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在125只呼吸受戊巴比妥钠抑制并切断双侧颈迷走神经的家兔,分析了利他林(MP)呼吸效应的中枢部位及可能的递质。静脉注射 MP(2mg/kg)引起呼气时程显著缩短和呼吸频率显著增加。去除颈动脉体不影响 MP 兴奋呼吸的效应。将浸有2%MP 溶液的滤纸(2×2mm~2)贴敷在第四脑室底闩附近,或微量注射2%MP 2μl 到延髓 NTS 区,均可引起上述效应,但 NA区、NPBM 区和皮层体感运动区则无效。第四脑室或 NTS 区微量注射酚妥拉明均可阻断 MP兴奋呼吸的效应,但第四脑室注射心得安却不能阻断。结果提示,MP 可能作用于 NTS 区,在肾上腺素能α受体的参与下,受戊巴比妥钠抑制的家兔发生呼吸频率增快的效应。  相似文献   
Two series of experiments were performed to study the effects of acute exposure (45 min) to 2,450-MHz circularly polarized, pulsed microwaves [1 mW/cm2, 2-μs pulses, 500 pps, specific absorption rate (SAR) 0.6 W/kg] on the actions of pentobarbital in the rat. In the first experiment, rats were irradiated with microwaves and then immediately injected with pentobarbital. Microwave exposure did not significantly affect the extent of the pentobarbital-induced fall in colonic temperature. However, the rate of recovery from the hypothermia was significantly slower in the microwave-irradiated rats and they also took a significantly longer time to regain their righting reflex. In a second experiment, rats were first anesthetized with pentobarbital and then exposed to microwaves with their heads either pointing toward the source of microwaves (anterior exposure) or pointing away (posterior exposure). Microwave radiation significantly retarded the pentobarbital-induced fall in colonic temperature regardless of the orientation of exposure. However, the recovery from hypothermia was significantly faster in posterior-exposed animals compared to those of the anterior-exposed and sham-irradiated animals. Furthermore, the posterior-exposed rats took a significantly shorter time to regain their righting reflex than both the anterior-exposed and sham-irradiated animals.  相似文献   
目的 比较氯胺酮、舒泰、速眠新Ⅱ、戊巴比妥钠等4种全身麻醉药或其组合对非人灵长类的麻醉效果,探寻能替代或者减少氯胺酮使用的个性化麻醉方案。方法 以单独使用氯胺酮麻醉的方案作为对照,另设单独使用舒泰、氯胺酮复合速眠新Ⅱ、舒泰复合速眠新Ⅱ和戊巴比妥钠复合速眠新Ⅱ等麻醉4个实验组,每组选取5只食蟹猴进行实验,记录麻醉后的心率、体温、血氧饱和度、以及麻醉诱导时间和维持时间,以比较各方案的麻醉效果。结果 与单独使用氯胺酮麻醉比较,其他四种麻醉方案在心率、体温、血氧饱和度和麻醉诱导时间上均无显著性差异,不同方案麻醉维持时间分布在30~200min之间。在非人灵长类的全身麻醉中,舒泰可以很好地替代氯胺酮;氯胺酮复合速眠新Ⅱ麻醉可取得较长的麻醉维持时间,并减少氯胺酮的使用量;舒泰与速眠新Ⅱ联用、戊巴比妥钠与速眠新Ⅱ联用的方案也可替代氯胺酮,且麻醉维持时间较长。结论 在一定的麻醉时间内,联合用药可以降低氯胺酮的使用量,不同麻醉方案灵活运用可满足不同实验对麻醉维持时间的需求。  相似文献   
The effect of three compounds known to allosterically modulate binding to the GABA/benzodiazepine/picrotoxin receptor complex on 4-hydroxy-2,3 [3H]butyric acid (GHB) binding was investigated. Pentobarbital, pentylenetetrazole, and picrotoxin enhanced [3H]GHB binding in a dose dependent fashion. Pentobarbital enhanced 4-hydroxy-2,3 [3H]butyric acid binding was associated with an increase in Bmax while pentylenetetrazole and picrotoxin altered the affinity of GHB for its binding site producing a decrease in Kd. These findings suggest that the GHB and GABA receptor complex may share certain moieties in common.  相似文献   
Selecting the appropriate anesthetic protocol for the individual animal is an essential part of laboratory animal experimentation. The present study compared the characteristics of four anesthetic protocols in mice, focusing on the vital signs. Thirty-two male ddY mice were divided into four groups and administered anesthesia as follows: pentobarbital sodium monoanaesthesia; ketamine and xylazine combined (K/X); medetomidine, midazolam, and butorphanol combined (M/M/B); and isoflurane. In each group, rectal temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and O2 saturation (SPO2) were measured, and the changes over time and instability in these signs were compared. The anesthetic depth was also evaluated in each mouse, and the percentage of mice achieving surgical anesthesia was calculated. K/X anesthesia caused remarkable bradycardia, while the respiratory rate and SPO2 were higher than with the others, suggesting a relatively strong cardiac influence and less respiratory depression. The M/M/B group showed a relatively lower heart rate and SPO2, but these abnormalities were rapidly reversed by atipamezole administration. The pentobarbital group showed a lower SPO2, and 62.5% of mice did not reach a surgical anesthetic depth. The isoflurane group showed a marked decrease in respiratory rate compared with the injectable anesthetic groups. However, it had the most stable SPO2 among the groups, suggesting a higher tidal volume. The isoflurane group also showed the highest heart rate during anesthesia. In conclusion, the present study showed the cardiorespiratory characteristics of various anesthetic protocols, providing basic information for selecting an appropriate anesthetic for individual animals during experimentation.  相似文献   
Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) is a crucial enzyme contributing to the regulation of neuronal structure, plasticity and survival, is implicated as a contributory factor in prevalent diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and mood disorders and is regulated by a wide range of signaling systems and pharmacological agents. Therefore, factors regulating GSK3 in vivo are currently of much interest. GSK3 is inhibited by phosphorylation of serine-9 or serine-21 in GSK3beta and GSK3alpha, respectively. This study found that accurate measurements of phospho-Ser-GSK3 in brain are confounded by a rapid post-mortem dephosphorylation, with approximately 90% dephosphorylation of both GSK3 isoforms occurring within 2 min post-mortem. Furthermore, three anesthetics, pentobarbital, halothane and chloral hydrate, each caused large in vivo increases in the serine phosphorylation of both GSK3beta and GSK3alpha in several regions of mouse brain. Thus, studies of the phosphorylation state of GSK3 in brain, and perhaps in other tissues, need to take into account post-mortem changes and the effects of anesthetics and there is a direct correlation between anesthesia and high levels of serine-phosphorylated GSK3.  相似文献   
Behavioral effects of the aqueous extract of Guiera senegalensis on the central nervous system of mice and rats were investigated. Spontaneous motor activity, pentobarbital sleeping time, amphetamine-stereotyped behavior, exploratory activity and performance on treadmills (rota-rod) were evaluated. The results revealed that the aqueous extract of G. senegalensis reduced spontaneous motor activity in mice, prolonged the duration of pentobarbital sleeping time in rats and attenuated amphetamine-induced stereotype behavior in rats. The extract also decreased exploratory activity in mice and had no observable effects on motor coordination (rota-rod) at the doses tested. The results suggested that the crude aqueous extract of G. senegalensis possesses some biologically active principles that are sedative in nature.  相似文献   
In the present investigation we monitored the incorporation of [14C] from [U-14C]glucose into various rat brain glycolytic intermediates of conscious and pentobarbital-anesthetized animals. Labeled glucose was delivered to brain by single bolus intracarotid injection and brain tissue was subsequently prepared at 15, 30 and 45 sec by freeze-blowing. Glycolytic intermediates were then separated by column chromatography. Our results showed a gradual decrease with time of14C-labeled glucose which gave a calculated rate for glucose metabolism of 0.86 mol/min/g and 0.56 mol/min/g in conscious and anesthetized animals, respectively. Compared to the results obtained using conscious animals the administration of pentobarbital not only resulted in a significant attenuation of the rate of glucose metabolism but also caused a similar reduction in the amount of14C incorporated into several glycolytic intermediates. These intermediates included: glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, fructose, 1,6 diphosphate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate and post glycolytic compounds. In addition, pretreatment with pentobarbital resulted in a 75% increase in the endogenous concentration of glucose, 10% increase in glucose 6-phosphate, no change in fructose 6-phosphate and 42% decrease in lactate compared to levels in brains obtained from conscious animals. These results are discussed in relation to control of glycolysis through coupled regulation at hexokinase-phosphofructokinase.  相似文献   
We have established that there is a considerable amount of common genetic influence on physiological dependence and associated withdrawal from sedative-hypnotic drugs including alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates and inhalants. We previously mapped two loci responsible for 12 and 9% of the genetic variance in acute alcohol and pentobarbital withdrawal convulsion liability in mice, respectively, to an approximately 28-cM interval of proximal chromosome 11. Here, we narrow the position of these two loci to a 3-cM interval (8.8 Mb, containing 34 known and predicted genes) using haplotype analysis. These include genes encoding four subunits of the GABA(A) receptor, which is implicated as a pivotal component in sedative-hypnotic dependence and withdrawal. We report that the DBA/2J mouse strain, which exhibits severe withdrawal from sedative-hypnotic drugs, encodes a unique GABA(A) receptor gamma2 subunit variant compared with other standard inbred strains including the genetically similar DBA/1J strain. We also demonstrate that withdrawal from zolpidem, a benzodiazepine receptor agonist selective for alpha1 subunit containing GABA(A) receptors, is influenced by a chromosome 11 locus, suggesting that the same locus (gene) influences risk of alcohol, benzodiazepine and barbiturate withdrawal. Our results, together with recent knockout studies, point to the GABA(A) receptor gamma2 subunit gene (Gabrg2) as a promising candidate gene to underlie phenotypic differences in sedative-hypnotic physiological dependence and associated withdrawal episodes.  相似文献   
Effects of GABA, glycine, acetylcholine, and glutamate (agonists of the GABAa/benzodiazepine, glycine, choline, and glutamate receptors, respectively) at concentrations in the range 10–8-10–4 M on the activity of basal Mg2+-ATPase of the plasma membrane fraction from bream brain and on its activation by Cl were investigated. GABA and glycine activated basal Mg2+-ATPase activity and suppressed its activation by Cl. Acetylcholine and glutamate activated basal Mg2+-ATPase to a lesser extent and did not suppress the activation of the enzyme by Cl.The activation of basal Mg2+-ATPase by neuromediators was decreased by blockers of the corresponding receptors (picrotoxin, strychnine, benztropine mesylate, and D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid). In addition, picrotoxin and strychnine eliminated the inhibiting effect of GABA and glycine, respectively, on the Cl-stimulated Mg2+-ATPase activity. Agonists of the GABAa/benzodiazepine receptor–phenazepam (10–8-10–4 M) and pentobarbital (10–6-10–3 M)–activated the basal Mg2+-ATPase activity and decreased the Cl-stimulated Mg2+-ATPase activity. The dependence of both enzyme activities on ligand concentration is bell-shaped. Moreover, phenazepam and pentobarbital increased the basal Mg2+-ATPase activity in the presence of 10–7 M GABA and did not influence it in the presence of 10–4 M GABA and 10–6 M glycine. The data suggest that in the fish brain membranes the Cl-stimulated Mg2+-ATPase interacts with GABAa/benzodiazepine and glycine receptors but not with m-choline and glutamate receptors.  相似文献   
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