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This paper investigates the causal relationships between per capita CO2 emissions, gross domestic product (GDP), renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, and international trade for a panel of 25 OECD countries over the period 1980–2010. Short-run Granger causality tests show the existence of bidirectional causality between: renewable energy consumption and imports, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, non-renewable energy and trade (exports or imports); and unidirectional causality running from: exports to renewable energy, trade to CO2 emissions, output to renewable energy. There are also long-run bidirectional causalities between all our considered variables. Our long-run fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) and dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) estimates show that the inverted U-shaped environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis is verified for this sample of OECD countries. They also show that increasing non-renewable energy increases CO2 emissions. Interestingly, increasing trade or renewable energy reduces CO2 emissions. According to these results, more trade and more use of renewable energy are efficient strategies to combat global warming in these countries.  相似文献   
In this study, we evaluated several techniques for the detection of the yeast form of Cryptococcus in decaying wood and measured the viability of these fungi in environmental samples stored in the laboratory. Samples were collected from a tree known to be positive for Cryptococcus and were each inoculated on 10 Niger seed agar (NSA) plates. The conventional technique (CT) yielded a greater number of positive samples and indicated a higher fungal density [in colony forming units per gram of wood (CFU.g-1) ] compared to the humid swab technique (ST). However, the difference in positive and false negative results between the CT-ST was not significant. The threshold of detection for the CT was 0.05.103 CFU.g-1, while the threshold for the ST was greater than 0.1.103 CFU-1. No colonies were recovered using the dry swab technique. We also determined the viability of Cryptococcus in wood samples stored for 45 days at 25ºC using the CT and ST and found that samples not only continued to yield a positive response, but also exhibited an increase in CFU.g-1, suggesting that Cryptococcus is able to grow in stored environmental samples. The ST.1, in which samples collected with swabs were immediately plated on NSA medium, was more efficient and less laborious than either the CT or ST and required approximately 10 min to perform; however, additional studies are needed to validate this technique.  相似文献   
Many biomedical experiments require the qualitative and quantitative localization of trace elements with high sensitivity and good spatial resolution. The feasibility of measuring the chemical form of the elements, the time course of trace element metabolism, and conducting experiments in living biological systems are also important requirements for biological trace element research. Nuclear analytical techniques that employ ion or photon beams have grown in importance in the past decade and have led to several new experimental approaches. Some of the important features of these methods are reviewed here along with their role in trace element research. Examples of their use are given to illustrate potential for new research directions. It is emphasized that the effective application of these methods necessitates a closely integrated multidisciplinary scientific team.  相似文献   
Granule cells were dissociated from rat cerebella with a procedure that yields a 98% pure cell population. Potassium currents in these cells were studied using the patch-clamp technique. Depolarizing pulses of 10 mV step and 100 ms duration from a holding potential of –80 mV elicited two different potassium outward currents: a transient, low-voltage activated component and a long lasting, high-voltage activated component. At +30 mV, the total current reached an amplitude of 2 nA (mean value of 15 experiments). The reversal potential of the transient current, estimated by measuring tail currents, was –77 mV, close to that predicted by the Nernst equation. The transient current was half inactivated with a holding potential of –78 mV and completely inactivated with –50 mV or more positive holding potentials. Finally, the current decay could be fitted by the sum of two exponentials with time constants of about 20 and 250 ms.  相似文献   
Summary Immunohistochemical properties of the terminal nerve network in the rat heart were assessed by use of the elution-restaining method. The colocalization of the enzymes involved in catecholamine synthesis (tyrosine hydroxylase — TH, dopamine--hydroxylase — DBH) as well as the respective distributions of the neuropeptides associated with the adrenergic nervous system (neuropeptide tyrosine — NPY, C-terminal flanking peptide of neuropeptide Y — C-PON) were studied in series of serial sections throughout the interatrial septum and the atrioventricular junction. Our data suggest that ganglion cells of sulcus terminalis as well as the epicardial ganglia enclosed between the superior vena cava and ascending aorta are VIP- and TH-negative, but neuropeptide Y- and DBH-immunoreactive. They give rise to three intraseptal nerves directed towards the specialised structures of the atrioventricular junction. These nerve fascicles contain abundant, thick TH-immunoreactive nerve fibres and scarce, thin NPY- and DBH-immunoreactive fibres. The cell bodies of the intramural ganglion cells localized between the right and left branches of the bundle of His (Moravec and Moravec 1984) are strongly TH- and DBH-immunoreactive. They are innervated by thick nerve fibres having the same immunohistochemical properties (NPY- and DBH-immunoreactivities) as those of a subpopulation of the epicardial ganglion cells and seem to supply some of the TH-immunoreactive nerve fibres directed via the intraseptal nerves to the epicardial ganglia. The existence of a multicomponent nerve network, characterized by a reciprocal innervation of the sinus node and atrioventricular node areas, is suggested by our immunohistochemical data.  相似文献   
Summary For patch-clamp measurements cultured kidney (OK) cells were exposed to osmotic and mechanical stress. Superfusion of a cell in whole cell configuration with hypotonic media (190 mOsm) evokes strong depolarization, which is reversible by returning to the isotonic bath medium. In the cell-attached configuration the exposure to hypotonic media evokes up to six ion channels of homogeneous single-channel properties in the membrane patch. Subsequently, the channels became activated after a time lag of a few seconds. At an applied membrane potential of 0 mV, the corresponding membrane current is directed inward and shows a transient behavior in the time range of minutes. In the same membrane patch these ion channels can be activated by application of negative hydrostatic pressure. The channel has a single-channel conductance of about 22 pS and is permeable to Na+ and K+ as well as to Cl. It is suggested that volume regulation involves mechanoreceptor-operated ion channels.  相似文献   
Summary The patch-clamp technique in whole-cell configuration was used to study the electrical properties of the tonoplast in isolated vacuoles fromAcer pseudoplatanus cultured cells. In symmetrical KCl or K2 malate solutions, voltage- and time-dependent inward currents were elicited by hyperpolarizing the tonoplast (inside negative), while in the positive range of potential the conductance was very small. The specific conductance of the tonoplast at –100 mV, in 100mm symmetrical KCl was about 160 S/cm2. The reversal potentials (E rev) of the current, measured in symmetrical or asymmetrical ion concentrations (cation, anion or both) were very close to the values of the K+ equilibrium potential. Experiments performed in symmetrical or asymmetrical NaCl indicate that Na+ too can flow through the channels. NeitherE rev nor amplitude and kinetics of the current changed by replacing NaCl with KCl in the external solution. These results indicate the presence of hyperpolarization-activated channels in tonoplasts, which are permeable to K+ as well as to Na+. Anions such as Cl or malate seem to contribute little to the channel current.  相似文献   
Information is presented on fishing effort, efficiency, techniques, and catch composition for Pumé men, women, and children along with a conceptual model of fishing as a food procurement strategy. The Pumé are a native lowland South American group living in the topical savanna region of southwestern Venezuela characterized by seasonal flooding. Results are discussed in relation to the Pumé environmental and social situation, and briefly compared with results from other lowland South American groups.  相似文献   
Summary K+ channels in cultured rat pancreatic islet cells have been studied using patch-clamp single-channel recording techniques in cell-attached and excised inside-out and outside-out membrane patches. Three different K+-selective channels have been found. Two inward rectifier K+ channels with slope conductances of about 4 and 17 pS recorded under quasi-physiological cation gradients (Na+ outside, K+ inside) and maximal conductances recorded in symmetrical K+-rich solutions of about 30 and 75 pS, respectively. A voltage- and calcium-activated K channel was recorded with a slope conductance of about 90 pS under the same conditions and a maximal conductance recorded in symmetrical K+-rich solutions of about 250 pS. Single-channel current recording in the cell-attached conformation revealed a continuous low level of activity in an apparently small number of both the inward rectifier K+ channels. But when membrane patches were excised from the intact cell a much larger number of inward rectifier K+ channels became transiently activated before showing an irreversible decline. In excised patches opening and closing of both the inward rectifier K+ channels were unaffected by voltage, internal Ca2+ or externally applied tetraethyl-ammonium (TEA) but the probability of opening of both inward rectifier K+ channels was reduced by internally applied 1–5mm adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP). The large K+ channel was not operational in cell-attached membrane patches, but in excised patches it could be activated at negative membrane potentials by 10–7 to 10–6 m internal Ca2+ and blocked by 5–10mm external TEA.  相似文献   
Computers, the human mind, and social systems have common problems of inadequate memory and insufficient data manipulation speed. In each of these domains, information compression techniques have evolved to reduce storage and processing needs. Among the techniques for information compression, coding of information in procedures stands out as exceptionally powerful. Procedural information coding also gives rise to behavior that may be defined as intelligent. It is found in the human mind, in machines and in social systems. Its use in human thought is aided by language development which promotes regular review of abstract procedures. A practical consequence of better understanding of procedural information coding is the possibility of training people to exhibit greater mental capacity, a controversial possibility. This paper explores the impact of data processing resource limitations, data compression and procedural thinking in men and machines.  相似文献   
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