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The estuarine dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum mariaelebouriae (Parke & Ballantine 1957) Faust 1974 undergoes increases in pigmentation and photosynthetic efficiency within several days of downward light shifts. These changes can be described by first-order kinetics, as has been reported previously for Chlorophyll (Chl) a in several phytoplankton species. The studies described in this paper were conducted with isolates of populations of Prorocentrum from the Chesapeake Bay. We determined rates of adaptation to low-light for cultures grown at a range of photon flux densities (I0= 2.65–26.2 E.m?2, d?1, shifted to 6.3–7.0% I0) at three temperatures (10°, 15°, and 20° C), bracketing the conditions this species experiences in situ. In this paper, I report the time-course of changes in α, Pmax Chl a, peridinin, and Ik and first-order rate constants, K1 for changes in α, Chl a and peridinin. cell?1. K1 for changes in α cell?1 averaged 1.58 × 10?2 h?1 for conditions encompassing five light treatments and three temperatures; the corresponding mean for Chl a was 1.59 × 10?2 h?1. Increases in peridinin measured for five light treatments at 15° C showed a mean K1 of 1.22 × 10?2 h?1, Average percent changes in per cell α, Chl a, and peridinin ranged from 0.4–4.0% h?1 (10–90% d?1) following exposure to low-light. Photoadaptive changes are important to Prorocentrum because in nature it occupies turbid waters (Kt≥ 0.5 m?1) where the mixing depth often exceeds the depth of the photic layer. Cells are entrained beneath a seasonally-stable density discontinuity and are exposed to very low-light (< I E.m?2.d?1) for days to weeks during subpycnocline transport. The ability of this species to undergo changes in pigmentation and photosynthetic physiology confers increased efficiency of light harvesting and contributes to this species’survival in the estuary where it is an important component of the dinoflagellate flora.  相似文献   
In the marine unicellular chlorophyte, Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher, the spectrally averaged m vivo absorption cross section, normalized to chlorophyll a (so-called a* values), vary two-fold in response to changes in growth irradiance. We used a kinetic approach to examine the specific factors which account for these changes in optical properties as cells photoadapt. Using Triton X-100 to solubilize membranes, we were able to differentiate between “package” effects and pigmentation effects. Our analyses suggest that 43–49% of the variability in a* is due to changes in pigmentation, whereas 51–57% is due to the “package” effect. Further analyses revealed that changes in cell sue did not significantly affect packaging, while thylakoid stacking and the transparency of thylakoid membranes were important factors. Our results suggest that thylakoid membrane protein/lipid ratios change during photoadaptation, and these changes influence the effective rate of light harvesting per unit chlorophyll a.  相似文献   
The photochemical behavior of intact stream periphyton communities in France was evaluated in response to the time course of natural light. Intact biofilms grown on glass substrata were collected at three development stages in July and November, and structural parameters of the biofilms were investigated (diatom density and taxonomy). At each season, physiological parameters based on pigment analysis (HPLC) and pulse‐amplitude‐modulated (PAM) chl fluorescence technique were estimated periodically during a day from dawn to zenith. Regardless of the community studied, the optimal quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), the effective PSII efficiency (ΦPSII), the nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ), and the relative electron transport rate (rETR) exhibited clear dynamic patterns over the morning. Moreover, microalgae responded to the light increase by developing the photoprotective xanthophyll cycle. The analysis of PI parameters and pigment profiles suggests that July communities were adapted to higher light environments in comparison with November ones, which could be partly explained by a shift in the taxonomic composition. Finally, differences between development stages were significant only in July. In particular, photoinhibition was less pronounced in mature assemblages, indicating that self‐shading (in relation to algal biomass) could have influenced photosynthesis in older communities.  相似文献   
The increase in light availability resulting from canopy changes or opening is not always beneficial and can inhibit photosynthesis of tree seedlings already under other environmental stress. Tree seedlings' responses to compounded abiotic stress depend on their life‐history traits, and understanding the variations of such responses is important for understanding population dynamics under a changing climate. In this study we investigate how the photosynthesis of juveniles of two canopy tree species with different life‐history traits, Abies sachalinensis and Betula ermanii, differs in two contrasting sites at a sub‐boreal forest in northern Japan—one under a deciduous canopy (Closed site) and the other at a wide canopy opening (Open site). Seedlings at the Open site had low Fv/Fm (quantum yield of photosystem II) for a longer period than those at the Closed site. Abies sachalinensis at the Closed site showed lower Fv/Fm in spring than those at the Open site, but recovered after the canopy's new leaves flushed, indicating its acclimation to the shaded condition. Mean Pmax (light‐saturated photosynthetic rate at ambient CO2 levels) of A. sachalinensis seedlings was affected by site and air temperature, while B. ermanii seedlings were also affected by precipitation. Only B. ermanii's seedlings presented growth in the period studied, in spite of observed mid‐day drops to Fv/Fm attributed to water‐deficit‐related photoprotection. Results suggest that the climate change predicted for the Hokkaido area may increase the competitive advantage of broad‐leaved deciduous species, such as B. ermanii, in relation to evergreen conifers like A. sachalinensis.  相似文献   
The marine cryptophyte Pyrenomonas salina Santore is capable of autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition. We studied the physiological and ultrastructural changes that accompany the shift between these nutritional modes. The addition of glycerol to batch cultures of P. salina, grown at an irradiance limiting for photoautotrophic growth, increased its growth rate and induced specific biochemical and structural changes in its photosynthetic system. Results from extracted pigment analyses, thin-section electron microscopy, and freeze-fracture electron microscopy indicated that glycerol addition reduced the cell phycoerythrin content, phycoerythrin to chlorophyll a ratio, degree of thylakoid packing, number of thylakoids · cell?1, and PSII particle size. These properties were reduced to a similar extent in cells grown photoautotrophically under an irradiance saturating for growth. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that enhancement of heterotrophic potential occurs at the expense of light-harvesting ability in glycerol-grown P. salina.  相似文献   
Mass spectrometric analysis of oxygen uptake and evolution in the light by marine Synechococcus WH7803 indicated that the respiration rate was near zero at low irradiance levels but increased significantly at high irradiances. The light intensity (Ir) at which oxygen uptake began to increase with increasing light intensity depended on the growth irradiance of the culture. In each case, Ir coincided with the minimum light intensity for saturation of carbon assimilation (Ik). At irradiances >Ir, net oxygen evolution rates paralleled carbon assimilation rates. Oxygen uptake at high light intensities was inhibited by DCMU, indicating that oxygen uptake was due to Mehler reaction activity. The onset of Mehler activity at Ik supports the idea that oxygen becomes an alternative sink for electrons from photosystem I when NADPH turnover is limited by the capacity of the dark reactions to utilize reductant.  相似文献   
Cells of Phaeodactylum tricornutum were precultured under axenic conditions in a full medium and then exposed to natural light conditions at various depths in the eutrophic lake „Meerfelder Maar”︁ (Eifel, FRG) for several days. After exposition the cells were characterized with respect to growth parameters, photosynthetic performance and xanthophyll cycle pigments. In order to test the resistance of the cells grown at different depths against photostress, the cells were illuminated with photoinhibitory light. The variable chlorophyll a-fluorescence and the oxygen quantum yield at a non-saturating light intensity were simultaneously measured after photostress and subsequent recovery. The xanthophyll cycle pigments and the content in α-tocopherol were monitored during photostress to get molecular information about the physiological reasons of light-stress resistance. The data give evidence that cells grown close to the surface show a faster decline in photosynthetic performance and a more efficient recovery than cells from lower depths. There is clear indication that under natural conditions when the light is fluctuating between optimal, sub- and supraoptimal intensities the photostress resistance is much higher than under conditions of the absence of light stress. The molecular basis for light stress resistance seems to be the pool size and the conversion kinetics of the xanthophyll cycle pigments and the capacity of the oxygen-scavenging system. The effect of in-situ light adaptation is discussed with respect to the assessment of the potential of the primary production.  相似文献   
Prolonged exposure of plants to high fluxes of solar radiation as well as to other environmental stressors disturbs the balance between absorbed light energy and capacity of its photochemical utilization resulting in photoinhibition of and eventually in damage to plants. Under such circumstances, the limiting of the light absorption by the photosynthetic apparatus efficiently augments the general photoprotective mechanisms of the plant cell, such as reparation of macromolecules, elimination of reactive oxygen species, and thermal dissipation of the excessive light energy absorbed. Under stressful conditions, plants accumulate, in different cell compartments and tissue structures, pigments capable of attenuation of the radiation in the UV and visible parts of the spectrum. To the date, four principle key groups of photoprotective pigments are known: mycosporine-like amino acids, phenolic compounds (including phenolic acids, flavonols, and anthocyanins), alkaloids (betalains), and carotenoids. The accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds (mycosporine-like amino acids and phenolics in lower and higher plants, respectively) is a ubiquitous mechanism of adaptation to and protection from the damage by high fluxes of solar radiation developed by photoautotrophic organisms at the early stages of their evolution. Extrathylakoid carotenoids, betalains, and anthocyanins play an important role in long-term adaptation to the illumination conditions and in protection of plants against photodamage. A prominent feature of certain plant taxa lacking some classes of photoprotective pigments (such as anthocyanins) is their substitution by other compounds (e.g. keto-carotenoids or betalains) disparate in terms of chemical structure and subcellular localization but possessing close spectral properties.  相似文献   
Eight New Zealand lakes were surveyed for 14C uptake by phytoplankton as a function of light intensity. The results support the view that the photosynthetic picoplankton is an important contributor to primary productivity in oligotrophic lakes but is relatively unimportant in more eutrophic lakes. A comparison of carbon uptake vs. light intensity characteristics (P vs. I) of the picoplankton size class vs. that of the total phytoplankton community supports the view that the picoplankton size class may be adapted to utilization of dimmer light.  相似文献   
Growth and pigment concentrations of the, estuarine dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum mariae-lebouriae (Parke and Ballantine) comb. nov., were measured in cultures grown in white, blue, green and red radiation at three different irradiances. White irradiances (400–800 nm) were 13.4, 4.0 and 1.8 W · m?2 with photon flux densities of 58.7 ± 3.5, 17.4 ± 0.6 and 7.8 ± 0.3 μM quanta · m?2· s?1, respectively. All other spectral qualities had the same photon flux densities. Concentrations of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll c were inversely related to irradiance. A decrease of 7- to 8-fold in photon flux density resulted in a 2-fold increase in chlorophyll a and c and a 1.6- to 2.4-fold increase in both peridinin and total carotenoid concentrations. Cells grown in green light contained 22 to 32% more peridinin per cell and exhibited 10 to 16% higher peridinin to chlorophyll a ratios than cells grown in white light. Growth decreased as a function of irradiance in white, green and red light grown cells but was the same at all blue light irradiances. Maximum growth rates occurred at 8 μM quanta · m?2· s?1 in blue light, while in red and white light maximum growth rates occurred at considerably higher photon flux densities (24 to 32 μM quanta · m?2· s?1). The fastest growth rates occurred in blue and red radiation. White radiation producing maximum growth was only as effective as red and blue light when the photon flux density in either the red or blue portion of the white light spectrum was equivalent to that of a red or of blue light treatment which produced maximum growth rates. These differences in growth and pigmentation indicate that P. mariae-lebouriae responds to the spectral quality under which it is grown.  相似文献   
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