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Digital images of ex situ germplasm stored in the Sardinian Germplasm Bank (BG-SAR) were used for the application of image analysis techniques at the Stazione Sperimentale di Granicoltura per la Sicilia. The analysed accessions refer to 148 taxonomic units belonging to 102 genera and 47 families, typical of the Sardinian flora, and of the Mediterranean basin in general.The images of diaspores were acquired by a flatbed scanner and elaborated with a macro specially developed for the morphometric and colorimetric measurements. This method allowed carrying out a database for the characterization of autochthonous germplasm in entry to the bank and the realization of statistic classifiers for the discrimination of genera and species within the following families: Apiaceae, Boraginaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cistaceae, Fabaceae and Scrophulariaceae. Such classifiers, based on the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) technique and checked by cross-validation, showed a performance included between 74.3% and 96.4%.In addition, for the genus Astragalus, it was possible to elaborate a classifier able to identify very similar taxa of a species complex, obtaining a performance between 83.7% and 100%. Such analysis proved the validity of the methodology also from the taxonomic point of view.Suggestions for subsequent methodological progress, which could offer applications in other research issues, such as ecological analysis, soil seed bank and archaeological botany are proposed.  相似文献   
Fish finders have already been widely available in the fishing market for a number of years.However,the sizes of these fishfinders are too big and their prices are expensive to suit for the research of robotic fish or mini-submarine.The goal of thisresearch is to propose a low-cost fish detector and classifier which suits for underwater robot or submarine as a proximity sensor.With some pre-condition in hardware and algorithms,the experimental results show that the proposed design has good per-formance,with a detection rate of 100 % and a classification rate of 94 %.Both the existing type of fish and the group behaviorcan be revealed by statistical interpretations such as hovering passion and sparse swimming mode.  相似文献   
R. P. Novitzki 《Plant Ecology》1995,118(1-2):171-184
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initiated the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) in 1988. The wetland component (EMAP-Wetlands) is designed to provide quantitative assessments of the current status and long-term trends in the ecological condition of wetland resources. EMAP-Wetlands will develop a wetland monitoring network and will identify and evaluate indicators that describe and quantify wetland condition. The EMAP-Wetlands network will represent a probability sample of the total wetland resource. The EMAP sample is based on a triangular grid of approximately 12,600 sample points in the conterminous U.S. The triangular grid adequately samples wetland resources that are common and uniformly distributed in a region, such as the prairie pothole wetlands of the Midwest. However, the design is flexible and allows the base grid density to be increased to adequately sample wetland resources, such as the coastal wetlands of the Gulf of Mexico, which are distributed linearly along the coast. The Gulf sample network required a 49-fold increase in base grid density. EMAP-Wetlands aggregates the 56 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (FWS) National Wetland Inventory (NWI) categories (Cowardin et al. 1979) into 12 functionally similar groups (Leibowitz et al. 1991). Both the EMAP sample design and aggregated wetland classes are suitable for global inventory and assessment of wetlands.The research described in this report has been funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This document has been prepared at the EPA Environmental Research Laboratory in Corvallis, OR, through contract No. 68-C8-0006 to Man Tech Environmental Technology, Inc. This paper has been subjected to the Agency's peer and administrative review and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   
Macroinvertebrates were collected from riffles at 104 sites in upland Wales during April and July 1984. Species assemblages were ordinated by DECORANA, classified by TWINSPAN and related to stream chemistry and other environmental factors using correlation and multiple discriminant analysis. DECORANA axis 1 was most strongly correlated with pH and aluminium concentration whilst axis 2 correlated with stream gradient and flow. Four TWINSPAN site groups established in each season were also principally related to pH and aluminium concentration, and reflected overall taxon-richness; differences between groups were most apparent during spring, when catchment forest cover and taxon-richness were also related. A dichotomous key based on indicator species was established for each season with the coleopteran Hydraena gracilis Germar and the Ephemeroptera, including Baetis rhodani Pictet, important indicators at Level 1. We propose that these indicator systems may be used for the rapid detection and assessment of acid waters throughout Wales, and that the methodology is applicable generally.  相似文献   
Islands were not of special interest to evolutionists before Darwin. It was he who first appreciated their importance for demonstrating evolution in miniature. They were not of special interest because: (a) their peculiar products seemed no more peculiar than those of continents; (b) there was no special category of oceanic islands, but a continuum from such groups as the Canaries, Madeiras and Galápagos through New Zealand and Madagascar to Australia, Britain, and true continents; and (c) the concept of adaptive radiation, if known at all, was applied only to the higher levels of classification, and then very feebly.
When Darwin was young, classification at the lower levels hardly recognized convergence, and at the higher levels was subject to great changes, while only slowly separating out the major groups. In consequence, many of the facts of geographical distribution were misinterpreted, and numerous theories of the origination of species, groups, and biogeographical provinces were still plausible. It was largely the need for a historical, not ecological, explanation of the distribution of some mammals and plants, plus what he saw for himself in the Galápagos Islands, that convinced Darwin that evolution had occurred. His was a remarkable achievement in recognizing through all this 'noise' the meaning of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   
During a biotypological research of surface waters in the province of Friesland, The Netherlands, the macroinvertebrate fauna was sampled, both from the littoral and bottom substrata. Results of this investigation in different types of water on 60 and 55 stations in 1981 and 1982, respectively, are presented. The species richness in the littoral samples exceeded that of the bottom samples, and the samples per station had relatively few species in common. Even in many cases the most abundant taxon was a different one in both samples of the same spot. With multivariate analysis of the data sets from bottom, littoral and total samples a fairly good resemblance was found between these data sets. It is concluded that the semi-quantitative processing of macroinvertebrate fauna data leads to reliable results. One can use one sample per station, wherein different substrata are combined. Distinct clusters were recognized in more extreme environmental conditions such as brackish and acid waters. With the help of the macroinvertebrate fauna the other types of water could not easily be differentiated.  相似文献   
NAIR, M. N. B. AND MOHAN RAM, H. Y., 1989. Vestured pits and vestured vessel member walls in some Indian dicotyledonous woods. The woods of 144 taxa belonging to 38 families of angiosperms were examined for vestured pits and vestured vessel member walls using scanning electron microscopy. Vestured pits are present in 66 taxa (belonging to ten families) and vestured vessel member walls occur in only six taxa (belonging to three families). In Ehretiaceae and Euphorbiaceae vestures are present only in certain vessel members. In Wrighlia tinctoria , perforation plates containing vestures have been observed in addition to the presence of vestured pits. A classification of vestured pits based on their morphology and distribution is proposed by us. In all the types of vestured pits, vestures are present on the margin of the outer pit aperture or on the pit chamber wall. Occasionally, they are present in the pit canal, on the margin and in the vicinity of the inner pit aperture and rarely over the inner walls of the vessel members. The functions of vestured pits are not clear, although several suggestions are made. Whether or not these structures affect wood processing is not presently understood. It appears that vestured pits and vestured vessel member walls have diagnostic rather than phylogenetic value.  相似文献   
Host relations among the Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) are highly intriguing from an evolutionary view. Females are usually primary endoparasitoids of whiteflies or scale insects, whereas the development of the male is different and has been used for classification. In heteronomous hyperparasitoids (adelphoparasitoids or autoparasitoids) the male develops as a hyperparasitoid of conspecific females or other endoparasitoid species. We review the consequences of this mode of development which is unique because decisions concerning host selection are inextricably linked with progeny sex ratio. Autoparasitoid field sex ratios can fluctuate dramatically concurrent with changes in the relative availability of male and female hosts. A recent adaptive explanation for these sex ratios involves understanding the reproductive constraints acting on heteronomous parasitoids. Host relations in these parasitoids can show a degree of plasticity. We argue that in many instances autoparasitism may be facultative in nature and should not be used for classification. Heterotrophic parasitism, wherein the male develops as a primary parasitoid of lepidopterous eggs, has been poorly understood in the past due to uncertainties in reports of the biology and taxonomy of heterotrophic parasitoids. The host relations of this group are clarified.  相似文献   
龙胆属的系统发育分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用支序分类的原理和方法,对龙胆科龙胆属的属下等级进行了重新归类和系统发育分析。龙胆属是一个单系群,以3项近裔共性为归类依据。性状分析作了性状同源性分析和性状极性分析。性状极化主要以外类群比较、性状相关性及染色体资料为依据,其它方法,如生物重演律原则、地理递进原则以及孢粉形态等也被结合使用。分析结果,双蝴蝶属和蔓龙胆属被选择为外类群,71个性状被选择作为建立数据矩阵的基本资料。使用PAUP程序对矩阵进行了运算,得到4个最简约的谱系分支图,它们均具一致性系数0.637,支序长度为160步,f-比值范围为0.179~0.189,其中具最低f-比值的图被选作为类群归类和讨论亲缘关系的基础。在支序图上龙胆属归为15个组;其中5个组又划分为系,共包括23个系,其余组为单型组,故共有33个属下类群。一个严格的一致性谱系分支图总结了所有的一致点,从而支持了支序分析的结果。  相似文献   
滇产薄荷的化学研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究了滇产38个薄荷样品,测定了样品的得油率及化学成分。滇产薄荷的得油率在0.18% ̄0.52%之间。从挥发油中鉴定出了100多种化学成分,主要含醇、酮、酯、萜烯类化合物。栽培的家薄荷挥发油富含香芹酮、柠檬烯,其化学分类属于香芹酮系列。野生薄荷挥发油富含薄荷醇和薄荷酮,属于薄荷酮系列;部分野薄荷样品,富含香芹酮、环氧辣薄荷烯酮或芳樟醇,属于混合系列。  相似文献   
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