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Summary We used specific binding of phlorizin to the intact intestinal mucosa in order to measure glucose transport site density in intestines of mice fed a high-carbohydrate or no-carbohydrate diet. Nonspecific binding varied with intestinal position but showed only modest dependence on diet. Specific binding to glucose transporters was 1.9 times greater in jejunum of high-carbohydrate mice than of no-carbohydrate mice; this ratio was the same as the ratio for Vmax values of actived-glucose uptake between the two diet groups. The gradient in specific binding of phlorizin along the intestine paralleled the gradient in Vmax of glucose transport. These results directly demonstrate that the increase in intestinal glucose transport caused by a high-carbohydrate diet is due to induction of glucose transporter. They also indicate that the normal positional graident in glucose transport along the intestine arises from a gradient in transporters, induced by the normal gradient in luminal glucose concentration.  相似文献   
Summary Time courses of phlorizin binding to the outside of membrane vesicles from porcine renal outer cortex and outer medulla were measured and the obtained families of binding curves were fitted to different binding models. To fit the experimental data a model with two binding sites was required. Optimal fits were obtained if a ratio of low and high affinity phlorizin binding sites of 1:1 was assumed. Na+ increased the affinity of both binding sites. By an inside-negative membrane potential the affinity of the high affinity binding site (measured in the presence of 3 mM Na+) and of the low affinity binding site (measured in the presence of 3 or 90 mM Na+) was increased. Optimal fits were obtained when the rate constants of dissociation were not changed by the membrane potential. In the presence of 90 mM Na+ on both membrane sides and with a clamped membrane potential,K D values of 0.4 and 7.9 M were calculated for the low and high affinity phlorizin binding sites which were observed in outer cortex and in outer medulla. Apparent low and high affinity transport sites were detected by measuring the substrate dependence ofd-glucose uptake in membrane vesicles from outer cortex and outer medulla which is stimulated by an initial gradient of 90 mM Na+(out>in). Low and high affinity transport could be fitted with identicalK m values in outer cortex and outer medulla. An inside-negative membrane potential decreased the apparentK m ofhigh affinity transport whereas the apparentK m of low affinity transport was not changed. The data show that in outer cortex and outer medulla of pighigh and low affinity Na+-d-glucose cotransporters are present which containlow and high affinity phlorizin binding sites, respectively. It has to be elucidated from future experiments whether equal amounts of low and high affinity transporters are expressed in both kidney regions or whether the low and high affinity transporter are parts of the same glucose transport moleculc.  相似文献   
Phlorizin is a reversible inhibitor of the renal and small intestinal Na+/D-glucose cotransporter. In an attempt to purify the Na+/D-glucose cotransporter from a pig kidney brush border membrane fraction, we used an Affi-Gel affinity chromatography column to which 3-aminophlorizin had been coupled. A protein, composed according to crosslinking experiments of at least 3 subunits of molecular weight 60 kDa, was found to bind specifically to the phlorizin column. This protein was subsequently identified as catalase by sequence homology of three of its tryptic fragments to the sequence of several mammalian catalases as well as by its enzymatic activity. Although bovine liver catalase was bound tightly to the affinity matrix, phlorizin had no effect on the ability of the enzyme to degrade H2O2. In contrast, the Aspergillus niger and Neurospora crassa catalases did not bind to the phlorizin column. This difference may be related to the fact that mammalian catalases, but not the fungal catalases, contain an NADPH binding site with a yet unknown function. Interestingly, bovine liver catalase could be eluted with 50 microM NADPH from phlorizin columns. Irradiation in the presence of [3H]4-azidophlorizin allowed photolabeling of bovine liver catalase, which was prevented by the presence of 10 microM NADPH. After digestion of photolabeled catalase with chymotrypsin, a radioactive peptide was detected that was absent in catalase protected with NADPH. Docking simulations suggested that phlorizin can bind to the NADPH binding site with high affinity.  相似文献   
Summary The properties of two sodium-dependentd-glucose transporters previously identified in renal proximal tubule brush border membrane (BBM) vesicles are studied. The low-affinity system, found in BBM vesicles from the outer cortex (early proximal tubule), is shown to be associated with the high-affinity phlorizin binding site typically found in renal BBM preparations. The high-affinity system, found in BBM vesicles from the outer medulla (late proximal tubule), is almost two orders of magnitude less sensitive to inhibition by phlorizin and is apparently not associated with high-affinity phlorizin binding. The sodium/g;ucose stoichiometry of the outer medullary transporter is found to be 21 by two independent methods. Previous measurements have established that the stoichiometry of the outer cortical system is 11. It is suggested that this arrangement of transporters in series along the proximal tubule enables the kidney to reabsorb glucose from the urine in an energy-efficient fashion. The bulk of the glucose load is reabsorbed early in the proximal tubule at an energetic cost of one Na+ per glucose molecule. Then in the late proximal tubule a larger coupling ratio and hence a larger driving force is employed to reabsorb the last traces of glucose from the urine.  相似文献   
An Na+-dependent active process for myo-inositol (MI) uptake, sharing a common carrier system with glucose and sensitive to phlorizin, was previously established in primary cultures of bovine retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells (26, 32). The present report further examines the nature of glucose-induced inhibition of MI transport in primary cultures of RPE cells. RPE cells were grown in supplemented Dulbecco's modification of Eagle's medium (DMEM) containing 5 mM D-glucose (basic growth media) or 40 mM D-glucose or its nonmetabolizable analogue, α-methyl-D-glucoside (αMG); 1–5 mM nonradioactive MI, pyruvate, or lactate; or 0.2–20 µM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (TPA) or straurosporin (modified growth media), for up to 4 weeks. The capacity of RPE cells to accumulate 3H-MI (ratios of intracellular transported radioactive MI, [MI]i, to external free MI concentration, [MI]i/[MI]0) decreased by up to 41% or 34% when cells were grown for 10 days or longer with 40 mM D-glucose or 40 mM αMG, respectively, compared to cells grown in basic growth media. The rate of uptake of 3H-MI also was reduced to 63 ± 15% or 48 ± 8% of the control values when cells were fed 1 or 5 mM nonradioactive MI, respectively. In addition, cellular capacity to bind to [3H]phlorizin was reduced to 52 ± 7%, 61 ± 5%, or 38 ± 6% of the controls when RPE cells were fed 40 mM D-glucose, 40 mM αMG, or 5 mM nonradioactive MI, respectively. Growth media containing either pyruvate or lactate, the glucose metabolites, did not suppress the ability of RPE cells to accumulate MI. An 18 ± 8% reduction in [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA occurred when cells were grown in 40 mM glucose for 12–14 days, compared to cells grown with 5 mM glucose. Chronic treatment (12–14 days) of the cells with phorbol ester, an activator of protein kinase C, caused up to twofold increase in MI uptake, [3H]phlorizin binding, cell number, and DNA synthesis. However, when the rates of MI uptake into cells grown in basic growth media or TPA-treated media were normalized to cell number, no significant difference in MI uptake was found between the treated and untreated cells. Addition of staurosporin, a protein kinase C inhibitor, together with TPA, in the growth media reversed the phorbol-induced increase of MI uptake. In contrast to its chronic effect, a 60-min incubation (acute effect) of cells in the presence of TPA, with or without inclusion of stauropsorin, did not alter the uptake of 3H-MI into RPE cells, regardless of glucose levels in the growth media. These studies indicated that glucose itself, and not glucose metabolites, regulated uptake of MI into primary cultures of RPE cells. In addition, glucose-induced down-regulation of MI uptake was not mediated through the protein kinase C pathway, but the staurosporin-inhibited, TPA-stimulated protein kinase C was partly responsible for growth and proliferation of RPE cells.  相似文献   
Glycosides were screened for their lowering effect on the postprandial blood glucose rise in vivo. The effect of phlorizin and other phenolic glycosides on the postprandial blood glucose response to glucose ingestion was evaluated in Std ddY mice. When phlorizin was simultaneously added, the peak blood glucose level was significantly decreased by 51% (p < 0.01) compared to vehicles following glucose ingestion by mice, while the blood insulin responses were generally similar. Screening experiments were conducted with different classes of phenolic glycosides added to a glucose solution. Reductions of 40–52% (p < 0.05) were observed in vehicles containing arbutin, 4-hydroxyphenyl-α-d-glucopyranoside (hydroquinone-α-glucoside) or glycyrrhizin, and of only 15–31% (not significant) in vehicles containing neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, glycyrrhetinic acid monoglucuronide, or 3,4-dimethoxyphenyl-β-d-glucopyranoside. No lowering effect was observed in vehicles containing salicin. Since glycyrrhizin, arbutin, and hydroquinone-α-glucoside blunted to varying degrees the postprandial blood glucose rise following glucose ingestion, they may be useful adjuvants for the treatment of diabetic subjects.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of glucose on cellular respiration were examined in suspensions of rabbit cortical tubules. When glucose was removed from the bathing fluid, oxygen consumption (QO2) decreased from 18.6±0.8 to 15.7±0.5 nmol O2/mg protein·min (P<0.01). The transported but nonmetabolized analogue of glucose, -methyl-d-glucoside (MG), was found to support QO2 to the same extent as glucose. These observations were also evident in the presence of butyrate, a readily oxidized substrate of the renal cortex. Additional studies with nystatin and ouabain indicated that glucose-related changes in QO2 were the result of changes in Na, K-ATPase associated respiration. The effect of glucose was localized to the luminal membrane since phlorizin (10–5 m), a specific inhibitor of liminalk glucose-sodium cotransport, also significantly reduced QO2 by 10±1%. Phlorizin inhibition of QO2 was also evident in the presence of MG but was abolished when glucose was removed from the bathing medium. Finally, measurement of NADH fluorescence showed that addition of glucose (5mm) to a tubule suspension causes an oxidation of NAD. These data are all consistent with glucose acting to increase respiration by stimulating sodium entry at the luminal membrane (via glucose-sodium cotransport) followed by increased sodium pump activity and its associated increase in mitochondrial respiration.  相似文献   
Like phlorizin, two glycosidic esters of phlorizin, the 4-azido-2-nitrobenzoate (ANB-phlorizin) and the 2-nitrobenzoate (NB-phlorizin) were found to be effective inhibitors of SO42? equilibrium exchange at the outer but not at the inner membrane surface of the human erythrocyte ghost. After photolysis of ghost suspensions in the presence of extracellular ANB-phlorizin an irreversible inhibition of SO42? exchange was observed, while photolysis of intracellular ANB-phlorizin was without effect. After photolysis in the presence of extracellular or intracellular tritiated ANB-phlorizin gel electrophoresis of the labelled membranes revealed similar locations of binding. These findings suggest that the sidedness of action of ANB-phlorizin could not be related to inaccessibility of the inner membrane surface for the agent but that inhibition occurs via binding to fixed sites at the outer membrane surface that are not associated with a mobile carrier which crosses the membrane.  相似文献   
Summary The stoichiometric properties of the renal outer cortical brush-border membraned-glucose transporter are studied. Experiments which establish the glucose/sodium, glucose/phlorizin and phlorizin/sodium stoichiometries are reported. Three independent methods of determining the substrate/activator (glucose/sodium) stoichiometry for coupled transport systems are presented and discussed. One of these, the Static Head Method, is introduced here for the first time. This type of experiment appears to be more generally applicable than the usual procedure of directly measuring the coupled fluxes of substrate and activator to determine stoichiometric coupling ratios. The results presented in this paper demonstrate that the glucose/sodium/phlorizin stoichiometry of the renal outer cortical brush-border membraned-glucose transport system is 111.  相似文献   
Summary The pig kidney cell line LLC-PK1 cultured on a collagen coated membrane filter formed a continuous sheet of oriented asymmetrical epithelial cells joined by occluding junctions. A transepithelial electrical potential (PD) and short-circuit current (SCC) were dependent on the presence of Na and sugar in the apical bathing solution. In the presence of 5.5mm d-glucose, a PD of 2.8 mV, apical surface negative, a SCC of 13 A cm–2 and transepithelial resistance of 211 ohm·cm2 were recorded. The SCC was promptly reduced by the addition of phlorizin to the apical bath but unaffected when placed in the basolateral bath. The effect on SCC of various sugars was compared by the concentrations required for half-maximal SCC: 0.13mm -methyl-d-glucoside, 0.28mm d-glucose, 0.65mm -methyl-d-glucoside, 0.77mm 6-deoxy-d-glucose, 4.8mm d-galactose, and 29mm 3-O-methyl-glucose. When [Na] was reduced, the concentration ofd-glucose required for half-maximal SCC increased. Isotopically labeled3H and14Cd-glucose were used to simultaneously determine bidirectional fluxes; a resultant net apical-to-basolateral transport was present and abolished by phlorizin. The transported isotope cochromatographed with labeledd-glucose, indicating negligible metabolism of transported glucose. The pig kidney cell line, LLC-PK1, provides a cell culture model for the investigation of mechanisms of transepithelial glucose transport.  相似文献   
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