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Retroviruses package their genome as RNA dimers linked together primarily by base-pairing between palindromic stem–loop (psl) sequences at the 5′ end of genomic RNA. Retroviral RNA dimers usually melt in the range of 55°C–70°C. However, RNA dimers from virions of the feline endogenous gammaretrovirus RD114 were reported to melt only at 87°C. We here report that the high thermal stability of RD114 RNA dimers generated from in vitro synthesized RNA is an effect of multiple dimerization sites located in the 5′ region from the R region to sequences downstream from the splice donor (SD) site. By antisense oligonucleotide probing we were able to map at least five dimerization sites. Computational prediction revealed a possibility to form stems with autocomplementary loops for all of the mapped dimerization sites. Three of them were located upstream of the SD site. Mutant analysis supported a role of all five loop sequences in the formation and thermal stability of RNA dimers. Four of the five psls were also predicted in the RNA of two baboon endogenous retroviruses proposed to be ancestors of RD114. RNA fragments of the 5′ R region or prolonged further downstream could be efficiently dimerized in vitro. However, this was not the case for the 3′ R region linked to upstream U3 sequences, suggesting a specific mechanism of negative regulation of dimerization at the 3′ end of the genome, possibly explained by a long double-stranded RNA region at the U3-R border. Altogether, these data point to determinants of the high thermostability of the dimer linkage structure of the RD114 genome and reveal differences from other retroviruses.  相似文献   
Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins constitute an RNA-guided microbial defense system against invading foreign genetic materials. Cas2 is one of the core Cas proteins found universally in all the subtypes of CRISPR-Cas systems and is required for incorporating new spacers into CRISPR loci. Cas2 homologues from different CRISPR-Cas subtypes were characterized previously as metal-dependent nucleases with different substrate preferences, and it was proposed that a pH-dependent conformational change mediates metal binding and catalysis. Here, we report the crystal structures of Streptococcus pyogenes Cas2 at three different pHs (5.6, 6.5, and 7.5), as well as the results of its nuclease activity assay against double-stranded DNAs at varying pHs (6.0–9.0). Although S. pyogenes Cas2 exhibited strongly pH-dependent catalytic activity, there was no significant conformational difference among the three crystal structures. However, structural comparisons with other Cas2 homologues revealed structural variability and the flexible nature of its putative hinge regions, supporting the hypothesis that conformational switching is important for catalysis. Taken together, our results confirm that Cas2 proteins have pH-dependent nuclease activity against double-stranded DNAs, and provide indirect structural evidence for their conformational changes.  相似文献   
病原菌的快速准确检测是实现疫情高效防控、疾病精准治疗、污染环境及时处置的关键。而现有的病原菌现场快速检测技术,主要以定性分析为主,假阳性/假阴性受到诟病,检测准确性仍有待提升,亟待发展基于新原理、新方法的病原菌快速检测技术。基于CRISPR(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)的生物传感技术因具有高灵活性(对不同的基因靶点只需改变crRNA序列)、高特异性(单碱基分辨)、高灵敏(优于10-18 mol/L浓度)、可编程、可模块化、低成本、可在各种体外介质中高效稳定运行等独特优势,打破了传统分子诊断与检测技术的局限性,正在成为下一代病原菌检测技术的引领者。在该技术中,Cas效应蛋白被用作高特异性的序列识别元件,结合不同的生物传感机制,即可用于病原菌的高特异性快速灵敏检测。在总结CRISPR/Cas生物传感技术原理的基础上,综述了用于病原菌检测的CRISPR/Cas12和CRISPR/Cas13生物传感技术研究进展。通过阐述CRISPR/Cas生物传感技术在实际应用中面临的挑战,展望其未来的发展前景。  相似文献   
Actinomycetes are one of the most valuable sources of natural products with industrial and medicinal importance. After more than half a century of exploitation, it has become increasingly challenging to find novel natural products with useful properties as the same known compounds are often repeatedly re-discovered when using traditional approaches. Modern genome mining approaches have led to the discovery of new biosynthetic gene clusters, thus indicating that actinomycetes still harbor a huge unexploited potential to produce novel natural products. In recent years, innovative synthetic biology and metabolic engineering tools have greatly accelerated the discovery of new natural products and the engineering of actinomycetes. In the first part of this review, we outline the successful application of metabolic engineering to optimize natural product production, focusing on the use of multi-omics data, genome-scale metabolic models, rational approaches to balance precursor pools, and the engineering of regulatory genes and regulatory elements. In the second part, we summarize the recent advances of synthetic biology for actinomycetal metabolic engineering including cluster assembly, cloning and expression, CRISPR/Cas9 technologies, and chassis strain development for natural product overproduction and discovery. Finally, we describe new advances in reprogramming biosynthetic pathways through polyketide synthase and non-ribosomal peptide synthetase engineering. These new developments are expected to revitalize discovery and development of new natural products with medicinal and other industrial applications.  相似文献   
Mutations in the photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor gene Nr2e3 increased the number of S-cone photoreceptors in human and murine retinas and led to retinal degeneration that involved photoreceptor and non-photoreceptor cells. The mechanisms underlying these complex phenotypes remain unclear. In the hope of understanding the precise role of Nr2e3 in photoreceptor cell fate determination and differentiation, we generated a line of Nr2e3 knockout zebrafish using CRISPR technology. In these Nr2e3-null animals, rod precursors undergo terminal mitoses but fail to differentiate as rods. Rod-specific genes are not expressed and the outer segment (OS) fails to form. Formation and differentiation of cone photoreceptors is normal. Specifically, there is no increase in the number of UV-cone or S-cone photoreceptors. Laminated retinal structure is maintained. After normal development, L-/M-cones selectively degenerate, with progressive shortening of OS that starts at age 1 month. The amount of cone phototransduction proteins is concomitantly reduced, whereas UV- and S-cones have normal OS lengths even at age 10 months. In vitro studies show Nr2e3 synergizes with Crx and Nrl to enhance rhodopsin gene expression. Nr2e3 does not affect cone opsin expression. Our results extend the knowledge of Nr2e3's roles and have specific implications for the interpretation of the phenotypes observed in human and murine retinas. Furthermore, our model may offer new opportunities in finding treatments for enhanced S-cone syndrome (ESCS) and other retinal degenerative diseases.  相似文献   
Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated (cas) genes constitute the adaptive immune system in bacteria and archaea. Although the CRISPR-Cas systems have been hypothesized to encode potential toxins, no experimental data supporting the hypothesis are available in the literature. In this work, we provide the first experimental evidence for the presence of a toxin gene in the type I-A CRISPR system of hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus. csa5, under the control of its native promoter in a shuttle vector, could not be transformed into CRISPR-deficient mutant Sulfolobus solfataricus Sens1, demonstrating a strong toxicity in the cells. A single-amino-acid mutation destroying the intersubunit bridge of Csa5 attenuated the toxicity, indicative of the importance of Csa5 oligomerization for its toxicity. In line with the absence of Csa5 toxicity in S. solfataricus InF1 containing functional CRISPR systems, the expression of csa5 is repressed in InF1 cells. Induced from the arabinose promoter in Sens1 cells, Csa5 oligomers resistant to 1% SDS co-occur with chromosome degradation and cell death, reinforcing the connection between Csa5 oligomerization and its toxicity. Importantly, a rudivirus was shown to induce Csa5 expression and the formation of SDS-resistant Csa5 oligomers in Sulfolobus cells. This demonstrates that the derepression of csa5 and the subsequent Csa5 oligomerization take place in native virus-host systems. Thus, csa5 is likely to act as a suicide gene under certain circumstances to inhibit virus spreading.  相似文献   
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