletal remains. Silverbacks were on an average 1.23 times longer in body length than adult females. Sexual dimorphism of head size was highest in measures of crest size (max ISD: 60.4) compared with measures of facial height (max ISD: 24.7). The most sexually dimorphic head size measures also showed the highest within-sex variation. We found no clear sex differences in crest coloration but there was large sexual dichromatism with high within-male variation in saddle coloration and silverline size. Further studies should examine if these sexually dimorphic traits are honest signals of competitive ability and confer an advantage in reproductive success.  相似文献   
Image processing using traditional photogrammetric methods is a labor-intensive process. The collection of photogrammetry images during aerial surveys is expanding rapidly, creating new challenges to analyze images promptly and efficiently, while reducing human error during processing. Computer vision-assisted photogrammetry, a field of artificial intelligence (AI), can automate image processing, greatly enhancing the efficiency of photogrammetry. Here, we present a practical and efficient program capable of automatically extracting the fine-scale photogrammetry of East Asian finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri). Our results indicated that computer vision-assisted photogrammetry could achieve the same accuracy as traditional photogrammetry, and the results of the comparisons were validated against the direct measurements. Three-dimensional (3D) models using computer vision-assisted photogrammetric morphometrics generated trustworthy body volume estimates. We also explored the one image-based 3D modeling technique, which is less accurate, but still useful when only one image of the animal is available. Although several limitations exist in the current program, improvements could be made to narrow the virtual-reality gap when more images are available for machine learning and training. We recommend this program for analyzing images of marine mammals possessing a similar morphological contour.  相似文献   
Image‐based modeling, and more precisely, Structure from Motion (SfM) and Multi‐View Stereo (MVS), is emerging as a flexible, self‐service, remote sensing tool for generating fine‐grained digital surface models (DSMs) in the Earth sciences and ecology. However, drone‐based SfM + MVS applications have developed at a rapid pace over the past decade and there are now many software options available for data processing. Consequently, understanding of reproducibility issues caused by variations in software choice and their influence on data quality is relatively poorly understood. This understanding is crucial for the development of SfM + MVS if it is to fulfill a role as a new quantitative remote sensing tool to inform management frameworks and species conservation schemes. To address this knowledge gap, a lightweight multirotor drone carrying a Ricoh GR II consumer‐grade camera was used to capture replicate, centimeter‐resolution image datasets of a temperate, intensively managed grassland ecosystem. These data allowed the exploration of method reproducibility and the impact of SfM + MVS software choice on derived vegetation canopy height measurement accuracy. The quality of DSM height measurements derived from four different, yet widely used SfM‐MVS software—Photoscan, Pix4D, 3DFlow Zephyr, and MICMAC, was compared with in situ data captured on the same day as image capture. We used both traditional agronomic techniques for measuring sward height, and a high accuracy and precision differential GPS survey to generate independent measurements of the underlying ground surface elevation. Using the same replicate image dataset (n = 3) as input, we demonstrate that there are 1.7, 2.0, and 2.5 cm differences in RMSE (excluding one outlier) between the outputs from different SfM + MVS software using High, Medium, and Low quality settings, respectively. Furthermore, we show that there can be a significant difference, although of small overall magnitude between replicate image datasets (n = 3) processed using the same SfM + MVS software, following the same workflow, with a variance in RMSE of up to 1.3, 1.5, and 2.7 cm (excluding one outlier) for “High,” “Medium,” and “Low” quality settings, respectively. We conclude that SfM + MVS software choice does matter, although the differences between products processed using “High” and “Medium” quality settings are of small overall magnitude.  相似文献   
林蛙受精卵表面的大豆凝集素结合位点没有侧向运动,联在结合位点上的标记物在卵表面位置的改变应该可以反映卵表面运动。本文利用近景摄影测量术和侧向摄影法观测卵表面标记点位置的变化,得到下面的结果:1.卵裂前30—40min,整个卵表面都向预定分裂沟中心移动,表示卵表面在收缩。卵裂前15min左右,沟中心附近的卵表面开始松弛,随之是离沟较远处的卵表面松弛,显示卵表面有一个从预定分裂沟中心向四周传播的收缩波(图2—5)。如果以相邻标记点之间的距离变化作图(图6),则出现两个波,一个是松弛波,一个是收缩波。本文对卵表面究竟出现一个波还是两个波的问题进行了讨论。2.分裂沟中心附近收缩时,高程逐渐下降,基部两侧逐渐加宽(图7和图8);卵松弛时,高程增加,基部收缩。所以卵高程的变化也是从预定分裂沟中心波浪形地向四周传播的。3.卵裂沟出现前3—5 min,预定分裂沟两端开始向沟中心收缩,这是卵裂起动收缩。以后收缩范围逐渐扩大,强度亦增加,但预定分裂沟两侧的卵表面没有向预定分裂沟两端移动。这一结果支持了赤道区收缩的假说。  相似文献   
Scrub vegetation is a valuable habitat and resource for wildlife, but if unmanaged can encroach and dominate adjacent habitats, reducing biodiversity value. A primary task in the management of terrestrial nature reserves in the UK is monitoring and controlling scrub. The methods used to monitor and assess scrub cover are often basic, relying on qualitative assessment. Inaccurate assessments may fail to inform appropriate management of the habitats and lead to loss or degradation of important ecological features. Scrub can be monitored using UAV or satellite‐derived imagery, but it can be difficult to distinguish between other vegetation types without using high‐cost hyperspectral sensors. An alternative method using high‐resolution surface models from photogrammetric point clouds enables the isolation of vegetation types based on height. Scrub can be isolated from woodland, hedgerows, and tall ground vegetation. In this study, we calculate scrub cover using a photogrammetric point cloud modeling approach using UAVs.We illustrate the method with two case studies from the UK. The scrub cover at Daneway Banks, a calcareous grassland site in Gloucestershire, was calculated at 21.8% of the site. The scrub cover at Flat Holm Island, a maritime grassland in the Severn Estuary, was calculated at 7%. This approach enabled the scrub layer to be readily measured and if required, modeled to provide a visual guide of what a projected management objective would look like. This approach provides a new tool in reserve management, enabling habitat management strategies to be informed, and progress toward objectives monitored.  相似文献   
Point 1: Stereo‐video camera systems (SVCSs) are a promising tool to remotely measure body size of wild animals without the need for animal handling. Here, we assessed the accuracy of SVCSs for measuring straight carapace length (SCL) of sea turtles.Point 2: To achieve this, we hand captured and measured 63 juvenile, subadult, and adult sea turtles across three species: greens, Chelonia mydas (n = 52); loggerheads, Caretta caretta (n = 8); and Kemp''s ridley, Lepidochelys kempii (n = 3) in the waters off Eleuthera, The Bahamas and Crystal River, Florida, USA, between May and November 2019. Upon release, we filmed these individuals with the SVCS. We performed photogrammetric analysis to extract stereo SCL measurements (eSCL), which were then compared to the (manual) capture measurements (mSCL).Point 3: mSCL ranged from 25.9 to 89.2 cm, while eSCL ranged from 24.7 to 91.4 cm. Mean percent bias of eSCL ranged from −0.61% (±0.11 SE) to −4.46% (±0.31 SE) across all species and locations. We statistically analyzed potential drivers of measurement error, including distance of the turtle to the SVCS, turtle angle, image quality, turtle size, capture location, and species.Point 4: Using a linear mixed effects model, we found that the distance between the turtle and the SVCS was the primary factor influencing measurement error. Our research suggests that stereo‐video technology enables high‐quality measurements of sea turtle body size collected in situ without the need for hand‐capturing individuals. This study contributes to the growing knowledge base that SVCS are accurate for body size measurements independent of taxonomic clade.  相似文献   
Traditional methods of acquiring mass data limit the ability to collect large samples from across populations of some pinnipeds, or to sample without great disturbance to the animals. In order to collect substantial samples of mass data from the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) population in Erebus Bay, Antarctica, we developed the equipment and methods for estimating the mass of Weddell seals using digital photographs. Resulting regression models predict the mass of adult female seals to within ±13.8% of estimated mass, and ±25.9% of estimated mass for pups. We show the protocols developed are repeatable and efficient enough to be applied to a large number of animals in a relatively short period of time and may be useful for studies of other marine mammals. We caution that prediction intervals exist around mass estimates and must be accounted for when estimates are applied to biological questions. In a limited application of the method, differences in mass transfer between experienced and inexperienced maternal females and their pups were detected when prediction error variance around mass estimates was explicitly included. Similar mass‐estimation methods may therefore be useful in consideration of biological questions requiring large samples of mass previously unattainable.  相似文献   
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