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An earlier field study on the fifteen-spined stickleback (Spinachia spinachia) showed that frequent male—male interactionsresult in high frequencies of sneaking and egg stealing. Moreover,sneaking behavior was performed not only by males adoptingalternative mating strategies, but also by males with theirown nests. The advantage of sneaking is easily understood, but it is more difficult to explain the evolutionary benefitof stealing eggs from other males. I investigated whether malessuffering from sneaking adjust their paternal effort in relationto their degree of paternity. I also examined whether femalesprefer males that have more eggs in their nests, as this couldexplain egg stealing. There was no relationship between thedegree of paternity and fanning activity, hatching success,or nest defense. However, the older the eggs become, the morethe males increase their attack rate toward potential egg predators(goldsinny wrasse and shore crabs). Thus, males adjusted theirlevel of defense to the amount of energy and time already investedin the clutch. Females did not prefer males with more eggs intheir nests. On the contrary, females preferred males withreduced clutches over males with enlarged clutches. Therefore,female choice is unlikely to be a driving force behind eggstealing in this species.  相似文献   
Dendrobatid frogs perform a unique mode of parental care, ranging from egg attendance and tadpole transport to tadpole feeding. It is hypothesized that a behaviour in which the egg attending parent remains with the cluch is the most primitive condition. In more advanced forms or parental care, the male is able to attend several clutches of eggs. Tadpole attendance and feeding, finally, started as deceit; the male induced the female to lay eggs into a bromeliad leaf axil already occupied by a larva. Costs and benefits of the different modes of parental care and possible alternative reproductive tactics are discussed.  相似文献   
A recent model of parental provisioning (the tradeoff model) suggests that the maximum delivery rate of food to nestlings represents a tradeoff between parental residual reproductive value and nestling survival. In contrast, Lack's hypothesis suggests that maximum provisioning rate determines brood size and therefore delivery rates are limited by shortages of food or foraging time, not by tradeoffs of parental investment. Several authors have examined the shape of the per-nestling feeding curves to test the tradeoff model against Lack's hypothesis. We show that Lack's hypothesis can produce per-nestling feeding curves consistent with the tradeoff model. Therefore, the shape of the per-nestling feeding curve cannot be used to distinguish between the models.  相似文献   
Ectoparasites are a ubiquitous environmental component of breedingbirds, and it has repeatedly been shown that hematoph-agousectoparasites such as fleas and mites reduce the quality andnumber of offspring of bird hosts, thereby lowering the valueof a current brood. Selection acting on the hosts will favorphysiological and behavioral responses that will reduce theparasites' impact. However, the results of the few bird studiesthat addressed the question of whether parasitism leads to ahigher rate of food provisioning are equivocal, and the beggingresponse to infestation has rarely been quantified. A changein begging activity and parental rate of food provisioning couldbe predicted in either direction: parents could reduce theirinvestment in the brood in order to invest more in future broods,or they could increase their investment in order to compensatefor the parasites' effect on the current brood. Since the nestlingsare weakened by the ectoparasites they may beg less, but onthe other hand they may beg more in order to obtain more food.In this study we show experimentally that (1) hen fleas (Ceratophyllusgallinae) reduce the body mass and size of great tit (Parusmajor) nestlings, (2) nestlings of parasitized broods more thandouble their begging rate, (3) the male parents increase thefrequency of feeding trips by over 50%, (4) the females do notadjust feeding rate to the lowered nutritional state of nestlings,and (5) food competition among siblings of parasitized broodsis increased. Ultimately the difference in the parental feedingresponse may be understood as the result of a sex-related differencein the trade-off of i0vesting in current versus future broods.  相似文献   
Bernhard Stadler 《Oecologia》1992,91(2):273-280
Summary Exploiters of short-lived plants have evolved strategies in response to physiological changes that occur during the development of their hosts. The ability to adapt to host quality changes is necessary particularly if the mobility of an animal is poor or risk-constrained. In the plant-aphid system Centaurea jaceae-Uroleucon jaceae, the responses of the aphid to the seasonal changes in its host plant grown in poor and good quality soil were investigated. Coarse- and fine-tuned physiological reactions were observed in discrete aphid generations which were reared on plants grown either in a growth chamber or in a greenhouse. The number of ovarioles and developmental time depended on extrinsic factors (length of photoperiod) not directly related to plant quality. The reproductive investment of the aphids was also independent of their total dry weight. However, within the gonadal system high correlations were found at the embryonic level (e.g. the number of sclerotized embryos or the length of the oldest embryos per ovariole were highly correlated with gonadal dry weight). Aphids which were living on the 4-leaf stage of high-quality host plants showed a significantly higher investment in their gonads than aphids feeding on senescenting hosts. Factor analysis corroborated that aphids reared on poor-quality hosts revealed no grouping of variables measured, whereas those which were reared on high-quality plants showed clustering in respect of somatic (tibia length, dry weight of soma) and gonadal (number of sclerotized and unsclerotized embryos, length of the oldest embryos, ovariole number, gonad dry weight) factors. Three different levels of adaptive response to plant quality are distinguished: individual response to host quality, maternal influences on offspring and response to changes not specific to habitat (photoperiod). These different levels of regulation are thought to enable the aphids to adapt to a host of a given nutritional quality and anticipate deteriorating habitat quality simultaneously. It is concluded that physiological constraints in aphids are only revealed when aphids are exposed to severe nutritional stress for several generations.  相似文献   
Lennart Hansson 《Oecologia》1992,89(2):284-287
Summary Laboratory offspring of wild-caught voles Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus agrestis, bred for 1 year under constant conditions, were examined with regard to sex ratios and weights at weaning and at 2 months of age. C. glareolus exhibits female territoriality and M. agrestis male territoriality in summer. The adults die away in late summer-autumn. Early-summer young mature in the year of birth but late-summer young do not reach maturity until the following year. C. glareolus young showed a male bias in early summer and a female bias in late summer. Conditions were the opposite but less clear in M. agrestis. C. glareolus males grew comparatively faster than M. agrestis males and showed a markedly higher early summer male: female weight ratio at 2 months of age. Maternal investment thus appears clearly related to the social system; the sex with the largest number and highest quality of young was that which was not limited in number by territoriality. However, the investment depended also on the time until maturation of the young.  相似文献   
Summary Differences in maternal investment and initial offspring size can have important consequences for offspring growth and development. To examine the effects of initial size variability in the frogBombina orientalis, we reared larvae (N=360) in one of two treatments representing different levels of environmental quality. We used snout-vent length at the feeding stage (stage 25, Gosner 1960) as a measure of maternal investment. In a “low quality” treatment, larvae were reared with two conspecific tadpoles and food was limited, whereas in a “high quality” treatment, larvae were reared individually and were fed ad libitum. Among tadpoles reared in the low quality treatment, individuals that were initially small had smaller body sizes through metamorphosis and longer larval periods than individuals that were initially large. Among tadpoles reared in the high quality treatment, initial size had only a weak influence on later larval size, and did not significantly affect metamorphic size of the duration of the larval period. This interaction between maternal investment and rearing conditions suggests that production of initially small offspring could be advantageous if these offspring develop in relatively benign environments, but disadvantageous if environments are more severe. These findings are discussed in light of previous studies that have demonstrated such interactions in organisms with complex life cycles.  相似文献   
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