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Artificial infestation of seven pine species revealed that Matsucoccus josephi (Homoptera: Margarodidae) completes its development on Pinus brutia , P. eldarica and P. halepersis , whereas only a small number of the scale larvae infesting P. cunariensis and P. pined reached the second instar and none developed to the adult stage. M. josephi crawlers died while trying to feed on P. radiata and P. pinaster. Histological examination of the infested plant sections indicated that necrosis in shoot and stem barks of P. eldarica and P. halepensis occurs just before or after the scale completes its development. Injury reached the cambium, and traumatic resin ducts; parenchyma cells instead of tracheids and curved tracheids were formed. In P. brutia wound periderm was observed in the stem section but not in the shoot cortex following scale development. Wound periderm was also formed in the stem cortex of P. canariensis and P. pinena whereas no pathological changes were detected in the infested cortex of P. pinaster and P. radiata.
Mechanical lesions caused by needle punctures resulted in the production of parenchyma cells instead of tracheids in all four pine species investigated. The response of the pine cortex was non-specific; however several similarities in the response to scale infestation, such as the formation of resin ducts, were observed. We hypothesize that the response of the pine tissue to the scale saliva is a hypersensitive reaction. It is suggested that the development of Matsucoccus species on particular pine species is related to the scale's inability to trigger the defence system of the host while the larvae are feeding.  相似文献   
A reliable and efficient protocol is given for the isolation of mRNA from the periderm of potato tubers and sweet potato storage roots. The method relies on a urea-based lysis buffer and lithium chloride to concentrate total RNA away from most of the cytoplasmic components and to prevent oxidation of phenolic complexes. To enhance the physical separation of the RNA from other macromolecular components, the RNA fraction was incubated in the presence of the cationic surfactant Catrimox-14. Poly(A)+ mRNA was separated from total RNA and other contaminants by using Promega's MagneSphere technology. The mRNA was suitable for cDNA library construction and RNA fingerprinting.  相似文献   
K. Matzke  M. Riederer 《Planta》1991,185(2):233-245
The compositions of BF3/CH3OH depolymerisates of cutins and suberins from leaf and periderm samples from Picea abies [L.] Karst., Quercus robur L., and Fagus sylvatica L., respectively, were determined by quantitative capillary gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Long-chain monobasic, -hydroxymonobasic, dihydroxymonobasic, trihydroxymonobasic and epoxyhydroxymonobasic alkanoic acids constituted the major aliphatic monomers of leaf cutins. The total amounts of cutin monomers ranged from 629 mg · m–2 (Fagus) to 1350 mg · m–2 (Quercus). Cutin composition and amounts did not significantly differ between current year and three-year-old needles of Picea. Trans-esterification of periderm samples yielded a much greater variety of aliphatic monomers than obtained from cutins. In addition to the substance classes found with cutins, suberin depolymerisates also contained , -dibasic acids while dihydroxymonobasic acids were lacking. Depolymerisates from periderms taken from different locations on a Picea tree did not differ significantly in their relative composition. The results are discussed in terms of the distinctive characteristics of the aliphatic portions of cutins and suberins, respectively. Discriminant analysis is applied for formulating a quantitative and inarbitrary classification rule for cutins and suberins. The precision, statistical significance and robustness of this classification rule are tested by employing it to a large set of compositional data (70 plant species) from the literature. The relevance of data obtained by depolymerization methods for elucidating the physical structure of cutins and suberins in situ is evaluated.To whom correspondence should be addressedThe authors are indebted to Drs. J. Winkler and H. Krause (Laboratorium für Strukturchemie des Fachbereichs Chemie, Biologie und Geowissenschaften, Technische Universität München, Garching, FRG) for performing capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and their valuable help in the identification of cutin and suberin constituents. The work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht, Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst.  相似文献   
New collections of pyritized axes of the lycophyte Wexfordia hookense have been made from the Upper Devonian (uppermost Famennian) type locality at Sandeel Bay, County Wexford, in south-eastern Ireland. The specimens reveal additional histological features that permit reinterpretation of the morphology of this taxon and reevaluation of its taxonomic affinities. Wexfordia is shown to possess both secondary xylem, with narrow, uni- to biseriate rays, and periderm. The range of variation in relative amounts of primary and secondary xylem can be correlated with position in the mature plant. This evidence indicates that Wexfordia was a small tree rather than an herbaceous form. Fine structure of tracheids and additional anatomical features strongly support affinities with Carboniferous arborescent Isoetales, rather than Devonian Protolepidodendrales, and further support the hypothesis that radiation in this lineage was well underway prior to the Carboniferous.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 275–287.  相似文献   
As a result of continuing volume and hence surface-area growth, the skins of most fruit species suffer ongoing strain throughout development. Maintenance of surface integrity is essential to protect the underlying tissues from desiccation and pathogen attack. Fruit skins are commonly “primary” in structure. They comprise a polymeric cuticle overlying an epidermis and a hypodermis. The cuticle is responsible for the skin's barrier function and the cellular layers for the skin's load-bearing functions. Skin failure can be just of the cuticle layer (microcracking) resulting in barrier impairment or it can involve cuticle and cellular layers (macrocracking) resulting in both barrier and structural impairment. Fruit skin failure is associated with a number of disorders including shriveling, cracking, russeting, and skin spots. All result in reduced market value. Our objective is to review the literature on the strategies adopted by fruit to cope with the challenge of continuing skin expansion. We uncover a multistep strategy to prevent or minimize the risk of fruit skin failure. This comprises: (1) area expansion of the load-bearing skin-cell layer(s) by ongoing cell division and (2) the avoidance of skin stress or strain concentrations by matching patterns of skin-cell division to those of area expansion. Also involved, (3) are the partitioning of cuticle strain into plastic and viscoelastic components at the expense of the elastic one. For this, wax and cutin are deposited in the cuticle during growth. Wax and cutin deposition “fix” the strain in the cuticle. Cutin is preferentially deposited on the inner surface of the cuticle, which fixes the strain, but it leaves the outer cuticle surface more strained. Last, (4) if the primary skin is damaged, the barrier functions are restored by the formation of a “secondary” fruit surface (periderm). Lignin can also be used to strengthen the underlying cells following structural failure.  相似文献   
The periderm in roots of Pinus banksiana Lamb. and the polyderm in roots of Eucalyptus pilularis Sm. originate from the pericycle. This occurs after the roots have turned brown due to deposition of tannins in the walls of cells external to the endodermis. In both species, cork cells form a continuous sheath around the vascular tissues. The cork cell walls are modified by the presence of suberin, lignin and tannin and it is the latter which imparts a brown colour to the tissue. The first layer of cork cells in both species constitutes an apoplastic barrier which prevents the fluorescent dye, berberine, from entering the vascular tissues, despite the absence of an identifiable Casparian band in the cells. Because the roots are still covered with the cortex and epidermis during early stages of periderm and polyderm formation, it is not possible to tell from the external aspect of the root when it makes a transition from the tannin zone to the cork zone.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Merwilla plumbea is an important African medicinal plant. As the plants grow in soils contaminated with metals from mining activities, the danger of human intoxication exists. An experiment with plants exposed to cadmium (Cd) was performed to investigate the response of M. plumbea to this heavy metal, its uptake and translocation to plant organs and reaction of root tissues.


Plants grown from seeds were cultivated in controlled conditions. Hydroponic cultivation is not suitable for this species as roots do not tolerate aquatic conditions, and additional stress by Cd treatment results in total root growth inhibition and death. After cultivation in perlite the plants exposed to 1 and 5 mg Cd L−1 in half-strength Hoagland''s solution were compared with control plants. Growth parameters were evaluated, Cd content was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) and root structure was investigated using various staining procedures, including the fluorescent stain Fluorol yellow 088 to detect suberin deposition in cell walls.

Key Results

The plants exposed to Cd were significantly reduced in growth. Most of the Cd taken up by plants after 4 weeks cultivation was retained in roots, and only a small amount was translocated to bulbs and leaves. In reaction to higher Cd concentrations, roots developed a hypodermal periderm close to the root tip. Cells produced by cork cambium impregnate their cell walls by suberin.


It is suggested that the hypodermal periderm is developed in young root parts in reaction to Cd toxicity to protect the root from radial uptake of Cd ions. Secondary meristems are usually not present in monocotyledonous species. Another interpretation explaining formation of protective suberized layers as a result of periclinal divisions of the hypodermis is discussed. This process may represent an as yet unknown defence reaction of roots when exposed to elemental stress.  相似文献   
The wood and bark structure of the distinctive southern African genera Polemanniopsis (including the newly described species P. namibensis) and Steganotaenia have been described. To allow for comparisons with the traditional subfamily Saniculoideae, a shrubby species of Eryngium from the Juan Fernández Islands was also studied. Polemanniopsis and Steganotaenia were recently considered as two closely related genera forming a new tribe Steganotaenieae of subfamily Saniculoideae (Apiaceae), whereas Eryngium is commonly recognized as a member of Saniculoideae. Eryngium differs significantly from the other two genera in the smaller size of intervessel pits, sclerification and radial dilatation in collapsed secondary phloem, the absence of crystals in the phelloderm cells and the occurrence of druse crystals in secondary phloem ray cells. Steganotaenia and Polemanniopsis share features, including the presence of marginal axial parenchyma, the occurrence of radial secretory canals in secondary xylem, dilatation of the secondary phloem by axial parenchyma stretching, cortical periderm initiation and the presence of chambered phelloderm cells containing druse crystals. These characters (especially the occurrence of chambered crystalliferous cells in phelloderm, which has not yet been reported for Apiaceae) support both the monophyly and the isolated position of the Steganotaeniae. No reliable synapomorphic features could be found to support a relationship with Saniculoideae. Steganotaenia is remarkable in the presence of axial secretory canals in the phelloderm: these structures have not yet been found in the periderm of any member of Apiales. Our results do not provide any support for the suggestion that the woody habit in the three genera examined was derived from herbaceous ancestors secondarily. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 55–59.  相似文献   
Although physiological control of nodule 02 permeability is an active area of research, the gas diffusion pathway between the atmosphere and the infected zone has not been firmly established. Previous studies have used infiltration of ink or dyes to identify points of entry, but such water-soluble tracers could give a misleading picture of gas diffusion pathways. We therefore used iodine vapor (and its reaction with starch) to trace gas-phase pathways into the infected zone of determinate birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and indeterminate alfalfa (Medicago sativa) nodules. We also used histochemical methods to identify suberized or lignified layers that could act as barriers to gas diffusion. Birdsfoot trefoil nodules were surrounded by a suberized periderm, but nonsuberized cells and intercellular spaces were observed in the periderm between lenticels and their associated vascular bundles. Iodine entered birdsfoot trefoil nodules only through lenticels. The periderm appears to provide a significant barrier to gas diffusion. Although airspaces were rare in the nodule parenchyma (also referred to as the “inner cortex”), we found some evidence that a few air-filled pathways cross this secondary barrier, also in the vicinity of vascular bundles. Alfalfa nodules were cylindrically surrounded by a suberized endodermis which ended near the meristematic tip; iodine entered principally at the end of the endodermis near the meristem. Future research on physiological control of nodule O2 permeability should concentrate on strategic “choke points”, associated with lenticels in determinate nodules, or in the zone proximal to the meristem in indeterminate nodules.  相似文献   
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